Lightning Strikes Forever (3)...

By allynmck1

37.8K 972 50

"Will I be able to feel it?" "It will be like it never happened" Barry Allen had changed his future. He had g... More

Lightning Strikes Forever
1-Do You Like Iced Tea?
2-Have I Been Kidnapped?
3- Suspect On A Motorcycle
4- Weird All Of A Sudden
5-Speed Lab?
6- Time-Trip
7- Become Oliver
8- My Butt Look Big
9- Speed Things Up
10- Monsters in Our City
12- Kind Of Powers
13- Hindu
14- Blackmail
15- Aliens!
16-So Much Worse
17-Prefer girls
18- Responsibility Now
19- Funky Fresh
20- Life being full
21- I had that, Kids
22- Metal Mouth
23- In Trouble
24- McSnurtle
25- An astronaut
26-You Are
27- Feel Things
28- Feel Safe
29- Welcome To The Jungle
30 - He's Dead
31- Need Bigger Cages
32-Yo, Rocky
33- Cuteness
34- Fear
35- To Infinity
36- Be The Flash
37- Whammied
38- Music Meister
39- Abra
40- Kadbra
41- Run To the Future
42- Miss My Friend
43- Toast
44- Till the End
45- Call Me Bart
46- Pain and Darkness
47- Sparkly
48- Shark Week
49- H.R

50- Gotta Go

1.1K 22 3
By allynmck1

Katrina and Barry, take everyone back to their apartment, where they hear a noise and watch Cisco and Gypsy arguing. "Uh, guys?" Katrina calls out.
"Oh, my God" Cisco says coming over to them. "I thought...I thought something happened to you guys. Two-Face told me you guys were dead." He says to them.

"I've met Two-Face he isn't him, but yeah we're okay" Katrina says to Cisco.
"Gypsy" Barry says to her
"Gypsy" Cisco says.
"Guys" Gypsy says coming over to them.
"Gypsy" Julian says.
"Harry" Cisco says seeing Harry.
"Here to help" Harry says to him.

"Good. I know what he's up to" Cisco says to them.
"I'm going with you" Katrina says to Barry
"No" he says to her.
"Barry, I'm a hero like you, I am not staying behind, I never back down from a fight" she says to him.

Barry, Katrina, Cisco, Gypsy and Wally all appear in the park where they see Killer Frost using the bazooka on Savitar, and it fails.
"What? No!" Savitar shouts as he looks at the opening to the speed force, and a speedster comes rushing out. He runs at Savitar knocking him down, as he comes to a stop.
"I've been waiting a long time to do that" Jay Garrick appears saying to Savitar.
"Garrick! How did you--?" Savitar asks.

"He didn't." Cisco says. "I did" he says as tosses Jay his helmet, "By changing the polarity of the climbing arc, I changed your Speed Force splicer into a Speed Force skeleton key. Didn't think I was actually gonna let you become a god, now, did you?" Cisco says to him.
"Let's end this" Barry then says.
"Go!" Killer Frost calls out to Savitar and he speeds off, Barry, Jay, Katrina, and Wally chasing after him. 

As he runs ahead of them, he cuts some trees down trying to stop them, and they all jump over the broken trees. Savitar jumps into the air, and sends lightning bolts down at the four speedsters and they get blasted back. They take a moment to get back up, as Barry takes off after Savitar, where he sees Killer Frost blasting him away from Cisco. Barry runs at him and he knocks them down.

"I only have a few minutes left. I can feel it. But before I go, I'm gonna kill Joe, and Wally and Iris, and Katrina. If I am going to die, then everything you love is going to die too!" Savitar says as he then walks away.

"NO!" Barry shouts as he speeds at Savitar, he then phases into the suit, and it causes Time Remnant Barry to get pushed back out. "How does it feel to get so close to your ascension, and up on the ground?" Barry says to him.

