His Darling Witch |18+ (His D...

By Luna_Moon135

643K 19.9K 2.8K

Rosette, who only intended to help the handsome stranger, was bewildered when he refused to part ways from he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

24K 820 86
By Luna_Moon135

Rosette lets out a sigh. 'I can't face Reagan these days...'

'Everything was going well, until he caught me caressing his face.' Rosette winced in embarrassment as she remembered the moment.

'It's so embarrassing that I can't even tease him anymore.' Thought Rosette, as she strolled around the cottage to water her flowers.

"In the first place... Why did I even do that?"

"-ette..." Reagan called for the fifth time.

'Why is she avoiding me...' Reagan sulkily wondered, feeling anxious, as he watched Rosette make excuses to avoid him for the past few days.

'It has been three days...' Reagan followed after Rosette, just like what he always do.

"Rosette..!" Hearing Reagan's voice made her walk away from her spot.

"Wait, Rosette..!" Reagan stopped infront of her, his face entered her view, making a soft scowl.

"Did I do something wrong to upset you Rosette?" He gulped. "If there is, please say so..."

"You did nothing wrong, it's just-"

"Is it because of the aphrodisiac incident?"

"Ah, that's also not it..." Rosette avoids Reagan's eyes, her cheeks burning.

'Why bring that up..?'

Reagan went closer to to Rosette, and with pleading eyes, he spoke. "Then what is it?"

He eagerly looked at her, waiting for an answer. Reagan felt tormented when he first noticed Rosette was purposely avoiding him. He can't describe the unpleasant feeling, as it was something new and foreign, to him.

Rosette hesitated. "It's..." She looked at him. "Because you caught me touching your face while you were sleeping and all."

"And?" Reagan innocently asked, confused. "Is that all?"


"It's embarrassing you said... How so?"

"It just is, Reagan."

"Then what do I do to get you to talk to me again..."

"I'm talking to you right now, am I not?"

Reagan looked at her in the eyes. "Are you saying," He held his hand up to touch Rosette's face. "this is embarrassing?" His cheeks were tinted red.

'What is this?'

'A hidden personality of his?'

"I've been thinking about it lately, did you eat something wrong? Or perhaps, is this a hidden side of you?"

Reagan's face heats up after hearing what Rosette said. His burning face glowed red. "Wha-" He looked at her in the eyes, flustered. "W-what is that supposed to mean?"

"You've been getting more bold lately."

"I-it's because you kept avoiding me lately, it made me feel anxious that I had to build up the courage to do it..!"

"Do what?"

"It's-" His face turned to a deeper shade of red. "nothing..." He mumbled.

Reagan retracted his hand. "Please don't avoid me anymore..." He mumbled so softly as he looked down on the ground, sulking.

Rosette felt a pang. The sudden guilt was slowly crawling in as she looked at the eager Reagan. She stared at Reagan who looked like he was at fault, his head was down gloomily.

'It's like I can almost see a cloud above his head.'



"Well..." She paused. "If you act like that, how am I supposed to ignore you." She murmured lowly so Reagan wouldn't hear. Reagan, however, heard every word she said.

"I won't avoid you anymore."

Reagan's head shot up, he looked at Rosette with glimmering eyes. His expression changed into a bright one.

"Really?" He asked, wanting to hear what Rosette said, again.

'Was he just pretending to be upset and all? How could his mood change so fast..?'

"-ette, do you like it when I act like this? If so-"

Rosette covered his mouth. "You heard that?" She asked. Reagan slowly nods, with his mouth still covered with Rosette's hand.

"Forget I said that." She withdrew her hands.

"But why? You said-" Rosette covered his mouth again.


"I'm going to the village later, do you want come?" She redirected their subject.

Finally removing her hand from his mouth, Reagan nodded softly. "I want to come with you..."

Rosette walked the path of the village market while Reagan followed behind her.

'She's not holding my hand like before...' Thought Reagan, silently pouting behind her.

Reagan trailed behind Rosette obediently, following everywhere she went. Rosette on the other hand, would casually turn around to check on him, like he was a child that would get lost.

Reagan had been greeting Rosette with a tender smile whenever she would turn around to check on him. He was holding himself back, holding the urge to get close to her and hold her hand.

Rosette stopped infront of a store, viewing the jewelries on display while Reagan was a few feet behind her.

'What a pretty ring.'

