It Started with a Hijabi's Di...

By flower_seeds_

9.9K 1.5K 2.2K

"And they plot and plan, and ALLAH plans and ALLAH is the best of planners" (Al-Quran) "Can you tell me to wh... More

1= Finding The Diary
2= Iman
3= Islam and Ethics
4= Are Flaws Actually Flaws?
5= Al-Raheem
6= Hazrat Muhammad صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ
7= What's in this bottle?
8= Secrets
9= Little hints
10= Ramadan
11= Lane of memories
#Free Palestine
12= Veil
13= Daughters=Princess
14= Badr is Missing
15= Soulmate
16= Finding new secrets
17= Letters
18= Search
19= Hayatuhu حياته
20= She found them
21= Proposal
22= Reaction
23= "it was the only thing I had of her"
24= "how did you know it was Me?"
25= Finally!
26= "this diary has more than it shows"
27= "the villian of our story..."
28= "I need to find her, no matter how much it costs"
29= "I dream to meet a secret agent one day"
30= "I Know You..."
32= "Let me surprise you..."
33= "our last breath?.."
34 = "I Didn't Fake It "
35= Ilham
36= Choosing ALLAH
37= Mehram
38= "Been Shot..."
39= Graveyard
40= Wonders Of Love
41= The Court
42= Engagement
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
About Author

31= "Where are we?"

121 19 25
By flower_seeds_

In the name of Allah Almighty Who's Most Merciful and The Only Who Knows what's in the hearts.

May Peace and Blessings of Allah Almighty be upon our beloved prophets, especially Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W), their noble complanions and all the true believers present in this world or other.


بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ

" In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. "

یٰۤاَیُّہَا الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡۤا اٰمِنُوۡا بِاللّٰہِ وَ رَسُوۡلِہٖ وَ الۡکِتٰبِ الَّذِیۡ نَزَّلَ عَلٰی رَسُوۡلِہٖ وَ الۡکِتٰبِ الَّذِیۡۤ اَنۡزَلَ مِنۡ قَبۡلُ ؕ وَ مَنۡ یَّکۡفُرۡ بِاللّٰہِ وَ مَلٰٓئِکَتِہٖ وَ کُتُبِہٖ وَ رُسُلِہٖ وَ الۡیَوۡمِ الۡاٰخِرِ فَقَدۡ ضَلَّ  ضَلٰلًۢا  بَعِیۡدًا ﴿۱۳۶﴾

" O you who have believed, believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Book that He sent down upon His Messenger and the Scripture which He sent down before. And whoever disbelieves in Allah , His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day has certainly gone far astray. "

Ayat no. 136)

If you haven't prayed yet, then please pray before reading this. Because your connection with Allah Almighty is Much more important. Remember, Salat is obligatory, this is not.


You know what happened few days ago, I messaged the head teacher for some important reason. And you know she is the Head! So I was really nervous and a weird thing happened...

Head: you can contact Miss Hina, she will be of your great help.

Me: okay, i will contact Miss Hana, Ma'am.

Head: Hana? Who is Hana?

Me: sorry it slipped...

Head: seems like someone named Hana is really close to you.

And after that conversation, I laughed really. Well, you can't blame me, I honestly have the plot going on my mind almost all the time. This story plays like a reel, and almost all the time in my head😅😄

Faith Booster!

Okay, someone told me that these faith boosters helped her. So I wanted to add another one. Sometimes, even if you are born in Muslim family, many people have doubts. And the reason is lack of teaching. You will meet lots of science teachers but the one who teaches you about true Iman are not very much.
And I wanted to gain some rewards if any of this benefits you.

Okay, I know when I was a kid, I too read in my book- as most kid's books too- we were teached that in the solar system, all the planets revolve around sun. And sun doesn't revolve, instead all the planets revolve around it.

And just recently, they found out- and the scientists were very very shocked about that- that sun revolves around an orbit too. It was such an amazing discovery according to them- and those who discovered it were rewarded heavily.

But someone tell them, that it was already mentioned in the Quran.
Don't forget to read Bismillah before reading an ayat or even hadith.

بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ

" In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. "

وَ ہُوَ الَّذِیۡ خَلَقَ الَّیۡلَ وَ النَّہَارَ وَ الشَّمۡسَ وَ الۡقَمَرَ ؕ کُلٌّ فِیۡ  فَلَکٍ یَّسۡبَحُوۡنَ ﴿۳۳﴾

" And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming. "

Ayat no. 33)

Shocking right? The discovery they made just recently was mentioned in Al-Qur'an FOURTEEN centuries ago!!

And don't say like then why don't they see this or turn to Islam. Then remember Allah Almighty Has already mentioned about them in Al-Quran, and don't forget that in the Akhirah you are not going to be questioned about anyone's Iman except yours. So turn to Allah before it's too late.
Because all the signs of Akhirah has come true. And we don't know when is the last minute of our life.

May Allah Almighty guide all of us to His Path, to The true path.

Now to the story

Chapter no. 31= "Where are we..?"


I'd really recommend you to read the next chapter's end to get a replay so you don't get confused or anything like that)

Please vote and comment, it's a huge source of motivation for me! I really hope that you like it!




"Abdul, wake up, it's been too long".

"Abdul I am not kidding if you don't wake up, I.. I.."

"Badr", another voice said.

"No sir, I won't tolerate anymore. He is not waking up, does this idiot know how much he is scaring me!".

"Who did you call idiot?", said AbdulWadood in a hoarse voice. His eyes were still closed- with diziness- but he could hear the faint conversation they were having.

"Abdul! You finally woke up. You! You are an idiot"- Badr said, his voice filled with emotions- "Do you know how much you scared me and sir. He was literally shaking when he saw you like this. I so wish I could hug you right now".

"And why can't you hug me?", said AbdulWadood still in hoarse voice slowly getting his consciousness back.

"In all that long sentence, you heard that? I didn't know you were that fond of my hugs, Abdul, eh?", Badr said in a teasing voice wriggling his eyebrows causing Mr. Adam to laugh loudly at their tactics.

AbdulWadood frowned and lifted his hand to rub his eyes, but his frown got deeper when he felt that he couldn't move his hands.

His felt shocked- when he felt that he couldn't move his hands nor his feet at all. It was like something was holding them back. What happened? Was there something in the injection that caused his limbs to react like that?

But when his eyes opened, he was more than shocked.
In front of him he saw an old rusty door, with thick layers of dust- instead every wall of the room along with few furniture was covered with dust. Infact, in the name of furniture there was only a table- an expensive hat layered with dust, a read huge button and some tools that seemed like torture tools were placed on that table.

AbdulWadood again tried to move his limbs and looked behind him with wide eyes- that his wrists and ankles were locked with iron chains. He tried moving it, causing the clashing of iron to echo in the room.

With horrified expressions and wide terrified green eyes, AbdulWadood looked beside him to see Badr in his left, and Mr. Adam in his right in the same position- locked with iron chains.

"How?.. What?.. What happened while I was unconscious? Where are we?", he asked with astonished voice.

"Well, actually, while you were busy being sleeping beauty, your prince swept you off your feet and locked you in a tower", Badr said barely controlling his chuckle, "and the prince was so possessive of you, that he actually locked you with chains so that you couldn't run off. And then locked your father and best friend with you- so you wouldn't feel alone".

"Badr..", AbdulWadood glared at him while Badr burst down in loud laughter and Mr. Adam chuckled too.

"You both are impossible", Mr. Adam said with a chuckle, "Now I know why they say not to kidnap two best friends together".

AbdulWadood looked at them with an open mouth- how could they both be so calm in this condition- let alone laughing?

Then like a bulb clicked in his mind, as he looked at the both of them and asked,
"Is everyone safe? Ammi, Hana, Mustafa.... Iman?"

Mr. Adam nodded with relieved expressions, "Yes, last night I knew that there was going to be a havoc, so I sent your Ammi, Hana and Mustafa to your uncle's house, and guards are with them.
AbdulRahman and his family is safe,too"

He looked at AbdulWadood with proud expressions, "and you saved Iman and her friend. If you hadn't been there, we can't even imagine what could have happened. But they are safe and before being kidnapped- I found out that they were safe and now must be with AbdulRahman. And with Allah's Will and Help, you saved them, my son."

AbdulWadood felt relaxed, he felt happy and thanked his Al-Malik trillion times in his heart that everyone was safe. And now he knew why Mr. Adam and Badr was so relaxed.