"Now I see, it's written" Time Remnant Barry says.
"Nothing's written!" Barry says as Time Remnant Barry then tries to fight him. Barry gets the upper hand, knocking Time Remnant Barry down, and he creates a blade from the suit.
"Do it!" Time Remnant Barry shouts at him in anger. "You kill me, you become me. Either way, I live." He taunts Barry.

Barry stands there retracting the blade as he then vibrates, causing the suit to explode, "I will never let the pain, the darkness, determine who I am. I will never be you" Barry tells him, as he then uses his speed to punch the other him in the face. Barry looks over at Cisco and Caitlin, exhausted from what had happened. He doesn't realize that the Time Remnant Barry had gotten up from behind him and he goes after Barry when a gun shot rings out. Barry turns around to see Katrina standing there a gun in her hand. They then watch as the Time Remnant Barry fades from existence.

Katrina and Barry walk toward one another, "All these months you were always trying to save me from him, and look at that I saved you." She says as he pulls her into a tight hug.

They decide to hold a funeral for H.R and Katrina offered to say some words, "When I think of H.R, I'm reminded of a story that John Lennon once told. When Lennon was five years old, his teacher asked him to write down what he wanted to be when he grew up. Lennon wrote 'Happy'. His teacher said that he didn't understand the assignment, and Lennon said that they didn't understand life. H.R understood life. He wasn't a genius, and he didn't have super speed. But when we needed him the most, he was our hero. And I have met many heroes in my life, and H.R was my hero" Katrina says as she then goes over beside Iris and Joe.
"Mine too" Joe says.

Cisco then walks up to the gravestone, and places H.R's drumsticks down. Julian then bends down by the coffin, "Good on you mate" he says.
"Thanks for believing in me, H.R." Wally then says.
Katrina then walks over to Dick who agreed to stay for support, "Hey, thanks for being here" she says to him.

"I'm always there for you Kat, no matter what" he says to her.
"I know you will be, and I'm gonna miss having you around" she says as she hugs him.
"I'll miss you too, but you know can't like my team of misfits for too long" he tells her.

"Garth's probably left tofu all over the place" she laughs.
"Yeah, oh, I better expect an invite to the wedding by the way" he says to her, as she looks at him, "Babs told me all about on again, off again engagement" he tells her.

"Yeah, that, you gonna be okay with me marrying Barry" Katrina then says to him.
"If it wasn't going to be me, I'm glad it will be him" he says to her.
"I just...I just wish Bruce could be there to walk me down the aisle" she says to him.

"Well, if he can't then I'm pretty sure Joe would love to do it, or I can" he tells her.
"Thanks Dick" she says to him.
"Anytime, I better get going, the Jet all gassed up?" he asks her.
"It's already on the tarmac out on the airfield waiting for you" she says.
"See you around Katty" he says hugging her one more time, before he walks away.

Barry steps aside with Cisco, "Hey, I've been looking for the right time to tell you." He says to Cisco.
"Tell me what?" Cisco asks.
"Right before H.R died, he asked me to give you a message. 'This took strength, and he gave it to me'. I know that you've had a connection with every Wells that we've met, but...I don't know. Something about this Wells..." Barry says to him.
"Yeah...something" Cisco sighs. Cisco, Katrina, Barry and Julian then all spot Caitlin standing in the distance. The all look at one another, "We'll be right back" Katrina tells Joe and Iris.

They walk up to Caitlin, "Well, well, well. At least you're not shopping at Villains 'R' Us anymore" Cisco says to her.
"I'm sorry about H.R" she says to them.
"I'm sure he would have appreciated you coming." Barry says to her.
"Why did you come?" Julian asks her.

"I don't know" she tells him.
"Maybe you wanted to come home" Cisco says to her.
"I don't have a home" she says.
"Yes, you do, Caitlin. You do. With your friends. With me" Julian says to her.