"What do your think about this ring, Reagan?" She points at the ring.

"Ah, I don't really know much about jewelries..."

"Well... Do you think its pretty? Any opinion will do."

"I think it's-" Reagan didn't get the chance to finish his sentence.

"Hello dear costumers! Is there anything I can help you with?" The merchant asked.

"I was just looking at this." Rosette pointed at the ring. "I was wondering about its price?"

"That would be twelve bronze coins or one silver coin, dear costumers. Would you like to wrap it up?"

Rosette genuinely smiled at the old merchant. "Please do so, thank you."

"Then please wait for a bit." The merchant took the ring on the display and headed to the back.

Reagan felt a sudden poke on his back shoulder. Turning around, he was surprised to see a familiar person.

The man happily smiled at Reagan "Hello gentleman. I'm a bit lost, would you mind if I asked for directions?"

"Ah..." Reagan was caught by surprise. He didn't expect to see his subordinate in the far off village.

He turned to Rosette to ask permission. "Rosette..." Reagan tapped her shoulder.

"Yes?" She looked at Reagan who was behind her. The man with Reagan froze as soon as he saw her. Stunned by her beauty, his lips slightly parted in awe.

"I'm just going to help this man with directions... I'll be back for a bit, will it be alright?"

"Do you even know the directions, Reagan?" She jokingly teases.

His cheeks flared. "O-of course I do..! You showed me around, remember..."

"Hmm..." Rosette tilts her head. Finally agreeing, she spoke. "Sure, go ahead."

"Then... I'll be back in a minute." He softly looked at her, as she waved her hand goodbye.

Reagan walked away with the man. After they were quite far, the man lets out a dramatic cry and clung to Reagan.

"Captain! Heukk.." He dramatically shrieked. "You didn't even send a word nor a letter, do you know how worried we were?!"

Reagan felt the stares directed at them. "Keep your voice down, you're going to create a scene..."

"But-" Reagan dragged the man in an empty alley.

"It's better to talk in a non crowded place..." He looked at the man, who was dramatically crying. "How is the order?"

"Everyone was worried sick searching for you! What happened captain?!"

"I was ambushed by a group of people on my way back, from the inspection."

"If we went with you,  this wouldn't have happened..."

"It's not your fault Nehan. Morever, what's happening in the capital?"

"The emperor sent search parties to find you. It's a relief that he cares."

"Captain, do you have a clue who sent those men after you?"

"Probably the Duke of Ysvel or Count Gerhald."

"Those old cunning bastards-"

"Captain!!" Another man apeared. He held his knees, catching his breath. Heaving heaving as he spoke between breaths. "We haa.. Finally hah... found you!!"

"Breath carefully Reaus." Nehan spoke.

"You..! You didn't even wait for me, you left me in the inn, you scum!!" He cursed at Nehan, but was interrupted by Reagan.

"How's everything, in the capital?"

"Everything's under control."



"There was a slight problem..." said Nehan.

"...Go on." Reagan spoke, wondering what the problem could be.


"Everyone is saying you ran away with a lover..!" Reaus cut Nehan off.


"...Why do they think that?"

"It was Count Gerhalds oldest daughter that spread the rumor."

"Not only that! They thought that youngest daughter was the lover you ran away with..."

"I think it's a marriage scheme, captain."

"The youngest daughter disappeared the same day as you."

"Captain, we think they're plotting a marriage between the youngest daughter and you."

Reagan's expression twisted in an exasperated expresion. He was irritated by what he was hearing. He couldn't believe his ears.

"It's like they're purposely setting you up to marry the count's youngest daughter."

"Seriously. Haa..." Reagan ran his hand through his hair in frustration. His face twisted in a frown. "I'll deal with it once I go back."

'Being a noble is very troublesome... I prefer my old life.'

"Speaking of, I saw captain with a woman earlier."

"Captain, who was that woman? The two of you seems to be close. "

"Could the rumors be true? Is she the lover you ran away with-"

"No." Reagan intervened.


Heat crept to Reagan's face. He wanted to say they we're lovers so badly. He wished they were what people mistook them to be.

"She helped me a lot, she's my benefactor."


"Did she save the captain?"

"She found me and treated me." Reagan spoke softly when it was about Rosette.

"Then, we should thank that lady..!" said Reaus.

"Captain," Nehan sheepishly asked. "Is she, by chance, single?"

