From Love

By HoneysFandom

22.5K 871 175

17 year old Elise Roosevelt had to move to Charming after her father, Lieutenant Eli Roosevelt was transferre... More

Main Character List
Not so bad
Little Talk
Charming's smaller than I thought
Prince Charming, my knight in shining armor
On second thought
One Day
Loyal, Tough, And Smart
Free at last
Driving Lesson
Dead to me
You owe me


883 47 8
By HoneysFandom

Three weeks had gone by since I had been emancipated, and I was loving it. I had been working at TM, five days a week from four to close, and on the weekends Jax would take me out driving, when he wasn't busy with the club. Even when he was busy, he still made time to pop into the office every day, and see me. With only three more weeks of school left, Jess was still driving me back and forth since I didn't have a car of my own yet, but I definitely planned to save up for one, once I bought myself a phone. I had been studying the driver's Ed handbook everyday too, so I could get my license, for when the time comes for me to actually buy my car.

I told mama where I worked, and she didn't like it, but she didn't try to stop me, since she asked for this. Eli hadn't spoken to me since our last argument, so I didn't know if he knew where I was working, nor did I care. I was just so glad to finally have him off my back, and out of my business, that I didn't care if we never spoke again. Anyway, it was 4:44pm on a Friday afternoon, and I was currently at work, studying the drivers handbook during my downtime, when the office phone started to ring, causing me to jump.

"Teller-Morrow automotive repair." I softly said, picking up on the first ring. It was a woman calling about her car that stalled on her, while she made her way home from work, and asking if I could send a tow truck out to her. She then told me the make, and model of her car.

"Yeah no problem. Can you tell me where you're located?" I asked, and she told me a location that I put into the computer, so I could tell her how long they would be.

"Okay. Looks like you're only about ten minutes away. I'll have one of my mechanics head that way right now, ma'am." I confirmed, and the woman thanked me before we hung up.

Grabbing the tow truck keys out of one of the desk drawers, I got up and shuffled over to the office window that lead to the garage, where there were only a few mechanics working. I knocked on the window, getting the attention of Eddy, or half sack as he liked to be called, for what ever reason, just as he finished airing up a tire, and waved for him to come to me. He nodded, carefully setting the tire down, and starting in my direction.

He only got halfway, when I opened the door, and poked my head out into the garage, tossing him the keys.

"Just got a call from a woman needing a tow. Black Toyota Camry just stalled out on her. Said she's at the corner of 21st and broadview. Sounded like a white woman to me." I gave him the description, and he nodded.

"I'm on it, doll face." He said, before turning and trotting over to the TM pickup truck.

"Anything else need to be done, doll face?" Opie asked in a mocking tone, as he wiped his grimy hands on an old rag. He was always giving me shit whenever he noticed anyone other than Jax being sweet on me. I guess he was sorta like a big brother in that way, and I think he saw me as a little sister in a way too. And like a true little sister would, I shot him a sneering smirk, and gave him the middle finger, before stepping back into the office, at the same time that Gemma came through the front door, with a big orange envelope in her hand.

"Hey Gemma." I greeted, as she rushed over to the safe in the corner of her office and put in the combination.

"Hey babe."

"Umm is everything alright?" I asked, and she chuckled shaking her head, as she quickly shoveled stack after stack of money into the envelope.

"Forgot to make my bank drop earlier, so now I have I have to rush around, and do it last minute when the bank is closing in 30 minutes, and won't be open again until Monday." She elbowed the safe shut when she was done, and sealed the envelope up. She looked like she was about to lose her mind as she rushed around mumbling about not being able to find her keys, when they were sitting next to the computer in plain sight. That's why I decided to take initiative, and offer some help. I picked up her keys, and grabbed hold of the envelope, causing Gemma to stop.

"Which bank is it? I can make the drop for you if you want." I offered, and she looked at me for a second before slowly letting go of the envelope.

"Yeah... maybe it's better if you go. Bad shit tends to happen when you rush. It's the Union financial over on hillside. The shop's bank account information is in my center console. Thanks hun, and be careful since you're new to driving."

