A Confession Plan (appledash)

By lantern-tasticMe

316 8 7

This story is inspired by the amazing art used in the cover! Credits to the artist! When the crusaders find o... More

a confession plan (appledash)

316 8 7
By lantern-tasticMe

Applebloom and scootaloo, the only inhabitants of the crusaders clubhouse were waiting impatiently for the third member of their little club to join them, the fillies were in a deep discussion on what caused sweetibell to be so behind hand

"Maybe she got lost in the way" applebloom wondered, one of the many possibilities of the matter.

"Or captured by a giant dragon monster" scootaloo added another to the list.

"Or maybe she's sick!"

That's when the clubhouse door burst open and there she was, the object of thier deep conversation, sweetiebell! with a mysterious grin on her face. The other two looked up, then smiled at her, welcoming thier best friend.

"I have something to tell you both" Sweetiebell announced, her grin never leaving her lips.

"I secretly read rarity's dairy and I saw this!" She levitated a book from her saddlebag, flipping the pages hurriedly till she found the entry she was looking for. Her green aura flowed around the book as she passed it to the others to read the text written in rarity's neat and beautiful hoofwriting.

Dearest dairy

I must fill in all about the love lives of my two best friends for this news is simply too good to hold back. I have been noticing the way they have been acting around each other for quite sometime now, and I am certain of the fact, applejack and rainbowdash are developing quite the spark for each other. I have witnessed them sharing longing, loving gazes from time to time, and those warm heartmelting smiles they pass, not to mention the amout of time they blush around each other, and this has spoken everything there is to know. I have always been able to pick up on sighs of love and drama of romance from afar, and this circumstance is no exception. thier behaviours makes it so painfully obvious, that it could convince anypony they have a crush...even though they are not convinced theselves. Applejack and rainbowdash's constant denial of the fact makes me wonder if those poor ponies know they have a crush themselves, oh! The drama! But they'll figure it out soon enough, it's only a matter of time.
Though I still am rather surprised to see two ponies, who used to bicker like small foles over every  silly little thing, are actually agreeing with each other and spending quality time togather, which does not involve pulling pranks and such...most of the times, still it highly amazes me how they have finally grown to care about each other, and it's rather cute if you'd ask me. Why, I have wanted this to happen since the beginning of time, long have I looked upon them and spoken to myself "those two are destined to be togather", and I can't be more exited to see it finally happening, just look at how much they both have in common, they are both very persistent, atheletic and competive, and their tragic fashion sence...which doesn't bother them at all...yes! They are very alike and if they both stop argueing for just a moment and get to know one another well, they will make the most romantic couple seen in the histry to romance.
I can already imagine those two in their future weding dresses...speaking of which, I have recently sketched out a few desings for some new wedding dress and tuxedos that we shall need for their big day in the future, thought I'm not quite certian who will be in the wedding dress and who will have the tux but I'm sure I'll figure it out by the time we actually reach their wedding day. Something tells me that day isn't too long in the future! Oh the suspence...though, I'm afraid I can't fill in any more details about the matter for I must get back to work, but I'll make sure to return to you later in the evening my dear dairy,

Your lovely rarity

"oh my gosh! I never even thought of them untill now...guess that explains why rainbowdash comes to sweet Apple acers so often." Sweetiebell chuckled, smiling so wide her cheeks were close to tear apart from the pressure on the corners of her mouth.

Though Unlike hers applebloom and scootaloo's faces were expressionless, their jaws hung to the floor none of them knowing what to think, they still hadn't comprehended the news fully.

Applebloom was the first to find her voice "hold on just a darn minute...your-your sayin that...mah sister...has a crush on...rainbowdash?" Her voice was filled with astonishment, she still hadn't comprehended the news.

"And rainbowdash likes her back?" Scootaloo asked in the same desbelif.

"Yeah!....Or at least that's what rarity thinks..." Sweetiebell replied, her smile fainting a bit...now that she thought about it...was it really possible for applejack and rainbowdash to like each other, they hardly ever got along, the same question wandered in each of their minds but applebloom was the one to bring it forth

"But how in equestria did this happen?"

