Azur Lane: Under the Iron Sky

By DailydoseofAdler

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You are Project Verstaff or what many called you, "Y/n" you are the newest ship of the Siegfried class of Spa... More

Y/n Bio
Chapter 1: New beginnings
Smol Preview

Chapter 2

425 9 3
By DailydoseofAdler

Date: ???
Location: At Azur Lane

The damage caused by Akagi, Kaga and the siren ships we're not to massive to completely annihilate the base, now Prince of Wales, Illustrious and yourself are talking about the recent attack

Prince of Wales: They got us, i didn't expect them to attack us first

Illustrious: We're not surprised they joined the Ironblood and to be expected

Prince of Wales: Perhaps they moved too soon, they don't know the sirens power how dangerous it is

Y/n: I mean it makes sense, using your enemies' technology against themselves is a smart tactic i'd say

Prince of Wales: Wait so you agree with the Crimson Axis?

Y/n: No, if you can easily defeat those siren things it makes no sense to use their technology... im suspecting something here...

Prince of Wales: Which is?

Y/n: Do you think that the Crimson Axis have allied with the Sirens? Or the Sirens might have manipulated one of them and they were behind this whole split

Illustrious: That makes sense... but why did they agree to this?

Y/n: There is no answer to that until we find their hidden secrets

Prince of Wales: Oh and where did you come from? Im curious

Y/n: Uh.. me? (Thoughts: Wait, they don't recognize my design? That is odd since everyone on earth knows us, im fairly sure my theory of being in another world is true)

Prince of Wales: Yeah you

Y/n: Well you see... im from the moon

This shocked everyone

Illustrious: The moon? Wait does that mean you can fly to space?

Y/n: That's why my aircraft is circular and that i can fly around like aircraft instead of skiing on water like you regular ships

Prince of Wales: I see

Illustrious: I wonder, what is the feeling of flying like planes?

Y/n: Weird i'd say, it feels like your swimming but your not drowning and your feet have 2 boosters each allowing you to move around the sky in fast speeds

Illustrious: Interesting, anyways back to the topic, we need to focus on rebuilding, the main Royal Navy forces will be arriving soon, we mustn't be caught off-guard ever again

Prince of Wales: And thank goodness for you and Eagle Union's Enterprise

Illustrious: Yes, but at great risk to her own insistence

Prince of Wales: Her strength is limitless, she fights without hesitation like an arrow loosed from it's bow and yet...

Illustrious: Let us not forget that when a bow is strung too tightly it can easily snap

- Timeskip brought to you by Y/n searching for the scientific name of pig (Y/N NO DON'T YOU DARE) -

Cleveland: Keep it steady! Almost there! And... stop! *sigh* can't believe how much maintenance we still have to do...

- Meanwhile -

San Diego: Loot at my ship! *proceeds to cry*

Glowworm: It's bad

- Meanwhile -

Cleveland: I wish we have at least had a repair ship to help us out with this mess...

Y/n: My brother has repair drones but.... he's gone now..

Cleveland: Oh, im sorry to hear that...

Y/n: Don't be, it's my loss, but that doesn't matter now

Cleveland: *spots Enterprise* Hey! Enterprise! *running* you shouldn't be here right now, you should be recovering from how hard you pushed in that last battle

Enterprise: Im fine thanks...

Cleveland: How is that possible?!

Enterprise: All emergency repairs are complete, i've still got some fight left in me *falls down*

Y/n: *Catches Enterprise* No, it's best you rest

Enterprise: The enemy hasn't gone very far, i'm not going to lower my guard just yet... *gets up and walks away*

Y/n: *sigh* Is she always like this?

Cleveland: yea... gets annoying most of the time

- Meanwhile -
(At this point ill change the dialogue of the characters slightly and slightly change some events)

Akagi: Hmm... do you think we should capture him?

Kaga: Yes, he could help us in completing Project Orochi

Akagi: But how though?

Kaga: Well we could ask Lady Nagato and she could lend us a small task force but we do need Ironblood's help on this as well...

Prinz Eugen: *jumps down* I could ask Lord Bismarck to help us on this

Akagi: Will she agree?

Prinz Eugen: Hopefully yes

Then a red paper plane (or ninja star idk) flew above everyone and reported something of importance, this was one of Zuikaku's planes

Zuikaku: My elders, i found a detachment force

Kaga: It's just as Ayanami reported

Akagi: Well then i guess we have another chance to toy with them, alright 5th Division they're yours, i know your still new but this is hardly a difficult errand, and if you spot him, report it back to me understood?

