The State Arranged Me To Farm...

By crimsonamethyst

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Author: Pan Xingxing Lin Ling, a wooden power, died in the first year of the end of the world. It was the ten... More

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76 - 80

449 14 0
By crimsonamethyst

Chapter 76

Because of the appearance of the caveman, Lin Ling and the end of summer were depressed. Instead of continuing to stay in G City for one more night, they watched the car go back to the village.

It was dark and foggy in the wild at night, and it was inconvenient to stay up late on the road, but Lin Ling didn't want to stay in G City at all at all. She turned on the lights on and vigorously stepped on the accelerator and drove along the asphalt road to the village.

Lin Ling's experience at the end of summer reminded Lin Ling of many past events. She looked at the road ahead in a low mood and always felt that her life was like this road, shrouded in darkness. At present, farming is like her headlights, pushing her forward all the time. She doesn't know the end in front and where to come from.

When she first woke up, she felt reborn, but there were always signs that on the surface, she just forgot something. She didn't know what she had experienced or why she appeared in the safe zone.

I don't know the end or where to come from. She feels that she is worse than the end of summer, at least he knows all the things he has experienced.

Xia Mo, who recovered his mood, looked at the sadness between Lin Ling's eyebrows and stopped saying: "Sister..."

Lin Ling blinked his eyes, covered up the expression in her eyes, and turned back to Xia Xia Xia and said, "What's wrong?"

At the end of summer, he looked at Lin Ling's eyes to restore Tomb-sweeping Day and rubbed his eyes doubtfully. Did he read it wrong?

"It's nothing."

"Then sit down well. I'm going to speed up." Lin Ling accelerated her speed and drove home. Maybe she could only feel at ease when she got home and lay in a soft and comfortable bed.

In the middle of the night, they arrived at the village.

Myna, who was still peeking at the TV, heard the news, quickly turned off the TV, and hurried back to its bird's nest to pretend to sleep.

Hearing the movement in the room, the sensitive ugly brother rushed into the room and barked at the gate.

Myna pretended to be woken up and flew out of the balcony upstairs: "Boss, why are you back?"

Lin Ling: "My place, what do I have to report to you when I come back?"

Myna said of course not. "I thought you wouldn't be back until tomorrow."

"Get out of the way." Lin Ling, who was cold, opened the door and entered the room. She took a look at Chunmian hiding under the sofa. "Why is Chunmian in the living room?"

Last month, when Lin Ling asked him to build more chicken coops at the end of summer, she helped Chunmian build a room next door to the ancestors of chickens. Usually, Chunmian sleeps in the chicken coop there.

Chunmian trembled for a moment and opened his mouth to talk, but was interrupted by myna in a hurry: "I'm afraid to guard the house alone, so I asked Chunmian to accompany me."

"Really?" Lin Ling glanced at the battery next to the TV, "Did you peeking at TV while I'm not at home?"

Myna immediately said no.

Lin Ling touched the back of the TV set with her backhand, and it was hot.

"If you peek at the TV set, you will be fined not to watch it for five days." Lin Ling looked down at Chunmian: "So does Chun Mian."

Chunmian couldn't watch it as soon as he heard it. He quickly explained: I didn't watch it. Dad asked me to see it.

Myna, who wanted to argue a few words, was sold out by Chunmian: "... Chunmian, shut up for me!"

Chunmian leaned his head and asked myna: Dad, who is I?

Myna is going to pawn angrily: "It's your father and me!"

Chunmian seemed to know and shouted twice: Dad, your name is Laozi.

Myna: "..."

Lin Ling was in a bad mood and ignored the father and son falling in love and killing each other. She turned upstairs and lay on the familiar and soft bed. She felt that her impetuous heart had calmed down.

Xiao Green rubbed Lin Ling's cheek and comforted her.

Lin Ling stretched out her hand to block Xiao Green's lingering. "Xiao Green, what did I look like in the past?"

Little Green thought for a moment: Very awesome.

"How awesome is it?" Lin Ling asked again.

Little Green nodded: Super awesome.

"Super awesome? Is it Superman?" Lin Ling hooked her lips and smiled, "What's better than Lu Yu?"

Little Green was about to talk, but suddenly found something was wrong, and then began to pretend to be dead: I don't know anything.

Lin Ling originally wanted to trap Xiao Green, but the little guy didn't say anything at all, which made her more curious, "Why can't you say it? Isn't it better for you to remember?"

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Green still shook his head. He felt that life was actually quite good now.

Lin Ling looked at Xiao Lu and still said he didn't know. She sighed, "Forget it."

As soon as Xiaolu heard this, she immediately got into the quilt, as long as he didn't chase him and ask.

Lin Ling: "..." Little conscienceless.

She sighed and closed her eyes.

She was very tired and fell asleep quickly.

She had a dream.

I dreamed of my family before the end of the world. On the weekend, she came home from the rented house. The family in the dream greeted her home with a smile on their faces. Seven or eight little brothers circled around her and kept asking her if she had brought him delicious food.

In her dream, she handed me a large bag of snacks to my little brother and supervised him to do his homework. After finishing, she went out with her family to buy vegetables, cook and watch TV together last night.

Such a simple and happy life makes her reluctant to wake up from her dreams.

But she had to open her eyes to face the reality, a group of little guys waiting to be fed, and the endless desolate mountain bag.

It's another headache.

After getting up and washing up, Lin Ling went out to move all kinds of mechanical equipment in the truck into the house, and then said to the late summer people who were rummaging through the books and toys brought back this time: "Let's collect rice later."

Eyes lit up at the end of summer, "Do you use the harvester?"

"It doesn't seem to work." Lin Ling has water in the field, and the harvester uses electricity. If you are not afraid of electric shock and death, you can have a try.

At the end of summer, he was disappointed and said, "Sister, didn't we take it for nothing?"

"No." Lin Ling looked at the ugly guy who generated electricity. "Just let the ugly brother go. He is not afraid of electric shock."

Therefore, in the next few days, a big greyhound could be seen pushing a small harvester taller walking in the field.

Although it walks slowly, the harvesting speed is much faster than Lin Ling's manual harvesting and threshing. Twenty-five mu of land took less than four days to harvest all, and the ears on the rice poles were also very clean.

Brother Ugly harvested in front of him. Lin Ling and late summer tied the granulated straw neatly behind and sunned them on the roadside for the chickens raised at home to peck some leaky rice, and then put them away for firewood.

After harvesting, Lin Ling sunned the rice in some open spaces in the yard and outside the house, and spent ten days drying all the rice.

This planting is more experienced than the last time. In addition, there are more plantings, with an yield of seven hundred catties per mu. Although it is not as high yield of more than a thousand catties per mu before the end of the world, it is not easy to produce so much for the environment of the end of the world.

After drying in the sun, weigh it again. Twenty-five mu of land has harvested a total of ten thousand and six thousand catties.