"and how come they never told us?" Scootaloo spoke next

"Sweetiebell are you sure rarity ain't makin all this up...ah mean that pony is big on gossips" applebloom asked as sweetiebell shrugged in response. If she knew her sister well, this could be something she could make up, the matter sure was hard to belive, but rarity sounded so certain when she wrote it in her diary...could it actually be that applejack and rainbow like each other...for real?

"Those two could be acting like this around her to prank her, you know how easy it is to make rarity ship any pair, and we all know applejack and rainbow could go crazy lenghts to prank somepony..." Scootaloo scratched her chin

"I don't think it is a prank...rarity sounded so sure when she wrote it...I should know I'm her sister after all" sweetiebell argued. A good 15 minutes passed after that...silence was the only sound that could be herd untill applebloom broke it.

"Ah think the only way to solve this here mystry is to ask our sisters, nopony knows about their feelin's better than themselves...come on crusaders" she called out to the others as the trio left the clubhouse in search of applejack and rainbowdash.


"Look there's rainbowdash" scootaloo pointed at a cloud on which was resting a canon colour Pegasus pony with a prismatic mane.

The fillies called out to her "Rainbowdash! hey rainbowdash!" Rainbowdash groaned as she looked down to see who bothered her in the middle of her nap. Three young fillies beamed up at her, she descended from the cloud skillfully landing next to them "hey scoots" rainbow winked at the megenda maned pony who blushed slightly.

"We wanna ask you some questions rainbowdash" sweetiebell said.

"Tell us, do you have a crush on somepony we know?" Applebloom asked eagerly leaning close to rainbows face. Rainbow backed up in shock, she wasn't expecting them to ask her that...

"Uhhh...now fillies...where would you get that thought from? I honestly have no idea what your talking about haha! I don't have a crush! No way, absolutely not, na-ah!" Rainbow shook her head

"We herd you like mah sister...is that true?" Applebloom asked

"YOUR S-SISTER....pfff don't be rediculous...why would I ever-" rainbow was cut off in the middle of her sentence by sweetiebell

"Yeah you can fool us...but what do you have to say about that blush on your face?" She brought her hoofs to rainbows cheeks which were burning uncontrollably. Rainbow backed up even more.

"Uhhhh look fillies, I'd like to stay but...uh...I forgot I had to see twilight with...something, gotta dash! Bye!" The next second a trail of rainbow disappeared behind a hill.

"Gee she's really bad at hidin this" applebloom giggled

"I know! I mean she just made it sooooo obvious I could've sworn without even looking at her face she has a crush...no wonder rarity seemed so sure" sweetiebell agreed

"Gotta admitt this is the first time I've seen rainbow like...that" scootaloo spoke.

"So this comes down to just one simple fact! Rainbow likes mah sister" applebloom confirmed. (I totally did not use that line from the bats song XD)

"Absolutely, now let's go meet with applejack, at least we know she can't lie about her feelings" sweetiebell spoke as the trio headed to the sweet Apple acres


Applejack was bucking the apple trees, humming a soft tune to herself, that's when she herd somepony calling her name "applejack" she turned to see three fillies running towards her. "Howdy youngins" applejack greeted them.

"We wanted to ask you somethin" applebloom spoke shyly "anythin shugar" applejack replied resuming her applebucking "be honest now okay..." Applebloom hessitated before asking her question "do you...maybe...have a crush?"

"Why would y'all wanna know that?" Applejack asked biting her lips nurvously

"Oh you know, rumour has it...you kinda like a certain rainbow maned Pegasus pony we know" scootaloo spoke

"What? Ah don't even know any rainbow maned stallions" applejacks responded

"Who said anything about stallions?...I mean gay marrige is pretty much legal in ponyvile...so any mares we know?" Sweetiebell asked eagerly

"Ah...ah wish ah could talk but...Ah got chores so see y'all...woah!" Applejack tripped on her steps and hit her head on an apple basket...she got up, shook her head and ran into the barn her face a deeper shade of red than big Mac's colt.

