The unpredictable Avenger(On...

By PiratePhox4

220K 5.4K 2.8K

Follow the story of one young y/n tennyson. As he goes through the struggle of being a normal kid, and superh... More

and than there were 10
The Avengers(1)
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Captain America: Civil War(2)
Captain America: Civil War(3)
Black panther(1)
Black panther(2)
Black panther(3)
Black Widow(1)
Black Widow(2)
Black Widow(3)
(One-shot) romantic research
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Infinity war(1)
Infinity war(2)
Infinity war(3)
Infinity war(4)
Avengers: Endgame(1)
Avengers: Endgame(2)
Avengers: endgame(3)
Avengers: endgame (4)
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falcon & winter soldier (3)
falcon & winter soldier (4)
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Spider-Man: NWH (1)
Spider-Man: NWH (2)
Spider-Man: NWH (3)
Spider-Man: NWH (4)
Doctor strange: MoM(short)
Y/n Tennyson Christmas special
Valentine's day special!
BP: Wakanda forever (1)
BP: wakanda forever (2)
BP: wakanda forever (3)
BP: wakanda forever (4)
secrets of the Omnitrix (1)
secrets of the Omnitrix (2)
secrets of the Omnitrix (3)
secrets of the Omnitrix (4)
secrets of the Omnitrix (5)
special number 23(One-shot)
night to remember(one-shot)
Be-Knignted (one-shot)
Updates (+Q&A)
...hear me out...


7.4K 205 25
By PiratePhox4

Age recap: 12

We begin with a news-station helicopter following police cars chasing a speeding armored vehicle.

Reporter:"We're live on the scene of a high-speed police pursuit of an armored car stolen earlier today from the federal reserve in Denver. It is believed the thieves also have a hostage"

The armored car speeds past the Rust Bucket. Suddenly, a large crystal grows out from the pavement, completely destroying the undercarriage of the car. Causing it to come to a complete stop. The police cars surround the vehicle. One of the criminals gets out of the vehicle with the hostage, and the other holding a rather large rifle. Suddenly, y/n, as Diamondhead appears behind the thug.

Reporter:"Wait, what's this?"

The thug aims the rifle at y/n, but he fires a crystal at the thugs feet, scaring him. Y/n smirks, the  He traps the thug by making a small cage made of crystal.

Reporter:"Yes. It looks like we have another alien sighting"

The other thug walks closer to y/n with the hostage. Y/n transforms his hand into a spike. This scares the criminal and he immediately surrenders.

Reporter:"We don't know where these strange creatures come from, but they seem to be here to help"


Vilgax:"The Omnitrix... wasted on pointless heroics!"

Drone:"Shall I dispatch more drones to retrieve it?"


His chamber opens. One of the medical robots crawls out, only to be crushed by a massive metal foot. Vilgax emerges out of it, fueled by anger.

Vilgax:"I will see to this task myself!"



The Tennyson's were all in the RV, y/n was rest, Zed was eating from her food bowl, and max was working on some of his old plumber tech, after New York, max wanted to be of more use, so he pulled out his old gear. Suddenly, y/n shoots up from his bed, screaming, startling both max and zed.

Max: "nightmare?"


MaxIt was just a bad dream, kiddo, don't worry about it..."

Y/n: "but... It... It had a guy in it... his face was a squid... It was really creepy"

Max:"no... Change of plan, we're hitting the road right now"

Y/n: "grandpa?"

Max: "I'll explain on the way, now let go"

Max gets into the driver's seat and drives off, with y/n changing into his normal clothes, and moving next to him.

Y/n: "grandpa, what's wrong? What's going on?"

Max: "that person in your dream is vilgax, and I'm hoping we can make it to mount Rushmore by nightfall"

Y/n: "mount Rushmore? Why there?"

Max: "it's the biggest plumber base on earth"

Y/n: "and there's something there that'll stop vilgax?"

Suddenly, a massive explosion goes off in the nearby town, which shocks max and y/n.

Y/n: "grandpa..."

Max: "fine. We deal with that, then we're back on the road"

Y/n nods and smiles, before activating the Omnitrix, before slamming down on the watch.

Heatblast: "it's hero time!"

Y/n runs through the rust buckets door, then runs off to the town, with Zed behind him, once they made it, y/n heats up his fists, with Zed growling.

Heatblast:"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone with real firepower?"

Several Drones suddenly surround y/n and zed.

Heatblast:"Oh, man. I didn't mean all at once! I got a bad feeling about this zed..."

Zed barks in agreement.

Y/n and zed work together, and attack the drones. Y/n shoots fire disks at a few of the drones, fire balls on a few others and zed smashing them to pieces with her surprisingly strong teeth and claws. Y/n smiles but suddenly, an electrical net is fired at him, pinning him to a nearby building. Zed runs up and tries to rip the net off him, but the moment she touched it, she got zapped, causing her to let out a whimper.

