Voice of an Angel (Itachi Sto...

By goddamndamndamn

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The Akatsuki have gotten themselves into a weird situation. When Itachi meets a newcomer, things seem to get... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.

Chapter 20.

88 5 0
By goddamndamndamn

Plenty of bodies were scattered around the garden in front of the mansion, but fortunately enough, none were of the Akatsuki—though that was to be expected with their rank and skill. All of Chousen's men were gathering in the area, ready to fight, and each of the Akatsuki were squaring of against their own section. Chousen hovered in the background, keeping out of the way for the most part, merely watching everything unfold. However, for the moment at least, he was showing no signs of reaching for the scroll. The only thing that was bothering Hyomei was that she couldn't spot Itachi—or at least not at first. The Akatsuki had separated to take care of the soldiers, not needing to fight together to deal with them—at least that's what Hyomei had thought at first. Then she noticed that Kisame was close by Itachi, who was holding back from the fight.

It didn't take long for Hyomei to figure out why that was.

After all, it made sense. Though Chousen was more than happy to take down the entirety of the Akatsuki, it was Itachi that was his main target. Seeing them all arrive at once, knowing they were there for him, Chousen must have tried to do what he could. Even if he didn't manage to kill all of the Akatsuki with the scroll, he would at least make sure Itachi would be. So, he'd focused all of his attacks on him. Not that anyone had been expecting it. The Akatsuki only knew that Chousen had been lying and manipulating them to get involved in his so-called mission. There hadn't been time to explain anymore, and it hadn't been until after they left that Hyomei had even figured out the truth to begin with. Hyomei and Pein had only just realised that Itachi was a part of Chousen's plan, let alone the others, giving Chousen the chance to take them by surprise.

Although Hyomei couldn't tell too much from where she was, she knew Itachi was hurt, and Kisame was staying nearby in order to back him up and protect him. As such, she instantly broke away from Pein and went towards Itachi, pulling out a kunai to cut down anyone that got in her way, continuously moving all the while. She didn't care about anyone else's battles; she wasn't interested in anything else but reaching Itachi. Kisame didn't bother to fight her off as he saw Hyomei approach, allowing her to go behind him and stand next to Itachi. He was standing, but blood was running from his mouth, and he had one hand firmly pressed against his stomach. A tear in the leg of his trousers evidenced he'd been injured there as well. Though he looked slightly surprised at Hyomei arriving, as she laid a gentle hand on his shoulder he smiled softly.

"I'm alright," he muttered, but Hyomei knew he was in a lot of pain.

For the first time in a long time, she felt angry. Furious. At herself for not knowing more and figuring things out earlier. At her clan for never revealing anything to her. At the Akatsuki for not better protecting Itachi. But mostly at Chousen, for starting all of this in the first place. Clenching her fists as the emotion flared into life inside of her, she turned to face the next wave of ninja coming towards them. Glaring hatefully at them, Hyomei stepped forward until she was beside Kisame and raised her hand, palm outwards. Itachi had begun to call out, not wanting her to get hurt, but upon seeing what she was doing, and he couldn't help but pause. For so long Hyomei had remained a mystery in so many ways. He had learnt a more when she had told him her story, but one thing that had stayed unknown was her true abilities. Now, however, Itachi got the feeling he might finally find out.

At first it was like a sparkle, glitter around her hand and fingertips. Nothing seemed to be happening until a sudden wave of energy hit the advancing ninjas with, sending all of them flying, the force of it swirling the air around them. As it hit each ninja, a flash of light appeared, and when it passed, no one got back up. For a moment, everyone slowed down and silence settled on the battlefield. Hyomei's abilities had been a mystery to everyone here, whether friend or foe. The reactions were a mixture of fear and awe, and Pein couldn't help but smirk. He had had his suspicions about Hyomei—been curious from the moment he heard her communicate—but this was beyond his expectations. He'd have to keep it in mind.

However, within seconds the fight began again, everyone getting back into battle. Hyomei didn't particularly care for the safety of the mansion, and she knew all the Akatsuki were capable of holding their own; even Itachi she wouldn't normally worry about, considering his skill. Regardless, this time it was different, and that's what she would focus on—aside from one other thing. Chousen. He still possessed the scroll, and no doubt still planned to use it. That had been his design from the start, and somehow, she doubted that would have changed now they'd attacked. But knowing that Itachi was safer—for now, at least—and Kisame was still around to protect him from further harm, Hyomei could concentrate on stopping Chousen from doing anything stupid and killing everyone within the estate.

However, that had been before Chousen had seen her abilities.

Just like everyone else, Chousen had had no idea what Hyomei was capable of. He knew she was a ninja, and from the Naichin clan, therefore marking her as a talented ninja. The fact she had been the sole survivor of an attack that had wiped out her entire clan simultaneously made that clear. She was different. Most likely powerful. But in what way, and how so, Chousen hadn't had a clue. He hadn't though the information would matter. He didn't care what Hyomei did or whether she lived or died, and considering his main target was the Akatsuki, he'd use the scroll, kill them, and she'd probably be wiped out along with them. No skin off his back. Then she had showed up here, quickly and easily made her way over to Itachi and done...that. Chousen didn't like Hyomei, he made that clear, but even he'd admit that that was impressive. But with that in mind, and he couldn't let things drag out any longer. Dealing with one member of the Akatsuki would have been bad enough, but all of them together? Only the scroll made that possible, but it wouldn't make a difference if he didn't get the chance to use it.

So, he'd have to just go for it. Now was as good a time as ever, and so he reached into his pocket and pulled out the scroll. Hyomei widened her eyes as she saw him, knowing what he was doing, and immediately took a few steps forward, raising her hands platonically. As much as she wanted to slit his throat right now, pushing him over the edge in this situation was not a good idea. Undoing the case he'd been carrying it in, Chousen didn't notice Hyomei to begin with as he held it properly in his hands, and as such she called out hurriedly,

Chousen! Wait!

Although most of the time Hyomei was nervous about the way she communicated with people, for once she was glad of it. Because the way it worked was by creating a thought in your head, it cut through everything else you were thinking. Because you weren't 'hearing' you couldn't tune it out—which meant Chousen had no choice to hear it. The moment he did, and he flung his gaze in her direction, picking her out and scowling furiously. Though she didn't have long, it gave Hyomei a little time to attempt to explain to Chousen.

Chousen, that scroll is too much for you! I know what it is now—it was created by my clan, but it was precisely that scroll that destroyed them! It is only under very specific conditions that it can be opened safely, but if you do it now, then that won't be possible! Stop! Don't do this! You'll kill yourself and everyone along with it!

As much as Chousen wanted to dismiss what Hyomei was saying, he automatically found himself pausing to think it over. She was a member of the Naichin clan. The scroll was connected to her. When he had discovered the mansion and explored only to find the scroll, it had seemed a bit strange. Maybe there had been a reason it had remained intact when the rest had been destroyed was because it was so dangerous...Then his gaze shifted slightly to Itachi behind her, and he hardened his resolve. No—she was lying. Of course, she didn't want him to go through with it. She wanted to save the Akatsuki. When he had spoken with her before, Hyomei hadn't appeared to have known much about her clan. Why should that have changed now?

But seeing the look on Chousen's face, and Hyomei communicated only one word to the Akatsuki:


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