"Y'all saw that too...right?" Applebloom addressed to the others, sighing she turned to her friends "so fillies now it's official! OUR SISTERS LIKE EACH OTHER" her and scootaloo screamed the big news in unission, there voices audible all over ponyvile but they could care less. Their eyes shone, smiles widened and hoofs stomped the floor hard. They began circling around sweetiebell like wild puppies, who joined them as the three cheered togather.

"Wait!" Applebloom suddenly spoke something clicking in her head "do they both even know they like each other?" She asked the other two who looked as confused as her

"I don't think so...I mean, you saw just how embaressed they were...I wonder if they have even admitted it to themselves" Sweetiebell sighed

"Your right sweetiebell, they don't look like they're ready to confess yet" scootaloo spoke

"Then what do we do? Stand on the sideline waitin for them to come close on their own, which won't happen in forever" applebloom humphed

"Or...maybe we could confess for them?" A sinister smile grew on sweetiebell's face "those two are clearly too shy to even admitt their feelings to themselves...what do you say we give them a little push?" Applebloom and scootaloo passed smirks "count us in!"


"So here's the plan, crusaders, since applejack and rainbowdash are too shy to confess, we are gonna help them by leavin out hints for those two to figure out they like each other" applebloom explained "so any suggestions what hints we leave out for em?"

"Oh! Oh! I know" sweetiebell raised her hoof "why don't we send them flowers?"

"Flowers? Not something rainbowdash would go for" scootaloo shook her head

"How about a pie...we could hide a note inside it" applebloom suggested

"That could work" scootaloo agreed

"No! We can't give out big hints, that would make it too obvious...we want them to figure out themselves" sweetiebell spoke matter of factly

"And how exactly is sendin a note in a pie too obvious?" Applebloom asked

"Well duh! Your sending a note applebloom, notes always make it too obvious we have to show a gesture that's how romance works" sweetiebell responded her tone ever so cold "and flowers show the perfect romantic gesture"

"Well whatever, ah'll stick to mah pie" applebloom spoke in the same cold emotionless tone.

"Okay then, I'll send my flowers let's see whose idea works out better"

"Sure and it's not like it's a competition"

"Oh! of course not, if even one of our ideas work out it will be a win for all...although we both know mine is the most logical suggestion applebloom, but noponys stopping you from trying your method"

"Mah method is better among us and ah'll prove it"

"I'd love to see that"

"You will, tomorrow noon we'll meet up at this very spot to see whose way worked out the best"

"Sure! I'd totally come to tell you how well my plan worked out"

"You wish!" Applebloom said as she spat on her hoof offering it to sweetiebell who backed up from her like the plague.

"Let's skip the hoofshaking part...I'm not keen on getting that on my hoof" she gestured to the liquid on appleblooms hoof

"It's a gesture sweetiebell" applebloom gritted her teeths

"To show what? Just how rude you are?" Sweetiebell yelled

"Ah'll show you how rude ah can be!" Applebloom yelled back even louder.

Their small argument soon turned into a massive war but what the agressive fillies hadn't realised in the heat of the moment was that the thrid member or their club was missing, scootaloo had already left the place, she knew better than to get invoved whenever sweetiebell and applebloom were at odds, it always made matters worse...becides the young fillie had her own confession plan she had to work on!


The sun was bond to rise, applejack was sound asleep...it wouldn't have been more than 5am in the morning when her bedroom door creaked open, a shadow peaked thro the door...one look at the sleeping pony and the door fully opened, the little shadow grew to ten times, falling over the snoring pony. Applejack twitched in her sleep, the sound of the door closing seemed to have disturbed her, the figure tip-hoofed its way to applejacks bed. It smirked at the sleeping pony in contentment...this was going to be too easy!

Sweetiebell knew that the apple family woke up before the crack of dawn, so if she wanted her plan to work out she had to do it earlier than early morning...she tip-hoofed pass applejacks bed towards the window, every step carefully, slowly and ever so softly taken by the unicorn...she reached the window, and placed a fresh bouquet of lavender on the window sill. These were the only flowers she could find this early in the morning. She looked at the pretty blossoms, the beauty before her made her forget everything...the fact that she was in applejacks bedroom, or that she had to be extra quite or that she was highly alergic to lavender flowers!