"Oh that's just a few blocks from here. It's no problem, Gem, and I will." I smiled, walking out of the office. As I stepped off the stoop leading to the office, I looked up to see that the club was just pulling onto the lot. I stayed where I was, analyzing the lineup of members as they parked, in unison, and noticed that Juice was missing. Not thinking anything of it though, I set my sights on Jax, as he motioned for me to come here, but I waved a hand, basically saying no.

"I'm on a time limit, love. Will you be here when I get back?" I shouted over their loud engines as I sashayed through the lot.

"A time limit? Where you going?" Jax hopped off of his Harley, and jogged up to me, just as I reached the car door. I reached out to open it, but Jax stepped in front of me, leaning on the car. He was so adorable when he chased after me.

"Bank run for Gemma. Gotta make it there before they close at 5:30. She's letting me take the Cadillac." I smiled, and Jax's eyebrows raised in concern.

"You sure you're ready to drive by yourself?"

"Yeah I got this. Don't worry. I shouldn't be gone for more than twenty minutes." I assured him, and he reluctantly nodded.

"Aight well it's five 'o' clock traffic out there so be careful, darlin'. Remember what I taught you. Don't rush, always do the speed limit, and-"

"Stay at least two car lengths behind other cars. I know I know! Now I have to go!" I cut him off, before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on his lips. That's when the guys erupted in whistles and applause, and we both looked over to see them standing in a big group, like a bunch of damn spectators. Jax and I just looked at each other and shook our heads.

"Be careful." He squeezed my hand, and I nodded before getting in the car, and getting ready to go.


"I'll be back in a few hours to check up on things. Keep up the good work!" Juice commended the employees at 'Sanwa Greenery', the marijuana dispensary he co owned, after doing a walk through and seeing that business had been doing well, and running smoothly. He walked out of the shop, thinking he was about to head to TM, to see what everyone else was up to, right before two sheriffs to pulled up on him, with other plans in mind. A wave of confusion fell over Juice, as Officer Cane, and another officer he wasn't familiar with, hopped out, and started marching in his direction. The other cop was short, maybe asian if he had to take a guess.

"What's going on?" Juice asked, and without responding, the Asian cop threw him up against the wall and started to pat him down. He pulled a ziplock baggie of weed out of Juice's back pocket, and tossed it over to Cane.

"I have a card for that." Juice reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out his medical card, only for the cop to toss it onto the ground.

"Congratulations! The federal government doesn't give a shit!" The officer said before taking out his cuffs and locking juice's wrists up.

"Is this some kind of joke!?" Juice chuckled, unable to believe what was happening.

"This feel like a joke to you?!" The officer snatched Juice up, and pushed him in the direction of the car. He continued to push him until he reached the backseat of the squad car, where he was then shoved inside.

When they got to the station, Eli was waiting in the reception area, where he greeted Juice with an arrogant smile, which only confused Juice even more.

"Lose the cuffs." Eli instructed, walking up to Juice, and placing a "friendly" hand on his back.

"What the hell is this man?" Juice asked, as his wrists were freed, and Eli nudged him to start walking.

"I just wanna talk is all." Eli smilingly replied, opening his office door and motioning for Juice to enter, which he hesitantly did. Juice glared at Eli as he went and leaned on his desk.

"Anything you wanna talk about can be done with my lawyer."

"C'mon man. You don't really think I give a shit about the weed do you?!" Eli asked incredulously. "Please, have seat." He added, and Juice's top lip jerked in agitation, wondering why the cops were harassing him, before slowly going to sit down.

"So why'd you pick me up then?"

"I've been doing my research on you, Juan Carlos Ortiz. turns out, we got a lot in common, you and me. Like the fact that we were both born and raised in Queens..."


"And I came across something else while looking into you, and it looks like we also have black daddies in common too." Eli reached back and picked up a folder from his desk, that he opened, and then turned around to show Juice the photograph of his estranged father.

"Michael Howard Cole. That's your old man, Juan... And judging by your silence, I'm guessing you already knew."

"I- I knew who he was, I never met him."

"And you knew he was black too... Didn't you?" Eli asked, but Juice remained silent. "Yet you failed to mention your black daddy, when you patched into samcro, but why? Could it be because you knew about their bylaw that prohibits black members from joining?"

"What's the game here man? Huh? This some kinda leverage you plan to use on me, to get intel on the club or some shit?!" Juice asked, growing tired of listening to him beat around the bush.

