The State Arranged Me To Farm...

By crimsonamethyst

19.5K 464 32

Author: Pan Xingxing Lin Ling, a wooden power, died in the first year of the end of the world. It was the ten... More

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11 - 15

1K 23 1
By crimsonamethyst

Chapter 11

Lin Ling stared at Xiaolu's tooth that had not had time to withdraw it, gritted her teeth and asked it, "Are you stealing my meat?"

Little Green shook the oil on the leaves: I accidentally fell in.

"You stole my meat!" Everyone who lived in the end of the world was very protective of food. Lin Ling was so angry that she planned to save a few months of eating this meat, so don't be given to Huo Huo Huo by Xiao Green!

Little Green stepped back a few steps: I'll help you look at the meat!

"I didn't expect you to be a carnivorous plant." Lin Ling threw it aside with Xiao Green. It seemed that the meat in the basin was not very passive, otherwise she would be pissed off: "Aren't you afraid of diarrhea?"

Lin Ling put the meat in the cabinet and locked it up. After putting it away, she turned to look at the two leaves above Little Green's head. "Your teeth grow on the leaves?"

Little Green shook her body and said no.

Lin Ling didn't believe its nonsense, "If you steal my meat again, I'll break off your leaves."

The two leaves on the top of Little Green's head immediately rolled up. If the leaves were face-faced, they must look like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law.

"Don't pretend to be pitiful!" Lin Ling poked Xiao Green and said, "If you steal my things, you have to work for me!"

Little Green shook the leaves: What's the job?

"When we come back, there seems to be some firewood in the place where we get the firewood. Go and move the rest of the dry wood back!" Lin Ling confessed to Xiao Green, and then went out with a bucket to water the vegetable field.

Fortunately, Xiao Green jumped in the other direction of the village with drooping leaves and humming: Little Green Vine, Yellow in the ground, two or three years old, no mother...

Lin Ling, who went to pick up the water and watering land, heard Xiao Lu's voice and slipped under her feet. It seemed that she still suffered too little beatings!

Lin Ling went to the pond to get water. The big black fish was spraying water hard. Seeing her pass, she wagged its tail happily: You're coming. Look at me, I sprayed a lot of water again.

"Big Black is awesome." Looking at the big black fish who worked hard, Lin Ling suddenly felt that it was much more reliable than Xiaolu. He would not be lazy or be careful. The most important thing was that she would not steal her own meat. "Is today's meat delicious?"

Big black fish is delicious.

Lin Ling: "As long as you like delicious food, I'll share some more for you when I pick up the meat later."

The big black fish circled happily: I want more fat meat.

"Oy, Dahei, come on! When I find it, I will give you a lot of fat meat. Lin Ling drew a big and round cake for the big black fish again, hoping that it could eat happily.

The big black fish responded happily: I will work hard!

Lin Ling watered the ground. The potatoes and vegetables in the field looked languish because of the lack of water. When her water was poured down, the potatoes and vegetable seedlings returned to green at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After watering the vegetable field, Lin Ling went to the mountain to water shredded thatch and saplings. Now that there is more water in the pond, and she waters it generously. A sapling can get two ladles of water. After cooing and drinking enough water, the leaves on the branches are greener.

There are not many places to grow grass. Lin Ling finished watering it in a short time. She condescendingly looked at the bare Jiaoheishan wrapped with only a little emerald green, and her heart was a little anxious. Now watering is a big problem. It's too slow to carry water back and forth every day. If there is no power to promote it, it will take several years to wait for the tree to grow at this speed.

You still have to find generators and diesel to solve the watering problem quickly.

Yesterday, she walked more than twenty kilometers south. She was more and more remote, and she hadn't found what she wanted. After a few days, she went north to the city to have a look. She remembered that there was a city on the way the country sent her here, and maybe something would be rewarded.

At about five o'clock, Lin Ling carried the bucket back to the yard. As soon as she got to the door of the yard, a pineal fruit rolled to her feet.

Lin Ling looked down at the pine nut and then looked at Xiao Green, the culprit who threw the pine nut. He stood above a pile of dry wood and was playing with leaves against the pine nut. "Is it fun?"

Little Green trembled with fear. The pinealnuts on the leaves fell and hit it directly on its vine. He couldn't bear to shout pain and pointed to Lin Ling to please him and pointed to the firewood: I brought all the firewood back.

"It's amazing." Lin Ling bent down to pick up the two pine nuts and threw them into the firewood pile. When she raised them up, she heard a sound of pine nuts.

Lin Ling looked at the pine nut in surprise, broke open its pine scales, and saw a few pine nuts between the pine scales. The color was bright, large and even, and looked very good.

Lin Ling broke the two pinecones and looked carefully. She picked up five pine nuts, then picked up more than a dozen pine nuts from the firewood pile, and took out about thirty pine nuts from them.

Xiaolu looked at Lin Ling's movements doubtfully: Eat?

Pine nuts are edible. It is said that the nutritional effect is very good, but Lin Ling just came up with an excellent method. This kind of pine nut has not been stir-fried or bitten by insects. She can plant it all!

"Where did you find these pineal nuts? Is there any more?"

Little Green said there were more.

"Take me a look." Lin Ling urged Xiao Green to take her there.

The place where Xiaolu carried firewood was very close to the place where Lin Ling moved firewood in the afternoon. On the hillside behind the broken house, there were several big stones on the hillside. There was a crack under the stone, and the cracks were full of firewood.

This dent is a natural shelter for wind and rain, surrounded by stones, and the fire cannot be burned, which should also be the reason why these firewoods can survive until now.

Lin Ling couldn't find a lot of pine nuts in the firewood pile. There were basically pine nuts in the pine nuts, and a large handful of pine nuts was collected.

At this time, it was almost dark. After experiencing last night's experience, Lin Ling didn't want to smear the night road again. He took away the things and walked home: "It's getting dark. Let's go back first."

Little green is wrapped up: there are still many pineal nuts below.

"Don't worry, come back tomorrow." Lin Ling first took Xiaolu home. After returning home, she sprinkled the seeds she brought back into the vegetable field that had only been watered in the afternoon before it was completely dark. The soil was still wet and suitable for sowing.

