๐Œ๐ˆ๐’๐’๐ˆ๐๐† || s.aizawa [D...


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𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐘 𝟑𝟏𝐬𝐭

After a long day from being with Detective Kimiko and Officer Shimada. Aizawa finds himself inside his car, parked on the driveway of the cabin that his mother left him.

He slaps a stack of [Name]'s missing flyers on the passenger seat and pulls out a disposable phone that he carries around with him at all times. Turning the small device on, he sees that there are various missed calls in his call history.

He dials and waits to hear the voice of the person he's trying to reach, but the call goes straight to voicemail, to which he frustratingly leaves a message with a "Call me".

Getting off the car, Aizawa unlocks the front door, and immediately an alarm starts to beep as he steps inside. He pounds a few buttons on the security alarm device on the wall, but the beeping turns into a nasty reek.

Dialing to the alarm company on his phone, an operator answers. "Hello? Ah- My alarm is going off, my name is Aizawa, Shota"

"The cabin may be under my mother's name, Aizawa-" The obnoxious reeking sound makes it harder to hear and talk to the person on the phone.

The operator asks him a question to confirm that he's the owner of the house and not someone trying to break in.

"My wife's favorite novel? This is so unnecessary. Please don't-" He stops short as the reeking sound intensifies, and he tries his best to not lose his temper.

"I'm telling you- Wait! Is it the Black Goat's Egg?" He answers the question, and a bright flashing cop light, seeps through the window like water, lighting up the dark living room.

Aizawa hangs up the call and opens the front door to see Detective Kimiko walking towards him.

"Eraserhead, fancy meeting you here?" She greets him once again and informs her co-worker that everything is fine through the walkie-talkie on her hand.

The alarm screeches another three seconds before it turns off. Aizawa leans on the half-open door, and Kimiko discreetly tries to look inside.

"Your mother's cabin, right?" Kimiko is the first one to start a conversation and takes a sip from her coffee while studying him.

"Are you following me?" He questions her, clearly skeptical of how fast they found him in less than five minutes.

"Why are you here?" She ignores his question.

"I come by once a week, just to make sure the place hasn't burnt down" He stops short before proceeding. "But everything seems fine, so I'll walk you out"

Aizawa wastes no time locking the door, clearly not wanting the detective to ask him if she can look around.

Kimiko takes a few steps back and shines her flashlight on the cabin."It's light blue, I thought maybe this was the little brown house from the clue,"

"No, it's still blue," He says in a flat tone and walks away.

"Don't forget that tomorrow we'll be searching for your wife at the Hidari district. Oh, also your apartment is clear in case you want to head back" She lets him know, and Aizawa raises his left hand, before getting inside his car.

Starting the engine of his car, Aizawa is the first one to drive off, leaving behind a couple of curious eyes.

Aizawa doesn't stop driving until a red light appears, being the only one on the street, he lights up a cigarette and inhales in the sweet addiction of nicotine.

Taking out the copy of the second clue that Kimiko gave him earlier today. He can hear the soft velvety voice of his wife as he reads it word by word.

"Hey, let's go undercover. You be the spy, and I'll be your lover. Let's head on over to the little brown house. Where we'll play hot, doting husband, and sweet loving spouse"

Nothing, he still can't think of anything, and every word he had just read a second ago starts to replay inside his head like a mantra. Setting aside the copy, Aizawa stares down at the photo of his wife on the flyers, and a shiver runs down his spine. It's as if his wife is staring right at him, peering right into his soul.

The taste of nicotine turns sour inside his mouth, and he throws the cigarette out the window.

Just what the hell did his wife mean by the clue?

Frustrated with himself, he slams his fists on the dashboard, one, two, three times, until he feels better. The red light turns green and he calmly drives away into the city, hoping to finally get some rest in the soft bed at his apartment.


"I've sworn to never be one of those
wives and I think I've done a pretty good job"

[Name] is in bed, and awakened by a rattling sound coming from the front door. She quietly walks towards the door and opens it to see her husband drunk, and disheveled trying to get his key in.