She brought the flowers close to her face, to take in the cent, sniffing them deeply she sighed. Then her nose produced an uncomfortable burning sensation. She realised what she had done...but now it was too late to back down...

She sneezed, and sneezed hard! It's was loud enough to wake the entire apple family and that's exactly what happened!

Sweetiebell managed to get the flowers out of the way when she sneezed so the flowers were safe...but the rest of her brilliant idea crumbled down. Noises could be herd from downstairs, the apple family sure was disturbed.

Applejack woke up with a start...she looked around and spotted the little fillie neer her window. Sweetiebell knew that she had to find a way to escape...it won't be wise to stay here any longer...but she won't be able to get to the door in time, becides there are the other members of the apple family down there who'll surely spot her...she did what her instincts told her and jumped down the window landing on a pile of hay beneath.

Applejack was having a little trouble processing what she just witnessed, was she dreaming or did sweetiebell actually break into her room? She noticed the bouquet of lavender neer her window, she picked up the flowers and saw that it was sighed From "R"....whose "R"? She couldn't fully understand it because of her being half asleep then suddenly something clicked in her brain..."R"....could it be...applejacks face fell...she wasn't expecting this...

Later that morning applebloom successfully baked her pie, she scribbled a few words on a parchment and carefully inserted the note inside her treat. The pie was ready for her plan, all she had to do now was to find rainbowdash, the fillie left in search of the rainbow Pegasus, she met scootaloo on her way

"Hey applebloom how's your plan coming?" Scootaloo asked excitedly

"Here's the pie, just gotta find rainbowdash" applebloom said

"Oh! I saw her neer rarity boutique this morning" scootaloo informed

"Thanks scootaloo" applebloom went towards the boutique, she spotted rainbow's luscious, shiny, muticoloured frame from afar, she called out to her "rainbowdash! Hey rainbowdash" applebloom finally approached her, RD looked at the fille curiously, panting applebloom muttered "mah sister baked a pie for ya!" She showed her the pie smiling tiredly

"She did?" Rainbow asked, clearly surprised

"Ah did?" Came a new voice...this one even more surprised, what appleloom Hadn't realised was that applejack was there too with rainbowdash, she gave her sister a sheepish grin

"But I don't understand...if you wanted to give me a pie...couldn't you have brought it yourself?" RD asked

"Ah can't understand nethier" applejack spoke, narrowing her eyes as applebloom she asked "what are y'all upto now?"

"Nothin" applebloom spoke quickly then turned to RD "go ahed, eat the pie" she encouraged her

RD looked bettween applebloom and AJ then shrugged liftling the pie. Appleblooms eyes sparkled, this was it...rainbow was about to find the note, the pie was inches from rainbow...applebloom bit her lips nurvously...this couldn't have gotten any slower.

RD gulped the entire pie at once, not bothered by the fact that she was chewing paper along with the treat...the spark in appleblooms eyes vanished, her smile fell and ears dropped, rainbow got rid of the tray that the pie was placed in, wiping her face with her hoofs she turned to applejack "the pie sure was delicious, you should make more of these" RD complimented "see ya later AJ" soon a trail of rainbow, dashed past them and disappeared behind a hill.

Applejack turned to applebloom "what in tarnation was that?"

"Ah promise ah'll explain everythin later" applebloom fled as fast as she could

"Applebloom! Get your flank back here!" She ignored applejacks call and ran as fast as she could.

She met with scootaloo at the clubhouse. "So how did it go with rainbowdash?" The fillie asked her excitedly

"She didn't find the note" applebloom spoke disappointed.

The clubhouse door slowly opened, as sweetiebell entered, not looking any better than applebloom "hey guys" she mumbled to them

"Sweetiebell! Did you have any luck with your flowers?" Scootaloo asked in the same exited tone as before

"Well applejack did find the flowers, cause I left them inside her bedroom...but I screwed the gesture showing part" she went on telling the other two what had happened

"Don't worry sweetiebell ah didn't have much luck with mah pie nethier" applebloom spoke sypethetically "so much for bringin those two togather" she sighed

"Guess project appledash ends here" sweetiebell was close to tears, none of them could belive they had failed and failed so terribly!