After Lin Ling buried the seeds in the soil, he stimulated the power, and the seeds soon germinated and grew saplings. "You grow up in the field first, and I will transplant you in a couple of days."

When she got home after she turned the pine nuts, Xiaolu ran to her for help: I helped you find the seeds.

Lin Ling looked at it with a smile: "What do you want to say?"

Little Green doesn't hide that she can also be a carnivorous plant: meat.

Lin Ling tilted at Xiao Green, "Why are you still carrying meat with me?"

Little Green shook the leaves: I'll help you find so many seeds.

"So what?" Lin Ling betted her finger and knocked on the table. "Don't you know why you went to move the firewood?"

The two leaves on the top of Little Green's head drooped down: I have already made up for the work when I brought the firewood back. Isn't the seeds of pinealnuts different?

"It's true that's another thing, but I found pine nuts." Lin Ling snorted softly, "Xiao Lu, you have to look like a plant to make a plant. You can't be too greedy. If you are too greedy, you will be bored. Do you understand?"

Xiao Green shook the leaves and rolled up Lin Ling's fingers unhappy. There was a lot of Lin Ling's disagreement and asked her to look good.

Lin Ling pulled her finger out of Little Green's body: "Pine nuts are impossible, but if you can help me find the seeds of other trees, I can share some with you."

Little Green tilted her head: Are you serious?

Lin Ling hummed, "I keep what I say."

Little Green shook the leaves and wondered where to find the tree seeds that could be planted.

Originally, it was just Lin Ling's excuse to send Xiaolu away, but I didn't expect that it was attentive. The next morning, Lin Ling woke up and disappeared.

Lin Ling is not worried about Xiao Green. He is so small and has no meaty smell. There is no need to worry about it being eaten by mutants at all.

After waking up, Lin Ling went to the place where she picked up pine nuts yesterday. She turned over all the firewood in the cracks and picked up a lot of seeds. After picking up the pine nuts, she carried the firewood back for later use.

After being busy all morning, he finally moved all the firewood home. Lin Ling cut off her hair stained with pine hair and weeds, and then went out with a hoe on his shoulder.

When passing by the vegetable field, I saw the pine saplings that urged seedlings last night. They were green. The crown was like a small pyramid, twenty centimeters tall, and could almost be transplanted directly to the outside mountain bag.

"When the pit is dug, I will transplant you." Lin Ling carried a hoe to the mountain bag in the distance. In view of the small number of pine seeds, each pit was four or five meters away.

It took three days to dig the pits of several mountain buns around, and then transplant the saplings. When digging the saplings, she pinched the soil that had originally been linked, and then moved them off the saplings together.

In the past few days, I have finally got used to the surrounding environment in the soil, and suddenly I have to change the soil. I'm afraid the pine saplings are not easy to survive. In addition, her power to promote the germination and growth of pine nuts is equivalent to pulling up seedlings to promote it, so it is best to let them grow slowly by themselves, unless she is going to die.

Lin Ling first dug out the pine saplings one by one. There were more than a thousand five hundred pine saplings in total, and a hundred sparsely planted one mountain bag. These pine saplings just filled more than a dozen small mountain saplings around him.

After planting the pine saplings, Lin Ling began to carry water to water the saplings again. One sapling, a spoonful of water, and a water can water twenty. More than forty round trips finally finished watering the saplings.

After watering the saplings, Lin Ling was exhausted, but she looked condescendingly at the little green on the mountain bag, and she felt a sense of achievement in the bottom of her heart. Although she only planted more than a dozen mountain bags nearby for the time being, sooner or later she would restore the green color within a radius of ten miles!

"Grow up quickly. I won't have firewood until I grow up early." Lin Ling has high hopes for these saplings, first of all, to improve the environment, and secondly to provide firewood.

Lin Ling looked at the grassless mountain buns in the distance: "Little green, come on, look for seeds. Look at those mountain buns in the distance that haven't been planted with saplings yet."

In the past few days, Xiaolu has been running out. After searching around, I can't find new firewood and seeds. Xiaolu, who can't get meat, lay on Lin Ling's shoulder in frustration: Tengsheng is difficult!

Chapter 12

After planting pine trees, the leeks in the grassland grow very tender green under the watering of the pond, which is very suitable for cutting to make dumplings at first glance.

Recently, a lot of trees have been planted, and a task has been completed. Lin Ling thought it was time to celebrate. First, she went back to the house and scooped up half a bowl of wheat flour and noodles. After mixing the dough, she woke up for a while, took it out and added a little wheat flour and kneaded it, and then began to roll the dumpling wrapper.

Lin Ling first divided the dough into small balls, and then rubbed it and began to press it with a rolling pin. But her craftsmanship was average, and the thickness of the rolled dumpling wrappers was not uniform at all, and the shape was not round enough.

After rolling all the dumpling wrappers, she took a small bowl and buckled it upside down on the dumpling wrappers, picking out a standard round dumpling wrapper.

After making dumpling wrappers, Lin Ling began to make stuffing. First, take out half a bowl of stir-fried meat stuffing, mince it, add chopped leeks, add some salt, and stir. Then start making dumplings clumsyly. A total of twenty-five dumpling wrappers are made. The shape is not good, but it doesn't prevent it from being dumplings!

When the dumplings were cooked, it was already dark. Lin Ling luxuriously lit a candle. The candle was dim and the shadows acuously illuminated the figures of several family members.

Lin Ling sat on the other side of the table, the bear sat quietly on the other side of the table, and Little Green stayed on the bear's head, shaking the leaves above her head boringly.

Lin Ling looked at the steaming dumplings, blew them gently, and then ate them.

Little Green shook the leaves and asked, "Dat it delicious?"

"It's delicious." Lin Ling nodded without dipping sauce and her skin was not soft and delicate enough, but she felt that it was the most delicious food she had eaten since the end of the world. Dumplings before the end of the world are the most common food, but after the end of the world, they have become scarce goods. Only the bigwigs in the safe zone can eat it. Now it is perfect for her to eat such a meal.