Looking at the two aluminum granaries full of rice, Lin Ling felt that she was developed and wanted to drink with joy!

At the end of summer, they jumped up excitedly. With so much grain, can they eat rice every day in the future?

I'm happier than myna and chicken ancestors, who prefer to peck this seed grain, which is fragrant and delicious.

Lin Ling: "Are you all very happy?"

At the end of summer, he nodded: "We won't be hungry in the future."

"You tell you something happier." Lin Ling said with a smile, "How about we cook a big meal tonight and kill another chicken?"

At the end of summer, he jumped up with joy, Xiao Green circled happily, and even the calm ugly brother raised his tail.

The ancestor of the chicken flapped his wings: he can finally eat chicken leg meat!

Myna has stared at all parts of the chicken: "Spring sleeps are the most meaty legs. I want to eat chicken legs."

Chunmian looked at myna alertly: Dad, are you telling ghost stories?

Myna patted Chunmian's head: "I didn't mean to eat you. I'm talking about your compatriots."

Chunmian said worried: Why eat them?

Myna was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to explain for a moment: "The meat is delicious. You will know after tasting it."

Chunmian was a little afraid and thought that he could not eat the same kind.

On the other hand, after Lin Ling finished speaking, she sharpened Huo Huo Huo's knife at the rooster, a useless rooster for several months.

The chickens sensed Lin Ling's murderous intention and fled everywhere, but Lin Ling and they had been waiting for more than half a year at the end of summer today, so it was imperative to eat meat today.

Lin Ling, Xia Lu, Xiao Lu, Ugly Brother and Myna went out together. Everyone did not use the power, but chased the rooster running for their lives by their obsession with meat.

"Don't run!" Everyone worked hard to chase the rooster and enjoyed chasing food. After a lot of effort, they finally caught a black and yellow rooster weighing about three or four catties. "I finally caught it."

"I killed the chicken." Lin Ling picked up the kitchen knife and stabbed it at the neck of the rooster.

Onlookers Chunmian and Myna shrank their necks one after another. They always felt as if they were cutting their necks with a knife.

Lin Ling quickly bleed, scalded, plucked and cut her abdomen. After cleaning, she put it on the kitchen chopping board.

At the end of summer, several people gathered around Lin Ling and stared at the bald rooster without blinking. They couldn't wait to go up and eat it now.

"Sister, are you going to cook roast chicken?"

"No." Lin Ling plans to stew potatoes directly. At that time, the remaining soup can also be used for bibimbap. You can eat two or three meals. "Swew it with potatoes."

The ancestors of the chicken flapped their wings discontentedly: Why not make roast chicken? I want to eat roast chicken wings!

"There is no oven. I'll make it for you next time there is an oven." In fact, Lin Ling took back a big oven, but she didn't want to do it. "Let's make it simple this time."

At the end of summer and Brother Ugly looked at Lin Ling doubtfully one after another. There were obviously some in the room.

The ancestors of the chicken were illiterate and didn't know the electrical appliances in the house. He believed it: then do it quickly.

"Okay." Lin Ling first boiled the rice that had just been removed with the sheller, and then began to chop the rooster.

Cut off the chicken head with a knife.

The ancestors of the chicken shrank their necks in horror.

Lin Ling cut off the chicken's feet with another knife.

Myna and Chunmian subconsciously looked at their feet.

Lin Ling cut off the chicken wings with another knife.

At the end of summer, ugly brother and Dahei couldn't help touching their arms and wanted to stay away.

The only little green without hands and feet stared at the chicken wings, necks and other parts cut by Lin Ling with great interest, silently counted how many pieces of meat there were, and calculated how many pieces of meat it could share according to the last exam ranking!

Chapter 77

Stewed vegetables are the simplest home-cooked dishes.

Chop the chicken into pieces, blanch it in water, add some oil and stir-fry it, then add some spices and some water, boil it, and then throw the potatoes cut into pieces into a pot to boil. The chicken for several months is very tender and does not need to be boiled for too long. When the potatoes are soft, they can be removed from the pot.

Everyone gathered around the stove and looked at the delicious chicken nuggets stewed with potatoes. They couldn't help swallowing, "It smells so good."

Chunmian couldn't help screaming a few times: It feels delicious.

Little Green shook the leaves: These are all your brothers.

Spring Sleep pretends to be stupid: What brother, I don't know.

Lin Ling: "..."

It deserves to be the gene of the ancestor of chickens.

After removing the pot, the vegetables with meat and oil were more fragrant, nearly a hundred times more fragrant than usual dishes. Looking at the oily chicken leg, Lin Ling couldn't help swallowing, "Take the bowls separately."

Except for Lin Ling and Xia Xia who eat with porcelain bowls and chopsticks, the other little guys have their own stainless steel basins or small stainless steel bowls. When everyone heard Lin Ling say that they were ready, they ran to Lin Ling's place with their own rice bowls and queued up to get meat.

Little Green is the smallest, but squeezes in the front: I want big drumsticks.

The second-place myna said, "I also want big drumsticks."

The ancestor of the chicken in the third row tilted buttocks and knocked out myna and little green. He paced to Lin Ling: You said that the big drumstick was distributed to me.

"Yes, it's for you." At the beginning, Lin Ling took the big chicken leg to seduce the chicken ancestors to settle here, so she didn't want to deny it. She took out a big chicken leg and put it in the chicken ancestor's rice bowl. In addition, she scooped up a little potatoes and a few pieces of meat with a spoon. She shook the spoon in the way of the canteen aunt, and then poured them all into the chicken ancestor's rice bowl.

The bagonal brother, who dared not speak, squeezed into the queue again: "Boss, I'll sing you a song and give me the other chicken thigh, okay?"

Myna immediately began to sing: "Only moms are good in the world, and mothers have children..."

"Who is your mother?" Lin Ling said in a low voice, "The other chicken leg is given to me, the head of the family. Two chicken wings are for Xia and Ugly Brother, and two chicken feet are for big black and little green. As for you and Chunmian, don't think about it."

Myna hums: "I just want..."

"Shut up." Lin Ling shook off a piece of meat in the spoon, "I'll deduct you a piece of meat."

Myna looked at the meat that fell into the pot as if it had suffered a bolt from the blue. "My meat..."

Lin Ling: "Get out of the way. If you say more, I will scoop out the meat."

Although a piece of meat was deducted, there were still nine pieces in the bowl. Myna quickly walked aside with the bowl for fear that it would be robbed back again.

After the myna left, Lin Ling gave Xiao Green the meat again. Everyone got the meat on the basis of an average of five pieces of meat, plus the ranking of the exam. The most meat was at the end of summer, thirteen yuan. Ugly Brother, Little Green and Big Black also have ten yuan respectively.

The least one is spring sleep. I don't like to study at all. Every time I take the exam, I will be the last one.

It looked sadly at the meat in his bowl: very little.

No one paid attention to it and ate meat happily.

