A Hummingbird in The Owl Hous...

By WolfiechuXOXO

2.3K 33 4

A Hunter x Oc, Owl House Fanfic. In this magical adventure we are following the Marylyn Clawthorne. Madilyn l... More

Real Quick Character Info
Aftermath of A Lying Witch and a Warden
Witches Before Wizards
Aftermath of Witches Before Wizards
I Know a Teenage Abomination
Aftermath of I know a teenage abomination
An Intruder
Hello... it's been a few months...

A Lying Witch and a Warden

434 8 0
By WolfiechuXOXO

Madilyn's POV

   It was another normal day at the flee market. Only three explosions have happened today from what mom is selling to the innocent civilins. Heck, there might have been more incedents and i probably don't know it. I just don't want to get arrested again or have to get mom out of being arrested. So I busied myself with a book from the human realm.

"Noe tell me agian why you didn't want to go with Owlbert to get more goods?" Mom questioned, "You love going to the human realm, you always go to that StarStuck place." She said as she put a finger on her chin to think of the correct name of the coffee shop.

"Well I would have gone if I didn't get chase by a gang of old lady's for going threw their trash." I said, " Which you told me to do, WHY!"

"Hey! Those ladies where throwing away good junk." Mom stated matter-of- factly . " Plus. you think I'd let those bimbo's throw THIS out." Pulling up a old black box looking thing.

"What is that?"

"Don't know, but I can scam someone for it." She said with a toothy grin on her face. I smiled at her response and went back to my book.

"Finally! Let's see what you got." I look up to see Owlbert has returned with a sack full of junk. I set my book down to look at what we got. 

"Garbage." First a glass box looking thing. "Garbage." A diamond ring, wait what? "Garbage." And a golden cup? Are human's thins wasteful? "Yes! this will make me rich." Mom said excitedly, a pair of googly eye glasses.

"I kinda doubt that." I said. I pick up a weird looking book, with what I assume is a witch on it.

"Yeah, we can use this for the fire." I said about to burn it a bit. Just then a girl ran out of nowhere.

"Excuse me, sorry, that's mine." She snatched it out of my hand. "Thank you." And she ran off to the portal door. Mom quickly closed the door.

"You're not going anywhere." Mom said trying to look threatening, while taking the glasses off. I sighed silently, an grabbed Jingle's staff form. The girl quickly ran under the tent and went out.

"Eh, what?" I was confused.

"Don't worry I'll get her." Mom said...

As she brought the girl back, I noticed she had rounded ears.

"A human." I whispered from where I was.

"AHHH! I'm Sorry, I just wanted my book back!" She yelped. "If you want to eat my skin, make it fast."

"Eat you?" Mom said with a brow raise. "Why would I eat, a potential customer."

"How about a human foot filled with holes."

"Green human candy in a tube."

"Or a black box reflecting sadness  ." Mom said as she shoved the box in the girls face. The girl laughed and said, "That's not all it can do." She took the box, put to thingies in it, pressed a button. And a tiny man popped up on it. I looked in amazement. And it wasn't only me, a crowd of people started surrounding our booth trying to buy the box.

"What did you say your name was?" Mom questioned.

"Luz." The human answered. "Luz Noceda."

"Well Luz, that was pretty clever." I said taking money.

"For a human." My mom added, whom was also taking money.

"That's kind of wired for another human to say?"

"Oooohhh, dear child." Mom ripped off her bandana, "I'm not like you." Luz looked at her wide eyed, her eyes then shifted to me ad saw my ears were pointed as well. Mom got on top of the table.

"I am Eda, The Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isle." She declared.

" A witch." Luz looked amazed.

"I'm respected." Mom proclaimed. "Feared."

"Busted." A voice said. An smashed the box.

"Aw-man, I was watching that." I said with a frown.

"Eda The Owl Lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors." Mr. DumDum said. "And you," He pointed to me. "Since you have been her accomplice in MANY of her crimes, you will be arrested as well." He tried to grab mom and me.

"Can you guys stop following me and my daughter, we haven't done squat." She retoted.

"Yeah, we haven't done anything." I said, blowing a raspberry at him.

"And you're coming to." He grabbed Luz by her collar.

"What, that's not cool!" Liz shouted an started to curl up in a ball as she was being hun by her collar.