Xiaolu is not interested in eating opposite her, but when she is integrated with Lin Ling, she can also feel the uneasyness in her heart. She gently touched Lin Ling's wrist with leaves and comforted her: there will be more in the future.

Lin Ling looked at the rare gentle little green with slightly upturned corners of her mouth. Now that the end of the world is over, she has also ended her wandering life. As long as she continues to farm, sooner or later she can turn the wasteland into an oasis, and sooner or later she can eat delicious rice and dumplings.

After eating the dumplings, Lin Ling sat sat sat sat satifiedly in the chair and figured out what would happen next.

There are not many rations left in the country. Next, we have to reclaim some more land and plant another batch of potatoes after they can be harvested.

Trees have been planted in several hillbags around, and now there are still trees on the other side of the village and farther away. They will be planted after they find tree species and seedlings. But it's far away. It's a big problem to carry water to water the ground, so she has to go out to find a generator as soon as possible.

Because he planned to go on a long journey in the next few days, Lin Ling urged several potatoes to cook in advance. The potato varieties were good and very large, and one weighed nearly a catty.

Considering staying out for a few nights, Lin Ling cooked ten big potatoes and took another five raw potatoes. If you don't have time to come back, you can grow potatoes on the spot.

The night before going out, Lin Ling watered the potatoes and vegetables in the field and the saplings on the mountain to ensure that they were not short of water.

The next morning, at dawn, Lin Ling was ready to set off with her backpack. Before leaving, she said hello to her bear doll, as usual and who would never respond to her, "I'm going out for a few days this time. You have a good home at home."

After saying that, Lin Ling locked the doors and windows and set out north. After walking for an hour, she arrived at the boundary pillar marked No:00001. After walking out of the pillar for more than ten minutes, she arrived at the asphalt road. She walked all the way out along the asphalt road and walked for four hours to the place where she got off at the beginning.

The surrounding area is still bare, and the abandoned charred vehicles on the road are still there, without any change.

Lin Ling continued to walk along the highway. When it was dark, she found an abandoned house to rest. At dawn, she continued to walk forward. The more she walked out, the fewer traces of burning. In some places, she could even see a little grass green.

Is it true that she misunderstood and expelled people who were hidden danger? Is it really not the fire they set?

However, it doesn't matter why she is burned into a barren mountain now. She has replanted the saplings. After a year or two, the mountains and fields will return to green.

Lin Ling finally arrived at the city she had passed by after three days.

The city is desolate and lonely, overgrown with weeds and messy. It is impossible to see that it used to be a provincial capital city. Lin Ling stood on the street. Maybe only thousands of vehicles abandoned in the middle of the road and a few high-rise buildings in the distance showed some of its previous prosperity.

Lin Ling sighed gently and shuttled through the street to find what she needed.

Her purpose this time is very clear. She only looks for generators and diesel, and the rest will be checked if they have time.

Lin Ling soon found a store selling generator equipment, but the generators in the sales hall were empty.

"Is there not one left?" Lin Ling frowned and went to the back warehouse to look for it. All of them were empty. It seemed that there were still many people who thought the same way as her.

Little Green Arched Gong Linling's wrist: What if it's gone?

"Go ahead." Lin Ling didn't believe that she couldn't find a generator in such a big city. She looked for it for a long time. From the morning and in the afternoon, she finally found a generator in the warehouse of a store selling underwear, with a bucket of unused diesel next to the generator.

After finding the generator, Lin Ling was finally relieved. She struggled to carry the generator to the flat trailer she picked up halfway, and then packed a box of underwear and moved it away together.

Next, you just need to go to the hardware store to get some wires and water pipes. Lin Ling found three pumps in the village, two old and one new. The new ones have not been demolished not long after being bought back, and they can't be used after the end of the world.

After arriving at the hardware store, Lin Ling took as many rolls of wires and more water pipes as possible. If the water in the pond is not enough, she can also go to the reservoir to pump water. Although the water in the reservoir is black and smelly, it does not affect the watering.

After installing the wires and water pipes into the cart, Lin Ling found a few wrenches, screwdrivers and other tools, which was more convenient to go back to install. In addition, she also found several old-fashioned flashlights from the warehouse of the hardware store. The old-fashioned flashlights that discharged batteries were rarely used before the end of the world, and basically turned into more convenient rechargeable flashlights. .

"I don't know if it can still be used." Lin Ling found several unopened batteries in the hardware store and put them in the flashlight. After opening the light, a warm light instantly illuminated the dark warehouse. "It works!"

After Lin Ling saw that the flashlight could be used, she began to look for unopened batteries on a wide range, and soon found a lot of batteries. Before the end of the world, batteries needed batteries in addition to children's toys, remote controls and other places, and there was basically no place to use them. After the end of the world, fewer people used these things, so basically no one took the battery.

This made Lin Ling, who picked up a leak, very happy. It was more convenient to have a flashlight at night.

The purpose of this visit has been achieved. Lin Ling is not as restless as in the morning, and her speed has slowed down a lot. He walked along the street to shops everywhere and searched for some daily necessities.

Although the city is very big, it has been searched over and over again for a long time. Originally, Lin Ling wanted to find the generator and went back, but she came here. He couldn't go for nothing and look for more to see if he could find what he needed.

She can't go to supermarkets and shopping malls on the roadside. From the dark red blood stains on the wall, you can see how many unknown people are buried in them, and the supplies in them have long been removed by survivors. Lin Ling stopped joining the fun. She chose streets and alleys and selected some unsigned shops to look for things. According to her experience, this is There may also be leftover materials in the inconspicuous shop.

Lin Ling was lucky enough to find generators and diesel from some stores, but her flat cart could only be installed, so she could only take some diesel.

At this time, it would be good to have a car or a space power.

But I can only think about it. Lin Ling pushed the flatbed car and continued to walk forward. Soon, she found an old street that had not been renovated. Most of the buildings on the old street have collapsed frequently after the end of the world, leaving only some buildings with a relatively stable foundation.

There are still many buildings left behind. Looking for them one by one, she found yeast powder from the corners of the inconspicuous steamed bun shop, and took two stainless steel steamers, which could be used after growing wheat in the future.

