Tale of the Magical Son (Unkn...

By Log_Book

8K 194 107

Hey look I know the title is shit might changed that. when I am about ready to finish it. I am trying for... More

Disclaimer and AN
Chapter 1- Brotherly Instincts
Chapter 2 - Monkey's Uncle
Chapter 3 - Into the City
Chapter 4- Morning Discussion
Chapter 5- History Lesson
Chapter 6 - New Morning
Chapter 7- Arguing forces
Chapter 8- Siblings, Allies, and ,Friendships
The French Invasion (AN)
Just a Minute- Chapter 9
Confessions, Lies, Second Chances- Chapter 10
AN- School Sucks
Slice of Life chapter 11
AN- You choose!!!
Chapter 13
Hallween Chapter
We all know what is comming up
Tales and Stories
Art - America
Chapter 19- Questions
AN -plus something extra

Gay Lord

217 4 7
By Log_Book

️ Warning ⚠️
The title is a cheap joke to myself and has nothing to with the story.

This will not be historically accurate because my memory of the past is not historically accurate.



UK curiously walked around Uncle Scotland's garden accompanied by Wales. The roses were beautiful this time of year but that was not what he came here to see.  No, UK came here to see a plant located in the heart of the garden.  It stood on tall light green stems and was decorated by spikes and red petals, but that is not why UK liked it.  He like this plant the most because there was no record on it.  It wasn't listed in the big plant book he got for his birthday nor was it  in any of his father's or America's books, and strangly yet Wales refused to go near it.  This plant was some mystery UK couldn't help himself get into.

"You really like that plant", Wales said in full body armor. 

UK nodded in response. 

"Do you want to back inside yet?", Wales asked nervously not wanting to deal with the encounter yet another time.

UK shook his head smiling.  He soon reached his desired plant.  He then picked off a flower and pointed it towards Wales to see how he would respond  Wales just scotted away from the plant sweating.  UK picked the plant and continued to chase walk Wales.  Soon UK was chasing Wales with a plant.

"Stop! CAN'T WE WORK SOMETHING OUT?! I-I extend your bedtime!", Wales said running on all four legs now. 

UK just smiled and silently laughed as he continued to chase Wales ,his babysitter. 

Wales quickly dashed towards the door not caring that he would get in trouble for both walking on four legs and bursting England's or Scotland's meeting.  Wales just wanted to get away from the beast known as UK.  Who knew baby sitting children would be so scary?

Wales soon reached the door and almost forgot how to open a door knob.  He then quickly dashed behind Scotland who was about to open the door.

"What's wrong this time dragon?", Scotland asked annoyed pulling Wales up back on two legs.

"P-Plant", Wales said shamefully as UK opened the door..

Scotland simply sighed as he got the flower from UK and brushed it against Wales's face.  "See it won't affect you", Scotland taunted Wales's fear as if he were speaking to a scared dog.

"Give the lad a break Scotland.  Remember these were used to hunt his kind ", England said taking the flower and putting it under boling water. 

"Wales take UK to his room and don't come out until I say" , Scotland quietly command the dragon be was just teasing earlier.

"Can I at least give UK his tea before we start yelling at each other?", England scartatily asked Scotland.

"Of course", Scotland said awkwardly looking at a vase on the his dinning table.

England poured out a a cup for UK and said " Wait 3 mins kay?" .  Of course UK simply nodded like he usually did.  Wales then walked UK to his room. 




"I know you don't approve of my decision with Wales", England said in a different tone then earlier.

"Look I still stand on my side of the agurment but that is not what I wanted to talk about", Scotland said somewhat chill.

"My choice to give America a little freedom?", England asked.

"No not that either ", Scotland said.

"Then what is it?".

"I want more time with UK", Scotland said.

"No"  England simply said not giving it a second thought.

"What?! WHY NOT?!", Scotland asked.

"I dunno how I feel about it", England simply said.

"but he is my son too you know", Scotland whispered just in case UK was earsdropping.

"I know but I don't think your are responsible enough", England told Scotland the cold hard truth.

"Responsible?  I take care of this kingdom well enough if I think so", Scotland said not believing his ears.

"You and I both know we are on the line with the way we are doing things with UK.  Besides taking care of 10 kingdoms is easier than taking care one child.", England said coldly. 

Scotland just grunted in defeat and walked away.  He wish he had something to say to counter what England said but as much as Scotland wanted to deny it , England was right.  Even if it wasn't on purpose Scotland was now a father.  Scotland was a father to a motherless child and no maid or women could ever fit that role.  It was a complicated situation he was in. 

Does he wish that UK was never born?  Hell No!  UK was the best thing to happen to both Scotland and England.  Would it be less complicated with UK? Yes...and that was the truth as much as Scotland hated to admit it.




(With UK)

UK layed in his bed reading about the plants in Scotland's garden.  It fascinated UK how plants worked.   They harness the energy of the sun and somehow made it into food like wheat or others like apples.  Yep, UK took alot of interest into plants.

UK continued reading his book in peach until rustling sounds could be heard outside his window.  Wales sprung up and went in front of the young union.  Both were scared but for different reasons.

"Hey bitches", France said climbing through through window like her older brother taught her too. 

UK waved at her back smiling and Wlaes just stood down and went back to napping on the floor.

"So today I brought extra cookies for our tea time", France said presenting UK with a basket.  UK simply smiled and received the basket.

"So you got a table or something?", France said looking around.

UK nodded and then brought out the table.  France giggled as they setted it up like they normally did for  tea time. This time with cookies


Sorry if the chapter is crummy or if your inbox spammed your with a chapter being posted.  I kept accidentally pressing the publish button instead of the Save button.

Words: 1000


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