Heatblast: "stay back girl! Don't hurt yourself!"

Y/n looks ahead, noticing a large red spiked ball rolling towards him, it then stops, and began to open. Vilgax steps out, looking down at y/n and zed.

Heatblast: "you!... y-your... Vilgax..."

Vilgax:"At last, we meet. The being that has caused me so much trouble"

Heatblast: "your here for the Omnitrix, aren't you?"

Vilgax: "it seems you know why I'm here. Hand it over"

Heatblast: "I don't think so!"

Y/n increases his heat and easilyburns the electrical net. Y/n then propels himself at Vilgax and repeatedly punches Vilgax with his flame-enhanced fists. But Vilgax is unfazed. Vilgax picks y/n up and throws him, and sent him hurtling through several building. Y/n shakes off the pain in a short time and returns to his feet.

Heatblast:"Uh... Okay... This guy is really tough!I've gotta slow him down. Zed! Get to cover!"

Zed howls and runs around, getting behind y/n, as he amplifies his heat and melts the road into tar. temporarily trapping vilgax. Y/n walks close to vilgax with hesitation, just as max gets there, he  looks at Vilgax and is beyond shocked.

Max: "y/n! Zed! Back in the RV!"

Heatblast: "on it! Coming grandpa! Let's go girl!"

As y/n and zed got into the RV, the Omnitrix times out, returning y/n to human.

Y/n: "hopefully that holds vilgax back for a while"

Max: "yea..."

Zed barks, catching the Tennyson's attention. Looking back, they could drones right next to them.

Y/n: "or not... He has more than I thought"

Y/n grabs a plumbers blaster, the opens the window, firing at the drones. But vilgax wasn't far behind.

Vilgax: "give me the Omnitrix!"

Y/n sighs and continued to fire at vilgax, who grew more and more Aggravated.

Vilgax: "I grow tired of this!"

One of the drones suddenly grabs y/n's wrist, dragging him out of the RV, scaring max beyond belief.

Max: "y/n!!"

The drone drags y/n to vilgax, who looked down at him in anger.

Vilgax:"A child? The Omnitrix is in the hands of a mere child?!"

Y/n: "hey! I'm twelve!"

Vilgax then attempts to remove the Omnitrix from y/n’s wrist, but it emits a feedback which pushes Vilgax against a building. He recovers instantly.

VilgaxIt appears the Omnitrix has already merged with your own DNA.

Y/n:"i-i don't suppose that means you're gonna let me go, does it?"


The red ball rolls up to Vilgax. He tosses Ben inside it. He then gets in and drives off.


Max: "come on Zed. We have to get to mount Rushmore. It's our only way of saving y/n"

Zed barks, hopping into the front seat, her eyes narrowed.

Max: "I know girl... We'll get him back safely, I promise"


Vilgax:"A child. I should have suspected as much. The Omnitrix being used as a play-toy!"

Y/n was stuck by the limps to a device, which vilgax shall use to remove the Omnitrix.

Y/n: "hey! I know what this thing can do! And I don't use it as a play-toy!"

Vilgax:"You hold the key to a power struggle so ancient, so vast, it is beyond your feeble comprehension. Picture an entire army, each in command of an Omnitrix and all at my command. I will be invincible. I will rule the Universe! And the only thing standing between me and my destiny... is you!"

An array of tools rises up from the floor.

Y/n: "oh God..."

Vilgax:"Prepare for take-off. Once we're in orbit, I will finally have the pleasure of destroying this miserable planet, once and for all!"

Vilgax is holding a rather large energy blade, walking closer to y/n. Vilgax is interrupted by beeping, which comes from a certain rust bucket. It crashes through the wall, and runs through two of Vilgax's crew, and slams Vilgax against the wall. The RV goes back a few yards in reverse.

Computer:"Warning. Hull breach. Power surge"

Max walks out of the RV with the weapon ready, zed comes out from behind him, with a turret strapped to her back. Both take aim at Vilgax.

Max:"Claws off my grandson, Vilgax!"

Y/n: "grandpa! Zed!"


Max fires at Vilgax, and he's sent through the wall. Max drops the weapon and runs towards y/n, while Zed was already running there.

But that's when Max and y/n notice the part that was holding the Omnitrix begins to crackle with electricity, and a power surge occurs. Y/n suddenly transforms into XLR8.


then Diamondhead.

Diamondhead:"What's going- Yaaa!"

Then Wildmutt.

Max:"the Power surge must have affected the watch"

And then Four Arms. Using the chance y/n uses his strength as four arms to break free from his holds. The Omnitrix than begin to crackle with electricity.

Zed barks, alerting them of the Several drones ready to attack them. Y/n covers himself with his arm then tries to attack one of the drones but before landing the blow, he transforms into Ghostfreak and phases right through the drone.

Ghostfreak:"Oh, man!"

Ghostfreak then transforms into GreyMatter and latches onto one of the drones. He disassembles drone and hops to another.