"Alright, alright you win, Let me just grab my stuff." Mom bends down, as she does I quickly grab my staff an whack to guard in the face. Which knocked him back and released Luz. Mom quickly grabbed our stuff, hooked it to her staff, an started running.

"Follow us Human." Mom grinned as she jogged.

"This is crazy, if I die here my mom will kill me." Luz said.

"Don't worry, that won't happen." I told Luz.

"Exactly, I won't let that happen." Mom said. " A human like you is much more valuable alive than dead."



Mom quickly grabbed Luz an threw her on her staff an flew away. I quickly hopped on mine an started flying off to.


"Okay, you can open your eyes now human." Mom said.

"Whoa." Was the first thing she said as she opened her eyes. "Witches, magic, and-and everything else. Where am I?" I quickly flew next to mom and Luz.

"Welcome to the Boiling Isle!" I presented. " Everything mythical and magical you can think of is here."

"Caused by a little of our world leaking into yours." Mom interjected. A griffin flew up right beside us.

"A griffin!" Luz pointed. As she did the griffin threw up spiders. "I knew it."

"Yep Griffins, Vampires, Giraffes." Mom counted off.

"Giraffes?" Luz questioned.

"Yeah, we banished them" I said. "Bunch of freaks."


  As we landed on the ground, Luz quickly got off of OwlBert.

"Okay, that's enough adventure for me in one day." Luz said. "This is clearly not the PG rated world I thought it would be. So could you help me back home."

"Sure." Mom answered, wait for it. "Right after you help me." Mom laughed. Yep there it is. We started walking to our house. As we stepped to our front door. Luz ran up.

"Aren't you worried about those guards finding us?" Luz stated.

"Nope." Mom said.

"Our house has the state of the art defense system." I said.

"Hoot-hoot." Hootie said. "Password please." Mom just pocked both his eyes.

"We don't got time for this Hootie let us in." Mom said.

"Alright, alright jeez, never want to have any fun. Ow." Hootie said. "Hoot." Hootoe opened the door for us to be able to get in. Once inside,

"Welcome to," Mom snapped her fingers, " The Owl House." The House quickly came alive with light. As she was doing her thing, I took my seat right on the couch.

"The place where I hide away from modern life. And the cops. An Ex-Boyfriends. Ha!" Mom laughed. I knew what she meant well, but I sometimes felt a pit in my stomach whenever Mom says anything about her love life, if was dad or not. I don't know why I felt this way, I know why they aren't together. And, I understand it.

"This place is beautiful." Luz said looking around. "Do you live her by yourselves?"

"Well we do have a roommate." Mom said as the ground shook.

"How dares intrude upon I. The king a demons." King entered the room with his rubber ducky and ducky towel, around  his waist and head.

"And he is the cutest thing on the Isles!" I said. Luz gasped ran quickly ran up to him an picked him up.

"Eda who is this monster." King yelled trying to get out Luz's hold.

"This is Luz, The Human." Mom said, " She is here to help with our situation."

"Whoa, I don't like the sound of this situation." Luz stated in a concerned tone.

" Oooh, sit down. You're gonna want to hear this." I tugged her down to the couch.

"King was once the mighty king of demon, but one day his crown of power of taken by the waren of wrath. Which has turned him into this." She pointed to King. " His crown is being held behind a force field. A force field only a human, like you, can get by. And if you help us, we'll send you back home. And plus who could say no to this face." Mom held King up by his face.

"I mean, we are kind of your only way home." I inquired.

"I don't really have a choice do I?" Luz questioned.

"Nope." We said at the same time.

"We got no time to waste." Mom grabbed Luz and her staff. I grabbed mine and headed off with them, with King in tow.

"Where are we going?" Luz asked.

"Somewhere super fun." I said with a smile on my face.


  We stood outside on the conformatorium with thunder and lighting flashing in every direction. 

"Spooky." I said looking at it. King sat on my head as we stood in front of it, out of view.

"What is this place?" Luz asked.

"The conformatorium where anyone who is unsuitable for society is taken." Mom frowned. Luz grabbed on of mom's wanted posters.

"Wow these guys must have the hots for you." She siad.



"But we've never been caught cause we're to slippery." Mom said.

"I'm a slippery little fella, try catching me when I'm covered in grease." King cheered as he slippe off my head to the ground.

"Me, you, and Madi will go up to the tower where my crown is being held an take it back" King proclaimed.

