ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛʟᴇꜱꜱ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ | ᴢᴇʟᴅʀɪꜱ...

By lostgipsydanger

413K 14.8K 7.5K

ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ᴇᴅɪᴛɪɴɢ Killing her father, the General of the Demon Army, was the only way (Y/n)'s best friend and his... More

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰᴏʀᴛʏ ɴɪɴᴇ

4.3K 167 55
By lostgipsydanger

Author's notes: Heyyy guys! Anyone else super excited and hyped for the movie Cursed By Light coming out this week?

Anyways, please enjoy this new chapter! ❤

"ɪ ʙᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪꜰ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴍᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴅ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ʜᴀᴜɴᴛ ᴍʏ ꜱᴏᴜʟ." 

ᴄʟᴜʙ ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀ

"Why are you here, Meliodas of the Demon race?" the King of Chaos roars when he catches sight of the eldest Demon Prince. "You are not welcome! I won't let the Demons have their way with Britannia!"

In an instant, everything around us turns pitch black before slowly brightening again to reveal a whole world full of mess and disorder. How perfectly chaotic.

"What is all this?" Diane cries out.

"And where are we?" Elizabeth asks as everyone stares in astonishment at our new brand surroundings.

"(Y/n), I don't know what the hell is going on with you but snap out of it!" the Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins yells at me but I just continue to smile maniacally at him.

"I thought you were my best friend," I tease him. "Shouldn't you know what is going on in my mind right now?"

No. What am I saying? What is wrong with me?

"Don't do that to me," he hisses and dodges a large object coming straight at his head. "Please don't do that to me, (Y/n)."

"I love you so much sometimes I want to kill myself," I say hysterically. "That is what best friends are for, right?"

What is going on? The words are leaving my lips before I can even stop them.

"(Y/n), look at me!" I hear someone yell out for me so I turn to the side to see Zeldris flying as well, his face full of fear. "Come over to me."

"And why would I do that?" I ask, puzzled. "My Master has just awakened and I need to be there for him when he gives me orders."

"But I thought you said that he would free you," Zeldris tries to reason with me. "That's what you want, right?"

"I want to be free from all of the darkness inside me," I say and shock myself when tears come streaming down my cheeks. "I no longer want to be the terrifying monster everyone believes me to be."

Perhaps the darkness. But I am not a monster. So why am I saying this?

"You're not a monster," Zeldris immediately says. "Don't ever say that. You're the kindest, purest, most forgiving person to ever walk these lands and everyone is glad that you are in their lives, (Y/n). No one thinks you're a monster!"

Something awful twists inside of me and I clench onto my stomach desperately. "Stop it. Shut up!"

"I love you, (Y/n)!" the youngest Demon Prince calls out to me. "So please fight back whatever is inside of you! Come back to me!"

"Demons like you are impure," I spit at the love of my life, my fingers digging into my sides. "Which is why there are the Goddesses who balance your darkness."

"(Y/n), what are you talking about?" Zeldris asks breathlessly as he tries to avoid everything that comes his way. "You're a Demon too."

"I am not!" I roar and my dark shadows begin to cave in on me. "I am a child of Chaos!

"Woah, everything is back to normal," I hear Hawk note and I realise that the real world has fully returned.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)," someone says behind me before I feel a horrible pressure in my head and my world turns black.


This led the wise men of antiquity to call it the Mother of Chaos.


Arthur, you command Chaos. That makes you the King who will lead Britannia to a new world.

I am the one who was wrought from Chaos. The ancients call me the Lady of the Lake but I am also known as the Priestess of Chaos.

The Priestess of Chaos?

So the Supreme Deity and the Demon King worked together to seal Chaos away.

One or the other had to be completely destroyed in order to disrupt the balance.

Hating someone so much you want to kill them but still being able to love them. That's what Humans do.

What the hell is going on right now?

Chaos is the will of power that does not have one physical body. What you see before you is just a provisional form in which the two Gods managed to seal it.

It took up residence within you, Arthur.

Why can't I open my eyes?

I made the promise that I would become a wonderful King and create an incredible world with the likes nobody has ever seen!


"But then what the hell is going on with (Y/n) right now? Why is she acting so...crazy?"

Are you all aware of the promise she made to a little Human girl 3,000 years ago?

"A Human girl? Do you mean Gaia?"

That is the girl I speak of.

"Wait, Gaia? Who is that, Elizabeth?"

"3,000 years ago, (Y/n) and I befriended two Human girls, two sisters, and their names were Gaia and Grace. (Y/n) told me that she made an oath to protect their family line before Gaia was killed by another Goddess and Grace had sealed it with her unknown magical powers."

Indeed, and Arthur here comes directly from Grace's lineage.

"Woah, seriously?"

"Arthur, you were very young but your parents used to tell you stories of a Demon warrior who was alleged as your protector."

Arthur, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.

"And that protector is (Y/n)?"

"Yes. (Y/n) of the Dark Shadows has been protecting your family line for over 3,000 years and Gaia proclaimed that her freedom would only be granted by one of her descendants when the world would be at peace and (Y/n) could finally live a peaceful life."

"Woah and Arthur, you're always the one who's saying that you want to make the world a better place, to make a more peaceful one."

"I do remember making someone a promise about that. Was that really for...(Y/n)?"

"But that still doesn't explain why she's going completely mad."

Because (Y/n) was chosen by Chaos to protect the Human who would become the King of Chaos, she has also been recognised as the vessel for Insanity.

The vessel for Insanity?

"But wait, are you saying that Gaia herself was Chaos?"