GreyMatter:"A little alien know-how and the toaster is toast"

After he hops onto the other drone, GreyMatter then transforms into Upgrade and merges with the drone.

Upgrade:"Try picking on someone your own size!"

Upgrade manipulates the drone to slash through the remaining drones. The ship continues to lose altitude. Zed the rips a drone to shreds.

Max tries to control the ship and Vilgax, unexpectedly, walks out of the room he was blasted in. He tosses him towards the breach in the hull. Max stopped just short of the edge and Vilgax walks over to begin crushing him.


Vilgax:"Your weapon won't help, Tennyson. As you can see, I'm much stronger than in our last encounter"

Y/n gets rid of the last drone and runs towards Vilgax.


He pushes Vilgax and they fall down towards Mount Rushmore.

Max: "y/n!"

Y/n's lightweight and stretchable body as upgrade allows him to float down safely to Mount Rushmore like a parachute. Vilgax hits the ground. Suddenly, y/n transforms into Ripjaws and falls down, just managing to grab onto one of the faces of Rushmore with his sharp claws.

Ripjaws:"Oh! Sometimes, I hate this watch"

Y/n manages to climb to safety anyway, but unfortunately, he becomes dehydrated.

Ripjaws:Panting "Can't... breathe. Need... water"

Y/n lies limp on the ground. Vilgax jumps to the top of Mount Rushmore and walks towards y/m and is about to grab him.

Vilgax:"You are a slippery little fish, child! But no longer"

Just as Vilgax is about to grab y/n, he transforms into XLR8 and zips away.

XLR8:"I can still give you a run for your money!"

Vilgax:"You can't hide from me forever, boy!"

XLR8: "would dream of it!"

Vilgax catches y/n's presence at the last moment as y/n slams into Vilgax. But it did nothing. Vilgax remained unmoving, while y/n was weakened, collapsing to the ground.

XLR8:"Ohhh! I'm gonna feel that tomorrow"

Vilgax:"For you, there is no tomorrow"

The cylinders in his arms grow and recede into his arms, increasing his muscle mass substantially. Y/n just manages to dodge Vilgax's blow. Vilgax ends up smashing the ground and completely demolishes Theodore Roosevelt's face.

Vilgax continues to attack y/n but he dodges every blow.

Vilgax:"You can't escape me!"

Y/n sees an opportunity and tries to attack Vilgax but Vilgax grabs him, spins him around and toses him into a rock. Y/n then transforms into Diamondhead and projects crystal shards at Vilgax.

Diamondhead:"Special delivery!"

Vilgax covers himself. He swipes at y/n but he dodges. Y/n runs close to Vilgax and punches him a few times but this only results in y/n's hands getting damaged.

Diamondhead:"Oh, man! Guess I should have seen that coming"

Y/n's hands regenerate. Vilgax grabs him and smashes him into the ground, which cracks his face. Just as Vilgax is about to crush y/n, he transforms into Ghostfreak. Vilgax's arm passes through y/n while he covers his eye. Then he uncovers it.

Ghostfreak:"YES! Sometimes, I love this watch"

Ghostfreak waves at Vilgax and phases into the ground. Vilgax deflates his arms back to normal. He sees his ship pass overhead and crash into the field below.

Y/n slowly catches his breath, finally having a moment to do so, he then sucks it up, and flys off, luckily he found the rust bucket. But it was empty

Ghostfreak:"Grandpa? Zed?"

He flies through the RV and emerges out of the back. He sees Vilgax having captured Max and zed.


Y/n then transforms into Wildmutt and roars at Vilgax.

Vilgax:"It's your choice... You or them"

Wildmutt surrenders. Vilgax drops Max and zed and walks towards y/n. Vilgax reverts y/n back to human form.

Vilgax:"How noble"

MaxVilgax, no! Don't go back in there!

Vilgax hops onto the ship as it begins to take off. He looks down towards Max.

Vilgax:"Foolish earthling. Why won't I- The auto-destruct launch sequence has been initiated!"

Vilgax drops y/n and attempts to stop the sequence but the console crackles with electricity, rendering it inoperable.

Vilgax:"TENNYSON! You are a thorn in my side"

Vilgax is blasted again with the weapon by y/n. The blast causes wreckage to fall on Vilgax and pins him down.

Y/n:"Guess it runs in the family"

Computer:"Commencing self-destruct launch"


Y/n runs towards the towards the damaged hull and transforms into Heatblast.The Chimerian Hammer explodes and y/n flies through the huge explosion and out of it, on a fire board, unharmed.

Thanks the zed, she and max find y/n in a smoking crater, sitting on a pillar in the middle of it. Zed runs down and tackles y/n to the ground, licking his face.

Y/n: "zed! Calm down girl! Your tickling me!"

Y/n chuckles and pets Zed's head, as max makes his way over to them. They smile and look up to the sky as pieces of Vilgax’s ship fall to the ground.

Y/n 10 will return

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