Chunmian finished eating the meat and then turned his eyes to myna. When he saw the meat left in his bowl, his eyes lit up: Dad.

Myna looked at Chunmian warily:????

Chunmian opened his mouth and sang: Dad, good dad, I have a good father...

Myna was almost choked to death by a piece of chicken, "Cough..."

Chunmian approached myna: Dad, I also want to eat meat.

Myna protects the bowl. He doesn't want to give it at all.

Chunmian shouted again: Dad?

Myna is still unwilling: "The next time you try your best in the exam, you can eat a few more yuan."

After saying that, myna felt that Chunmian did not have that IQ: "Forget it, you'd better eat as much as you want."

At the beginning, in order to eat more meat and let Chunmian earn meat to be filial to it, it tried his best to teach Chunmian. As a result, Chunmian still took a few points again and was so angry that it spit blood several times.

Now because he teaches Chunmian, the better myna himself learns. Now he can compete for the first place with the end of summer, so he has also given up now. He doesn't expect Chunmian, a scum, to help him earn meat.

Chunmian, who was abandoned, shouted a few times unhappy, and then took advantage of myna's attention to grab a piece of meat and ran out.

Myna jumped with anger: "Dead child! GIVE ME YOUR MEAT!"

Spring sleep turned around: slightly a little.

"..." Lin Ling and others were stunned and deserved to be the son raised by myna.

This night, everyone was super happy because they ate the chicken they missed.

"So that's what chicken tastes like." This is also the first time he has tasted chicken at the end of summer. He used to hear from his mother that he would cook fried chicken and roast chicken for him when he had a chance to raise chicken. Although he hadn't eaten it yet, he thought it would taste great.

However, he knew when to listen to his sister when to eat chicken and meat, so he didn't urge him to give advice, because he knew that his sister was so good that he would definitely cook it for them in the future.

After eating, myna's stomach was full and he lay on the soft straw in the yard. He smashed his mouth and said, "It's delicious."

Little Green, Big Black, Ugly Brother, they all said it was delicious: When can we eat it again?

The ugly guy clicked at the bone that everyone couldn't bite: it won't take long.

Yes, it won't be long. How can Lin Ling, who had a chicken meal, resist the temptation of those live chickens? As soon as she finished nibbling on the chicken leg, she had already calculated to make a fried chicken next time, but the oil at home has bottomed out, and we have to wait until the rapeseed is planted.

In fact, beans, corn and peanuts can be squeezed oil, but the quantity is still too small. Plant one or two stubble after harvesting tomorrow, and you should not have to worry about oil shortage in the future.

After a good meal, everyone was in a good mood.

While watching TV at night, Lin Ling took her mobile phone to play for a while, glanced at the chatting partner she hired for ten catties of wheat, and found that 1200 had never sent any messages.

Lin Ling tupped, and this chatting was really not responsible at all.

She sent a message: "Thank you for the breeding method you provided. I have successfully eaten chicken."

After waiting for a while, 1200 asked her, "Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious." Lin Ling replied quickly, "I haven't eaten chicken since the end of the world. It's so delicious."

"These chickens are only a few months old. They are too tender to make soup. They can only make small stir-frying and stir-frying, either fried chicken or roast chicken, but it's too troublesome to make roast chicken."

1200: "..."

"Say it."

Lin Ling smiled when she saw the reply of 1200, "Are you greedy?"

1200 didn't say anything, but Lin Ling knew that the other party must be very greedy and said cheaply, "I forgot that you don't have chicken."

1200 silently, "Aren't you afraid of being robbed?"

Lin Ling said, "Away, you don't know where I am."

1200: "That's not accurate."

Lin Ling was stunned for a moment and recalled that when he posted in the forum, she had never revealed where she lived, and so many people around G City and City X should not doubt the small place hundreds of miles away, right?

Before she could figure it out, 1200 had sent a message: "If you have something to do, withdraw it."

Lin Ling looked at the news of 1200, breathed a secret sigh of relief, and made an harmless joke: "Are you so incompetent. Are you embarrassed to have my wheat?"

Lin Ling didn't receive a reply to the message sent. It was not until the next morning that 1200 replied, "It's okay."

However, Lin Ling didn't look at her mobile phone, because the next morning, Lin Ling hurried to the ground again. First, she took back all the thirty mu of potatoes she had planted before and put them all into the newly dug storage room. Hundreds of square meters of ground holes had been half filled, which was enough for Lin Ling to feed a large family for a long time.

Therefore, after this harvest, she was not in a hurry to grow potatoes, but directly planted another batch of beans, corn and peanuts. Each of them was planted ten mu of land, and the remaining kilograms of seeds were left to eat.

After finishing this work, Lin Ling planted twenty-five mu of rice again. It was a month after finishing these work.

"I'm exhausted." Lin Ling collapsed on the stone steps under the eaves and beat her back.

Xiaolu stepped forward to help Lin Ling beat her waist: Is it comfortable?

Lin Ling looked sideways at Xiao Green, who had nothing to do and said, "It's okay."

Xiaolu helped Lin Ling beat her waist hard: What about now?

Lin Ling said, "That's good."

Xiao Green beat for a while, and then climbed onto Lin Ling's shoulder: Let's have chicken tonight.

Can Lin Ling agree that the ugly guy lying on the ground and the myna standing on the fence patrolling around him secretly pricked up his ears?

Lin Ling knew it was like this: "You didn't do any work. What right do you have to eat meat?"

Xiaolu looks very concerned about Lin Ling: You have been tired for so many days. How about having a meal of meat?

Lin Ling buzzed, "I eat alone? It seems okay."

Xiao Green immediately said: We have also helped with a lot of work.

"You just stay by the chicken coop and stare at my chicken every day. Occasionally, you go out of the fence for a walk. What did you do?" Lin Ling paused and said again, "And after eating up, we can't change the crayfish."

Lin Ling still remembers the chicken with a beard in X City, but she has been very busy recently and has not had time to trade with him for the time being.

Little Green doesn't know what crayfish is. Now it only cares about chickens raised in bamboo forests: a new batch of chicks are about to hatch, and we can't eat it all.

"If I hadn't stopped you, you would have caught all the chickens for me." Lin Ling didn't know that Xiao Green and Ugly Brother were cruel? If she hadn't banned it, the chickens might have been eaten up before they could break their shells.

In fact, it's understandable that she must want to eat it again after eating once, and Lin Ling is no exception. She paused: "Anibalm going to wait until it is hatched."

If you don't refuse directly, you will have a chance! Xiaolu proudly glanced at myna and ugly brother, and then acted coquettishly to Lin Ling: Eat it. Those chickens have grown up again. They eat so many potatoes. What if they finish eating them? Then we won't have potatoes to eat.

"Don't I know how to grow after eating?" Lin Ling looked at Xiao Green who wanted to eat meat with disgust. "Wait for another half a month, and wait until I planted the seeds I brought back last time."