Caitlin then takes the cure out of her pocket, "I'm sorry, Julian. I'm not Caitlin anymore" she says and he takes the cure from her.
"You are not Killer Frost" Katrina says to her.
"No, I'm not. I'm something else. And I need to figure out what that is. On my own." She says as she turns away to leave.
"Hey" Cisco says touching her arm to stop her.
"Cisco. Let me go" she says to him, and he does so.

Barry and Katrina both collapse on the couch, sighing from exhaustion, as they then look at one another, and both laugh. Katrina gently hits Barry, "Stop" she says as she laughs.
"It's not funny" he says as he laughs.
"I know" she says.
"Why are we laughing?" Barry asks her.
"We shouldn't be laughing. Today of all days" Katrina says to him.

"I think H.R would have approved" he says to her.
"He would" she smiles at Barry.
"Are you okay? I mean.... With what you did" he says to her.
"One day, it will hit me. Sometime in the future, which... now I have again" she says to him.
"We have. Every day of it" he says to her.
"Every hour, every minute" she sings to him and they laugh.

"I think we have the song picked out for the dance at our reception" Barry says to her.
"That reminds me" she says as she reaches for a box on the nearby side table, "I can now officially mail these" she tells him.
"What are these?" Barry asks her.

"They are Save The Date cards, for our wedding. On one of the days, I was feeling rather brave, I filled them out. I never did mail them, with not knowing if I would live to see the ceremony, but... but now I guess it's safe to- "before she can finish talking Barry speeds away taking the box and coming right back the cards all gone.
"Delivered" he smiles at her.

"Hey, I was going to go the old fashion route, and I spent money on stamps, thank you very much" she says to him.
"Are you ready to be Katrina Wayne-Allen?" he asks taking her engagement ring out of his pocket.

She takes the ring from him, "I've always been Katrina Wayne-Allen" she says putting the ring back on. "I've always been yours" she says as she leans in to kiss him, they suddenly hear a rumbling noise. "What was that?" Katrina asks, as they both get up, the apartment starting to shake and the lights were flickering. They both move to the middle of the apartment as one of the windows shatters.

"Umm, as far as I know, there's never been an earthquake in Central City." Katrina says to Barry.
The two of them slowly make their way over toward the window, "That wasn't an earthquake" Barry says as they see lighting bolts flashing all over the city, lighting very similar to what they generate when they use their speed.

Katrina and Barry arrive in the destroyed breach room at STAR Labs, to see Cisco and Julian already going through the rummage. "You found something?" Barry asks Cisco.
"Everything's barbecued. I'm gonna try to establish an uplink to the satellite" he tells Barry as he tries to get one of the computers to work, "That's not good" he comments as he takes a walkie out, "Hey Wally can you reverse the polarity on the neutron flow?" he says into it.

"On it" they hear Wally respond.
"Central City University just reported an earthquake of 6.6 on the Richter scale" Julian then says.
"That's not an earthquake" Harry comes over to them saying.

"Then what was it?" Joe asks him.
"Earthquakes come from down below. This—this is something else" Harry says as the building starts to shake again and equipment falls over.

"It's getting bad out there. Emergency services will soon be overwhelmed" Jay comes in telling them.
"Guys. 7.2, that last one" Julian tells them.
"Cisco!" they then hear Wally say.

"Yeah! We're on! Guys." Cisco says as he geos over to one of the working screens.
"What is that thing?" Iris asks.
"That's definitely not a breach" Gypsy says.
"Holy plutonium! What even emits that many kilojoules?" Cisco asks.

Barry, Katrina and Jay all look at one another, "The Speed Force" Jay says.
"But Savitar's dead" Joe says.
"That's the problem" Jay tells him.
"It's the Speed Force prison" Cisco says.
"It needs an occupant. When you freed me, we emptied it. Without a prisoner..." Jay explains.

"It goes unstable. And now it's bleeding energy onto our Earth." Cisco goes on to explain.
"So, then how do we stop this?" Katrina asks.
"By giving it what it needs" Barry then says.
"Which is what?" Iris asks him.

