Amongst the Stars

By Fangirlly02

3.1K 192 42

My lungs and muscles burned. Everything in my body begging me to stop but I had to keep moving. I had to get... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 3

307 19 5
By Fangirlly02

How is this possible? I was just on the freeway! There is no way I could be in space so quickly. What happened to me in that car crash?! Did I die? Is this hell?! I don't deserve to be in hell. Granted, I'm no Mother Teressa but I don't deserve hell!

"Well, well, well. So much for your grand escape Lillian." Another man said, snapping me out of my thoughts. Who's Lillian? Is he talking to me? Oh gosh its getting hard to breathe. "Don't look so surprised. You think you can fake your death and hide on some primitive planet? We were going to find you regardless, so why run?"

He looked human but his skin was a light purple with blue spots and had elf ears. The guy is at least 6'4, well built, and was wearing some type of uniform.

I look around the room but no one else was here. So, he must be talking to me but... "I'm sorry? I think you have me confused. I'm not Lillian. My name's-" before I could finish explaining myself Dr. Three Eyes came in with a small army of monsters!! The weirdest part, they were all wearing the same uniform.

I tried to run out the door on the opposite side of the room, but more monsters walked through that door too. I'm trapped! My back hit the glass as they closed in. The Doctor raised his hand and balled it to a fist to stop their approach. My heart was beating so fast my chest hurt. My face is starting to go numb, and I couldn't breathe as hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

No, not now! I can't have a panic attack now! I fell to my knees and clutched my chest, desperately to gain control of my breathing. I can't believe this. I'm going to die here. These monsters are going to rip me apart! My family! Oh god, my family! They will never know what happened to me. I'll never get to see them again.

I could feel the creatures stare at me as I cried and I struggled to breathe. Why can't I wake up? Why can't this one be another shitty nightmare? Please, I don't want to feel this way! It feels like I'm choking on air.

Something tried to grab me. "LET GO!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I screamed and kicked. If they want to eat me, I'm going to give them hell! "DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T TOUCH ME! LEAVE ME ALONE! LET ME GO HOME!" Someone else was barking orders but I didn't care. More claws, hands, and tentacles tried to restrain me. That's when I started biting! "I SAID STOP!"

I felt a sharp pinch on the side of my neck before I started to get sleepy, my vision faded to black.


"Ugh... My head." I combed my finger through hair. The world was spinning and the room was so bright!

"Your awake! I'm glad to see your ok Lily. You had me worried." A cute purple guy called out. Why is his skin purple?

Wait... That wasn't a dream? "Who are you talking about? Who's Lily? My names Angela!" My skull was pulsing and I am to groggy to care about being polite. "If your going to abduct someone the least you can do is call me by me real name!"

Gosh, I feel like crying again! Why can't I just go home?

Where even am I right now?

 Its a pretty small room. I'm sitting on a bed that come out of the wall, steel walls and a glass door that cuts me off from the purple guy. In the corner it looks like a sink and a bucket.

Is the bucket supposed to be my bathroom? Gross!

This must be space jail. Makes sense, seeing how they kidnapped me.

"Angela? Do you really believe that? I know the doctor said you might have lost your memories, but I didn't think you would forget me." He's being sincere. Just who do these monsters think I am?

"My memories are fine. It's all of you that have it confused." I hug my knees. "I'm a 23-year-old human female from Earth, born and raised. I live in California and I'm a librarian. I have 2 sisters, 4 brothers, and a dog named Zina. I'm the oldest. My parents are no longer together after my birth, so I have a Stepmom and Dad. I'm not whoever this Lillian girl is!" I'm just staring at my toes. 

This is so stupid! Why did they have to take me? I'm a nobody, a background character and I like it that way.

I heard a door open but I'm too busy wallowing in my self-pity to care.

"Sargent Win Moller! I thought I made myself perfectly clear when I said NO ONE is to talk to Lillian Champ!" It was a voice I didn't recognize, and they were well past angry.

Purple guy fixed his posture and solutes. His name is Win Moller, I'll have to remember that.

"Yes sir, sorry sir." I get up to see who he's talking to but they're still out of view.

"Then explain to me why your here!" It was another monster with brown reptilian skin. It was like if an old crocodile had a baby with a crackhead from Florida and that baby grew up on steroids!

"As you know sir, Lillian was in my troop and my responsibility when she disappeared sir. I volunteered to join the search to find her again. Everyone believed she was dead, myself included. I had to be sure she was well in health when we found her again sir."

"I understand. That being said, you defied my orders. Wait for me in my office, I'll decide what to do with you later."

"Yes sir." He gave me a look of pity as he left.

It wasn't until we were alone, did the brown crocodile man start talking to me. "Hello," He tapped on the glass like I was a fish. "I'm the Captain of the ship, Heroine General. You said it was Angela?"

"Yes? Wait, why are you the only one who understands that? Everyone else thinks I'm Lillian, regardless to what I say."

He smiled like a creep and laughed. "Well, you see Angela. I'm the one who sent the Doctor to abduct you. Lillian Champ is dead and you're going to replace her."

"What makes you think I would ever agree to that?" I glared.

"To put it simply, if you don't, I'll frame you as an imposter and have you executed."

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