Xiao Green shook the leaves unhappy: Will it take so long?

Lin Ling smiled and said, "Then add another half month?"

Xiao Green immediately shook his head: That will be half a month.

"Then go to work quickly." Now there is not much work in the field. Lin Ling has put her attention to those barren mountains outside the city, working hard to transplant vegetation and strive to make the air of this land better.

Next, she cooperated with Brother Xia and Brother Ugly to plant all the seeds brought back from G City. First, she planted a lot of flowers along the roadside in the fence, and then went outside the city to plant a large area of flowers. In the future, when it bloomed, she could go outside the city to enjoy the flowers.

If the economy recovers in the future, maybe there will be a flower park for local tycoons to come to enjoy the flowers.

But I don't think about it in recent years. Maybe in ten or twenty years, there will be a chance.

Because of this idea, Lin Ling carefully planned to plant flowers and trees behind it, trying to plant them beautifully, so that she can enjoy or rebuild them by herself in the future.

After planting flowers, she planted trees. After planting, Lin Ling planted trees all over the periphery of the wall this time.

After planting the tree for half a month, Lin Ling took time to make a deal with City X and Luoqihu, exchanged crayfish, fry, loach and eels, and sold him a few more batteries.

In addition to beard, Lin Ling also exchanged things with people around City X, such as rapeseed, sweet potato vine, etc. In a word, this trip was worth it.

Lin Ling, who came back from the transaction, was in a good mood. When she picked up her mobile phone and saw a notice from the safe area, she was in a better mood.

Chapter 78

It's evening to come back from City X.

As soon as they got home, they were surrounded by several at the end of summer. Several of them digged the windows and looked at the contents of the back drain bucket. "Sister, that's what you mean by crayfish?"

"There are eels and loach behind, and loach on the shorter." Lin Ling picked up a bucket of crayfish in front of the car. "This is the crayfish."

"It's red on its body." At the end of summer, he squatted down to look at the crayfish and reached out to touch its back.

Lin Ling saw the action at the end of summer and reminded, "Be careful not to be caught in its clip."

As soon as Lin Ling finished speaking, as soon as the unprepared summer was approaching crayfish, he was warmly entertained by a crayfish with pliers, which made him keep throwing his hand in pain: "It hurts so much..."

"Is it bleeding?" Lin Ling pulled his finger and looked at it. "It's just red. It's okay. It's all right in a minute."

"What is this ugly guy?" Myna came over with Chunmian and the ancestors of chickens. Looking at the crayfish thrown to the ground at the end of summer, he pecked at the crayfish curiously.

I don't know if it's because it was raised by a superpower. The crayfish is so brave that it grabbed myna's mouth when it opened the clip.

"Ah! Help!" The myna, who was caught in his mouth, ran around, making chickens and dogs jump in the yard, and straw flew all over the sky.

Lin Ling looked at the messy yard, picked up a tree vine and fell over it, tied the crayfish back.

The rescued myna covered his beak: "Well, disfigured, disfigured, my sharp and beautiful beak..."

Little Green serted her waist and laughed: You deserve it!

"Don't provoke these crayfish in the future." Lin Ling took crayfish, eels and loach to a field specially cultivated to raise shrimp and eels two days ago. In fact, Lin Ling wanted to keep it in a huge deep ditch outside the fence, but there was no place to divert water, so she could only dig a piece of land alone to raise shrimp.

This land is close to the wall. There are more gravel on the surrounding hillsides, and it is more shaded, which is suitable for raising these things.

After Lin Ling put them into the field, the powerpower erected a ridge half meters high at the end of summer, intending to block the surroundings of the field.

Lin Ling said, "Don't surround."

"If you want to encircle, don't let them run away." At the end of summer, he insisted on encircling himself and not letting them bite him and run away.

Lin Ling nodded in agreement. She exchanged five chickens for it. If she ran away, she lost money!" Then you should thicken your circumference and never let them run away.

At the end of summer, he nodded and agreed.

Thinking that she could eat spicy crayfish for another half a year, Lin Ling was in a good mood. She hummed and took out her mobile phone. She planned to take a look at the crayfish breeding guide sent to her by 1200 to see if there was a good way to make crayfish flood.

As soon as she turned on her mobile phone, Lin Ling saw a message in the Confidence Center. She thought it was another place-sharing message. When she clicked on it, she was suddenly hit by a huge surprise, "Ha ha ha ha ha..."

At the end of summer, she looked at Lin Ling doubtfully and rarely saw her laugh happily. "Sister?"

Lin Ling said, "We have pigs."

At the end of summer, Ugly Brother and Little Green raised their heads one after another, "Pig?"

"Yes, there are two ends." Lin Ling looked at the notice on her mobile phone, "The safety zone notice said it would be delivered the day after tomorrow. Let's make a pigsty tomorrow."

At the end of summer, he immediately said, "Do it now."

Although the pigs can't be delivered until the day after tomorrow, everyone is so excited that they stayed up late to make a pigsty behind the house and fence them with earth walls to prevent mutant beasts stealing their pigs.

After building according to Lin Ling's memory, she also moved back some slates, troughs and other things from the former site of other collapsed houses in the village and laid them in the pigsty.

In addition, they don't forget to dig a pit. After all, pigs have to eat, drink and scath, and pay attention to hygiene.

After it's all done, wait for the pig to be delivered.

On the day the pig arrived, Lin Ling and Xia Xia both subconsciously changed into clean clothes and waited outside the fence early in the morning, looking forward to the direction of the highway.

Every two minutes, at the end of summer, I can't help asking, "Why haven't you arrived yet?"

"It's still early. Don't worry." Lin Ling comforted her in a light voice.

Late summer: "Sister, aren't you in a hurry?"

"It's useless to rush." Lin Ling just pretended to be very plain. In fact, her heart was also very angry. She couldn't wait to send the pigs here now. I don't know what's going on with the person who sent the pig here? Did your legs stick after eating knocking sugar? Why hasn't you arrived yet?

Little green, rolled on Lin Ling's wrist, arched the back of her hand and lied.

"Don't move around." Lin Ling held down Xiao Lu and sat on the roadside stone and looked in the direction ahead.

Wait, wait, wait, she is about to become a Wangfushi.

They didn't hear the sound of the car until noon.

Myna flew over from a distance: "Boss, they're here."

Lin Ling asked, "I saw it clearly. Is it a pig carrier?"

Myna nodded: "Look clearly, two white and fat piglets."

Little Green shook the leaves: white and fat, it tastes delicious.

"Don't make trouble. Be friendly to Piggy later." Lin Ling was really afraid that Xiaolu would show the fierce appearance of slander, which scared the little piggy to death.

Soon, a car came over at a very fast speed, and one drifted to the open space outside the fence, making two little white pigs scream in horror.

Lin Ling looked calmly at the handsome driver and the two saplings that he almost crushed by him. Her hands were a little itchy. What should I do?

