Anidala (Wandavision AU)

By KTheBookEnthusiast8

11 1 0

Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala are living an idyllic suburban life in the town of Westview, Theed on the... More

In The Beginning

11 1 0
By KTheBookEnthusiast8

The Jedi Council room was sitting empty, in silence as the lights of Coruscant illuminate the night sky. The room laid in the dark, the Jedi Master Chairs only just visible. Scarlet mist suddenly began swirling throughout the room, spreading across the space, lighting the room a vibrant hue. The mist grew to form people just above the ground. These people landed on the floor with a silent THUD. 

Well some of them...

The wise Grandmaster Yoda fell gracefully into his Council Chair, as well as Jedi Master's, Mace Windu and Plo Koon. Kit Fisto did land on his chair, however just ungracefully, with Obi-Wan Kenobi just missing his chair altogether and ended up flat on the floor beside it. Ahsoka Tano landed the closest to the door but rolled over to remain asleep. Clone Troopers Rex and Cody jolted with a start when they hit the floor, and looked around confused at the setting. Senator Bail Organa also plopped onto the floor but stood up quickly, a look of confusion plastered on his worried face. Senator Padme Amidala (or privately known as Padme Naberrie-Skywalker) was sprawled out on the floor as her wife, Anakin Skywalker fell on top of her.

Anakin and Padme looked out at each other briefly in bewilderment as Anakin rolled off of her to look around at the confused faces of their fellow roommates.

"How did we get here?" Obi-Wan voiced, crawling up onto his simply designed council chair.

"Doors locked," Rex called out as he pushed against the grand doors as Anakin stood up and walked over to a sleeping Ahsoka.

"Ahsoka... Snips, walk up," Anakin gently shoves her awake.

"5 more minutes Master," Anakin flinched slightly but continued to shove her. "Stop it..." Ahsoka groaned as she turned to feel the hard-tiled floor of the Council Room. She shot up and observed everyone's confused face.

"Umm, I clearly remembered falling asleep. Not to mention in my pyjamas," Ahsoka says observing her casual clothing.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Has anyone tried breaking a window?" Padme asked also standing.

"We are not breaking any windows," Windu commands.

Anakin then tries to smash into a wall but bounces back. She then calls out, "Can clarify. Windows don't break and I would know, I'm great at breaking windows!"

Obi-Wan just slaps himself on the forehead as everyone starts conversations but he then looks to a large Holo-T.V sitting with a note stuck on it that everyone had just happened to not notice.

"Umm... How did eleven highly intelligent people just happen to miss the huge Holo-T.V sitting in the corner of the room," Obi-Wan points out, effectively shutting everyone up.

They all turned their head towards the T.V. as Obi-Wan jumped up out of his seat, to move towards the Holo-T.V.

"Anakin, mind helping me with it?"

"Sure," Anakin says helping Obi-Wan lifted the massive Holo-T.V and placed it in the middle of the room, before Yoda's chair.

Obi-Wan then picks the note off and Yoda asks, "A note, you have found. Answer to why we are here, it might."

Obi-Wan then opens the note and clears his throat as everyone sits in front of the T.V.

"To the people currently locked in this very suffocating room,

I have brought you all here to witness a possible outcome in the future with a top-secret plan the Jedi Council are currently planning.

It's the shittest plan ever...

This T.V show is the result of said shit plan.

You assume you know everything about Anakin Skywalker, but you are wrong, and this is going to show you just how little you know.

The show will pause every time someone makes a comment.

Time has stopped outside of this room.

You won't be released from this room until you watch the trailer plus the 9 episodes.


Yours Sincerely,

The person who has locked you into this room!"

"What the kriff is that supposed to mean?" Anakin questions jumping up, but Padme grabbed her hand and pulled her down to sit back next to her.

"Deeply concerning, it is. Watch the show, we must. Foreseen this, the force has," Yoda bows his head.

"What does it mean 'you assume you know everything about Anakin Skywalker?" Ahsoka asked, mocking Obi-Wan's accent. He shot her an unimpressed look.

"But what are we doing here?" Rex and Cody asked.

"Same with Padme and myself," Bail added.

"You must be related to the show somehow?" Plo Koon ponders.

"Well, I say we begin," Kit Fisto states.

Everyone nods as Obi-Wan turns the Holo-T.V. on and sits down as the video begins.

"This is apparently the trailer."

Anakin sifts uncomfortable, shuffling closer to Padme. Rex sitting next to Ahsoka saw and laughed silently into his hands at how oblivious everyone was at their obvious relationship.

Happy music plays as the screen opens to a house, in black and white.


"Why is it black and white?" Cody asks.

"Hmmm," Master Yoda hums. "Styled this Holo-T.V is, from when I was younger. Some 500 years ago. Called the 50's, this time period was." Yoda nods his head.