After taking the steamer, Lin Ling continued to walk forward and found unopened yeast powder from several pasta stores. She didn't have too much. Anyway, it will be used in the future.

Next, I found a place to sell shoes, where there were rain shoes, cloth shoes and inferior sneakers. Because the inferior quality was not robbed, Lin Ling found a few pairs of sizes that she could wear and took them back.

In addition, she found a national brand store selling skin care products next to her. She touched her slightly water-deficient skin, found several boxes of unopened water cream from the cabinet, and took it back to see if it could be used.

After walking hundreds of meters along this street, Lin Ling found another farmers' market. The roof of the farmers' market collapsed obliquely, and the place where she could see was devastated.

Lin Ling sighed and looked for some seasonings in the shop that had not completely collapsed. He also found some seasonings, some dried ginger, garlic and Sichuan peppercorn. These things have not been stir-fried. You can take them back to try to see if they can be planted. If so, some seed problems have been solved.

When she came out of the farmers' market, it was almost dark, and it was quiet around, only she pulled the sound of the flatbed car.

"Now find a place to live." Lin Ling towed the flatbed cart forward.

Xiao Green sat on Lin Ling's shoulder and pointed to the uncollapsed shop next to her with leaves.

"Go to the front." Lin Ling did not intend to treat herself unfairly and dragged a flat trailer to an abandoned hotel in front of him.

As Lin Ling was about to reach the door of a hotel, Lin Ling suddenly stopped. She frowned and looked at the firelight at the corner in front of her, and there was a faint voice.

Chapter 13

People suddenly appeared in the abandoned and lonely city, which was a dangerous lucky sign. Lin Ling stepped back lightly and tried to avoid unnecessary trouble.

But her flat cart was not the same as her. She accidentally got stuck in the crack in the stone. She pulled the flat cart out hard, and there was a lot of noise when pulling it.

Lin Ling listened to the movement on the other side of the alley and cursed in the bottom of her heart. She couldn't bear to lower her voice, and the cart and flatbed began to run back.

But she couldn't run at all by pushing the heavy flatbed car. Soon, the two of them were blocked. They looked up and down at Lin Ling. After seeing clearly that it was still a woman, they exchanged eyes with each other.

A short bald man pretended to be relieved, "I thought it was a mutant beast. It turned out to be a person, just a person."

Another tall man with a cap approached Lin Ling a little: "Are you alone?"

Lin Ling stepped back two steps and said coldly, "Is it related to you?"

The tall man was not angry and smiled kindly: "It's not safe for you a girl to run around outside this night. We are many people, why don't we have a companion?"

Lin Ling refused indifferently: "No."

"You don't have to be so vigilent. We just pass by this place and just want to ask you kindly." The short man rubbed his hands and said in a white breath: "After all, the hell is too cold at night. Let's get together to make a warmer fire."

The tall man nodded in agreement and said it was very cold, "We brought a pot and cooked meat. Would you like to drink some?"

Where would anyone be so kind in the end of the world? It's not that there are ghosts in other pictures. Lin Ling glanced at the two of them quietly, moved her fingers slightly, and grabbed Xiaolu in the palm of her hand: "Only you two?"

Tall men say yes.

Lin Ling squeezed her lips and smiled, "Isn't it said that there are many people to be lively?"

The tall man exchanged obscene eyes with the short man, "Only our two brothers can make you feel lively."

"Only you two are fine." In this way, she didn't have to worry about their help. Lin Ling pushed the flatbed car hard and hit the lower body of the tall man.

"Damn it!" The tall man covered his bottom/screamed with pain: "Second, grab her! I don't believe it. I won't play her to death today!"

"Play with your sister!" Lin Ling pushed the flatbed car and hit the short man away fiercely!

The two of them were not low-mealed to be homeless in the end of the world. They soon realized and didn't pretend. They rushed up scoldingly: "Stinky/bitch/zi, it's the first time I've met someone who dares to play tricks on me for so long."

"Catch her and cook a few more meals after playing." The tall man got up and strode towards Lin Ling.

Lin Ling's heart sank when she heard what the two people said. These two people were homeless.

In the early days of the end of the world, various powers established safety zones one after another. Because of the uneven quality of the powers and the frequent occurrence of various humiliating killings, many infights were caused. When the population plummeted in the later period, the state began to establish laws after returning to civilian bases in various places in order not to let human beings perish. Everyone also observed discipline on the surface. .

However, many people are unwilling to accept management, so they directly escape from the safe zone and wander outside. This kind of people are called homeless people.

Some homeless people are simply wandering, while some homeless people kill and steal everything. If they catch women, they will be stronger and eat them when they die, without any goodness.

Lin Ling's back is cold. Why is it so unlucky today!"

The short man punched out a big groove in the stainless steel steamer on the flatbed car: "Stinky/Bitch, don't fucking toast or eat penalty wine!"

Powerful people? Lin Ling subconsciously pushed the cart aside, but don't smash the generator she finally found.

When the short man saw Lin Ling hiding behind, "Isn't it quite bold? What are you hiding from?"

"I'm afraid I won't hide. I'll be vomited by you later!" Lin Ling turned around and ran to the open space behind.

"Stop the fuck!" The tall man was a speed power. In the blink of an eye, he ran to Lin Ling and stopped her: "Do you think you can still run when you meet our two brothers?"

"Are you as a woman and dare to be arrogant with me? I advise you not to move obediently, otherwise it will be terrible to ruin your face!" Short men seem to be bound to win Lin Ling.

"The woman is in your way?" Lin Ling has seen faster speed powers. These two people don't look very strong, so she still has a chance. She pinched Xiao Green and gave him a hint.

The two of them couldn't help laughing. In their minds, women had no other farts except having children. It was useless before the end of the world, and even more useless after the end of the world. What else can they do but rely on their bodies to seduce people?

The tall man flashed to Lin Ling and picked it up with her collar. "Where are you going now?"

Lin Ling suppressed the nausea at the bottom of her heart, raised her hand and fell gently on the man's chest, feeling the position of her heartbeat: "You need to be a little gentlemanly manner towards women."

