30 day NSFW challenge! (Disco...

By Fr3shy_S4ns

82.4K 1.2K 580

I'm doing it in order but probably not posting everyday... the ship is Nightcest! More

Day 1: Cuddling Naked
Day 2: Kissing naked
Day 3: First Time
Day 4: Masturbation
Day 5: Blowjob
Day 6: Clothed Getting Offed
Day 7: Half Clothed
Day 8: Skype Sex
Day 9: Against The Wall
Day 10: Doggy style
Day 12: Fingering
Day 13: Rimming
Chapter 14: 69
Y'all I love you so fucking much

Day 11: Dom/Sub

4.3K 71 49
By Fr3shy_S4ns

It’s been a few weeks since the two lovers had done anything special. Mostly because Corruption was a bit too rough on Passive the last time, that he fell down the stairs. Passive was making breakfast and Corruption was in bed, sleeping. Passive ran upstairs and smiled, “Corruption, the food’s ready!” he said, in a cheery voice. Corruption groaned and flipped him off. He wasn’t in such a good mood. Passive growled and went back to the food, throwing away Corruption’s plate. “Be like that and you don’t get my wonderful cooking,” he muttered. He then sat at the table and started to eat. Five minutes passed and Corruption came down, looking like tired shit. “OK Passive, I’m up. Where’s the food?” “In the trash,” Passive said in a monotone voice. Corruption growled and slammed his hands onto the table, “what?! Why?!” “Because you flipped me off. You know the rules, Rupty. Be an ass and you don’t get mine.” Passive said. Corruption sighed and grabbed an apple, “Whatever.” he muttered and walked off.
Passive was on the couch, reading. Corruption was in their room, writing something until he sighed and stretched. “Damn… maybe Passive could help me with this?” He thought and got up. He then went to Passive and smiled, “Hey love. Can you help me with so-” “Nope.” Passive interrupted him. Corruption stared at him then huffed, “Passive I need you! plea-” “No.” “why the hell not?!” Corruption yelled. “Because of that,” Passive said. Corruption grumbled and walked away.
Corruption blushed slightly and looked at his lower area, noticing a slight glow. “Damnit…” He muttered. Passive walked in on him and let out a slight chuckle. Not his usual giggle, which was weird. “So Rupty… mind telling me why you’ve been too rude~?” “Passive, wha-” “answer me.” Passive wasn’t himself, Corruption could easily see that. “I-I uh…” “you what?” Passive said, in a pissed-off tone. “I-I don’t know ok?!” Corruption yelled. Passive pushed him onto the bed and smirked as he cupped Corruption’s chin “do you remember the day I almost dominated you~?” “Y-yes, I can recall me destroying you after…” “well… why don’t I punish you by fucking you~? I’ll tease and call you slutty names~ How does that sound~?” Passive said, smirking seductively. Corruption didn’t know what to say so he just nodded. Passive chuckled softly and stood back up. “Strip,” Passive said. Corruption stared at Passive who had a cold glare. He was serious. Corruption nodded and started to take his hoodie off, not knowing what was gonna happen. Passive smirked and stared at Corruption, “Faster.” Corruption nodded and took the rest of his clothes off quickly.

Now, Corruption was completely naked in front of Passive who was blushing. “Summon your female body, dear. And your natural one, ok?” Passive said as he went to the bathroom. Passive then came back to see Corruption but he immediately knew he modified his chest to be smaller. About a size D. “Oh Rupty~ Your chest isn’t your natural size~” “P-Passive, you know I hate my natural body…” “It’s ok, Rupty. I’ll take great care of it.” Passive cooed in a soft, loving voice. Corruption looked at him, slightly worried and scared, “P-promise..?” he asked. Passive cupped his chin and nodded, “of course.” Corruption sighed and agreed as his D cups changed into G cups. Passive walked up to him and kissed his neck, “thank you Rupty~” he cooed. He then started to strip, starting with his shirt.

He unbuttoned it and slipped it off his body, the fabric falling onto the floor. He then slipped his pants off, showing his 18-centimeter member. He wasn’t surprisingly smaller than Corruption because Corruption was naturally 24 centimeters big. Passive looked at Corruption, who was blushing madly. “B-be gentle, please. I haven’t done this in a long while…” Corruption said. Passive nodded and pinned him down, kissing him deeply. Corruption kissed back, feeling Passive’s hard member rub against his entrance. Passive pulled away and kissed his neck, ”are you feeling comfy, Rupty? Even though this is your punishment, I still care.” “C-can we have a safeword..?” “Of course. How about… game over?” “y-yeah, ok.” Passive smiled and positioned himself, “ready, Rupty?” “I-I think…” Corruption knew this was gonna hurt since he saw how thick Passive was. He had a pretty thick girth that he knew he was gonna be stretched out big time.