"That old?" Padme asks.

"Hmm... indeed. Everyone 100 years, a new time period, there is. 400 years ago, the 60's they were, excreta."

"So, what's a single gal like you doing rattling around this big house," Agnes says. She walks before Anakin. Anakin tilts her head looking confused.

"Pffft," Ahsoka laughs as she turns to face Anakin. "What are you wearing and your hair! What are you doing here!"

"I... ah don't know" Anakin replies looking at her onscreen self in confusion.

"The note did say that Skywalker is important to this show," Plo Koon says.

Anakin and someone's hands are shown being held out as Anakin taps them. Rings appear on both of their ring fingers.

"Who is the other women?" Rex asks knowing full well who the other woman is.

"I didn't think the force can spontaneously create objects?" Obi-Wan asks his fellow council members.

"It doesn't," Windu replies glancing at Anakin, who blushed and turned away with embarrassment.

Padme looks down to her ring finger and holds it. Anakin and Padme couldn't have wedding rings at their proper wedding 3 years ago so why in this show?

"Well, I assure you I'm married. To my wife..." Anakin begins.

"YOUR GAY?" Obi-Wan shouts, jumping up from his chair. "How did I never know!"

"That's your takeaway?" Anakin asks confused, looking over her shoulder at Obi-Wan.

"Yes," he replies simply.

"What?" Ahsoka turns to her master. "Are you married?"

Anakin didn't answer as the trailer continues playing.

The screen shows Padme in a 50's dress. "Ani...!" Anakin smiles brightly at her.

Ahsoka jumps up excitedly and hugs Anakin and Padme. "Ahhh! You guys are married"

Rex starts laughing, not bothering to hide it anymore.

Anakin turns her head over Ahsoka's hug to turn to Rex. "You shut it."

He did.

"Attachment leads to the Darkside..." Master Yoda started but Anakin cuts him off.

"Blah blah blah... I know. Can we get on with this stupid show," Anakin says slightly annoyed.

"This could just be the show," Rex shrugs.

"Could possibly," Obi-Wan nods.

The screen shows a black and white logo saying, 'Star Wars.'

"Star Wars?" Cody asked. People only shrugged.

A view of a street is shown as the music plays over the top.

Cuts to Anakin using the force to dry the dishes.

"Inappropriate use of the force," Obi-Wan lectured playfully.

Anakin only rolled her eyes with a smirk plastered on her face.

"We are an unusual couple," Anakin says as two beds join together.

Padme looks over with a smile plastered on her face.

"Oh, I don't think that was ever in question," Padme responds as they sit on a couch.

Anakin looks around in awe and shock as the room begins to fade into colour. Padme too begins staring at the colour, appearing to be pregnant.

"I'm pregnant?" Padme asks shocked, looking at her onscreen self.

"Congratulations Senator," Plo Koon speaks up. Everyone knows he likes children.

"Wait..." Ahsoka says. "How is that possible. Can humans reproduce with the same gender?"

"Ah... no snips..." Anakin replies quickly, a blush creeping up her face.

"Why is it suddenly turning into colour?" voices Bail, trying to change the topic. Anakin and Padme shoot him a grateful look before holding onto Padme's hands discretely, flashing her a smile.

"Era change, there is," Yoda answers Bail. No one questioned him as the trailer plays.

"We don't know what to expect."

"Foreshadowing," Ahsoka says dramatically. Rex only shushes her as the trailer continues.

Padme and Anakin dance together with soft smiles on their faces.

"Aww," Ahsoka comments again. Both Padme and Anakin blush deeply.

"Remember this is against the Jedi Code, Padawan," Windu lectures Ahsoka. "We will talk about whether or not your master has indeed broken the code."

"Yes, Master Windu," Ahsoka responds obediently.

A shot of the house shows again and inanimate butterflies come to life, flying away.

Agnes is seen riding a bike and then cuts to Padme shouting, "Hey Neighbours," as Agnes and Herb look over.

"Anakin, what's up." Cuts to Ahsoka standing in the doorway.

"HELL YEAH!" Ahsoka says jumping up excitedly, "I'm in the show... YES!"

"Now we have seen only Anakin, Ahsoka and Senator Amidala in the show. I wonder if more will show up?" Obi-Wan theorises.

"Why are you here?" Anakin glares coldly at Ahsoka.

"Oh, that's not so good," Rex comments. Ahsoka lekku turns paler at the sight of Anakin glaring at her.

"I don't know where I am."

Glitches to Ahsoka and Anakin awkwardly and forcefully smiling.

"Creepy," Cody mutters. Those who heard nodded in agreement.

Overview of Westview as the house begins to change and glitch. Anakin looks around confused as they shine red as it morphs.