"Lin Ling, we have brought you pigs." Duan Hu, who had seen twice before, took the lead in jumping off the car and strode towards Lin Ling, but as soon as she approached, she saw that Lin Ling's face was very ugly. For a moment, she was a little puzzled: Why was she unhappy when they sent pigs here?

Lu Yu walked down from the co-pilot's position, looked down Lin Ling's sight, and saw the saplings crushed by the roadside: "A compensate you."

When Lin Ling heard Lu Yu say he wanted to pay compensation, she immediately squeezed out a smile on her face: "If you want a bag, preferably a fruit tree."

Lu Yu said lightly, "Let's talk about it later."

Lin Ling raised her eyebrows slightly, and that's what he agreed.

Duan Hu beside him looked confused. Why can't he understand the charade played by the boss and Lin Ling?

Behind him, a man came down with a pig basket and smiled at Lin Ling: "One male, one female."

This man was the last time he took over the two bad women with Lu Yu. Lin Ling also smiled back at him: "Thank you."

The man said, "We Captain asked for it for you."

Duan Hu interrupted: "I also applied for it."

The last time this man didn't go to the mountains and forests, he didn't know what Duan Hu was thinking. He glanced at Duan Hu doubtfully. How could this fool rob the captain of the credit?" The security zone is willing to give these two, which is for the sake of our captain.

Duan Hu looked at the two piglets dejectedly and had to admit that it was true.

"Thank you." Lin Ling thanked Lu Yu.

Lu Yu said, "Conditional."

Lin Ling squeezed her lips: "What's the condition?"

Lu Yu: "This pig is borrowed. When there are piglets in the future, you need to return two big pigs."

Lin Ling was stunned for a moment and squinted at Lu Yu, "I haven't heard of it before."

Lu Yu said lightly, "I didn't know until I knew."

Lin Ling frowned slightly and tricked me?

"Agree?" Lu Yu stretched out his hand to carry the basket, "Then I'll take it back."

"Yes." Lin Ling immediately pressed the basket and gritted his teeth and looked at him: "I want it."

Lu Yu nodded.

Duan Hu glanced at Lu Yu doubtfully. When was the boss so talkative?

However, he didn't think much. He stared at the green hillside inside and outside the wall and looked surprisedly: "You have planted so many trees here that they are almost in time for the safe zone."

The safe area is very large. Now trees are planted inside and outside, which is normal. But for those who distribute land, they care more about planting grain and planting a few trees next to their residences at most.

Suddenly, I saw Lin Ling planted with grass and trees, which immediately lit up in Duan Hu's eyes. "There are many kinds of good trees. Gold mountains and silver mountains are not as good as green water and green mountains."

Lin Ling gave a hum.

Duan Hu asked again, "How long have you planted?"

Lin Ling replied, "I've moved here and began to plant."

Duan Hu asked eagerly, "You planted them all by yourself?"

Lin Ling said, "Come on, help me lift the pig on the tricycle."

Before the end of summer to help, Duan Hu volunteered to help, and picked it up with one hand: "Let me send it in for you."

Lin Ling was stunned for a moment: "Don't bother, just by ourselves."

Duan Hu was stunned and didn't recognize Lin Ling's subtext, "It's okay, it's not troublesome."

He walked into the fence with a piglet in his arms. "I'll help you in and see what's planted in it."

"..." Lin Ling looked at Duan Hu's back, sighed in the bottom of her heart, and then turned to Lu Yu and two other people, "Let's go in and have a glass of water together."

"I've been driving for a day and a night. I'm so thirsty." The driver said to Lu Yu, "Boss, shall we go in?"

Lu Yu nodded to Lin Ling and said politely, "Excuse me."

Lin Ling led Lu Yu to follow, and then pulled up the wooden door and closed it.

The driver tupped, "This gate is like a bridge and a door."

After saying that, Lin Ling was not given a chance to speak. He opened his mouth and said, "Besides this first function, everything else is useless."

"..." Lin Ling frowned and don't donate her mouth.

"Big K." Another person took the driver on the shoulder. "This place is actually very good compared with we have been somewhere else."

The man named Big K opened his mouth to say, but was warned by Lu Yu's eyes that he flattened his mouth, which was really boring.

After entering the village, I walked along the path full of flowers and plants for fifteen minutes and arrived at the yard in the center of the village. The fields around the yard were full of crops, and behind the house were rampant running chickens, clucking and twittering.

"A lot of chickens." Big K looked at the chickens in the bamboo forest and jumped into the henhouse as soon as he stretched his hand.

Seeing this, Ugly Brother and the chicken ancestors stopped him together, all of which showed an aggressive state. Those chickens were raised by them to eat, but they could not be eaten by outsiders.

Big K was shocked by the dog and chicken that suddenly jumped out and stared at him, but was soon conquered by the big hen's fat big legs. "What a fat chicken."

The ancestor of the chicken was scared back two steps by Big K's hot sight and clucked: Stinky hooligan! Don't stare at me!

After shouting a few times, the ancestor of the chicken sprayed a fireball at Big K. Let's dismount the horse first.

Big K, they are all capable people in the safe zone. They don't have this small fireball at all. Instead, their eyes are hotter. A flames in the palm of their hands are several times larger than those ejected by the ancestors of the chicken. "Thanksgiving is coming soon. It's time to eat a roast turkey."

The ancestor of the chicken looked at the flames in Big K's hands and immediately flew in horror: Help!

Chapter 79

After a burst of chickens and dogs jumping.

Lin Ling stared silently at the burned fence, trying to kill the big K, hanging it on the fence for half a month, and finally threw it into the cesspit as fertilizer.

"Big K, what are you doing with cheap hands?" Duan Hu was dissatisfied with looking at Big K standing aside with his hands. "We are here to send piglets, not to ruin the scene."

Big K shook his hand and didn't feel guilty at all: "It's not my fault. The dog rushed over, and my subconscious movements."

Duan Hu: "Then you can't..."

Big K interrupted the short words directly and said stinkly, "We clear the crisis outside all day long. Is it my fault that we are quick to react quickly?"

"It's just a fence, as for it?" Big K didn't feel sorry at all. He turned around and walked out. "Let's go quickly. We still have a task."

Lin Ling stared at the back of Big K coldly. Although the strong were respected in the end of the world, the stronger the people were, the more rebellious they were, she was still curious about how a person with such a stinky mouth survived?" You don't even choose people?"

Duan Hu thought of something and scratched the back of his head. He didn't say much about these. He could only help apologize: "Lin Ling, I'm sorry, he is like this. He is young and ignorant..."

Lin Ling didn't accept this apology: "You can be ignorant at a young age?"

Duan Hu opened his mouth and was a little weak, but thinking that Big K was a teammate after all, he explained to him: "He just has a bad mouth. In fact, he is quite good. I guess I didn't eat after the morning and I was hungry, so I was a little angry.