Passive didn’t show any mercy, thinking Corruption could take a bit of pain and he slammed into him and started to thrust. Corruption didn’t see this coming and as Passive slammed into him, his eye widened and he let out a pained scream. “PASSIVE STOP!! S-stop g-game over!!” he yelled as tears fell from his eye. Passive stopped, thinking he went too far. “I-I’m sorry, I thought you could take some pain-” “SOME?! Passive that was too much!!”Corruption yelled. Passive sighed and wiped Corruption’s tears away. “I’m sorry, I’ll try and be a bit more gentle ok? I’m still gonna be a bit rough though.” Corruption sighed and nodded, soon feeling Passive thrust again. He was a lot more gentle but still a bit fast. Passive had gentle thrusts but at a slow yet fast pace. Corruption still felt pain in his lower body but it was a lot less than before.

Passive was panting softly and grunting at times, loving the feeling of how tight Corruption was. Corruption was moaning softly with each thrust, his arms wrapped around Passive’s neck. Passive looked at Corruption and smirked as he thrusted faster and slightly harder but not too hard to make it hurt so much. Corruption moaned louder, his chest bouncing with the thrusts. Corruption teared up from slight pleasure, smiling slightly. Passive saw this and knew he was doing well so he thrusted faster. Corruption moaned louder, his eye shutting tight from pleasure and pain. Passive wanted this to feel good towards Corruption but to also still feel pain since this WAS his punishment. Corruption hadn’t felt this kind of pleasure ever since he decided to let Cross dominate him.

‘Passive is a little smaller than Cross but he does have a wider girth…’

Corruption thought. Passive noticed Corruption was thinking and he smirked as he lifted one of his legs onto his shoulder. This snapped Corruption out of his thoughts and he looked at Passive. “Whatcha thinking about, Rupty~?” Passive cooed. Corruption blushed and looked away, “my first time being dominated…” he muttered. “And what specific thing about that~?” Passive asked, wanting to know if Corruption was thinking about the person or how it felt. “T-that you’re a bit smaller than them but you have a wider girth…” “And who was this friend?” Passive asked once more. Corruption looked at Passive and sighed, “Cross.” Passive perked up and giggled slightly. “I guess I’ll allow that. Cross is a good guy.” “He was in heat and needed help so that’s why.” Passive giggled once more and kissed Corruption’s neck before thrusting at a fast and rough pace. Corruption moaned loudly,

loving how deep Passive was and how he was stretching his insides. The slight pain made it feel even better since Corruption was a slight masochist. He could take in pain but not too much as of earlier. Passive was grunting and panting softly as he fucked Corruption, some drool falling down his chin. Corruption never felt this good before and he soon came for how sensitive he was as a submissive. Passive, however, didn’t stop and started to ram into Corruption, leaning over him and getting deeper. The two moaned with each other, every thrust getting a bit sloppier. Soon, Passive’s thrusting got sloppy and rougher, meaning he was close. Corruption easily noticed and he kissed Passive passionately, Passive kissing back. Passive then came deep inside of Corruption, giving him a big load of his warm seed. Corruption moaned loudly, cumming onto Passive once more, and surprised at how much Passive came. Passive bit his lip as his load finished, grinding his hips into Corruption’s pelvis and soon, pulling out. As Passive pulled out, some of his cum with a little bit of blood came with. Passive gasped slightly as he stared at the blood, covering his mouth. Corruption looked at the blood and chuckled softly. “Wow, Passive. I didn’t know you could wreck me so hard, you’d make me bleed.” He said and smiled. Passive sighed softly and kissed Corruption’s cheek, “I’m sorry.” “Its ok, darling. This is my punishment after all.” “Heheh, yeah.”
After they got dressed and ready to rest…
Passive nuzzled Corruption’s neck as Corruption held him close. “You know, Passy… I might not be able to fuck you any time soon for how rough you were with me.” Corruption said. Passive shrugged, “Oh well.” he said and kissed his neck. “You can finger me instead~” and Corruption chuckled. “Yeah, ok.” and later as they were cuddling each other… they fell asleep.

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