They were relaxed because they knew everyone was safe. And AbdulWadood knew very well how good fighter they both were. So they were least concerned about their own security. 

AbdulWadood then looked at Mr. Adam, "Abbu, they caught you, are you hurt somewhere?"

Mr. Adam smiled at the worried expressions of his son, "No-"

"Me? I am fine. Thank you for asking", Badr said with a chuckle.

To others it may seemed like Badr was enjoying, or having jokes like normal. But in reality, he was trying to lift up the atmosphere as much as he could.

He knew the duo, and he knew that AbdulWadood would get worried about Mr. Adam and Badr. And he didn't want that- he was already feeling guilty that he couldn't prevent for AbdulWadood or his boss to kidnap. But he wanted to divert their mind as much as he could, and in the mean time to think of a plan to escape.

"I was going to ask you, too", AbdulWadood said with a chuckle. Badr smiled that he actually succeeded to make his best friend smile.

"How did you both get abducted here?", AbdulWadood asked to two of them.

"I..", Badr hesitated, but still told the truth, "actually we succeeded to arrest KJ's men. And after I knew that everything is under control- I started searching you. And started going to the address that sister told us. But then I got a call from Mr. Adam and stopped at the corner to listen to it, when suddenly I felt diziness because of the lack of food, because I didn't even have food last night. And before I could recover from the diziness, someone injected me. And next I found myself here".

AbdulWadood again looked at Badr thoroughly to see if he is hurt somewhere, but he felt relax when he saw there was none except for his bloodied knuckles and busted lips.

"Does it hurt?", AbdulWadood asked with a wince pointing towards his lips that had now dried blood.

"Naah, totally fine. Honestly", he replied as he looked at AbdulWadood with honest eyes anda beautiful smile.

"And Abbu, how did you get here?", AbdulWadood asked with concerned eyes.

"My story is longer than his", Mr. Adam said pointing to Badr, and both of them gave him their full attention.

Mr. Adam took a deep breath and looked at them as he narrated,

"After you both left, I got a call from a very senior agent that he found some most dangerous men of KJ near a hospital- he specially contacted me because he knew that I was in charge of a case related to KJ.

And then I got one more call, and that was from the team that I had given change to find AbdulRahman. They called me with happiness- saying that they found some recent activeness of AbdulRahman and a very certain guess about where he could be.

I honestly became so happy- until they told me the address. That was the hospital where the most dangerous men of KJ were to be".

Both AbdulWadood and Badr looked at him with panic eyes, they both were praying in their heart for AbdulRahman and his family and for the people who were there.

"I called some very senior agents- including the one who informed me. They all were very panicked as it was a very packed hospital and they feared for so many lives of innocent there. Without wasting any second, we reached there.

I saw AbdulRahman at the lobby, and he was so shocked to see me. Oh, how much I wanted to hug the life out of that idiot. Who hid so much from me. Who literally ran away from me so I wouldn't worry. Who was a very close brother to me."

He looked at the old dusty table as he narrated with a dried smile, and precious emotions in his eyes-

"But I couldn't do that, and after giving him brief information, I lead a team and worked along with other senior agents. There was chaos in the hospital. But Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, with my Allah's Help, there was no damage to any life and all the men of KJ were arrested.

When I reached the lobby where I left AbdulRahman, he hugged me tight. And it was such an amazing moment for me".

His eyes had a different glow as he narrated this, but that then turned into worry as he continued,

"I then asked him about his family and told him about the danger lurking on his family.
He was terrified. He told me that his two sons were out of city, and he just had a phone call with them and they were fine- but still I sent some guards to take them here safely so they could be better protected until this chaos ends.

But AbdulRahman was terrified that they had to meet an important relative of theirs and that he left Iman alone in the home- along with her friend- Innaya.
I knew by sending his most dangerous men here, was actually the plan of KJ to distract us so he could reach AbdulRahman's house easily.

But it was a loss for KJ that AbdulRahman was at the same hospital, and that I had already sent you two there."

He looked at both of them with proud looks that made them happy and he wished he could pat their shoulders like he wanted to.

And he continued his story,

"AbdulRahman and his whole family was so worried for Iman. He wanted to run out of there to see if his daughter was fine. But we stopped him, as it wasn't safe. And then I called you",

He said pointing towards Badr
"But I didn't get any response so I called one agent of your team. Then he told me that they had found two girls who reached them and saying that their name was Iman and Innaya. After hearing their names, I strictly ordered him to take them in special protection."