After Duan Hu finished speaking, he went to help repair the fence again: "Let me repair it for you."

"Okay." Lin Ling didn't refuse. Anyway, it was his teammates who broke it. He should also help repair it.

Lin Ling went back to the yard. Lu Yu and another man named He Ming on the other side had helped encircle several stones next to the pigsty and put two white and fat piglets in by the way.

"Okay?" Lin Ling looked at the piggy in the pigsty and had been in the cage before. The piggy looked sluggy. Now he released it to feed some water, and both piglets became much more energetic.

At the end of summer, I lay on the fence of the pigsty and looked at the two piglets happily: "Sister, these two piglets look delicious."

He Ming said with a smile, "Ha ha ha ha, it's really delicious."

At the end of summer, he has been much more cheerful recently. He turned his head on He Ming, "Have you ever eaten?"

He Ming nodded: "I've eaten." I have eaten not only before the end of the world, but also in the end of the world.

Livestock was raised in the safe area at the beginning, but the number was small, and most of them were provided to the leader. Occasionally, their group of people were lucky enough to get a few catties, but they often went out and had many opportunities to get meat. Unlike ordinary people, they couldn't eat all year round.

I licked my lips at the end of summer and wanted to eat it so much.

The myna, ugly brother, little green, Chunmian and the ancestors of chicken lying next to the pig house looked at the two pigs with the look of eager to peel the two pigs alive: I want to eat.

The two pigs were so scared to hide in the corner of the pigsty and hummed.

"Don't scare them." Lin Ling kicked out the little greens around the pigsty.

Little Green shook the leaves: I just look at them and will never eat them.

"I'm lying to ghosts." Lin Ling drove all the people out, and then said to Lu Yu and others who were loading water, "It's already noon. Let's go after dinner here."

Lu Yu said no.

"Let's eat it. Two chickens are injured and can be eaten at noon." Lin Ling was a little unhappy again. If it hadn't been for the big K, he wouldn't have hurt two chickens passing by eating melons.

Although Lin Ling was reluctant, considering that Lu Yu and others had helped several times, she was still willing to take it out and eat: "It can be counted as the reward that you saved us several times before."

Lu Yu looked at Lin Ling's reluctance flashing in his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "No need."

"It should be." Lin Ling didn't want to owe favor, "Wait a minute, and I'll do it soon."

After Lin Ling finished speaking, she went to deal with the chicken without waiting for Lu Yu's reply. With the last experience, she was extremely proficient in her movements, and she dealt with the chicken in a short time.

There are two chickens in total, one stewed with potatoes and the other for cold mixing.

Because of the large number of people, Lin Ling deliberately put more potatoes. Anyway, there are a lot of potatoes at home, and it doesn't hurt to put more potatoes.

After one chicken is stewed, Lin Ling boiled the other chicken. At the same time, she began to prepare ingredients. There were not many seasonings available at home, so she could only make it up simply.

Lin Ling first prepared a little ginger and garlic and minced them, then ground the dried chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorn into small pieces, put them in the bowl, and then added a little salt to it, added a little fried peanut minced, and finally poured a little hot oil to make a simple spicy.

The oily spicy food that has just been poured with hot oil is very choking, but if you adapt more, you will feel very fragrant.

In addition to making chili oil, Lin Ling went to the vegetable field to pick some leeks, celery and green onions. Wash them and cut them into sections for later use.

When the chicken is cooked, chop it into thin slices. After chopping, pour in the prepared green onions, garlic, spicy oil and various side dishes. In addition, add a little expired soy sauce, stir and stir.

Lin Ling took a breath and smelled the crispness of peanuts, the spicy aroma of peppers and Sichuan peppercorn, and the aroma of celery. It smelled very good.

She couldn't help picking up a piece of chicken and tasted it. Although it lacked seasoning, it tasted good.

Little Green climbed on Lin Ling's shoulder: Is it delicious?

"It's delicious." Lin Ling glanced out of the yard and secretly gave Xiaolu a small piece each at the end of summer, "How about it?"

At the end of summer, it was the first time to eat this kind of mixed vegetable with complicated taste. Although it was a little spicy and numb, it stimulated him to keep coughing and blushing.

Lin Ling brought a glass of water to the end of summer: "Drink a sip of water."

At the end of summer, I poured a big sip of water and swallowed the spicy taste. "It's so spicy."

In fact, Lin Ling didn't put much of it, but the pepper variety harvested was spicy, so she had such a big reaction at the end of summer: "Then you can't eat this later."

"What to eat." I'm unwilling to say it at the end of summer.

"Then as long as you can hold on." After Lin Ling stirred the cold chicken, the potato stew on the other side was also ready, and a large pot was full enough for them to eat.

"Move the table to the yard for dinner." Lin Ling asked Xia to move at the end of summer, and then she put the bowls and chopsticks on the table.

Because of the presence of guests, Lin Ling gave Ugly Brother, Myna and Chicken Ancestors a little food separately, and put the rest on the table: "Eat it."

Lu Yu and his party rushed on their way that night. They were already hungry and were not polite to her. "Okay."

Duan Hu also looked at the direction outside the fence, "Big K..."

Lin Lingcai doesn't care about big K or small K. She is very grudged and hurt her chicken. Why did she ask him to eat chicken?

If she doesn't open this mouth, it's difficult for Duan Hu to continue talking. Lu Yu and He Ming didn't open their mouths. People can't always make mistakes. They must have a long memory.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand to pick up the dishes: "Eat it. I have to hurry later."

Duan Hu wanted to say another word, but looking at the chicken with full color, fragrance and taste, forget it, he'd better eat it! Although their team has a certain position in the safe area, they can't eat meat every day, so he is also very slanderous.

After Duan Hu ate a chopstick, he was choked by the stimulating spicy taste, "It's so spicy."

At the end of summer, he silently pushed the water to him.

Duan Hu picked up the water and poured a mouthful of water. "I haven't eaten spicy food for a long time. I can't stand it."

At the end of summer, he pointed to the chicken stewed with potatoes: "You can eat that one that is not spicy."

Duan Hu said, "Don't worry, little guy. I can do it."

Who is worried about you? At the end of summer, he secretly rolled his eyes. My sister likes this cold chicken. He wants to leave it for her.

"Although it's spicy, it's really delicious." He Ming gave Lin Ling a thumbs-up: "Your craftsmanship is better than that of the chef in the safe zone."

"There is a big pot of rice in the safety zone. Of course it's not so delicious." Duan Hu replied, "It's good to have something to eat."

Lin Ling, who was eating rice, thought, did they be treated so well in the safe area? Do you still care about food and control?" Do you still care about eating and drinking in the safe area?"

Duan Hu opened his mouth and said, "Of course, we are working hard for the safe zone. Logistics must be guaranteed."

Lu Yu raised his eyes and looked at Duan Hu, who was bent on getting close to Lin Ling, and said coldly, "Eat quickly and hurry up."

