This is our Fight [High Schoo...

By The-Red-Triangle

1.4K 33 11

This takes place after dark of the moon and before age of extinction. Different events happen in this timelin... More

Dark of the moon
We have been betrayed
White dragon
On the run

After the moon

288 6 7
By The-Red-Triangle

"Autobots. Your team is being escorted to Japan. We heard some decepticon activity over there. You all will be escorted."

Brains: naw, now that's some bullshit.

Wheelie: yeah we killed them all.

breakaway: there are bound to be escapees.

All the autobots round up together and were in one room. "What is this about?" Warpath asked.

Ironhide: listen and we'll find out.

Lennox: as you all know. We won the war, but there were some decepticons that escaped. Starting off with the main priority. Megatron, he was last seen exiting Chicago. Starscream. We nearly had him, but he escaped. Shockwave and barricade fled after we ambushed them. Now in Japan. Decepticons were spotted over there, and quite a few of them. Blackout and grindor, They were seen in Japan. Last seen flying over a small town called kuoh. Some unknown decepticons, last seen at a abandoned mines north of Kyoto. Skywarp, his status is unknown but he's out there. There are also other decepticons which have yet to be identified. But here's an odd one.

Lennox presses the remote and a room appears.

Bulkhead: I don't get what I'm looking at?

Sideswipe: same it's just a some corridor.

"It's a video." Lennox plays a video of the decepticon infiltrating a nest base.

"Move, move, move." One of the soldiers said. "Take it out!" The shoot at the robot but they get taken down easily.

"Heheh. Yes." Said the robot as it shot through enemy forces.

The video cuts off and Lennox turns back at everyone.

Lennox: this isn't just any normal deception. It's soundwave.

All the autobots were confused and looked at each other.

Dino: he died though.

Bumblebee: Yeah I blew his head off.

Leadfoot: well you didn't do a good job at it clearly.

Bumblebee: I will kick your ass.

Leadfoot: try it, i'll fill you with lead.

Ironhide: would you to stop bickering for a moment.

Lennox clapped his hands to get everyone's attention back. "Now that I have your attention back. Yes this is soundwave, I do not know how he's alive but that doesn't matter. If he can be neutralize once, he can be put down again."

Topspin: damn right he can.

Roadbuster: I'll rip his bloody arms off.

Sideswipe: soundwave does seem like the type of bot to do such a thing.

Dino: do what?

Sideswipe: swap his mind into a different body.

Bulkhead: well I'm itching to have another go at him. He had Jackie killed.

Bumblebee: I would have died if it weren't for these little guys.

Bumblebee points to the floor and wheelie and brains walk up to him.

Wheelie: we almost crushed him with that ship me and brains destroyed.

Brains: it would have been so cool to have flatten him.

Wheelie starts patting brains's back. "It's alright buddy. I'm sure we'll get someone next time."

Brains: I hope.

Lennox: may I have everyone's attention back. There are other decepticons still alive. And they all seemed to be heading towards Japan. Most likely to group up with megatron. You all have your orders, take them out before another war breaks out. Now as you heard before

Roadbuster: hey. Where's optimus?

Breakaway: getting repaired by ratchet.


A rusty truck drives outside a burning city as it stops at a building.

Megatron: starscream. Where are you?

He walks inside the ruined building and turns a corner to see him messing with his lose eye ball. "My lord. Your alive! I was worried optimus had killed you."

Megatron: where are the others?

Starscream: they should be coming back any second now.

Shockwave and barricade walk in and they were ready to report. "Any news?" Megatron says as he picks at his head. "None my lord. All though some decepticons have taken refuge at the human continent known as Japan." Said barricade.

Megatron: great job barricade. have you found our transport yet?

Barricade: I have. I found a ship that will be taking us there. It will take a couple months.

Megatron: A couple months?!

Barricade: none of the human ships are as advance as ours lord megatron.

Megatron: have you thought of cargo plane?

Barricade: I have my lord. It's to dangerous.

Megatron: then we'll have to take that risk.

He transformers and drives off with the rest of the decepticons following after while shockwave used the rockets on his back to move faster.. "I'll scout the area. I'll report back shortly." Starscream flies off and the rest continue to drive down the ruined city.

While they are doing that a silver car drives to a cargo plane it drives up the ramp and the door closes behind it.

The vehicle transformers and looks around. "This will do nicely." It says. "To any decepticons in rang of this single, we are going to the human settlement known as Japan. Don't keep our lord waiting." It disconnects the transmission and waits for the plane to take off.

A boy is seen sitting at his desk waiting for the last period bell to ring. "Jesus I'm so bored." He said to himself.

"Hey umm issei." He turned his head and looked at his friend asia. "Yeah asia?" He said "I was wondering if we could hang out later." She said in a innocent way. "Aren't we already hanging out." He says.