The tall man looked at the soft and slender hands that fell on his chest and smiled obscenely: "How nice you were to go back with us just now. It's so ugly now."

"It doesn't matter. I can make a little worse." Lin Ling urged the power, controlled Xiaolu to pierce the tall man's chest fiercely, poked his heart, and then made a knot in it, "Is it cool?"

The tall man looked down at the green vine pierced his chest, and looked at Lin Ling in disbelief: "You... You..."

Lin Ling tightened the vine and hooked her lips: "Don't underestimate women, okay?"

The short man didn't know what had happened. Looking at the tall man standing still, he patted the tall man on the shoulder and urged, "Boss, let's take the man back and play slowly."

Lin Ling looked over the tall shoulder, looked at the short man behind him, smiled at the short man, then controlled Xiao Green, pierced the tall man's back hard, and directly pierced the short man's shoulder fiercely.

The short man looked at the tree vine piercing his shoulder and was stunned. "Are you a wooden power?"

Lin Ling smiled and said, "Yes."

"How is that possible?" The short man pulled out the vine hard, and his shoulders began to bleed: "You're just a wooden power..."

Lin Ling pointed on the ground and landed on the ground. Then she pulled out Xiaolu, pushed away the dead tall man, wiped the blood stains on his hand: "Is the wooden power in your way?"

"How is that possible?" In the minds of the short man, the wooden power grows a variety of vegetables, so that the dead wood is not lethal at all in spring, and they are both superpowers. How can they be easily solved by a wooden power?

"How can it be impossible? After all, the wooden power belongs to one of the five major systems. Lin Ling hooked her lips: "But you can't even discharge the waste in five major departments."

"You fucking loser!" The short man looked at the fallen eldest brother and didn't expect to fold on a woman's hand today, so angry that he accumulated strength and hit Lin Ling.

Lin Ling hid back, and the short fist fell to the ground, directly smashing the ground into a big hole. "Don't hide if you have the ability!"

"Don't you hide from me?" Lin Ling waved Xiao Green directly, rolled up the short man and threw it out of the street on the other side of the street.

The short man flew out and landed directly on several abandoned cars by the roadside, smashing a huge pit: "Oh..."

Lin Ling didn't let him go, but caught up directly. The short man was so scared that he spit blood and ran in the direction of the fire.

When Lin Ling caught up, the short man dragged a tied child in front of him: "You let me go and I'll give you the food."

Lin Ling glanced at the child tied up as food. He was not on her recipe.

"How's it going? If you agree, we will be cleared up." The short man thought that he could eat the boss after losing this food, except for the old meat.

Lin Ling did not nod or refuse, but said, "You put him down."

"Okay, let's make a deal." The short man put the child down and then turned around to run.

Lin Ling waved Xiao Green and tied up the short man who was not as far away in the future.

The short man scolded his mother angrily: "It doesn't count what you say! Hurry up and let me go!"

"When did I promise you?" Lin Ling looked at the embarrassed short man indifferently and stabbed his limbs by the way, and the blood suddenly flowed.

"Ah... My hand... My feet..." The short man was so scared that his buttocks peeed. "Don't kill me... Please don't kill me..."

Lin Ling asked coldly, "How many people have begged you like this?"

The short man can't remember clearly: "Please let me go. I won't dare anymore. I will be a good man in the future..."

"I let you go. Have you let others go?" Whoever is strong in the end of the world is reasonable. If it is not her who is strong today, then she is the begger for mercy. Will they forgive her?

Lin Ling looked at the short man disgustedly, and then controlled Xiaolu to poke a few holes in the short man. After poking, he took back Xiao Green, who was full of blood, and wiped the blood stains on his hands.

After wiping his hands clean, Lin Ling glanced at the short man who was trying to crawl away indifferently, and then walked to the tied child. After squatting down, he looked at the child's big eyes full of vigilance and fear.

"It's okay." Lin Ling trembled with fear when he saw the child and wanted to pat him gently on the head, but before he approached, he dodged.

Lin Ling withdrew her hand carelessly and untied the kid: "You find a place to stay tonight and go back to find someone you are familiar with after dawn."

Lin Ling explained and walked to her flatbed car. The steamer was beaten by the short man, and she had to replace two good ones.

After Lin Ling's cart was walking forward, she heard a slight movement behind her. She looked back and saw a thin and slender shadow on the ground. He walked towards the people lying on the ground with a sharp thing in his hand.

Chapter 14

After dark, the fog gradually devoured the whole city.

Lin Ling quickly found a clean place to hide. She didn't dare to light the fire. She huddled in the corner and kept wiping her hands with a watery veil, and wiped the blood in the cracks in her nails. The faint rust made her feel uncomfortable.

The end of the world has long been used to life and death, but it always makes her uncomfortable. She doesn't want to hurt others, but in order to survive, she has to do so. Who would think it's long? Lin Ling laughed at herself.

She leaned against the cold wall. The strong calmness just dispersed, and her fingers trembled slightly. If it hadn't been for the two people despised her as a single woman today, she might not have been able to run away at all.

Xiaolu sensed Lin Ling's trembling, gently wrapped around her arm, gently comforted her, so that she was not afraid.

"I'm not afraid." Lin Ling was actually a little afraid in her heart, but she didn't want to tell Xiaolu, otherwise she would climb on his head again to show off his power.

If you are not afraid, is it cold? Little Green arched Gong Linling's arm: ignition pile.

"No." Lin Ling was afraid that the ignition would lead to several evil wanderers. Just wear a thicker and stay overnight.

Lin Ling wrapped her thick down jacket, hugged her legs, and buried her head on her knees. There was continuous yin gas around her, which made her unable to fall asleep. She sat down all night and barely narrowed for a while until about six o'clock in the morning. When the light shone into the gray tube building after dawn, she slowly woke up.

Lin Ling rubbed her eyes and looked out of the window. Before the fog dissipated, she was not in a hurry to leave. She took out a cooked potato and ate it slowly. After eating the potatoes, the fog completely dissipated, revealing the deserted and lonely city.