"Chin up guys! You haven't even checked out my idea yet" scootaloo said placing a hoof on both their backs "while you chumps were bussy arguing...I was coming up with the perfect confession plan" she pulled the other two out of the clubhouse "come on!"


The door to the Carousel Boutique slowly opened, as an orange coloured earth pony walked in, unsure if she should be here, applejack's face was expressionless as she turned to the fashion pony, too bussy with her stitching to notice aj's presence, she awkwardly cleared her throat, getting rarity's attention at last.

"Oh welcome to the...oh!" Rarity turned greeting her new customer but her smile faded slightly when she saw applejack standing awkwardly before her "well hello applejack!" Rarity greeted her friend "what can I help you with" she asked politely, eyeing aj suspiciously. If she knew applejack well, the boutique would've been the last thing the earth pony would visit, due to her little, meaning not in the slightest interest in dresses and fashion and all that high society glamour and glory. No! applejack was surely here for a different reason...but just what could that be?

"Ah...ah came here to uh...thank you for the flowers you sent me rarity..." Rarity got her anwer, but that only made the fashionista more confused.

"Whatever your going on about..." Rarity shrugged and turned to go back to her designs.

"Ah mean these flowers" applejack showed her the bouquet of lavender "yer sister left em at mah window this mornin...and it's sighed from "R" look" indeed, the signature "R" was there, on the note attached to the bouquet.

"Now why in the world would sweetiebell leave you flowers from me?" Rarity looked puzzled

"How am ah supposed to know that?"

"I don't know either applejack, I didn't send you any flowers...and even if I had to I would've never chosen lavender ek! That colour just doesn't go with your colt...now earth colour or shades of yellow would look devine! They match perfectly with your taste" rarity pointed matter of factly,

she was the famous trendsetting fashionista after all, she knew better than to send applejack lavender...that proved she had not send applejack those blossoms, she could never stand such cruelty against fashion, those flowers were horrible, simply horrible for a pony with applejacks taste, she disposed the bouquet into the trash, levitating a fresh bouquet of yellow tulips to replace the previous one, her blue Arora carried the bouquet all the way to applejack, she matched the tulips with aj's colt and jumped in delight.

"Devine indeed" she exclaimed, finally satisfied "this will do nicely" she offered her friend the bouquet, applejack was least interested in the flowers, but she took them anyway, not wanting to dissapoint her friend, they may not be very similar but they both respected each other's views and never let thier differences get bettween thier friendship, that was the beauty of thier relationship. Applejack simply smiled at rarity, if there was something she was certain about, it was that rarity didn't send her the flowers, but she asked for a final conformation...

"So, Your...your sayin you didnt send me flowers?"

"Heavens no applejack" aj got her answer, but now it was her turn to be confused by the matter...

"Then why did yer sister leave em at mah place?" She asked rarity one of the many questions clouding up in her head...

"Oh celestia knows what she is upto, I haven't seen her all morning" rarity spoke.

"We have to find out what those fillies are planin, come on rarity let's find yer sister" applejack and rarity left the Carousel Boutique in search of sweetiebell...who, as we speak of was with her two best friends working on scootaloo's brilliant plan of confession.


"What exactly are we doin in the everfree forest scootaloo?" Applebloom asked dodgeing branches as they walked thro the dark forest.

"We're here to collect some zap apples" scootaloo responded "I've been telling you all about my confession plan on the way here...haven't you been listening?"

"Don't remeber you mentionin zap apples" applebloom said

"Really? Oh well! Now you know" scootaloo spoke

"But why do we need those?" Sweetiebell asked

"Isn't that obvious guys?" Scootaloo asked in an irritated tone

"What's obvious?" The other two asked in unission

"Oh come on! Do I really have to spill it for you? Zap apples are apples in the colour of the rainbow, that literally symbolises appledash...apples, in rainbow colours...get it now?" Scootaloo explained

"Yeah...but what are we gonna do with them?" Sweetiebell asked

"Do I really need to go thro the entire plan again?" Scootaloo spoke, her temper rising, and so her voice...which resulted in a howl from a distance.

