Kidnapped in Italy

By kae_bae2

311K 4.6K 405

First-time publishing- Bonnie Davis is a sweet innocent girl. She has friends that get her into a lot of shit... More

Introductory/ Author's warnings!
The beginning
Being a mother of two is hard
Seeing my angel
Greek God
I'm too young to die!
My fallen one
The interrogation
You won't be shown this type of mercy
Or what?
I'm just tired
Mr. Bossman
I'm a billionaire, neonata
Nerf gun war!
The deal
Why me?
I am a grown ass woman
I knew you were dying!
Why the nicknames?
Wrapped around his little finger
Who the hell is Jessica?
I'm going to kiss you, okay?
I'm going deaf, mane
You as in you
I zdon't like youwa britcha
Then, let me fulfill your hunger
This is my fault
Hashtag, virgin bitch out
After one fucking argument, Enzo!
What? Cat got ya tounge?
They betrayed us!
Lies, lies, and more fucking lies
A fucking nightmare
Sorry for hurting you, biggie
I can't live without you, baby
I'm back, bitches!
Mr & Mrs, Dickhead
You are my perfect queen
The Set Up!
Your friend was a mouse?
Now, let me taste you
My Punishment
You didn't love her
Everyone's favorite Stripper
Oh, Boohoo, bitch!
The Devil & his Demon
Let me relieve your pain
A bad bitch's party!
The security tapes
Loving a monster
Our breakup date
Suck, fucked, and bucked
Girls and Ty night!
The betrayal
Want to play a game?
Im the bait?
Just friendly?
Queen Bonnie & King Enzo
Sexy Santa
Manipulative and controlling
Please! God, no! Not my baby!
No, please! Please, stop!
I don't want to let her go
My man, My man, my man
Good girl
Baby Sven
I love my little family
Spoiled brat
Amore, please
Girls day
No, I am not your mother, remember?
You're still my good girl
What did Antonio do?!
Dad's leaving?
Happy Death Day, Bitch!
Queen Aurora
Live life, fuck, & have fun
Knock Knock, Bitch!

What punishment?/ aesthetics

6.6K 98 12
By kae_bae2

Enzo Romano

"Wh-What are you doing?" she stuttered, full of nervousness. It made me smirk knowing the effect I had on her.

"I told you not to yell at me and to show respect, but you didn't do that, did you? I gave you a warning over and over again, and yet here you are disrespecting me. I think it's time for a punishment. Don't you?" I said with a smirk on my face while grabbing her wrist.

"What the fuck do you mean by punishment? Maybe you didn't hear this the first time because it was in English, so let me fix that for you." she cleared her throat, snatched her hands from me, stood up, and she looked me dead in my eyes.

" Sono una donna adulta lì perché non devo fare un cazzo che dici," she said in a low threatening tone.

(Translation: I am a grown-ass woman there for I don't have to do shit you say)

"I don't care if you are the "boss" you are just not the boss of me," she said, slowly and putting up quotation signs.

I almost smirked at this. She is trying to be scary, but she just looks like a cucciolo di Tigre. She might think I'm not the boss of her, but she's wrong. I am and I will always be the boss of her. I guess it's time for her punishment, since she can't keep that pretty little mouth shut.

I nodded my head smiling, acting as if I agree with the non-since she's been saying.

"Also if-

I cut her off by throwing her over my shoulder again.

"Put me down, Cagna!!" she yells while pounding my back.

(Translation: bitch)

I threw her on the bed and began to tie her hands together, then did the same to her legs.

"What are you doing?" she asked turning red,
I leaned down to her ear.
"Be patient, you're about to find out." I whispered kissing her cheek, then in one smooth motion, I put her on her stomach across my lap. I made sure her ass was perfectly on my lap.

"This is what bad girls get when they don't respect me." I whispered in her ear.

I started to caress her ass and she got quiet as I did this. I smirked then lifted my hand and slapped her ass.