Zuikaku: Understood

Akagi: Good, moving on, i have a request Prinz Eugen, famed warrior of Ironblood

Kaga: The 5th Carrier Division found leftovers, we shouldn't let them go

Akagi: I am so embarrased to admit this, but i worry deeply about my juniors daily, if they had just Ironblood support on their side, i know i'd feel more secure about their endeavors

Prinz Eugen: Alright, ill take Z23 and that Ayanami girl from your camp, but what if he joins the battle?

Kaga: Then retreat immediately, we don't want any major casualties

Akagi: Yes, he is Azur lane's most dangerous asset, facing him is suicidal, and i don't think your cannons can shoot that far since he is a Aircraft-Ship hybrid of sorts

- Timeskip brought to you by all three infamous yanderes (Taihou, Akagi, Roon) chasing Y/n -

Z23: Ayanami

Ayanami: Hm? Z23?

Z23: We are being sent on a mission, we'll be heading out soon so please follow me

Ayanami: There's another battle already?

Z23: Yes, an enemy fleet is away from their base, we will strike them before they return

Ayanami: Enemy... *flashbacks* it's not that i'm against fighting, but i don't like it either

(I gotta cut Z23 here because even though its a dub the damn CC failed me and thus i cannot comprehend what she just spoke ;-;)

Ayanami: How about what you like? Do you enjoy fighting?

Z23: It's not about me either, our preferences are not relevant, we have a duty to execute our mission, we don't get to choose the mission, we're warships after all, our entire purpose is to fight when requested

Ayanami: How can that be all there is? I don't understand

- Meanwhile -

Back to the Azur lane base, Javelin and Laffey were having a picnic and a small conversation

Javelin: That girl, i hope she's okay

Laffey: Hmm? Oh, you mean Ayanami?

Javelin: Ayanami.. right *sigh* i wonder if we have to fight her

Then an eagle flew around and landed in a tree

Laffey: That bird...

Then Javelin and Laffey spotted Enterprise and You with a serious face

Javelin: *stands up* Hello there Enterprise and Y/n!

Y/n: Hello...

- Smol Timeskip brought to you by Y/n doing a full 360 headshot on Observer Alpha -

Javelin: Would you two like a bite of my food?

Enterprise: No, but thank you

Y/n: Sorry but no *takes out Panzerschokolade* Wait wrong one *gets Chocolate* There we go *Eats Chocolate* wait a minute... *looks at the name of the chocolate which is actually a pervitin bottle* Uh oh, looks like im not gonna sleep tonight

(For those who don't know what a Panzerschokolade and a Pervitin bottle is, Panzerschokolade is basically chocolate with Meth and a Pervitin Bottle is literally a bottle of Meth tablets)

Enterprise: Huh? What's in that?

Y/n: *sweats* N-nothing... (Thoughts: Should i really tell them it's basically drugs?)

Enterprise: Hmm... alright then..

Laffey: Enterprise, are you hurt?

Enterprise: So you can tell, it seems my healing has slowed down lately

Then a Panzerhund came to you running which scared the life out of everyone

(This is a Panzerhund)

Enterprise: What is that thing?!

Y/n: *pats the head of the Panzerhund* Hey Liesel, where's your brothers?

Then three more Panzerhunds came

Y/n: Hey Karabiner, Ostland and Zeiss

Javelin: Uhm what are those?

Y/n: My pets!

What you just said absolutely shocked everyone

Enterprise: YOUR PETS?!?! That thing looks like it's gonna eat us all!

Y/n: Don't worry! Unless you attack it, it won't eat you! Now, now, who want's some Panzerschokolade~?

Then out of the blue the four Panzerhunds spoke up

Liesel: Me, me!

Ostland: Can it be me?

Zeiss: I want some!

Karabiner: Nein! Im the best dog here! I deserve one!

Y/n: Calm down you four, i've got plenty! Here catch! *throws Panzerschokolade*

Your Panzerhunds then started to run after the Panzerschokolade

(How the hell can those massive robot dogs eat that? AND HOW CAN THEY TALK!?!?!?)

- Meanwhile -

Northampton: Hamman, calm down!

Hamman: Are you kidding?! How can you expect me to be calm when my entire base is threatened right now?!

Helena: Because, we just told you the base has reported that the enemies have already been repelled

(Gotta cut Hamman here because i don't know what she just said. Just imagine what the absolute nonsense did she just say ok?)