Lin Ling pushed the flatbed car out of the residence and walked slowly out in the direction of leaving the city. As she walked, she picked up something that might be useful.

The road out of the city is different from the road to the city. After leaving the city, Lin Ling stopped when she walked out of the city and detoured the road from the peri-urban area and passed the street of the peri-urban area.

Lin Ling looked back at the empty street behind her, and then turned around and walked towards the street inside. She was lucky and found some sauces that had not been opened from behind a funeral shop selling funeral supplies.

After coming out of this store, I continued to walk back. The shop next door was full of steamers, tables, chairs, bowls and chopsticks, which looked like a special banquet business in a rural village. Lin Ling went to the house and found about a hundred pieces of honeycomb coal under the eaves outside the toilet.

Everyone in the city uses natural gas, and some commissary also use gas canisters. Basically, few people use honeycomb coal. Lin Ling remembers that she seldom sees this thing again after high school. She didn't expect to see it here.

Lin Ling picked up a piece and pinched it. It was still useful. "Take all these back."

Little Green despises black carbon-like honeycomb coal: What should I take it back for?

"It can be used for cooking when there is no firewood." Lin Ling remembered that there was a honeycomb coal stove where she lived now, and it was just right to take back the honeycomb coal.

This urban junction is located in the suburbs and there are some fields around it, so Lin Ling also found some hoes and other agricultural tools from some houses. Lin Ling took off the wooden handle on the hoe and left only a piece of hoe on the surface, which was convenient to take some.

Little Green pointed to the room next to it: There are still some here.

"I can't hold it." Lin Ling looked at the flatbed cart, which was already full of flat carts, and there was really no way to install it anymore.

Xiao Green glanced at the tall and full flat cart: find another one.

"No." Lin Ling felt that it would be perfect to find two shopping carts to load things now, but there are only grocery stores on this street, no large supermarkets, and shopping carts will definitely not be found.

Little Green is dissatisfied: It won't work after you don't take it.

"Little Green, I'm not used to suddenly becoming so worried." Lin Ling glanced at Xiao Green doubtfully and guessed if it had any small abacus.

Xiao Green, who was stared at, was a little guilty. She shook the leaves and poked Lin Ling on the back of his hand fiercely: Whatever you want.

"Are you guilty of being so angry?" Lin Ling lit two leaves on Xiaolu's head and suddenly found that Xiaolu's leaves had grown a little: "Why, your leaves have grown bigger?"

Little Green shook the leaves and was very happy: Really?

"Really." Before Xiao Lu was happy, Lin Ling said again, "Did you suddenly get bigger last night and stretch your leaves up? Now you can't restore them?"

Little Green:...

Lin Ling didn't care about the two leaves that Xiao Green twisted quickly: "You can't do this. Your body is deformed and it doesn't look good. You need to exercise more and go down and push the cart for me."

The little green was so angry that the leaves stood up, and the branches wrapped around Lin Ling's fingers and strangled fiercely: I'm so angry!

Lin Ling threw away Xiao Green in pain, "It hurts so much."

Little green fork waist: You deserve it! Who told you to say me!

Lin Ling rubbed her fingers and said, "That's the truth. Don't you admit it? You have to accept the reality."

Little Green would be so angry that if they hadn't been companions, he would have bit her to death!

Little green jumped to the ground and ran to the front.

Lin Ling looked at Xiao Lv's emerald back and smiled a little more in her eyes. Last night's events kept her depressed. She deliberately said a few words cheaply with Xiao Green. She was indeed in a much better mood, but then again, did Xiao Green's leaves really be stretched up and could not recover?

In the blink of an eye, Xiaolu ran away. Lin Ling pushed the flatbed car and quickly caught up. When she reached the corner ahead, she saw Xiao Green waving leaves at her with a pile of waste bricks.

Lin Ling stepped forward: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Green pointed the leaf to the yard behind it, and then pushed Lin Ling in.

"What's in it?" Lin Ling pushed open the rusty iron door, and the big iron door creaked, and I don't know how long it took no one to come.

It's just convenient for Lin Ling not to come. She looked for it in the room and was looted for food and clothing. "There's nothing."

Xiaolu pushed Lin Ling to the back of the house and found that there were several mu of fields directly connected outside the back door of the yard, and there was a hut next to it. The small shed next to the pit was full of farm tools.

"You let me get the hoe?" Lin Ling looked at the hoe next to the pit, "My flatbed car can't be installed anymore."

Little Green shook the leaves and said no: Go and have a look in the room.

Lin Ling glanced at the black puddle and then looked back at Xiaolu, who pushed her heels away. "Don't you want to push me into the puddle, do you?"

Little Green shook the leaves and akimbo angrily: Am I such a narrow-minded vine?

"You are." Lin Ling smiled and said, "Don't think I don't know about you beating Dahei."

Little Green is so irritable that he wants to beat people: forget it if you don't go to see it. Don't blame me for regretting it in the future.

"Then I really went to see it." Lin Ling picked up Xiao Green and put it in her hand. She walked curiously towards Xiao Pianshan: "What the hell is it?"

When he walked in, Lin Ling found that there was a dirty tricycle parked in the corner. The tricycle did not generate electricity, but could be ridden directly.

This is good.

Lin Ling immediately went to the side of the tricycle and took a closer look. She found that except for the surface was a little rusty, the rest of which looked intact. She pulled it out and rode again. Except for the lack of oil at the chain and the crunching, there was nothing wrong.

It's also very simple to solve the crunching. Lin Ling poured the diesel she found on the chain a little, and there was no crunching sound when riding again. "It's convenient to have this tricycle."

Little Green jumped on the handle of the tricycle and shook the leaves proudly: I didn't lie to you.

"Little Green, you are so awesome. You have helped me a lot today." Lin Ling saw that the rear bucket of the tricycle was quite large. She could not only put all the things in the flatbed car, but also a lot of things.

Hearing the praise, Xiao Green shook the leaves arrogantly: Didn't you think I cheated you?

The current affairs are handsome. Lin Ling was afraid that Xiaolu would make trouble again. She followed his words and said, "I am the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Please forgive me."