Bonnie Davis

I was so confused when he lifted me and put me on his lap. My head was literally hanging off his leg, if my brain explode from being full of blood then I'm suing him!

"You can't just do this, I did nothing wrong." I mumbled, nervously and tried to break out of the restraints.

I stopped struggling when I felt a hand rub my ass. He traced circles and even slapped my butt from time to time.

"W-what a-are you d-doing?" I struggled to say as he squeezed my ass. My face was burning hot at the thought of me being across his sexy ass getting spanked. I should not be enjoying this.

"How about you tell me what's your favorite food, then I'll tell you what I'm about to do, huh?" He said as he continued to caressed my ass.

"If I tell you, you will s-stop?" I questioned struggling to look up at him.
He nodded his head yes then pulled me up so that I could sit in his lap, but still tied up.
"This is really starting to hurt." I said, pointing at my tied ankles.

"I'll take them off while you tell me your favorite foods, okay? I just wanted to have a visual of what this will be like in the future." He said causing me to look confused. He examined my body and bit his lip at the restraints on me. I gulped at that and he shook his head.

"So I love a lot of food, b-but I love Mexican food. I love pizza, burgers, nachos, salad, and my favorite, chocolate cake." I said, remembering what a good chocolate cake tastes like.

"Okay, thank you for telling me." He said while finishing the last tie.
"So why did you ask anyways?" I asked, curiously.

He stood up and smiled "No reason, you telling me that just helped me find the perfect punishment for you." He said smirking.

"Awl, wait what? What punishment? I didn't do anything." I pleaded standing up with my hands still tied.

"Yes, you did, cucciolo di tigre. Did you forget about all that eye-rolling, yelling, and name calling , neonata?" He questioned me with a smirk of curiosity.

"cagna, look I'm sorry and if it means anything, I really and truly.......don't give a flying fuck about disrespecting you."I said staring him dead in the eyes and shrugging.

It was a joke, but I wanted to see how mad he would get, I mean I'm already getting punished how bad could this be.

"Oh, tsk tsk tsk, no, this won't work at all. I can't have the person I kidnapped a week ago disrespecting me. What kind of man would that make me, huh? Maybe, cucciolo di tigre, needs the worse punishment, right?" Enzo said picking up his phone and dialing a number.

I stared at him "What are you doing? Who are you calling?" I questioned getting a little nervous.

"Hi Mr.Coby, Vorrei che bandisse una persona da tutti i ristoranti messicani, hamburger, pizza e tutti i buoni ristoranti che la gente ama, finché non dico altro saggio." Enzo said in Italian.

"Yea...umm ok...just do it...The name is Bonnie Davis....yes, Bonnie... B-o-n-n-I-e ...D-a-v-I-s" he spelled out

I ran up to him and tried to grab his phone but he pulled away.

"What did you say? I couldn't make it out, you said it so fast I only heard my name." I said trying to grab the phone, again.

"Yeah...ok...good...bye." He said hanging up the phone.

"What was that about? Why did you say my name?" I asked, curiously.

"Don't worry about it, Tigre" he said plastering a huge smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling that hard? What are you up to? Has this got something to do with this so-called punishment?" I question raising my brows.

"Maybe." he said shrugging his shoulders then walking out, leaving me.

I just stood there confused before going back to my room.


"Come on let's go." He said, briefly.

"Where are we going, capo?" I questioned, smirking.

"We are going for a ride. Now, put on some shoes." He demanded.

It's been three days since that night about punishments, but I just keep thinking about why he said my name. I shrugged at the thought.

I was called into his room a few minutes ago just for him to tell me that we're going somewhere, like what?
He hasn't talked to me since that night now all of a sudden he wants to take me out?.... hell yes, I'm going, the fuck I'm not staying in this hell house forever, who do you think I am?

So, I just went back to the elevator. At this point, I don't care who elevator it is. If he has a problem with it he can suck my dick. His ass can learn how to share for a while because I'm not walking down all those stairs, again.