After hearing this all, both of them literally heaved down in relief. AbdulWadood smiled that Iman was safe. He leaned back his head down with the support of wall in relax knowing that his mother, sister and little brother were safe too.

Badr too relaxed knowing that everything was fine out there. Before coming here, he had made sure to do all arrangements for the protection of his own family, too. And but he didn't know why he felt relax like except his family, a someone special to him was safe, too.
He was confused, why was he feeling that kind of feeling? As if the person his soul is connected to, too got safe.

They got the news of AbdulWadood's soulmate being protected, then why was he feeling that tranquility?

His chains of thought got broken as Mr. Adam continued,

"I called Badr again and I thought maybe it was the error of signals as I was dialing on his special phone that we use between us; and I stood at a corner when suddenly there was gas all over the lobby and of KJ's men abducted me."

Then the three of them got busy in their own thoughts, but not before again inquiring about each other's  health.

They were relaxed that everyone was safe- well except three of them. And only if they knew what was coming.


"I am bored, Badr", said AbdulWadood with a sigh as he rested his head back on the cracked-decorated wall.

"What am I to you, an entertainer?", Badr said in a sarcastic voice.

"But you can be", AbdulWadood replied with a sheepish smile.

Mr.Adam laughed loudly while Badr rolled his eyes- hiding his small smile.

Mr. Adam looked at the tiny window near the ceiling- covered with dust but still he could see the blue sky, and said,
"What is one of the wishes you always want to ask to Allah".

"About your health_", AbdulWadood said but Mr. Adam cut him off.

"No, relating to your connection with Allah. Connection with Allah Almighty is The Best connection. And He is the best friend of believers. Imagine one of the most things you want to ask him relating to your connection with Allah Almighty".

"I want Allah Almighty to be pleased with me.
I want to ask Him- plead Him to never let me go".

Both of them gave their answers in a quiet tone. No matter how hard texture a person has, once it comes the topic of His Creator, he feels himself like a child- with no fakeness- the true person who you hide from the world.

Mr. Adam smiled, and took a deep breath before starting, and the boys leaned closer to Mr. Adam as much as they could with their situation,

"One of our connection with Allah, that bond with Allah, we pray to Allah, we put our hope in Allah. From the ayat of Surat Ha-meem-Assajdah,

بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ

" In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful."

اِنَّ  الَّذِیۡنَ قَالُوۡا رَبُّنَا اللّٰہُ  ثُمَّ اسۡتَقَامُوۡا تَتَنَزَّلُ عَلَیۡہِمُ الۡمَلٰٓئِکَۃُ  اَلَّا تَخَافُوۡا وَ لَا تَحۡزَنُوۡا وَ اَبۡشِرُوۡا بِالۡجَنَّۃِ  الَّتِیۡ  کُنۡتُمۡ تُوۡعَدُوۡنَ ﴿۳۰﴾

" Indeed, those who have said, "Our Lord is Allah " and then remained on a right course - the angels will descend upon them, [saying], "Do not fear and do not grieve but receive good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised. "

(Surat Ha-meem-Assajdah
Ayat no. 30)

Seems like a pretty statement "our master is Allah". It's not a simple statement, you're not saying "our Creator is Allah, or The One we worship is Allah".

You're calling Him your Rabb. "our Rabb is Allah". Rabb is a Mun'im. Rabb Is Someone Who Does favours for you, you don't deserve and keeps giving you what you don't deserve.

He Is The One Who keeps making things easy for me, that's who He Is to me. I've declared that when I called Him Rabb, Al-Mun'im.

Wal Qayyim, The One Who's going to make sure I don't fall apart.

Wass Sayyid, and He Is in charge of what I do, He's taken total authority over me, I am not in charge anymore.

You know for example, if you are bad at swimming and find yourself in the middle of the ocean. And you are splashing and doing whatever you can and nothing helping, water keeps up going in your nose, and in your nose and in your mouth and nothing seems to be helping and you are getting exausted.

And until you realize there's someone holding you from underneath, you just need to relax and let go and he just keeps floating, he's not gonna let you down. When you let go, that's actually Rabbun Allah, our Master is Allah. Whatever struggle, storm I am going through He's not gonna let you drown, He's holding me in place.