The arrogant little green shook the leaves and jumped somewhere else.

Lin Ling knew that Xiao Lv was not angry, and she was secretly relieved. Although Xiao Green was just a vine, it was also a vine she couldn't afford to provoke. Last night, if it hadn't been for Xiao Green's blessing, she would definitely not have solved the problem of two people with ordinary branches and grass vines.

Lin Ling moved all the things on the flatbed car to the tricycle, then folded the flatbed car and put it on the car. There was still one-third of the space left. She decided to find something else to install.

Lin Ling went to the trot outside the back door and found a hoe and a tiller from the farm tools inside. The tiller was very suitable to take back to dig more than two million mu of wasteland left by Lin Ling, but it needed refueling to use it. Anyway, take it back first. If diesel oil can be found later, it can be used.

After having a tricycle, Lin Ling felt that she was more ruthless. She took everything she could. You can't go all the way back empty-handed, right?

After Lin Ling took the tiller, she looked at the pockets hanging on the wall. The bags were full of dust and dirty, but they looked heavy and filled a lot of things.

Lin Ling took it down and took a look. There were more than a dozen packs of pesticides in it, which were weeding and pesticide respectively.

Lin Ling thought about the bare mountain bag at home. The weeding ones were not needed for the time being, and the insecticides seemed to be useless, but take them all back first. What if they could be used in the future? I just don't know if it can still be used after the shelf life of seven or eight years.

He continued to rummag in his pocket. When he turned down, Lin Ling rummaged up a huge surprise. There were more than a dozen cabbage seeds below. Each bag was a different vegetable seed, and each bag had two hundred grams.

Lin Ling looked carefully at the packaging pocket and found that the seal was intact, and there were no moths in it. They could be planted directly. That's really great!

Lin Ling, who has been trying to find seeds these days, is finally relieved, and there is no need to worry about growing vegetables.

"Little Green, you are such a lucky star."

Little Green shook the leaves happily: You have to share my meat.

"Okay, I'll share it for you when I go back." Lin Ling paused, "You can find more next, and I'll give you more points then."

Xiaolu patted Lin Ling's hand with the leaves and gave a high-five, so it's settled!

Then Xiaolu continued to walk forward. Lin Ling pushed the tricycle and followed him forward a few steps. Then she stopped and turned his head to look at the corner and said in a low voice, "Come out!"

Chapter 15

Lin Ling pushed the tricycle and took a few steps forward. Hearing a slight movement behind her, she looked at the corner with guard and said, "Come out!"

No one answered, only her voice echoed in the empty street. Lin Ling squeezed the stick he had just picked up and took a few steps around the corner: "Don't hide, I've seen you."

There was still no movement at the corner. Lin Ling thought it was really stubble. When she walked to the corner, she saw a panicked little dirty face.

The child didn't expect Lin Ling to really come over, which scared him to lower his head quickly.

Although he only looked at him, Lin Ling still recognized him, the child rescued from two homeless people last night. Lin Ling looked at the little rag hat on the child's head, which was dirty and torn, and crooked on his head.

Lin Ling frowned: "Why are you?"

The child lowered his head awkwardly, and his dark hands tightly pulled a dirty old cloth bag, as if very afraid.

"What are you doing with me?" Lin Ling is not a crazy villain. She has no harm to children, and of course he doesn't have much good intentions. "Don't follow me anymore."

The child didn't squeak, but still stared down at his dirty shoes that were worn out to his toes.

Lin Ling was not so kind that she didn't want to take a child on her way. She said coldly, "When it's still early, you can go back to find someone you know earlier."

Speaking of this, Lin Ling thought of last night's wanderer and told him again, "This world is full of cannibalism. Go a little and don't be caught again."

A faint invisible light flashed in the child's gloomy eyes, but he kept lowering his head, and Lin Ling didn't notice.

After saying that, Lin Ling turned around and walked back to the tricycle, pushed the tricycle forward.

Maybe he was found, and the child was not afraid. He didn't hide anymore, and just pulled his shoes and came out.

Lin Ling frowned at the child, "Don't follow me."

The child lowered his head and said nothing.

"Are you mute?" Lin Ling calmly said, "Don't follow me anymore."

Lin Ling continued to walk forward, and the child followed again. As soon as she stopped, the child also stopped. She looked at the child angrily: "What the hell do you want? You still want to rely on me, don't you?"

The child doesn't squeak.

"I saved you. Don't bite the revenge." Lin Ling lost patience with the child. She looked at a street lamppost on the roadside and threatened the child: "If you follow me again, I will tie you up and hang you on the street lamppost."

Fear/frightening worked, and the child didn't dare to follow up again.

Lin Ling was secretly relieved, but looking at the child's drooping head, she seemed to be scared, and suddenly felt that she was a little too much?

Looking at his young age, he may be about the same age as his brother. Lin Ling thought of his family who had been away for a long time. There was a touch of pain in her heart. She sighed gently from the bottom of her heart, took out two remaining cooked potatoes from the bag and stuffed them into the child: "Take it."

The child didn't want it, but smelling potatoes, his stomach purred.

"Take it." Lin Lingsai gave it to the child, "You save a little food. Go back to find someone you are familiar with. If not, go to the safe area, where you will take in a child as young as you."

"Hide a little person away, don't run out as stupidly as today, don't stay in the wild at night, try to find a house to hide, do you understand?" Lin Ling took a last look at the child: "Don't follow me!"

After Lin Ling explained, she pushed the tricycle forward, but the child did not follow up again and disappeared into the streets with two potatoes in his arms.

Little Green shook the leaves: He cheated you out of your potatoes.

Lin Ling looked back at the empty street: "I don't know."

Xiao Green poked Lin Ling in the arm with disgust, fool.

Lin Ling squeezed her lips and said nothing. She pushed the tricycle and continued to search for the rest of the house.

With the experience of looking for seeds just now, Lin Ling went into the house and looked in the direction of the hut behind the house. According to this rule, she really found a lot of cabbage seeds.

"Why are they all vegetable seeds? If only there were grain seeds." Lin Ling said so, but she didn't dislike these vegetables at all. She put them all in her backpack and felt relieved to carry them close to her.

