Come To Your Brothers

By JulieMcIntyre4

27.9K 604 283

Teenage brothers, Michael and Sam, and their kid sister, Stacy, have just moved to Santa Carla, California wi... More

Murder Capital of the World
Grandpa and No TV
A Mysterious Girl
The Frog Brothers
Getting Ditched
Meeting the Lost Boys
New Friends
Forget Something?
Brotherly Love
What's Happening to Me?
Author's Note

Alone Then Saved

2.3K 55 30
By JulieMcIntyre4

Whenever you're walking pass the Road Closed signs make sure you look where you're walking, because I didn't. Anyway, I really hope you like this next chapter.

As they were riding their motorcycles, Star keeps looking back to check and see if Michael is still with the group.

As they were getting closer to their destination David decided to have fun with Michael. "Come on." Trying to goad Michael into going faster, "Come on, Michael." David goads him knowing that the edge of the cliff is extremely close. Once Michael realizes that he's close to the edge he makes his bike skid to a stop right before it was about to crash onto the rocks below, while David stops his motorcycle at the edge of the cliff with ease. Michael looks down realizing that he could have died and he charges at David.

"What the hell you're doing huh?" Michael demands as he punches David in the cheek.

"No!" Star screams when she sees the other boys surrounding Michael. Michael however ignores them and keeps focus on David.

"Just you, come on. Just you. Come on, just you!" Michael yelled at David, pointing at him.

David smirks at him in response. "How far are you willing to go Michael?" David asks.

David and the group then lead him to their lair. "Not bad huh? This was the hottest resort in Santa Carla about 85 years ago," David said, "Too bad they built it on the fault. In 1906, when the "big one" hit San Francisco, the ground opened up, this place took a header," David smacks his hands together, "Right into the crack. So now it's ours."

"So check it out, Mikey," Paul says as he lights up a joint, earning several chuckles.

"Marco, food," David says to the younger vampire, who then leaves. "This is what I love about this place. You ask and then you get it. Appetizer?" David asks holding out a joint which Michael takes. "You'll like it here Michael," David tells him as he pats him on the back.

Meanwhile when Stacy got off the Ferris wheel she frowned when she didn't see Michael. Stacy looked all around but she couldn't see her big brother anywhere.

Maybe Michael had to go the bathroom. Stacy wondered to herself, I guess I'll just go on another ride while I wait for him.

Stacy decided to ride the carousel since it was close to the Ferris wheel and if Michael came back she would see him and be able to call out to him. As she was riding the carousel she was looking around for Michael, but she couldn't see him anywhere.

When the carousel ride was over, Stacy pouted that she still couldn't find her big brother anywhere. Stacy hugged Tod to her wondering what to do next. She then decided maybe she should ride the Ferris wheel again to see if she could spot Michael somewhere.

Meanwhile back at the house Sam is on his bed with Nanook, reading the comic the strange boys from the comic book store had given him. He was also trying to ignore Gracie's loud constant meowing that was coming from Stacy's room, even though the door was closed he could still hear it. There were only two reasons why Gracie would meow as loudly and as long as she had, either when she was hungry, and Stacy filled her bowls with food and water before she left with Michael, or when Stacy was gone for long periods of time.

He then heard his mom come in, "10:00 lights out," she said, "Did you brush your teeth?"

"Uh-huh." Sam replies as he continues reading his comic.

Lucy frowns and thinks for a moment, "Michael should've been back with Stacy by now. It's already past your sister's bedtime. He knows better than to keep her out this late when they get back I'm having a very long and very serious talk with him."

Sam flinched at that as he still remembered their talk from the other night.


"Once we get home Stacy I want you to go upstairs and take your bath and get ready for bed. I'll be up shortly to tuck you in," Lucy said to her daughter.

"Okay Mommy," Stacy smiled.

Sam breathed a sigh of relief thinking that his mom forgot about giving him a talk.

But he stood corrected when Lucy turned her attention to him, "Don't think you're off the hook young man. You and I are going to have a very serious talk once I've gotten your sister to bed."

When they got home and Stacy was put to bed. Lucy came into Sam's room.

"Samuel Matthew Emerson!" Lucy scolded, "What were you thinking? What could've made you think that saying inappropriate words around your sister was okay?"

"I didn't think that she was listening," Sam defended.

"That's no excuse for using inappropriate words, young man," Lucy scolded.

"I also didn't think that she would bring it up again," Sam tries to justify.

"Exactly the point. You weren't thinking," Lucy stated, "Sam, you and Michael are her older brothers. You have to set an example for your sister, and it isn't teaching her inappropriate words."

Sam sighed, "I'm sorry Mom."

Flashback Ended

"Okay. Night-night, sweetheart," Lucy said to her son.

"Mom," Sam says pointing towards the closet door that she had left open.

"Oh. Sorry," Lucy apologized, and closed the door, "You know I could never sleep with the closet door open either, not even a crack. Lucy then went over to Sam, "Sam this is a terrible thing to admit but I think that one of the reasons I divorced your father was because he never believed in the closet monster."

Suddenly a scary laugh was heard causing Lucy to jump. Grandpa is seen the room in his robe a bottle of Root beer in one hand while holding something behind his back with the other. "Dad. Dad, you shouldn't sneak up on people like that!" Lucy scolds him.