Those who openly declare that, they acknowledge that they are not in control of their situation, they acknowledge that they cannot control other peoples opinions. They acknowledge they cannot control what any of the creation of Allah does.

You know when some people, some of you spend your days and nights thinking about how this person is going to harm me.
What are they going to say? What are they going to do? What are they going to think? This is what is going in your head all this time, you are preoccupied with it.

And when you accept Rabbun Allah, you let that go because The One Who's protecting you and The One Who's keeping you in place and The One Who's gonna navigate you through the storm.

You have declared that you have handed it over to Him, you've let go, Rabbun Allah, and that declaration is powerful. It's a kind of freedom.

How sad you are, hiw angry you are, how hurt you are, we are letting other people control, how we feel and when you really, truly declare my master is Allah.

The power creation has over you disappears, like they are just creations, they have no power when Allah doesn't give them that power.

And when we strengthen our heart, then whatever they have to say and do, bounces right off you and it doesn't hurt you anymore.

Allah doesn't let anyone hurt you. He Is your Protector. And He Is The Best Protector."

(The lecture above, mr. Adam gave, doesn't belong to me. It actually belongs to the youtube channel "LoveAllah328" and I have given the link of the video in the very start of the chapter. There's the complete chapter.

I actually found this video- surprisingly through a notification- when I really really needed it. So wanted to share this amazing lecture with you. Because it's what many of us needs).


Unknown man's P.O.V
(The same unknown from the start of the story)
(Well, it is to clearify that the unknown man in the story all along was none other than KJ)

"Boss, they are here", they said to the unknown man who fixed his tie and then loaded his gun before squaring his shoulders- arrogance reeking off his every cell.

He waved that man off and walked forward with arrogant gait, with his smirking agent following him behind. It was creepy for many people to see his assistant- always smirking- and his smirk was very much scary too.

He dusted his coat as one of his men, opened the door- and this time the unknown man smirked seeing the three of them before him- in the position he wanted them to be- locked in chains.

He walked forward and his expensive shoes made contact with the dusty floor- but his attention wasn't there- instead it was on three men before him.

Every men including him, who entered the door was shocked to see a strange kind of tranquility in the room- before Shaitaan and the evil of their nafs blocked it.

The tranquillity when malaika (angels) accompany you to hear their Lord's dikr (remembrance).

The three of them felt very relaxed in that tranquility and didn't have tensed expressions even when they saw that unknown man walking towards with them with gun hanging from his right hand.

And that kinda annoyed that unknown man. He wanted to see the fear in their face- like he saw on many people's. But only if he knew a mu'min never fears of anyone except his Lord.

"KJ", Badr snapped.

That unknown man smirked, "well, Good to know that you still recognize me, Badr Yousaf".

KJ, who had a psychopath-ed look in his eyes, his dark brown hair styled with fashion and one of his hands was in pocket- while the other played with the gun.

Badr turned his head away barely controlling his anger and he chanted again and again in his mind that he needed to be calm. Anger never do you any good.

"I am very happy today", KJ swirled around and barked out a laugh like a psychopath.

"Today I got the honor of having Owais Adam and Badr Yousaf in my home".

He kneeled down near them and with a dangerous look in his eyes looked at AbdulWadood and traced his cheeks, "and how to forget the master piece here. Owais Adam's biggest weakness. His son".

"It's so nice meeting you", he said while tilting his head in a creepy style, "but I am sorry that we have to cut this conversation off. Because your father and best friend are going on a journey to death. And you will be accompanying them".

Then he abruptly stood up and kept his expressions stone like,
"Last time, I am asking you about that diary, if you tell me. I will reduce your torture but if you don't- well then you don't want to see".

He gave a smirk that was so scary that could give most people chills.

"Boss, boss!", a man came running to KJ with an urgent look on his face, "Young master has arrived".

If KJ's looks were smug before, it was nothing in compare to the evil laugh he had- that caused even his own men to cower in fear.

He swirled around with his arms opened, "Young master is here, my son is here".

His assistant- ever smirking one- his smirk got even wider and something scary fire lit up his eyes.

"Young master is here!", KJ continued and that caused all of his men there to repeat him with creepy looks on their faces. It was as if they were declaring that the most evil creature had arrived.