"I think something is wrong here," Padme says to Anakin.

Cuts to Padme walking up a festive street in what she wore on Geonosis.

A woman hanging up decorations glitches as she repeats the action with a tear falling down her face.

"Double creepy," Cody says again, but this time everyone heard.

"I can sense a sinister plot," Windu comments.

"General? Can you hear me?" A clone voice says over a black a white radio. Anakin looks at it scared.

"General. First real reference to the Clone Wars," Bail notes.

A beekeeper is looking around a dark street.

"Who is doing this to you?" The clone voice asks again.

Shows a glowing barrier with a person in cream Jedi robes watching it.

"Are you here to help us," The voice of Agnes asks. Agnes looks shocked and then cuts to smiling as she laughs in the background.

"Triple Creepy," Rex says before Cody could.

Anakin and Padme swing on a swing set, holding hands as it glitches to Clone Troopers driving multiple armed speeders, weapons ready.

"Something's going down," Kit Fisto mutters to himself but everyone heard.

"This is our home," Anakin says looking determined.

"Then let's fight for it," Padme replies.

"Nawww" Ahsoka coos.

Anakin ignites her lightsabre.


Rex and other 501st Troopers run forwards.

"Rex, you're in this too!" Anakin says looking at the Clone Captain.

"I guess I am," Rex replies somewhat nervously.

A single starfighter is flying past as a massive red barrier is shown, looking very mysterious.

"What the kriff is that?" Anakin asks. Padme slaps her arm.

"Ani, language," Padme scolds. Anakin only rolls her eyes.

"It looks like it's consuming that base of operations," Windu assesses.

"Indeed," replies Plo Koon.

"Strong use of the force, this is. Be able to harness the force like this, no one should," Yoda adds looking to the screen, but not before giving Anakin a quick glance, to which she only notices.

"Continue," Padme says.

Padme looks down an empty street as Obi-Wan appears for the first time, looking shocked and scared.

"Master Kenobi!" Ahsoka shouts.

"It seems like the majority of people in this room are in this or related to the story somehow," Bail says.

"It did mention about this being a possible future?" Padme says.


A younger Anakin, with a Padawan Braid dangling in front of her eyes, glares into a burning village, eyes reflecting the red flames, fully enraged.

Anakin's face turns white with shock muttering 'no' under her breath, shakingly.

"Is this..." Padme begins to ask softly.

"Yep," Anakin replied quickly not meeting anyone's eyes as Padme reached out to hold her hand.

"Is this what?" Obi-Wan asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing, I'm sure everyone will find out," Anakin mutters darkly but everyone could still hear her.

"Your emotions, you must be mindful of," Yoda lectures. Anakin didn't answer.

Padme and Anakin look out a window, as Anakin reaches for her wife's hand.

The screen zooming into their hands, fading out of colour, and back into black and white.

'Anidala' the title displays.

"Is that the title?" Padme asks.

"It must be," Cody replies.

"Well, I think we handled that well!" Anakin says crossing her arms, giving her signature smirk.

"Is that it?" Kit asked.

"I believe so," Obi-Wan replied.

"Well, this how looks interesting..." Padme began.

"Anidala," Bail questions, "What type of title is that?"

"It's a ship name," Ahsoka replies.

"I don't think it is," Anakin answers Ahsoka quickly.

"Oh really," Ahsoka questions looking at her with a playful smirk on her face. "Amidala is the name Senator Amidala used when she ruled as the Queen of Naboo and when she became a Senator, making it her most well-known name. Now Senator, do you happen to have a nickname for Anakin?"

"Umm yes..." Padme replies knowing where this is going.

"Now what is it," Ahsoka interrogates.

"Ani..." Padme looks down.

"Ani plus Amidala makes Anidala, therefore is a ship name and is reflecting their relationship displayed in this Holo-T.V show," Ahsoka concludes with a small bow.

Everyone looks at her in shock as Rex slow claps.

"Insightful, that was, Padawan Tano," Yoda replies with a small smile on his face.

Ahsoka sits back onto the ground next to Anakin.

"We should list every person we saw," Cody says.

"On it," Rex says pulling out a datapad.

"Myself, Anakin, Ahsoka, Master Kenobi, Rex..." Padme lists, "Is there anyone I missed?"

"Nope," Anakin replies.

"Well, I believe this will be very interesting. It doesn't give anything away. It's intrigued me," Obi-Wan comments, stroking his beard.

"Well... there is only one way to find out how this ends and we aren't going anyway until we do," Anakin says as Episode 1, Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience began.


Padme: Why are you Smiling?

Anakin: What? Can't I just be happy!

Ahsoka: Obi-Wan tripped and fell down the stairs.

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