No, but her sister Grace had remnants of it which is why they went to that very same spot Chaos knew that (Y/n) would be and that is also why Grace was able to seal the oath with magic.

No wonder she had powers no normal Human would have.

"Going back to the vessel for Insanity thing, are you saying that Insanity is inside of (Y/n) right now?"

Yes. The moment the King was awakened, so was Insanity.

"But for that kind of thing, don't you need the vessel's consent or something?"

I believe that (Y/n) has recently awakened her true powers, correct? Then that means her mind is unstable thus the perfect state for Insanity to take over her as his vessel.

Well, that's just great.

"The damn bastard could have taken over anyone. Why did it have to be her?"

"Zel, calm down."


"I won't calm down, damn it! (Y/n) has been through too much crap to deserve this!"

"Arthur! I see that you've finally woken. I'm glad. I've waited for so long."

No. It can't be!


"Hey Cath! It's so good to see you! I'm glad you're here too."

Merlin, stop him! Don't let that thing near Arthur!

"Watch out!"


"Everyone, grab a hold of that thing!"

That won't do! Capturing it won't be enough. You have to kill it otherwise we'll all be getting something we don't want. A taste of the power of Chaos.

"Priestess, do you know its true identity?"

I do. I didn't recognise him earlier because his appearance and magic are so different from before. That creature is the physical incarnation of desire and obsession with the power of Chaos. He craves the power to become the King of Chaos himself. The beastly tyrant who challenged Chaos to a fight: Cath Palug. 

Cath? No way. As in the cat that Arthur found in the Druids' Land?

Legend has it that he lost the fight with Chaos then committed so much evil in the land where he was exiled that he was sealed away by the Goddesses. This is Insanity's brother. Cath rebelled whereas Insanity blindly obeyed Chaos and would never do anything to harm Chaos. But if there were some who were to get in the way of him protecting his mother, I'm afraid to say that none have lived to tell the tale.

You have got to be kidding me.

No need to be afraid of me, my vessel. I would never hurt you.

Are you...Insanity?

Yes, I am. But I usually prefer the name Seth. It is such a displeasure to meet you, (Y/n) of the Dark Shadows. I already like you!

What the hell is wrong with you?

Well, I am Insanity itself. Tell me, will you fully merge with me now so that we can save everyone?

Will you actually do that?

Well, my little brother does need to die.

Do you not care about what happens to him?

He made his choice aeons ago and now he must live with it. If his choice means that he needs to die, then so be it.

You really are heartless.

As heartless as your little love?

Don't. Do you really promise not to hurt anyone other than your brother?

The thing about Chaos is that I must always keep my word but when I speak I lie a lot to keep the balance. So that means if we make a pact, I have to keep it.

This balance thing, it's really important to your mother, isn't it?

Indeed, it is. So how about it, (Y/n) of the Dark Shadows. What do you say?

We have a deal under one condition. 

Do tell.

Stop calling me by my full name.

Ouu, I like the fire that burns within you. It'll be just like your son!

Say what now?

Let's get this party started! Now, Merge!

My eyelids fly open to see my heartless Prince carrying me, his face full of worry as he looks up ahead at the threat. I giggle quietly which gets his attention and he immediately turns to me, a smile breaking out on his face. Out of nowhere, my fist comes into contact with his face which sends him colliding into Diane and King.

What the hell was that for? I scream at Seth.

"Where was the fear in his face?" I speak even though it is not me. "I am Insanity after all."

"(Y/n), you're awake!" Gowther cries out but then freezes when he sees my face. "You're not (Y/n). What have you done to her?"

"We're both on the same side, don't worry!" Seth says and then points to my face. "We both merged so that we can bring down my little brother and protect all of you."

"Like hell you're telling the truth," Ban growls.

It is alright, the Priestess of Chaos speaks. If there is anything Insanity truly hates then that is his younger brother, Cath. He will help you all for now.

"Hello, Princess," Seth whispers. "It's been so long."

Indeed, it has.

"Woah, what's with that mark on (Y/n)'s arm," Diane calls out as Zeldris runs towards me. "It changed from the one she had last time!"

As Zeldris comes to a stop in front of me, Seth says, "Isn't it obvious? This is the symbol of Chaos."

"(Y/n), if you can hear me, please listen," Zeldris says softly. "You may be Insanity's vessel (Y/n), but you're also my fiancée. So you better come back to me."

Insanity cannot stop the blush that takes over my entire face but he says, "How sweet. Look at my face. I look like a tomato now!"

A crazy laugh erupts from my throat while I pinch Zeldris's cheeks. My Demon Prince doesn't stop me but simply smirks at me which means he knows. He knows that some of these actions are from me and not Insanity.

Alright, I say firmly. Now keep your promise, Seth.

"You always ruin everything, big brother," someone else speaks and I turn around to see Cath's new ghastly form. "Just kill yourself."

"Now where's the fun in that?" Seth taunts his little brother and then sticks out my tongue at him. 

"You bastard," Cath growls at him.

"My King," Seth says as he looks over to Arthur. "Your arm! I like the new look! May I please kill my brother now?"

"Uh." Arthur looks to Meliodas who nods at him. "Um, sure?"

"Well then, let's start a riot," Seth says as my dark shadows crawl over my skin. "Little brother, shall we finish the fight we started thousands of years ago?"

"I will bring your end," Cath hisses but then flinches when Seth lets out a thundering laugh. 

"My end?" Insanity questions as he hides my mouth behind my clenched fists but shyly looks over them. "But my sweet, disgusting brother, I'm just the beginning of your eternal painful torment."

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