"Brought you something to dress up your room with Sam," Grandpa says as he reveals his newest creation, a taxidermy woodchuck. "How do you like that, huh?"

Sam stares at the creepy creation, "Thanks Grandpa."

"Oh dad really, you shouldn't have," Lucy tells him.

"Yeah, that's more where he came from," Grandpa replies as he exits the room, "Night Sam."

"Good night Grandpa," Sam says to him.

"Lights out," Lucy tells Sam.

"As soon as I finish this comic okay?" Sam asks.

"Okay. Night-night honey," Lucy replies, as she pats the woodchuck on the head before leaving.

"Good night Mom," Sam tells her.

After she leaves Sam tries to continue reading his comic but he keeps glancing over at the woodchuck.

"You're history, buddy," Sam says pointing at the woodchuck, then grabs it and shoves it into his closet.

Back at the Boardwalk, Stacy was on the Ferris wheel looking all around down below to see if she could find Michael. But she couldn't see her big brother anywhere.

"Yeah, I don't see him either Tod," Stacy said to her stuffed fox.

After she got off the Ferris wheel, Stacy was sad that she still couldn't find Michael. Did Michael forget about her? She hoped not. But she realized that she should start walking around to try and find him.

As she was trying to search for Michael, she also tried to ask someone for help. Stacy walked up to a man. She tugged on his shirt, "I can't find my brother."

The man just brushed her off and walked away, Stacy frowned sadly. She then went up to a couple of teen punks.

"Have you seen my brother Michael?" Stacy asked them.

"Go away kid!" one of them said pushing her away.

Stacy felt like crying, but she wasn't going to give up. She kept walking around trying to find a policeman or security guard, someone who she knows will help her, but she couldn't find one. Stacy then realized that there were less and less people at the amusement park, which meant it was going to be closing soon. When she noticed she still had a few coins in her pocket, she realized she could call home and tell them what happened. She eventually found a payphone outside of the amusement park, but when she tried it she realized it was out of order.

Then Stacy saw all of the lights go off at the amusement park and everything was closed up. Stacy couldn't help but began to cry as held Tod close to her, sitting down on the ground. She was scared and alone, except for Tod, and she still couldn't find Michael. He left her all by herself, he completely forgot about her.

As she was crying she heard several people walking towards her. When she looked up she saw four Surf Nazis.

"Well, well boys look what we found," one of them mocked, who must've been the leader, "It's a little girl."

"What's a little cutie like you doing all by yourself?" Another one of them with sunglasses taunted.

Stacy tried to leave but one of them grabbed her by her jacket, and then another one with a lot of tattoos snatched Tod from her.

"No! Give him back!" Stacy cried reaching for her stuffed fox.

"No, I think I'm going to keep him," the tattoo man taunted.

In response, Stacy stomped on the foot of the man who was holding her, and kicked the tattoo man in the shin, making him drop Tod. Stacy grabbed her stuffed fox and ran as fast she could.

After a few minutes, she stopped to catch her breath. She then looked around and didn't see anyone. Stacy sighed in relief.

"I think we lost them," Stacy said to her stuffed fox.

But it was proven wrong when Stacy was grabbed roughly from behind. Stacy screamed as loud as she could but then a hand covered her mouth. She responded by biting the person's hand but since they were wearing leather gloves, it wasn't enough to make them let go.

She then saw the leader of the Surf Nazis walking up to her in a menacing manor and had an evil smirk. "That was very naughty, little girl." The leader then said to the other boys, "Boys I think she needs to cool down."

The boys began to laugh and started dragging her to a nearby fountain. Stacy struggled to get away but the guy holding her was very muscular. When they got there, the muscular guy grabbed her arms and held them behind her back, then he grabbed her hair with her headscarf and dunk her head in the water as Stacy struggled to get free. She was scared, she wanted her mommy and her brothers, even Michael. The muscular man then pulled her head out and Stacy started coughing. He then dunked her head back in for a little longer.

But just before Stacy was about to lose consciousness, she could hear screams and she felt the man was ripped away from her and then a pair of gentle hands quickly pulled her out of the water. Stacy started coughing up the water as she was gasping for breath.

"It's okay," she heard a deep gentle voice, "You're safe now." Then she felt one hand pat her back as if it was trying to help her get any water out.

Stacy weakly turned to see who it was that was holding her but her vision was so blurry that she could make out that the guy had long dark hair.

"Michael?" Stacy asked weakly.

"No. But good try," the dark-haired boy said gently.

He then saw that Stacy was starting to shiver and he frowned. Well that's not good.

"Here Dwayne," Stacy heard another voice and saw a blurry vision of a blond boy handing him something black, "Use my coat to wrap her up."

Dwayne seemed surprise because he paused for a few moments before taking his coat. "Thanks, Paul," Dwayne said to him.

Dwayne then wrapped Stacy up in the coat and hugged her to his chest. This should keep her warm until we get back.

"Relax," Dwayne whispered to Stacy when he felt her fidgeting and he wrapped his arms tightly around the girl.

Stacy wasn't sure what it was but something told her to listen to him. She then relaxed her body against him and fell asleep.

I wanted to do more gifs, but Wattpad is very picky. Well until I get my next chapter up, Keep Calm and Watch The Lost Boys.

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