"Good boss." Duan Hu didn't dare to delay any more. He wolfed down three bowls of rice and then put down the bowls and chopsticks.

Lin Ling and Xia Xia also had a good meal. She asked Xia Xia to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and she sent people out of the fence. "I'll send you."

Duan Hu said, "Okay."

Lu Yu silently glanced at Lin Ling, who was silent, and then at the lush rice fields on the roadside. The water in the field was very clear, and you could see it at a glance. There seemed to be nothing to raise in it.

Lin Ling glanced at Lu Yu's movements doubtfully. I don't know what he was looking at. "The rice seedlings have just been planted for a few days and have not yet taken root yet."

Lu Yu nodded and said nothing.

Lin Ling thought for a moment and asked again, "Is there a master in the land next door now?"

Lu Yu looked at Lin Ling and answered what she wanted to know: "These two women have no chance to come out again in their lives."

Duan Hu opened his mouth and wanted to ask what woman was pulled away by He Ming's eyes and hands quickly: "I don't know if Big K is in a hurry. Let's go out and have a look."

Lu Yu looked at Duan Hu, who left reluctantly, and added, "So you don't have to worry anymore."

Lin Ling was relieved, that's good.

In fact, she was afraid that only those two women would come back to revenge. After all, villains are hard to guard, and she can't guard this place all the time.

Lu Yu paused and said again, "The land next to him will not be allocated to others for the time being."

Lin Ling nodded with satisfaction. In the future, she could continue to look for something useful there. She smiled at Lu Yu: "Thank you."

Lu Yu saw that Lin Ling's face was better-looking. He should not be angry about the chicken coop anymore. He breathed a little relief invisiblely.

"Thank you for your hospitality today."

Lin Ling whispered, "Don't thank you. I should have thanked Captain Lu. If it hadn't been for your help, I would not have been able to raise pigs yet."

Although she still wants to return two big fat pigs, Lin Ling still feels that she has taken advantage of it. After all, in addition to the safety zone, it is estimated that only she has piglets here: "When the pigs grow up in the future, I will inform you to collect the pigs then."

Lu Yu answered.

Duan Hu, who had already got on the bus, shouted, "Boss, it's time to go."

Lu Yu swung and strode towards the car. When he got on the car, Big K stared at Lin Ling hard. After waiting for a long time, Big K, who had been starving to death, had just learned that Duan Hu and others had eaten chicken, and they were grumpy all over, like an angry child.

Lin Ling stared back. Dissatisfied? That's also held back for me!

Da K, who has always been ostentatious, didn't expect to be stared at by a woman. He pinched his fist and was stopped by Lu Yu as soon as he wanted to open his mouth to speak. "Don't you open it? Just get out of here."

Big K has a public personality, strong ability, and looks down on people with average ability, but he worships Lu Yu very much. After being stopped by Lu Yu, he dared not say anything in the face of Lin Ling's provocation. He took a dissatisfied look at Lin Ling and drove away directly.

The speed of the car was extremely fast, raising dust on the ground.

Lin Ling looked at the saplings that had been crushed again. She picked up a stone and went to the buttocks of the car angrily: "Ten bags of seeds!"

The sound of the car was so loud that he couldn't hear anything. Lu Yu glanced at Lin Ling, who was distressed through the rearview mirror and guessed what she was shouting. He hooked his lips and gave a task to Big K: "Pick up twenty bags of seeds."

Chapter 80

Looking at the figure of the car running far away, the ancestors of the revengeful chicken chased and sprayed several fireballs, clucking and shouted: Little bastard, don't run if you have the guts!

The spring sleeping fox pretended to be a tiger and sprayed a little spark: Don't run if you have the guts!

"Every one has left. What's the use of being fierce now?" Lin Ling stretched out her hand and picked up the clamoring Chunmian. "You are not allowed to spray fire everywhere. Don't light my firewood."

Chunmian stretched out her head and rubbed Lin Ling's arm: I won't.

Before Chunmian rubbed it, Xiaolu jumped out and slamped Chunmian's chicken head with her body: Don't rub it.

Chunmian raised by myna is not to let the bully. He pecked Xiaolu dissatisfiedly: It's none of your business.

Little Green jumped up and akimbo: Just because I am the boss of the family.

The newborn calf in spring is not afraid of tigers, but not of little green. Besides, it also has its father and ancestors: Come on! Fight!

"I'm so annoying to both of you two." Lin Ling raised her hand and threw the mixed Chunmian and Xiao Lu out. She turned around and walked towards the village. By the time she returned to the yard, the kitchen had been cleaned up at the end of summer, and a pot of water had been re-burned and cooled until she came back to drink.

At noon, the cold chicken was a little heavy, and Lin Ling was a little thirsty. She drank it with water.

At the end of summer, he said, "When the pigs are raised, shall we send them?"

Lin Ling glanced at the end of summer doubtfully.

At the end of summer, he explained, "They ate our two chickens. It's so annoying."

Lin Ling nodded in agreement, "They are not allowed to come in in in the future."

Because his chicken was missed, he said angrily at the end of summer, "That man is so annoying."

"I don't like it either." Lin Ling has remembered who the man named Big K was. When he left the safe area, he sneered at them.

Probably very good, coupled with becoming famous when you are young, you are praised too high, so it is extremely public, in contrast to others.

Lin Ling didn't like this man, but he couldn't match him, so he had to have a good time: "He bullied our chicken ancestors when he came to his house. We wish him choked to drink water, drown in the shower, and choke on eating."

At the end of summer, he nodded in agreement, "When you go out, you will be killed by the droppings of flying birds."

"... The flying bird must be very big. Lin Ling teased the end of summer and said when he was angry, "The piglet should be hungry. Let's pick up some potatoes and cook them into pig food for the piglet to eat."

In fact, it's better to raise pigs and feed sweet potatoes, but Lin Ling only changed more than ten catties. Before planting in large quantities, she could only use potatoes as the staple food for piglets.

At the end of summer, I think wild boars eat raw food, and two piglets can also eat raw food. "Can't it eat raw food?"

"They are too small. It's better to cook them and feed them. And potatoes can't be eaten raw. They can only be fed when they are cooked. Lin Ling looked at the big and round potatoes and was a little reluctant. Many people couldn't even eat potatoes. The piglets she raised actually ate them. If they were known, they would probably become a moral pacesetter to blame her.

Fortunately, they live in a remote area and have no neighbors around them. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for her to hide hard all day long.

Lin Ling took out a basket of potatoes, moved to the field to wash, and then went home to cook pig food with an old iron pot. When it was about to be cooked, he added some dirty celery leaves and cabbage leaves shaved at noon. Mix them together to turn off the heat.

Wait until it cools down a little before feeding the two piglets. After the piglets left their mother pigs, they never eat anymore. They were already starving.

When the pig food was poured into the stone trough, the two piglets came over after smelling the fragrance and ate it.