"Y'all herd that?" Applebloom asked nurvously

"Yeah...what is that?" Sweetiebell asked scared

"Eh probably your stomach applebloom, you've been complaining about just how hungry you are since the moment we left the clubhouse"

"Ah hope it's just mah stomach scootaloo...n-nothin else" applebloom was still pretty scared

"So...any ideas where zap apple trees are?" Scootaloo asked the others

"Are you kiddin? We don't even know wher we are" applebloom complained

"And this is why miss Cheerilee always makes sure we have a travel guide with us whenever we explore some new place" sweetiebell explained

"Ah don't think we could've found a travel guide for this sweetiebell, nopony ever comes here remeber?" Applebloom said

"I'm starting to understand why" scootaloo said

The more the walked on, the deeper into the forest they went and the darker and dencer the forest became, I'd be lying if I said the fillies were scared...the truth is that they were horrified! The forest got spookier the further they went, and at this point the slightest noise was enough to kill those three from fear. Big ugly bats hung down the trees watching the fillies walk by in contentment, snakes and many other raptiles slithered past them, there was no trace of sunlight, the dence thick trees left no room for the sun's rays to reach them. The fillies walked on as sweetiebell stepped on a branch that cracked, the noise made all three of them jump but they soon realised it was just a loose branch

"So any idea where we are?" Sweetiebell broke the spooky silence

"Oh that's easy! Were lost!" Scootaloo informed.

"So much for getting those zap apples scootaloo" applebloom muttered

"those are important for my plan" scootaloo spoke offended by appleblooms comment

"No plan's worth risking our lives scootaloo" sweetiebell said

"No but...this one is! I assure you, this is worth everything were putting into it, don't you want applejack and rainbowdash to be happy?" Scootaloo asked

"Of course we do, but we didn't have to go to this extend to do it, a fake date or somethin would've worked" applebloom said

"Trust me on this guys, I know what I'm doin-what the!" Scootaloo froze, she saw something moving behind the trees, there was another howl, this one louder than the one they herd before "please tell me that's your stomach applebloom" sweetiebell said her voice filled with panick.

"Ah don't think it is" applebloom's tone was filled with even more fear and scootaloo couldn't even talk

"Ack! What is that thing?" Sweetiebell asked as a shadow emerged from the bushes

"Whatever it is...I suggest we- "RUN" all three cried togather as they ran to the other direction, applebloom dared looking behind her and saw what was chasing them "TIMBERWOLF!" she informed the other two as they continued running.

"Why is it always timberwolves?" Scootaloo cried

"CLIFF!" sweetiebell shouted as all three stoped running, behind them was a scary timberwolf and before them a cliff...this couldn't have gotten any worse!

"WERE DOOMED!" sweetiebell cried as all three hugged each other close. the timberwolf was quickly advancing towards the fillies, that's when something jumped out of a bush

"Yeehaw!" Applejack and rarity appeared just in time to save them "get away from my sister you ugly ruffian"

Rarity shot her magic at the beast, as applejack threw her lasso tieing it up with a tree, rarity levitated the end of the rope and wraped it around the timberwolves body lastly tieing a beautiful bow for a knot. "And that's how you do it" she flipped her maine, then turned to the fillies "are you alright?"

"You guys couldn't have been a second early" sweetiebell said, still a bit shaken by the fact she almost got killed a while back.

"Well somepony had to save your flanks...what the-" applejack looked around as strange noises came from the bushes she stepped forward as rarity narrowed her eyes, two timberwolves howled loudly stepping out of the bush

Applejack twriled her lasso in the air and rarity activated her horn, ready to fight. Both sides charged at each other at the same time, sparks of magic filled the air as rarity gracefully fought off the timberwolf on the right, and shreds of torn rope scattered around as aj struggled to capture the timberwolf on the left. After a while the timberwolf applejack was fighting off collasped on the ground covered in rope, rarity was still battling hers.

aj rushed towards her wrapping the beast in her lasso "and that's how you do it" she smirked at rarity, but rarity had a horrified look on her face "watch out" she yelled as another timberwolf launched at applejack, before aj had time to process the wolf had already knocked her off, she hit her head hard on a rock, that caused her to pass out. The timberwolf charged at aj again, ready to strike her once more.