"And I will distract the guards." Mom chimed in.

"Will I need a disguise, I've been waiting to use this." Luz said excitedly, pulling her hood up with cat ears on it. "Meow, Meow."

"It's hideous." King said.

"Well you'll fit right in." Mom said.

"Of course." I smiled.

"Alright, lets go." Mom stomped her staff to the ground, and a magic circle formed under us. I hopped on my staff an flew up with the circle.

"Meet you at the top of the tower." Mom said as she flew up on her staff. I entered the tower helping King and Luz in. Luz falling in the process. King laughed at her as she got up.

"Whoa." Luz walked to the front.

"Hey cat lady how'd you get put of your cell?" A voice behind Luz said.

"Oh no I'm not a cat lady or a criminal." Luz said taking her hood off.

"Not yet." Me and King said at the same time.

"Yeah, me neither." The vampire girl said. " I like writing fanfics about food falling in love. I like food. I like love. I mean come on." 

"I like eating my own eyes." Some guys said as he at his own eye. And it popped back in place.

" We are agents of free expression, they will never silence us!" A small round midget said. She kind of cute in her own condescending way.

"Wait none of these are crimes." Luz said while taking a few steps up front. "You're all just a bunch of weirdos. Like me." Just as she stopped talking the ground started shaking.

"It's Warden Wrath, hide!" The vampire whispered yelled at us. We had a jolt of adrenaline, we bolted to the nearest cell an closed it as he stepped in.

"I can hear you." Warden Wrath said. We hugged each other out of fear. Each step he took shook the ground. 

"What are you whispering about." He stepped on the wanted poster. " Eda The Owl Lady, I will have my hands on you soon enough." He crushed the paper in his hand, that quickly turned into a hammer an smashed into our cell door. We jumped.

"Rebel against the oppressor." Shouted the small one. He opened her cell door, to which she had a small victory, but was grabbed by her neck (?).

"Let this be a lesson to you all." He said an walked out.

"Wow, I don't think I ever almost peed myself that fast." I said. " But I didn't, so one point for me." Luz opened the cell door back up and went to the vampire's cell.

"Don't worry I'll get you out." Luz said, as she struggled to open the door with the lever. " Agh, curse my skinny nerd arms."

"Get out of here kid, while you still can." She said. " Enjoy freedom for us." An walked away.

"Come on Luz." I said, Luz turned an left. I turned back, "Don't worry I'll get you out of here." I ran out to catch up with Luz. She looked really disappointed. As we walked down a hall way, mom caught up to us.

"Hey the Warden is already distracted with some small creature." Mom said. Luz just walked by her. Mom gave me a look of confusion, I just shook my head. Basically say 'It's complicated/Don't ask.' Luz walked up to a door that in bold letters said CONTRABAND.

"My crown it's close!" King shouted. "I can feel it." He ran up to the door next to Luz. He tried opening the door.

"Aw he's so cute when he's thirsty for power." Mom said.

"It's not fair, all those people are in here for being themselves." Luz said. "Why is being a weirdo bad?" King flung the door nob off in excitement.

"Come on kids." Mom said. " Before he hurts himself."

We hear a faint "OW" in the distance. An walk in. And King is trying to run into the force field with his head.

"We have Luz with us King, remember." I told him as mom crouched down next to him

"Oh, right." King said. Luz readied herself for what she is about to do. She walked in, then a few minutes later walked out with a Burger Queen crown.

"My crown." King grabbed it an put it on. " I can feel my power returning." I smiled knowing he was happy with his crown back. But luz looked annoyed.

"That crown doesn't give him any powers does it?" Luz questioned. Mom sighed.

"Look Luz we don't have a lot." Mom said, " But we do have each other. So if that crown is important to him it's important to me."

"And me." I chimed in, mom put her arm over me for a hug.

"Besides, use weirdo's have to stick together, right?" I asked. Luz blushed at my statement.

"Well owe you one." Mom said. " Now let's get out of here before the Warden finds us an looses his head."

"To late." The Warden's voice speaks behind mom. An cuts her head off, Luz catches her head. Luz let's out a scream.

"Ow, I hate when that happens." Mom said. Luz screamed again. 

"Are you okay?" Luz screamed.

"Yeah, it just happens." I said.

"Now I have you cornered Eda the Owl Lady." I pulled my staff ready for action. He took King's crown an held it above his head. "I knew you'd come after your pet's precious item." With that he crushed it. We stood there in shock.