I got to my room to slip on my shoes, but when I finished putting them on Raven busted in.

"What it do, bittcchh?!" He said dragging the word then jumping in my bed.

"I'm going somewhere with the capo. I'll be back later and get the fuck off of my bed I just fixed it." I said as I walked out.

"Okay, be like that. When you come back your bed will be soaked, believe that, cagna." He yelled (bitch)
I just shook my head and headed downstairs.

Enzo was there waiting on me, but before I could even ask a question he dragged me out of the mansion.
He dragged me to the car and got in himself.

"I could've walked without being dragged, cagna." I said rolling my eyes.  (Cagna=bitch)

His fist tightened on the steering wheel, causing his knuckles to turn white. Okay, maybe it wasn't the time to call him that while driving.

"Call me that again and I'll show you how much of a bitch I can be, ragazza coraggiosa." He said which made me shut up.

(Translation: brave girl)

We rode in silence the whole way there. He stopped the car when we pulled up to a place. I looked out the window to see "migliori torte". I know what torte means and that's "cake", but not the other one.

"Wait, CAKE."

I pushed the door open before he could even speak. I ran into the cake place and "wow" it had so much to choose from "omg" my mouth watered looking at the chocolate cakes.

"Hello, can I please have one of those?" I asked the woman while pointing at a chocolate cake. There was strawberries surrounding it and the think frosting started calling my name. My stomach growled for it.

She looked at me strangely before saying.

"No," Simply. I looked at her confused for a moment, then my rage was starting to rise when I realized she wasn't kidding.

"What the fuck do you mean by no?! I am a cu-

I got interrupted by the doorbells jingling

"Ahh..." Enzo took a deep breath then let out an exaggerated sigh.

I walked up to him with anger in my eyes.

"She's not letting me get a chocolate cake, why?" I asked on the edge of having a meltdown over cake.

Yesterday, I begged Antonio for some money and now I can't use it to buy cake, it's ridiculous.

He stared at me and smirked.

"I don't know, amore maybe she just thinks you don't need any cake." He said, shrugging his shoulders and looking off. He pointed to a cake he wanted and she prepared it for him.

That's when I knew, I know his ass had something to do with this.

"This bitch!" I said under my breath. I started to stare at him until he looked at me.

"What?" he asked, curiously as if he doesn't know. I rolled my eyes and glared at him before walking out.

I walked out disappointed that I didn't get my cake and also because he lied to me. I know he was joking, but he still lied.

I was almost to the car until I felt someone's hand grab my arm. I turned around to see Enzo.

"What the fuck did you do?! Is this about that damn call?! Did you ban me from this place?!" I yelled at him. He smirked and took his fork to take a bite of his cake.

I will literally start crying right now!

All he did was stare at me. "Huh?!" I shouted at him to pull him out of la-la land or wherever the fuck his mind went off to.

"Amore, I didn't just ban you from this place, I banned you from ALL restaurants and bakeries. I did say I would punish you didn't I?" He said leaning close to my face. I stared at him then at the cake in his hand.

"But...b-but I thought you were talking about some other punishment. I didn't think you would take away the foods I enjoy. Wait, that's why you asked me that isn't it? That's why you asked me what my favorite foods were?!" I said in disbelief that I fell right into his trap.

"That's right, amore, and you fell right in and if I were you I would change that attitude." He said getting in the car.

Did he read my mind?

I stood outside looking stupidly at him sitting in the car. He wants me to respect him, right? I'll show him respect when I shove my foot so far up his ass he-

"be calm" I told myself while taking a deep breath.

"I guess I have to play the role of a good innocent young girl whose boss acts like her, daddy," I mumbled to myself before getting in the car.

Enzo and Bonnie aesthetic's are at the top!!!

What's your favorite kind of cake?

What is your favorite between burger, pizza, and nachos?

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