"Tell me Juice, what would the club do if they found out that you were black? Hm? You don't know? Well let me break it down for you. First they'll pull your patch, then make you scrape the ink, and if you're lucky, maybe they'll let you walk out alive. As far as samcro is concerned, your black ass never even existed. So much for affirmative action, huh?" Eli went on, and Juice just looked at him for a second, before busting out laughing. Definitely not the reaction Eli was expecting.

"You serious right now? What is this, the civil rights era? I mean you don't really think the club gives a shit about race anymore, do you?"

"Well considering that they haven't knowingly patched in any brothas in the past forty some odd years, I'ma go ahead and assume that samcro doesn't take too kindly to people like you and me." Eli argued, sending Juice's mind immediately to Elise, and how everyone in the club seemed to be so fond of her. Jax most of all, and he decided to use that to counter Eli's argument.

"You sure about that, lieutenant? Because the club seems to take to your daughter just fine... Especially Jax." Juice smirked in satisfaction as he took in the look of utter confusion that formed on Eli's face. His demeanor seemed to do a full 180, going from being confident and full of himself, to troubled and uneasy in just a matter of seconds, and Juice was enjoying every bit of it.

"But judging by your silence, and apparent shock I take it you didn't know."

"No, I didn't. How about you enlighten me." Eli shot back, and Juice shook his head.

"Ehh, I probably shouldn't have said any-"
that's when Eli lunged forward, snatching Juice up by the collar, and hemming him up on the wall. Juice stayed calm, knowing that Eli legally couldn't go any further than that. Not unless he wanted a lawsuit filed against the police department.

"Talk dammit! What the fuck does Jax Teller have to do with my daughter?" He asked, glaring into Juices eyes. With a taunting smirk, Juice glared back at him.

"I ain't tellin' you shit else man. But I will say this, your leverage don't mean shit, so find yourself another rat, because it ain't me. You can let me go now." Juice sneered, but Eli didn't budge, as his eyes were filled with rage, giving juice the impression that he wanted to beat the shit out of him.

"Or you can beat my ass like you clearly want to do. I can take a few punches, sheriff. The real question is can you take a police brutality lawsuit?" Juice threatened, causing Eli to clench his jaw. He thought about it for a moment before finally easing up and letting Juice free from his grasp.

"This ain't over, Ortiz, now get the hell outta my office!" Eli snarled, as Juice exited his office, in clear amusement.

Eli fumed as he went to sit at his desk, and took in what he had just been told. Eli knew that Elise was friends with Jax's younger sister, but he thought that was as far as it went. He didn't know, nor did he ever think that she would get involved with the club's Vice President. He was so much older than her that the possibility of him being interested in Elise, hadn't even crossed Eli's mind.

Unsure whether or not he could believe Juice, he decided to do some digging, just to be sure. Remembering that he still had Elise's cell phone, he immediately reached into his desk drawer, and rummaged around for her phone.

When he finally found it, he powered it on, only to see that there were five missed calls, and three text messages from someone with the contact name 'Jackson'. That was all it took to get his blood boiling, enough for him to hurl the phone across the office, shattering it on the wall.

He was pissed, and wondered just what the hell was wrong with Elise to think talking to some man twice her age would be okay. He couldn't even be mad at Rita, since he was sure she was just as oblivious to the whole thing as he was, but he knew it was a mistake, leaving her to deal with Elise by herself, given how easy she was on the girl. He knew Elise would take advantage of her mother's lax parenting, but he didn't know she would do anything as crazy as this.

"Give that girl an inch and she takes a fuckin mile! And that damn Jax Teller has another thing coming if he thinks he can screw around with my daughter, and not have to see me. Fuck that!" Eli grumbled, pounding his fist on his desk, before getting up and going out into the front room of the station.

"Everything good, LT? Officer Cane asked, picking up on how upset Eli looked, as he stormed past his desk.

"I want every sheriff in this station to follow me. Cane you get the fire department on the phone, and tell them there's been a fire at TM!" He demanded, and all the other officers sprang into action at his command, as he forcibly pushed his way through the station's front door.

Hope you all are enjoying the story. Can I get 20 votes for the next chapter?

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