She looks at him in relief and removes her hand off her chest. "I'm so glad it's you, for a second I thought someone was trying to get into the apartment"

"Sorry, I'm- I'm just a bit drunk" Aizawa stumbles in his own words.

"I can see that" [Name] lightly chuckles for a bit, and gives him a small smile.

"Hizashi invited me over to the bar after work and we ended up drinking. I'm sorry, for not telling.." He struggles yet again, with slumped shoulders.

"Don't worry, it's okay. It's fine, besides I don't mind. I'm just glad that you're home" She cuts him off by giving him a tender kiss on the lips,

Swiping her index finger along his jawline, her smiling expression turns into a confused one. "Body glitter? Don't tell me he did one of those pranks you hate,"

Aizawa starts to explain, but [Name] is quick enough to cup his face with both hands to give him yet another small kiss on the lips.

"Sho, let's just go to bed" She grabs his hand and leads him into their bedroom.

Helping him undress, Aizawa's bareback meets the soft mattress, and his wife lays beside him. Her right hand comes in touch with the left side of his stubbled cheek, which makes his eyes flutter open, from how drowsy he feels.

Aizawa's tired eyes stare at those glittering, caring eyes of hers, and she closes as soon as she leans in forward to passionately kiss the man she so dearly loves.

Moving her hand from his cheek, she trails from his toned chest down to his v-line, and tugs the waistband of his boxers. As her hand is about to slide underneath the thin yet loose fabric, he removes her hand and tells her "Not now, I'm tired".

The heat from her cheeks leaves her face, and she silently watches her husband slowly drift to sleep. Aizawa turns around, his back facing and he starts to lightly snore.

[Name] decides to turn around as well with her hand scrunched up against her chest and a sad expression appears on her features.

It's been quite some time that she and Aizawa have had sex, and let alone touch her. Which only made her feel incomplete as a woman. Did she bore him that much? Did she no longer satisfy him or found her beautiful? Will he leave her?

Feeling let down, she does her best to push those intrusive thoughts of hers to the side.
Closing her eyes, she curls up into a ball underneath the sheets and breathes in slowly, hoping to quickly fall asleep.

The next day [Name] and her husband watch the sun slowly come up from the window. People across the city are getting ready to start their day but not her and Aizawa, their morning will be spent in bed resting.

"Promise me that we'll never be like them" [Name] tells her husband as she lays her head on his chest.

"Like who?" Aizawa asks her, and [Name] makes a sweeping gesture to everyone outside their window.

"Like every other married couple we know. Wives, who treat their husbands like hapless puppies to be trained and broken," She says completely unaware that she's the first one to play the game they both know. The game of defining themselves by who they aren't.

"And, husbands who treat their wives like
eccentric dictators to be appeased and contained" Aizawa chimes in.

"Couples whose conversations revolve around to-do lists"

"Couples who-" He pauses in-game, once he realizes his schedule from these past few weeks. "I think I'm laid off"

"You are laid off, but even if we were to be that couple.. We'll manage to get through it because we each other, and everything else is background noise" Her eyes soften, as she turns around to look at him.

A huge weight came off Aizawa's chest. His work schedule has been piling up with him being a teacher at UA. Which had caused him to stress even more, from not being able to spend the time he wants with the woman he loves.

Yet, even so, he's grateful that his wife understands. No- he's more than grateful, that she understands him like the back of her hand.

"You are-" He stops himself from saying "amazing" and goes for the word "exceptional"

Brushing his fingers over her lips, Aizawa brings his beautiful wife close to him and kisses her. He kisses her like that first day of snow. He slowly recalls those memories like a fairytale.. and so, just like that Shota didn't know that he could fall in love with his wife, all over again.

Pulling away from the kiss, [Name] studies him, with a half-lidded gaze. He covers his eyes with his palm and she smiles at the old memory. It's their old code, "no bullshit, just one-hundredth percent truth".


sorry if this chapter was really boring

i tried to make it interesting, but i'm just not feeling this chapter at all..

guess it's one of those days

1.7k words



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