Asia: no I mean.. you know just the two of us.

Issei: yeah sure.

Asia smiled and issei smiled back the bell rings and issei feels his depression leave his body. "I'm free!" He says as he runs through the door.

He exits the school and walks towards the fountain in the center of the school. "You know. This gives me memories of her." He says to himself as he remembers being killed in front of the park fountain.

"Issei." He turned around and saw Rias. "How many times do I have to tell you not to hang out with that girl." She said.

Issei: hey she's my friend Rias.

Rias: and dangerous. She's allied with the fallens. She could be working with them.

Issei: no, not possible. If she did she wouldn't have tried to save me from that crazy ass priest.

Rias: still, You can't be just wondering around with her.

Issei: I don't want to have this talk again.

Issei turned back around and he felt Rias grab his ear and pull on it. "Ow, ow, ow! What is with you?! Let go of my ear!" Issei said as he tried to pull away. "Come with me."

Issei: alright, alright! Just let go dang it!

Rias let's go and he rubs his ear. "You are a pain in the ass I hope you know that." He says to Rias. "Just come on already." Rias walks and issei sighs as he follows behind.

They both walk into the orc club and everyone is there. "Your finally here, what took you." Said akeno.

Rias: issei here wanted to go on a date with the priest.

Issei: it was not a fucking date, what the hell are you talking about.

Rias: issei hush, now that we're all here we can begin our duties. Issei kenoko. You hand out these fliers. Kiba and akeno. Your duty is to full fill request. I'll be here if there are any questions.

Koneko: I can't believe I'm hanging out with a pervert.

Issei: bro it was one time.

Koneko kicks issei and he stumbles back. "I hate you to." He says while wheezing.

Koneko grabbed the fliers and issei followed behind. "I hate doing these.." he says as they walk out of school grounds and onto the sidewalk. "The more you complain the more longer this is going to take." She says and issei grumbles.

Meanwhile the decepticons were walking in a forest. "I hope we can find a base of operations." Starscream said.

Megatron: soundwave report.

"I've manage to track down the asset." Said soundwave over the coms. "It's located in a town called kuoh. But he requires energon." Megatron dug a finger in his chest and pulled out a allspark shard. "It's a good thing I still have this."

Back with the 2 devils they have sold almost half of the fliers to people and have been talking about things in life. "It's funny when you mess up, it's like your tuff girl persona shatters when you make a mistake."

Koneko: it's impossible to avoid mistakes.

Issei: that's why I am here.

They chuckle at that and notice a banged up truck driving by. "That's odd." Said issei. "I agree." They both look as the truck drove around the corner. "That's where the fallen hide out is. Why is it going that way?"

Issei: maybe those birds are up to something... wanna check it out?

Koneko: like there's anything else to do.

They both run after the truck and turn the corner and sprint down a abandoned path. "You think we should notify the others?" Issei said.

Koneko: most definitely.

The truck continues to drive and it transformers. "All hail Megatron." Megatron walks forward with soundwave next to a old tank Megatron hears a jet fly by and land beside him. "This is the legendary warrior hunted down? He seems quite dead." Megatron back hands starscream and he holds his face. "Now to begin this resurrection." He walks up to the old rotten abandoned tank and snaps the shard in two and drops it onto the tank.

The tank transformers and pulls out a sword. "I am bludgeon. You dear awake me." He says.

Megatron: I've been looking for someone like you for a long while bludgeon.

Bludgeon: you are Megatron. It's an honor to stand before you.

Megatron: now is not the time for formalities. The autobots are winning the war. I've woken you to tip the balance into my favor.

Starscream: such a brilliant idea my master.

Bludgeon: then how do we start?

"Holy shit!" They turn and see a boy and a girl standing there. "We start by killing those flesh bags." He pulls out his shotgun and fires it at the two. "Koneko look out!" Issei summons his balance breaker armor and tanks the shot.

Megatron: fascinating. I'll enjoy killing you.

Issei: wait a fucking minute, these are the robots from the Chicago war!

Starscream runs up and grabs issei. "I love it when you squeal." Issei breaks free and kicks Starscream in the face before being hit by a sound wave coming form soundwave's gun. "Crap, koneko get out of here and warn the others."

Megatron: others? Now you've peaked my interest.

Koneko: touch me and find out.

Bludgeon kicks koneko from the side and she hits a tree badly wounded. "Devil destroyed."

Issei: n-no!

He looks up and sees a shiny piece of metal near bludgeon's resting place and when he looked at it symbol's appeared in his mind and he grabs his head. "What is this!" He says as he shakes his head and dashes forward but bludgeon grabs his arm and slams him into the ground. "Other devil destroyed." He drops issei and Megatron looks pleased. "Good work bludgeon. Now let's depart, those others they mentioned might be coming.

Issei weakly watched as the robots left and his vision began to go dark before he fully passed out.

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