Northampton: How is she so spastic? She's been like this since yesterday

Long Island: This ghost is so exhausted, i need some shut eye

Arizona: Thank goodness the enemy was at least pushed back, i heard it was enterprise and someone else who did it

Northampton: Wait, Hornet isn't that your-

Hornet: My sister yeah i guess it is a bit annoying being related to a champion, and who is this someone?

Hamman: Hey! The enemy can show up here at any moment! Less chit-chat, Let's get focused!

Hornet: Right, i suppose Hamman does have a point, it really would be in our best interest to hear this party along!

Helena: Everyone, listen!

Arizona: What's wrong Helena?

Hornet: Well darn, i guess we were too slow

Then two carriers started approaching them

Northampton: Sakura Empire Carriers..

Long Island: *scared* They look really strong

Hamman: I ain't scared at a bunch of bathtub tugboats, let me handle these goons!


- Meanwhile on the 2 Sakura Empire Carriers -

Shoukaku: How could our superiors be so mean and bully me like this? I didn't do anything right Zuikaku?

Zuikaku: You really shouldn't take it so personally big sis, besides we have a good opportunity here, the first carrier elders will finally see our strength

Shoukaku: I see, i admire the way your always thinking ahead Zuikaku, and im giving you my word that i will always have your back no matter what

Zuikaku: And as long as your with me i have nothing to fear!

(*looks at Y/n* Yea no, your good as dead)

- Meanwhile -

Prince of Wales: We have to go help Hornet and the others, which ships are ready to move out?

Illustrious: There you are! Something's wrong with Enterprise!

Prince of Wales: What is it?

- Meanwhile -

Cleveland: Enterprise wait! Your going too far ahead

Enterprise: Slowing down is a waste of time!

Y/n: You know, you can't fight like this when your severely damaged right? That's suicidal!

Enterprise: Hornet's my sister i have to!

Y/n: I understand, i used to have some as well, but it's best you go back and do a full Repair!

Enterprise just ignored what you said and continues to rush to Hornet's position

Y/n: *sigh*

Cleveland: I just wish we had some escort vessels to back us up

Then both Laffey and Javelin appeared behind them

Laffey: I wanna help you too

Javelin: Same here! We've got quite the team

Cleveland: Let's do it!

- Meanwhile -

Hornet: *Dodging bombs*

Shoukaku: This melodies of Requiem, it's purpose is to bring peace to the dead

Hornet: *Still dodging those normal Bombs* It's not fun being the only one on defense!

Zuikaku: I got you!

As Zuikaku was about to cut Hornet down a Walkyr shot her away with it's 35mm Ion Plasma Cannon

Zuikaku: Argh! What the hell?!

Then multiple Walkyrs came and destroyed all of Shoukaku's planes with ease

Shoukaku: What the? Wait those aircraft... oh no

Then you showed yourself

Y/n: This was the force that destroyed Hornet's fleet? Im unimpressed, i hoped it was a much more larger one

Then the others came

Hornet: Hey sis!

Enterprise: Hornet, your alright, that's good

Zuikaku: So your the one that scared the first carrier elders huh? Well i'll make the first carrier elders proud! *Attempts to Slash you*

Y/n: *draws out Luger* Time to die! *Click* (Thoughts: Sheiße! Why did i run out ammo now?! My rigging can't turn to the front in time! And i even forgot my damn saber!)

As you close your eyes waiting for your death you heard something...

Prinz Eugen: Feuer! *Fires at Cleveland's position*

You then opened your eyes and rushed to Cleveland's position and covered her and the others near her

Zuikaku: Argh! Come back here! *Chases after Y/n*

Good thing is that you got there just in time and covered her and the others with your massive rigging

Prinz Eugen: What?! Who are you?!

Cleveland: Thanks Y/n

Y/n: No problem, Now *Opens hangar doors* I will not repeat failure!! LET THE WORLD KNOW OF OUR FIREPOWER!!!!

You launched all of your Walkyrs like releasing a bunch of bees and everyone stood frozen

Prinz Eugen: Mein gott...

Enterprise: Oh my god...

Your Walkyrs then proceed to destroy every Crimson Axis aircraft available

Prinz Eugen: It's no use! We must retreat! They have air superiority!

Zuikaku: I'll get you next time!

The rest of the Crimson Axis fleet then flees and your Walkyrs return to your ship

Y/n: Alright, that should do, almost fired all of my missiles

And then Enterprise spots something

Enterprise: Look! It's the main Royal Navy!

To be continued
Alright this chapter took a long while so, sorry for the wait, and let me know if there wrong parts that need fixing but for now, Goodbye Mein Freunde (My Friends) and see y'all next time! Bye!

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