"Young master is here?", some asked with terrified looks.
Now the door was opened and it gave them full access to look at the large hall where thousands of his men stood.

They all chanted, "Young Master! Young Master!"

It was as if it was a welcome ceremony for a king, and that too who held a disastrous power.

"Lo and Behold! My son has arrived!"

The door of the huge hall burst open, causing a very loud bang in the atmosphere as it almost burst open and a figure walked in- and the men in the hall crowded around him like he was a king.

"The future of my empire. Of the entire mafia!"

The men cheered around him and the crowd didn't let Badr, Mr. Adam or even AbdulWadood who was sitting in the middle to see him.

"The one who is even more evil than me!"

Slightly the crowd started stadning on the either side of the hall, but still some crowded him as he walked to them.

"The one people fears even more than they do me!"

AbdulWadood craned his neck to look at the person but still because of the crowd he couldn't see him- but AbdulWadood knew that he was walking towards them.
And that he had almost reached them.

"The only offspring of KJ, my only successor, welcome my son,
Liam Kashae!"

Just then he stepped in the room- his expensive black shoes coming in view- before he picked up the hat from the table and swirled it around- causing the dust to swivel all around to him. Adding more dramatic effect to his entry.

AbdulWadood, Badr, and Mr. Adam continued to look at him as he patted the hat and instead of wearing it kept it in front a his face- like some entertainer does.

"Well, hello there, impatient to see me, no?"

And then he removed the hat from his face causing loud gasps to echo in the room.


And then for the second time in that day, AbdulWadood felt like his world froze but now in a totally different way.

He saw before him with astonished eyes the boy he had loved like his brother.

The boy he had guided as best as he could- be it on the religious way or in office.

The boy he even let his little sister's hand to.

"Akhi, you know I got a promotion today. I could'nt have done it without your help".

A tear of his dropped down on the dusty ground causing a little tink sound.

"You have been getting good in this", AbdulWadood said to Ilham as he did another goal.

"Well, I am in mood today. What about another match, akhi?"

"Oh, you bet!", AbdulWadood chuckled as they again played for hours.

He again looked at his face to confirm- hoping that his eyes just mistaken him as someone very beloved to AbdulWadood. But he was very much disappointed, again. Not to forget hurt.

"I want to ask for Hana's hand. I know I don't deserve her. But please will you think about it?"

AbdulWadood looked at him with soft eyes, and kept a hand on his shoulder,
"Do you love her?"

"More than I can ever describe, Akhi. Much more. She is my Hayati, my life".

And yes, indeed infront of them stood their beloved Ilham- no Liam- with totally different attire, and a smirk on his face instead of the beautiful smile he always carried around them.

AbdulWadood looked at him with broken face, and he felt like some part of him shattered. The same person he had loved as a little brother- had even engaged his sister to- was standing infront of them with an evil expressions- as if the Ilham they knew wasn't there at all- as if he didn't even exist.

"You traitor!", Badr yelled and Mr. Adam didn't say a word and he continued looking down- hiding his expressions.

"Surprises, surprises, shocked you all, no?" Ilham- or Liam continued to smirk and AbdulWadood looked down and took a deep breath to control his emotions but again got betrayed by his heart as he saw infront of him a drop of wetness dropping on the ground before another followed.

It hurt him, really much.
This wasn't something he expected. Not at all.

"Today you hurt me like no one ever did", AbdulWadood said in a quiet tone- it was almost like a whisper- while still keeping his gaze on the ground - "I trusted and loved you so much. I even trusted you with my sister's hand. She loved you truly... She loves you so much and"

He stopped and shut his eyes tightly and did his Creator's dikr in his heart to control his emotions. This day brought so many unexpected things for him... And now he was tired of it.

"A traitor! A back stabber, that's what you are!", Badr yelled again - but this time it was more in a challenging way, like he was trying to challenge him.

And what happened next, wasn't what any of them expected.


Well no one expected it...
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Stay tuneeee


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#1 in spiritual in 16/6/2019 Previously known as " My very own hijabi" Two young people finding shelter within each other from the world and its evi...
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[My stories do NOT represent Islam, they represent most Muslims nowadays] ~~~~ "So I can't be this close to you?" Brody softly asked, pretending he d...