Reagan's face turned cold from what he heard. Reaus was the first to notice the sudden change in Reagan's mood.


"OUCH! What did you hit me for?!"

"Stop spouting nonsense you idiotic twerp!" Reaus spoke after smacking Nehan's head. "Captain obviously took a liking to her, are you planning to covet captains lover?!" He whispered.

Nehan lets out a gasp, petrified. "Wait! I didn't mean to captain!! It's not like that!"

Reagan muttered. "It's fine." He looked at Nehan, who's face was regretful and embarrassed. "You're still young so it's normal for you to make mistakes..."

"But you shouldn't repeat it again." Reagan looked at Nehan.

Nehan felt a shiver down his spine. He spoke. "A-ah yes... I'm glad the captain is forgiving and kind." He nervously laughed.


"HEY! Why did you hit me again?!"

"I just felt like it." Reaus shrugged.

"You bastard..!" Nehan was about to pull Reaus' long hair, but was stopped by Reagan.

"Stop fighting you two, you'll gather unnecessary attention."

Nehan immediately retreated his hands. "You're lucky captain stopped me, or else I would have pulled every strand of your hair until there's none left, you punk..." He grumpily mumbled, making sure Reaus heard.

"Idiotic twerp." Reaus irritatingly replied under his breath.

Reagan chose to ignore their little quarrel. "Are you two are staying in this village?"

"Yes." They said in unison.

"We got here five days ago."

"We're staying in an inn."

"Ah. Captain, what about you? Where have you been staying?"

"At Rosette's." Reagan answered without hesitation.


The two coughed in shock, choking on their saliva. "What?!"

Meanwhile, Rosette patiently waited for the ring. She tapped her foot as she waited, counting the seconds that passed.

"I'm sorry it took so long, dear costumers! I had a hard time searching for the pair-" The merchant came out holding a small box.

"Oh? Dear costumer, where did your husband go?"

Rosette's brows rose in surprise. 'This is the fourth time...'

"Ah, you're mistaken, he's not my husband..."

"Oh, you're not married yet? Then you must be lovers! Seeing the two of you reminded me of my youth." The merchant happily spoke, reminiscing his past.

"We're not lovers either..."

"How come? The ring you chose is a couple set though? I thought you bought it as couples."

Rosette's brows rose higher, after she heard the merchant's words. 'What?'

"Is that so?" She spoke, dumbfounded.

'But there was no sign nor tags that said it was a couple set...'

"Yes!" The old merchant opened the box. He showed the set of rings placed on a case. "You see?"

"I had no idea..."

"Are you still going to buy it?" The old merchant asked Rosette with a genuine smile.

Rosette looked at the old man. "Yes. I'll get it." She handed the man a silver coin as payment.

"Thank you for buying, dear costumer! Please come again!" The merchant cheerfuly thanked Rosette.

"Have a good day." Rosette waved at the merchant before walking away.

'I should give this to Reagan.'

"Rosette..!" She saw Reagan from a distance, walking towards her.

"What took you so long? Did you get lost?"

"Ah.." Reagan scratched the back of his neck. He felt Reaus and Nehan's stare from afar. "A bit." He continued.

"Did you get your jewelry?"

"I did, but it turns out it comes with a pair." Rosette opened the box to show Reagan.

"It's a couple set, but I dont have a lover or anyone I could give it to, so I'll give it to you instead." Rosette straightforwardly told Reagan.

Reagan felt his heart thump faster. His face started to burn, yet again. 'I get to have a couple ring with Rosette?' He thought happily.

He felt the joy flow through him when he heard her words. 'Does that mean we're a couple..?'

Reagan's face was shining from the warmth he felt. He looked at Rosette so softly, his eyes were glimmering the joy he was experiencing. His burning cheeks were flushed red while his ears started to burn. He tenderly gazed at Rosette with a smile.

His subordinates that watched from afar was shocked and dumbfounded. It was their first time to see Reagan all shy and soft. They couldn't believe their eyes.

"I have nothing left to do here. Should we head home Reagan?"

"Ah y-yes." He stuttered.

Out of habit, Rosette dragged him along with his forearm. Reagan, however, stealthily intertwined his fingers with hers.

'I'll just let it be, this time...' Rosette thought he was going to sulk again if she were to refuse. They held hands together on their entire way home.

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