Little Green arched in front of the arch: Keep looking.

"Okay." Lin Ling continued to walk along the street and found a bicycle in the corner of a house. In addition to rust, everything else was also intact.

Bicycles are a good means of transportation. Before the end of the world, colorful shared bicycles could be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys, but now it is almost impossible to see them in the city. I don't know if everyone feels that driving is too congested and they all ride bicycles to run away.

Lin Ling thought of her three hundred thousand mu of land, and it was quite time-consuming to travel around. It was also very convenient to walk with bicycles. The most important thing was that she didn't need oil and electricity!

Lin Ling tied her bicycle to the tricycle, and the tricycle could no longer hold other big things. She looked at the time and the sun was already west. She slowly pushed the car and continued to walk outside the city, having to rush to the first place to sleep at night before dark.

Then there was no further delay. He rushed over the road directly and arrived at the shabby house I had selves at night.

The familiar door lit a fire, then threw the raw potatoes into the fire, and the fragrance gradually floated out after roasting for half an hour.

Lin Ling took a wooden stick and pulled the potatoes out of the fire. As soon as she reached out and picked them up, she was scalded by the potatoes. After shaking it a few times, she found that it hurts so much and blew it quickly.

Little Green laughed back and down: How stupid!

"You are stupid." Lin Ling blew a few more times, and then stretched out her hand to the potato after the pain disappeared.

This time, she picked it up with a stick, gently blowed the grass and wood ash on it, peeled off the outer layer of charred shell, and the slightly scorched potato fragrance inside came on the surface, which made her stomach, which could have endure, suddenly purring.

"It smells so good." Lin Ling took a bite at the peeled place, which was fragrant, soft and hot. She opened her mouth and sucked cold air vigorously. After the potatoes in her mouth cooled down, she dared to chew and swallow them a few times.

Lin Ling continued to peel the shell and said as she ate, "This roast potato will be more fragrant with a little cumin powder and chili sprouts."

Little green arched the backpack next to the arch, which means that you can add it.

"It's easy to spill it after dismantling, but it's better not to dismantle it." Lin Ling didn't want to open the complete package of seasonings because she was greedy for a while. There were still many potatoes at home, and it was not too late to go back to cook slowly.

Xiao Green shook the leaves carelessly: whatever you want.

After eating the hot potatoes, Lin Ling warmed up all over, and then began to lean against the wall and close her eyes to refresh herself. There was a fire tonight, which was easier to stay up than last night.

When she woke up the next day, Lin Ling extinguished the fire and continued to go on the way. On the way, she passed a river. The river had been cut off, but there was still a faint green place next to the river.

When Lin Ling came, she planned to pull up some vegetation roots and plant them, so when she arrived here, she stopped, dug up a bundle of vegetation roots, and picked up some tea tree fruits on the hillside next to her.

All the surrounding mountains are planted with tea trees, but because of the long drought and no one takes care of them, the tea trees on the hillside are withered and yellow. Fortunately, the fire one hundred and sixty kilometers away has not burned, otherwise these places will become black.

If Lin Ling could, he would quite want to change the land here, at least it was not burned up. The only drawback is that there are mountains around it, and the fields are also scattered. Unlike the land assigned to her by the state, the fields are relatively concentrated and flat, and the surrounding mountains are just hill bags, unlike the nearby mountains, which are more difficult to climb.

Compared with these shortcomings and the land allocated by the country to itself, Lin Ling instantly felt that the land was also quite good. When the vegetation grows, it will definitely be better than here.

Thinking of this, Lin Ling was full of energy and found a lot of fruits in the tea forest with a bag. In addition, she was afraid that the fruit of the tea tree could not germinate, so she directly dug up some tea roots and went back.

After picking up the tea and fruit, Lin Ling began to walk back. There were several small farmyards not far ahead. Lin Ling looked at it early and went there again, just like a bandit entering the village, not letting go of any corner.

Grain must not be expected. I can only see if there are any other varieties of branches and seeds. After looking for it, I picked up some unknown fruits. No matter what it is, take it back and plant it first.

Finally, I walked into a small yard piled up with stone walls. From the exterior wall, I felt very simple and it was also a well-preserved yard around.

After entering the yard, she found that there were some flowers and plants planted in the corner of the yard, but due to the lack of water, there was only a pile of dead grass left. Lin Ling took a look and went straight into the room and found some flower seeds in the room.

In the end of the world, everyone fought for a bite every day. Who still has the leisure to raise flowers and enjoy them? Lin Ling curled her lips and threw the seeds into her bag. When there was leisure in the future, she planted a few flowers to have a look.

Lin Ling entered the room and saw two bones with an iron bolt in a room with photos of the elderly. It should have been solved after turning into a zombie.

The room was empty and nothing. She went to another room, which was a study with a lot of photos and some certificates of excellent teachers.

Lin Ling quickly guessed that the bones lying on the ground of the next room should be a teacher and wife. The study was turned up in a mess. She had little hope, but in the end, she found a lot of good things from the solid wood table drawer by the window.

There is a radio in a drawer, which should be used by the elderly living in this room to listen to the news every day. Lin Ling pressed it casually, and a groove popped up on the radio with a tape in it.

"What is this?" Lin Ling was not very old before the end of the world. At that time, she was exposed to digital copyright music and rarely saw CDs and tapes.

Lin Ling rummaged through the drawer again and found dozens of boxes in another drawer. On the surface of the boxes were playlists on the A and B sides. There were more than twenty songs in total, some of which she had heard.

"So there is music on it." This is the first time Lin Ling saw the tape and felt a little strange. "I don't know if it can still be played."

Lin Ling checked the radio and found that it could be plugged in or discharge the battery. She happened to have taken a lot of batteries and could take them back to have a try.

So Lin Ling packed the radio and all the tapes and moved it away.

Thinking of listening to music at home, Lin Ling was in a good mood along the way. In this way, she arrived at the familiar boundary at noon on the ninth day of her house, but before entering the village, she had to solve a small tail: "I've been with me all the way, why don't you come out?"

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