True Desire: A One Piece Fanf...

De MidoriMir

9.7K 335 94

Sanji has gone missing...... He is in a precarious situation would be an understatement....Will the Straw hat... Mai multe

Chapter 2: It's Scary!!!
Chapter 3: New Nakama
Chapter 4: Curly
Chapter 5: Marimo Ride
Chapter 6: White Marimo!
Chapter 7: Onigiri
Chapter 8: Sleep Some More!
Chapter 9: Don't Think About Anything Else!
Chapter 10: Promise!
Chapter 11: Reina's Bakery!
Chapter 12: Festival
Chapter 13: Deliverance!

Chapter 1: The Cook's Perils

1.6K 31 12
De MidoriMir

The Sunny had anchored on a spring island and after many days at sea the Straw Hat crew was excited to explore the island. The island was called Niji and was famous all over the Grand Line for its spectacular annual magic contest that attracted audience from all over the world. Brilliant fireworks were held to mark the conclusion of the event. Luckily, they had arrived just three days before the grand event. The festive mood was at its peak and needless to say it equally thrilled the Straw Hats.

Usopp was the most excited.

'Hey! Hey! You guys think I should take part in this! I could certainly bag at least one prize with my latest invention!', said Usopp stroking his chin confidently.

'Oooh! What is it? What is it? Show me! Show me!', Luffy and Chopper urged Usopp excitedly.

'All in good time folks! A magician never reveals his secrets before the performance! Be prepared to be astounded by the Great Usopp sama!', he said with his hands on his hips.

 With that Usopp left to work on his invention in his cabin.

'Poopy! ', said a disheartened Luffy.

 'Oi Brook! Chopper! Let's go eat!', said the captain and the trio set off.

'Then shall we check out the shops here Robin?' asked Nami . 'Certainly', replied Robin with a smile.

'What about you guys?'

Zoro: 'I will take a walk around the island.'

Sanji: 'Don't get lost Marimo kun.'

Zoro: 'What did you say Curly brows!'

Franky: 'I will stay and refill the cola engine. You guys go on.'

(Completely ignoring the cat and dog fight continuing in the background)

Nami: 'What about you Sanji kun?'

Sanji immediately stops fighting with Zoro and comes over to Nami doing his patent noodle dance,' Haaaai Nami saaan! I will go to the market to stock up on fresh supplies!'

Sanji's POV:

'It's a shame that the girls went to the mall while I came to the market.'

'However, there is nothing to be disheartened about. For everywhere in the market I see long hair, curvy hips, smooth skin and the sweet, luscious smell of LADIES!!!'


'I am about to have a nose bleed!'

'There are a lot of shops everywhere selling junk in the name of magical goods and people are actually buying them.'

Sanji simply smirked. 'What a bunch of fools!', he thought.

He then spotted a young woman selling freshly baked cupcakes in a dilapidated little shop.

His pupils immediately became heart shaped as he noodle danced his way to the shop.

' My dear LADY would you show me your beautiful smile if I bought all of your cakes?', said Sanji while bowing to kiss her hand.

The young girl was overjoyed.

'Dear Sir, I had made them to test a new recipe if you would kindly share your thoughts after sampling one I would be grateful to you!', she told.

'Mademoiselle! It is truly wonderful but not more then you!', Sanji said after taking a bite.

The pale cheeks of the girl were flushed a dark shade of crimson.

'Please do not joke Sir!', she said.

After taking leave from the cake shop Sanji went around the other shops buying fresh food ingredients and occasionally noodle dancing after pretty girls.

Unknown to the Cook a silhouette in a cloak followed him at a distance.

Walking through a crowd in one of the alleys of the market place Sanji spotted a familiar mossy head looking around in every direction.

Sanji blew out some cigarette smoke and smirked.

Sanji: (shouts) 'Is our clueless marimo lost once again?'

Zoro: 'Hah! You shitty cook like I would be lost! I was only going back to the Sunny.'

Sanji: 'So in which direction is it moss head?'

Zoro: ''s straight ahead.'

Sanji burst out laughing.

Sanji: 'It's a dead end ahead you know. Help me carry the groceries and I'll guide you back.' (still trying to suppress his laughter)

Zoro: 'Stop laughing stupid love cook.'

Sanji: 'You shut it idiot muscle brain.'

They bickered all the way back to the Sunny.

At this point the silhouette stopped.

Silhouetted figure: (smirks) 'This will be FUN! The next thing that gets you excited shall be your cue!'

Silhouetted figure: (whispers) ' Morph!'

The girls had already returned to the Sunny and were talking on the deck when Zoro and Sanji got back.

As soon as Sanji spotted Nami he immediately stopped quarrelling with Zoro as his pupils became heart shaped and he set off with a, 'My dear Nami saaaaaan!'

At this exact time a number of thigs happened simultaneously.

A loud bang like a cannon fire was heard from the room where Usopp was working. The explosion shook the Sunny tremendously. The girls were thrown backwards and both skidded on the lawn before finally coming to a halt.

The blast threw the door of Usopp's cabin off it's hinges and sent it hurtling towards Zoro. Zoro was knocked onto the side of the Sunny. The wooden guard prevented him from falling off.

Slowly everyone stood up and got their bearings. Franky came running out of the engine room shouting, 'Are we under attack?'

At this point through the dark smoke still emerging from the now doorless cabin emerged a black figure completely covered in soot from head to toe. Only the round eyes of the figure were white. When it opened it's mouth out came some more smoke. Then it spoke with Usopp's voice 'Uh.....sorry......I...messed up with the gunpowder.'

'Oi IDIOT! You tryna blow up the Sunny or what?', came Franky's angry reply.

At this time a voice was heard.

'Saaaaaaaanji feed me!', shouted Luffy as he landed onto the deck with one rubber arm holding the guard wall while the other holding Chopper and Brook who landed beside him.

Chopper's eyes were ready to pop out of their sockets as he managed to say, 'You can still eat after all that you ate just now!'

'Whaaaaat that was just an appetizer', Luffy moaned.

'Ho-ho-ho to be young and healthy!', Brook remarked.

At this point Nami said, 'Wait guys! Where is Sanji?'

'I believe Mr. swordsman bumped into Mr. cook and he was thrown into the water during the explosion', said Robin.

'Then why isn't he back yet?', asked Nami.

Before she could finish Zoro jumped into the water.

'What happened everyone?', asked Chopper in an alarmed voice.

'Ooh! Nice look Usopp! Are you dressing up as a ghost?', asked Luffy with sparkling eyes.

At this a punch landed on his head resulting in a perfect pink round swelling followed by Nami's voice, 'Really Luffy!'

Simultaneously something shot out of the water and landed on the deck. It was Zoro. Everyone looked in his direction. He was dripping wet and was holding a bundle of wet black clothes tightly to his chest.

'Oi Zoro! Why are you alone? Where's Sanji?', came Luffy's anxious voice.

The swordsman's head was bowed . He didn't reply to his captain instead he shouted, 'Chopper come here quickly!'

He then slowly and tenderly laid the bundle of clothes on the deck and parted them so that everyone could see.

Everyone was taken aback by the sight. Nami clasped her hands to her mouth. Luffy demanded, 'What's the meaning of this? Where's Sanji?'

For there among the clothes lay the wet motionless tiny body of a child hardly five or six years old but there was no sign of Sanji!

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