"You'll regret doing that" came a new voice, slightly raspy but a femiliar one...right before the wolf could attack aj again a trail of rainbow hit it square on the face. Applejack got up...still a bit dizzy she looked around and spotted rainbowdash, glaring at the timberwolf who attacked her.

"Rainbow!" Applejack muttered weekly trying to stand up, rainbow rushed towards her "applejack! Are you okay?" Rainbow asked her voice filled with worry

"Ah'm fine, but what in tarnation are you doin here?" She asked

"I saw you and rarity entering the forest so I followed you...and honestly it's a good thing I did" rainbow responded with a chuckle, then her expresion went serious again "now are you sure your okay?" She asked again

"Ah'm fine rainbow, and ah'm mighty thankful of y'all for savin me"

"Hahaha! Don't don't mention it, that's what friends are for am I right?" Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Did you two see that?" Applebloom pointed bettween applejack and rainbowdash

"Oh it's like I'm reading a romance novel! A knight in shining armour saving her princess charming, then them riding off into the sunset to live their happily ever after, this is the cutest thing I've ever seen!" Sweetiebell exclaimed, her level of excitement soon extended pinkie pies, as she jumped in delight, her horn senting spark of magic everywhere

Applebloom was in tears "mah big sister is all grown up!" She blew her nose in scootaloo's tail who was more bussy cheering rainbow than to care.

Applejack blushed a little, then shook her head...not the time to admire rainbowdash! She reminded herself as she picked up her lasso to fight off the rest of the pack.

"Geez! How many of these things are there?" Rainbow looked around

"Rarity you get the fillies out of here, we'll deal with the timberwolves" rarity nodded at applejack as she led the crusaders to a different direction, they walked on as rarity cursed the wolves for ruining her perfectly groomed maine, soon they were all outside the forest.

"That sure was something" sweetiebell cheered

"I told you this was gonna be totally worth it!" Scootaloo smirked

"Yeah no! We almost got killed in there" applebloom spoke

"Ruined! Absolutely ruined! Oh what's worse than having a bad maine day?" Rarity moaned

Soon two heavily wounded ponies reach the group gasping hard for air and carying each other's weight.

"Oh thank goodness your both alright, I was worried sick!" Rarity exclaimed hugging both applejack and rainbowdash togather, the ponies were too tierd to lift a hoof, they weekly smiled at her.

"Yeah no, you seemed more worried about your mane rarity" scootaloo pointed

"Of course not! My friends are at the top of my priorities, my mane comes right after that though" rarity said runing her hoof thro her mane, trying to fix it...only it was getting more messier by her actions.

"That was amazing guys!" Sweetiebell spoke

"Totally! We should do it again someday" scootaloo said

"Yeah! It was so exitin" applebloom agreed

"Ofcourse none of this would have happened if you three hadn't ran into the forest, in the first place" rarity stepped close to the crusaders

"Yeah! What were you three doing in there anyway?" Rainbow asked joining rarity

"Care to explain?" Applejack stepped even closer narrowing her eyes at the three, all their exitement drained out of them as they all gulped nurvously...they knew this was coming...sweetiebell sighed and stepped forward

"I...I secreatly read your dairy rarity and-" she was cut off by a dramatic gasp from her sister "you did what!" Sweetiebell gulped

"You saw the entry about applejack and rainbowdash didn't you?" The fillie nodded too scared to talk "so that's what all the fuss is about?" "Yeah..." Came the responce, rarity sighed "come on sweetiebell, were going home" sweetiebell quitely followed her sister.

"Ah think we should get goin too, come on applebloom" applejack and applebloom left as well.