"No, my power!" King exclaimed.

"What do you want?" I shouted.

"Yeah, I never broke any of your stupid laws. I front of you." Mom exclaimed.

"I want you.." He said. "To go out with me."



"Ew, What?" 

"Yeah you go Boss!" shouted a guard. "Go get'em!" shouted another.

"You've always been the one that got away. I found that alluring." He said. 

"I hate everything about this." Luz said.

"You stay out of this." He claimed, dramatically throwing the flowers he had in his hand. And trapped Luz in his grasp and grabbed my Mom by her hair.

"So what do you say Owl Lady?" He asked. "It's not like you can say, no." Mom looked around. Saw that Luz was trapped. King was held back. Then looked at me, suddenly her eyes widened. 'What is she planning?"

"Listen you win." Mom said, "But you got to get my daughter's approval, her opinion matters most." 'Ohhh, I know what she's doing.'. The Warden looked to me.

"You have a daughter?" I went deadpan, literally.

"What do you mean, you didn't know!" Mom shouted. "She with me all the time. Heck some of the crimes I committed she was with me!". He stepped up to me.

"Well what do you say." He asked.

"Could you come closer. A little closer. Just a bit closer." Then I blew a raspberry in his face. Het go of Luz out of shock. Mom was laughing her head off.

"Good one sweetie." Mom laughed. I quickly blasted to Warden with an energy blast an Luz whacked the guards with Mom's staff.

"Nice" Mom commented. Luz grabbed Mom's head and body an got on the staff. I grabbed King an took off. I look back to see Luz not taking off, then all I hear is.

"Gun it magic stick." And they took off. The Warden quickly followed us. As we where flying, we where about to pass very familiar cells.

"Eda, lend me a hand." Luz asked. Which mom did, literally. All the cell doors flew open. We blasted threw the front gate only to be knocked back down.

"You should have seen her last boyfriend!" King shouted to Luz as he got up.

"Not my boyfriend!" Mom yelled, as she moved King out of the way. Mom quickly put Luz on her staff, for her staff to take off in the air with her. The Warden was about to shoot fire at Mom. I formed a shield to protect her. Once the fire was gone, mom sent a energy blast to the Warden knocking him back into a wall. She shot another, but this one was more powerful. He got back up ready to fight us, then charged right at us. I looked to the entrance to the "prisoners" from before. The Warden was about to attack me, but I quickly teleported behind him an knocked him back. As me and mom were fighting the Warden, I look back up to see Luz saying something to them. But then me, mom, and King were knocked down. I lost my grip on my staff, that is now behind him. 

"You have no where left to go." He said. Suddenly he was knocked down.

"Your terror ends to day Warden Wrath, for I am Luz the Human warrior of peace." She said as the wind blew in her hair, "Now eat this SUCKA!" She shouted throwing some type of thingy in his mouth. Which exploded. 

The Warden ran off with his tail between his legs. We were all cheering.

"Jeez, let's go home." I said. Both Mom and Luz agreed. We took off to the Owl House.


  Luz was about to leave to go home, but she stopped. Looked back at King an went up to him. Grabbed the crown from her doll's head. An gave it to him.

"A king shouldn't be with out his crown." She said  as she gave it to him. King cheered. Mom gave her back her papers and books. Luz then turned back around to go home but stopped again. She then turned around again.

"I know we all don't fit in. We started a prison riot. Did a lot of damage. But I would like to stay here with you guys. I don't want to go back to summer camp." Luz said.

"What's summer camp?" I asked mom. She just shrugged her shoulders. 

"What I mean is I want to stay here an become a witch like you, and Azura" Luz said, she sowed her book. I think Mom thought is was a joke.

"Your serious, you do know a human can't become a witch right." Mom said.

"That's because no one has ever tried." Luz said, "Plus I'll do whatever you say."

"Let her stay, she can make us snacks." King said when tugging at her dress. Mom looked at him, then me. I smiled at cause I kind of want her to stay to. She smiled.

"Okay, I'll teach you to be a witch but you have to work for me for I teach you anything." Mom stated.

"I'm alright with that." Luz said.

"Well I guess-" Mom was about to say but I cut off.

"Welcome to The Owl House, Luz the Human." I said. I ran up to her an gave her a big hug, King came up as well an joined the hug.

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