The whole team heads out STAR labs where they can hear people screaming and sirens going off, lighting damaging everything. "The Speed Force is unbalanced" Barry says as he looks back at Katrina, "I have to stabilize it" he tells her.

"What? How are you gonna do that?" she asks him.
"By running into it" he tells her.
"Barry, no, you can't, you will be trapped in there forever" she says to him.
"I don't go the whole city, maybe even the entire planet, could be destroyed" he tells her.

"Cisco, please there has got to be another way, right?" Katrina says looking at him, and he doesn't say anything. "Barry, Central City needs The Flash, I can't be Bolt without The Flash." She cries.
"And they'll have one. You will have one by your side" he says as he goes over to Wally. "Right? Right" he says to Wally as he hugs him.
"Yeah" Wally tells him.

Barry moves away from Wally, and looks at Iris, "Keep her out of trouble for me" he says to her, "you've been the best sister I've ever had" he then says and she nods at him as they hug.
Barry then looks at Julian holding his hand out to him, "Mate..." Julian says as they shake hands.

Barry then moves to Harry, shaking his hand, "Do you mind sticking around?" he asks Harry.
"Anything for you" Harry tells him.
"Barry, Wally and Jay said they were in hell." Katrina tells him. Just then the opening to the Speed Force grows, a bright light emitting from it as a figure steps out.

"Barry, it's your mother" Joe says recognizing the figure.
Barry steps forward, "That's the Speed Force" he tells them.
"Barry, isn't going to hell" Speed Force Nora says, "But like all runners must eventually, he's reached his finish line. His race is over." She tells them.

"No, you can't take him. Take me" Katrina says.
"No Katrina, it's not time for you" Speed Force Nora says.
"She's not taking me anywhere" Barry says to her. "I have to go" he says to her.
"Why?" she cries to him. "Why are you the one that is being punished?"

"This, all of this, it started with my mistake, with Flashpoint. This is—this is my penance. This is my redemption" Barry explains to her.
"My beautiful Boy" Speed Force Nora then says and Barry looks at her, "It's time to rest" she says as they continue to see all the chaos in the city.

Barry goes over to Cisco, "Don't mess it up with her" Barry gives Cisco advice.
"I'll do my best" Cisco tells him.
"They're all gonna look to you and Kat now" Barry tells him.
"I'm not a hero like you and her" Cisco says.
"You've always been my hero" Barry tells him as they hug.

Barry then walks up to Joe, "All this time we were trying to save Kat, you're telling me that we should've been trying to save you too?" Joe says to him.
"You did save me, Joe. You took an 11-year-old boy with a broken hear, and you gave him a home and so much love. No son ever felt more love from a father." Barry says to him.
"No father ever felt prouder of a son." Joe says as the quickly hug.

"'s time" Speed Force Nora says and he steps away from Joe.
"Barry" Katrina cries going u p to him, and he places his hands on her cheeks, "this isn't fair" she says to him.
"I know" he says to her.
"We were supposed to have our happy ending. I am ready to be Katrina Wayne-Allen" she cries.

"And you always will be. But you need to keep living your life. Keep growing. Keep loving. Keep running. For me. Promise me you'll run, Kitty Kat" he says wiping her tears.
"I promise BarBar" she says to him and he leans into her giving her one final kiss good-bye.

"I gotta go" he tells her once he pulls away from her. She stands there with everyone else as they watch Barry take Speed Force Nora's hand and he takes one last look back at her, before walking into the Speed Force. Katrina watches the Speed Force close behind Barry and the lighting stops and so does all the earthquakes, she looks over at Joe and Iris, and tears stroll down her eyes

A/N: Well here it is the final part of  Book 3 of my Flash series. Be on the look out for Season 4 once I get writing more of it, but also if anyone got an idea for another title for the next part let me know. Trying to keep the theme of Lighting in the title, but think I might have hit a road block. Thanks all for reading and keeping up with Barry and Katrina's adventures!

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