"Care to explain what happened?" Rainbow asked scootaloo who told her everything in one breath

".....so then we all went into the everfree forest to get some zap apples for my confession idea but that didn't work out the way we planed" scootaloo sighed finishing her story

"Woah there, you went into the everyfree forest, got chased by a bunch of crazy timberwolves and almost got killed...all to bring me and aj togather?"


"that was AWESOME!" Rainbow exclaimed excitedly

"Really?" Scootaloo asked surprised

"Ofcourse! I mean I would've gone for a confession like that too if I were you"

"Speaking of...when exactly are you planing on confessing to applejack anyway?" Scootaloo asked

"Soon enough...when the mood is right and all..." Rainbow muttered turning away from the fillie, scootaloo placed a hoof on rainbows

"Don't worry rainbow you'll get her someday" she said sypethetically

"I know I will" RD smirked "hey scoots" rainbow spoke again a bit nurvous this time "your not gonna tell aj about this right?"

"About what?" Scootaloo gave her a confused look

"About my...errr feelings" rainbow spoke looking down trying her best to hide the blush growing on her face

"No way! Your the one who'd be telling her!" Scootaloo nudged rainbows side

"We'll see" rainbow smirked again wrapping her wing around the little fillie the two sat there, watching the sunset in contentment

"Ah'm sory applejack, this is all mah fault" applebloom looked down, not able to look into her sisters eyes

"Oh shucks shugercube! It ain't all your fault...had ah been honest with mah feelin's earlier, none of this would've happened" applejack hugged the fillie, who slowly hugged her back

"You know, if it had to be anypony...ah'm glad it's rainbow" applebloom looked up at her sister at last

"Yeah me too" applejack said ruffling her sisters hair slightly,

 "So...does that mean you finally admitt you like her?" Applebloom asked eagerly 

"Dunno about that yet...ah mean she's really cool'n all" applejack looked at her sisters unimpressed expression "oh alright! Ah like her, there! You have it. But dont go settin up a date for us now y'hear" applejack spoke cautiously.

"Don't worry, we won't interfere bettween you and rainbow anymore, we've realised that sometime all you need for things to work out is a little patience. We're all mighty sory for what we did and promise to never do it again. Cross mah heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in mah eye" applebloom spoke going through all the movements of a pinky promise

"Be it the hard way, but ah'm glad you've finally learned your lesson youngin, ah love ya little sister" they hugged again.

"Ah love you more applejack" applebloom cooed breaking the hug.

theyboth resumed their walk back home togather, chating, joking, laughing and just enjoying each other's company.

"I simply cannot belive you would do such a thing sweetiebell, what were you thinking going into that forest? You know all too well what kinds of vicious beasts live in that place, then why would you ever think of stepping a hoof in there? And I'd also like to know why did you send applejack flowers from me? Was it some kind of prank you wanted to pull on us? Cause that surely was not funny at all. And you also read my dairy, even after me telling you several times not to touch my things without permission you took it, and read it and broadcasted my innermost secrets with your friends!"

Rarity collapsed on a nearby couch, gently messaging her temples with her hoofs "you have a lot of explaing to do young fillie"

Sweetiebell groaned, it won't be easy for her to get out of this one...


This story is inspired by the amazing art used in the cover, I don't claim to own this masterpiece, credits to the artist.

I wanted this story to be pure comdey, no romance or fluff or anything else, and I nearly overdid myself in order to make y'all laugh thro this book, just call me your everyday pinkie pie!

My appologise for putting rarijack in an appledash fanfiction, if yall haven't already guessed, i ship rarijack as much as appledash if not more...yes! I am a multishipper too!

I may have rushed the ending just a tessie tiny bit, but I hope you still liked the story.

  And yes, they will confess to each other at some point but I dont feel like going there, I just wanna leave this story like this cause it's already really long and I'm not sure where to go with it from now...so yeah, this is where this story ends. Roll credits (you can add a sin for that terrible cenemare sins reference)

I don't want any hate on my fic so do kindly leave if your not interested in this, constructive criticism and feedbacks are more than welcome.

Also if y'all are curious, this one's got 6256 words, so it's pretty...long!

And now, for the ones who have managed to read this far

Keep on reading and writing and don't ever forget
Y'all rock!

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