"They like to eat." At the end of summer lying on the fence, he watched the two piglets buried in their food in surprise. "They must be starving."

Ugly brother stared at the two piglets, stretched out his tongue and licked the air: How long will it take for them to grow up?

"One year." Lin Ling paused, "Even when you grow up, you can't eat it. We need to let them continue to give birth to piglets until they give birth to piglets."

Myna flapped his wings and said that he had waited too long.

"It's a very long thing to have it from scratch, but no matter how long it takes, it's worth waiting." Lin Ling looked at the two piglets who hummed and begged for food after eating, frowned: "Are you still hungry?"

At the end of summer, he looked at Lin Ling and asked, "Can I get some more for them?"

"Yes." Lin Ling sighed, "What a greed."

Little Green shook the leaves: Zhu Bajie is just greedy.

Myna: "They are not Zhu Bajie."

Xiao Green: Then they are all pigs. They must be the descendants of Zhu Bajie.

Myna thought about it carefully, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with this.

Little Green climbed up the fence of the pigsty and said with leaves: Since they are descendants of Zhu Bajie, they should also have a name.

At the end of summer, Ugly Brother and Dahei looked at Xiao Green one after another: "Name them? What should I take?"

Myna immediately volunteered: "I'll pick it up."

Little Green didn't give myna a chance to name it. It patted the leaves: this one with black flowers on his back is called Zhu Jiujie, and this one without black flowers is called Zhu Shijie.

At the end of summer, several people thought it was good to follow Zhu Bajie's surname Zhu. They accepted the new names of the two piglets very happily and began to shout, "Zhu Jiujie, Zhu Shijie, you eat more, you must grow up quickly."

Lin Ling:???

As long as you are happy.

After the piglet finished eating the pig food in the two stone troughs, Lin Ling felt that it was necessary to grow another batch of potatoes. "Pick it up, let's go over the ground and plant dozens of acres of potatoes."

Xia Mo was stunned for a moment, "Sister, didn't you say you didn't want to grow?"

"Piglets eat a lot, so they have to make some seeds." Originally, a lot of potatoes were stored, and Lin Ling also planned to suspend for a few months, but now after seeing the piglet's food, she had to plant them in advance.

"Let's go and dig a ditch." Lin Ling saw that she took the end of summer to plant another fifty mu of potatoes. After planting, half of the potatoes received before were used, and the remaining potatoes were enough for hundreds of chickens and two piglets to eat for several months.

Because there are a lot of potatoes, Lin Ling hasn't hatched chickens for the time being. They have all used them for extra meals. Choose one boiled egg for each of the eggs saved every week, and another starch and eggs to make cakes in the evening.

With such a point, eggs consume quickly. In addition, starch is also consumed super fast, so Lin Ling did some more.

This time, it is much easier to make starch than last time. I grind it directly with the machine brought back when I went to G City. I crushed two thousand catties at one time, and then filtered and precipitated.

Everyone precipitated the starch under the barrel, "All of them are made into delicious cakes?"

"Let's eat differently." When Lin Ling was turning over the book yesterday, she saw the process of making vermicelli. She decided to try to make handmade vermicelli by herself: "Let's make vermicelli."

At the end of summer, his face was blank. "What is vermicelli?"

"It's just a kind of food made of starch." Lin Ling turned over the traditional folk crafts book about various places yesterday. "When it is ready, we can use it to cook chicken and make sour and spicy noodles for breakfast."

Listening to the name of the vermicelli at the end of summer, I can't imagine what it looks like, and I don't know if it tastes good. "Is it delicious?"

"It should be delicious." Lin Ling made noodles for the first time. Without any experience, the noodles she might not taste good. "Let's try it first. If it tastes good, make more. If it doesn't taste good, make less."

In the expected eyes of everyone, Lin Ling began to make vermicelli according to the steps recorded in the book.

Handmade is generally to choose the leaky ladle production method. First, the starch is made into cornstarch paste, kneaded into a ball, and then put it in the leaky ladle. Squeezed out the slender vermicelli into hot water, boiled and gelatinized, took it out and put it into cold water to cool down and molded. After molding, take it out and dried.

It's very simple in the book, but it's really different to do.

Lin Ling went to the evening from the afternoon and experimented more than ten times before barely making molded vermicelli.

I watched the gray vermicelli in the bucket all afternoon around her at the end of summer, and couldn't help asking, "Is this ready?"

"It's done..." Lin Ling looked at the vermicelli of different lengths in the bucket and felt a little guilty.

"Sister, you are so awesome." At the end of summer, she looked at Lin Ling worshipfully and felt that she could do anything.

Lin Ling looked at the messy vermicelli and touched her ears embarrassedly. "Let's taste it first. If you think it's okay, make more to dry."

Eyes lit up at the end of summer, "Would you like to eat chicken again?"

Xiaolu, Ugly Brother, Myna and Chicken Ancestors all looked at Lin Ling one after another and wanted to eat chicken again?

"Don't eat it for the time being. Cook some sour and spicy noodles to have a try." Lin Ling asked Brother Ugly to cook a pot of boiling water with electricity. She put the long and short powder in the bucket back into the water to boil it. With a few vegetable leaves, she just boiled it briefly.

While boiling powder, she began to make soup seasonings.

Sour and spicy noodles, as the name implies, are sour and spicy powder.

But there is no vinegar.

So in the end, it turned into chili-only powder.

After the powder is boiled, take it out and put it into the prepared seasoning. Stir and stir it before it can be eaten.

Although there is no vinegar, green onions, ginger, garlic and chili oil taste good.

"Is it delicious?"

"Super delicious." At the end of summer, the first time, I felt that it opened the door to the new century. It tasted smooth and elastic, much better than he thought. "I thought it looked like a snot, and it would not taste good, but I didn't expect it to be so delicious."

"Snot?" Lin Ling, who was still eating very well, looked down at the powder in the bowl. She looked rough and almost as thick as his little finger. It really looked like a snot.

With her powder in her, she suddenly couldn't eat it.

Little Green trembled with laughter: Don't you want to eat it? Then I'll help you?

"No." Lin Ling refused directly. Although it didn't look good, it tasted good.

The vermicelli she often eat before the end of the world is made in batches by machine, and more or less some additives are added to it, but this is purely handmade by her, supported by wood powers, and tastes good. The only drawback is that there is less vinegar.

I don't know how vinegar is made?

If it's simple, she learns to do it by herself.

After eating sour and spicy noodles with a little regret, Lin Ling began to make noodles again. With afternoon experience, she made it quickly and well this time. After being busy for half the night, she made nearly a hundred catties of vermicelli.

After cooling and shaping, Lin Ling hung them all on the rope and dried them in rows. When it was dried, they put them away and stored them. They could eat them whenever they wanted in the future.

Thinking of the lack of vinegar, Lin Ling searched through the book again, but did not find the relevant information. After hesitation, she found the chat interface with 1200: "Do you like jealous?"

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