
By disgruntled_twig

621 42 27

Honestly, at this point I'm just using random Saikechi fanart. So, we have Akechi being a psychoanalyzing tea... More


621 42 27
By disgruntled_twig

Oh, how nice...

Saiki wasn't actually doing anything. In fact, he was doing more of nothing than anything.

He was thinking.

Akechi had asked him about Silent Cyborg; something about how his father messed up several chapters, and Saiki was trying to recall exactly what happened in those chapters. They were sitting on the floor in the living room, having a normal everyday conversation, when Akechi decided to make something out of nothing, yet again.

He looks so cute like that! Deep in thought, it seems so mysterious and alluring, the way he's squinting his eyes, head tilted to the side... His entire expression simply fascinates me in such a peculiar way...

Good grief.

He wasn't doing anything. Absolutely nothing and Akechi somehow found a way to make it sappy.


Saiki broke his concentration he'd been keeping to evade suspicion. He'd figured that if he pretended he couldn't hear Akechi's thoughts, or had appeared as if he was too deep in thought to notice them, that he'd forget about what he was thinking and hopefully, never bring it up again.


"Y'know, you look very cute when you're thinking."

Why me?

'I don't know what you're talking about.'

Akechi chuckled.

"Yes you do. I'm sure you must've heard me thinking about it. I admit, it would have been less embarrassing for the both of us to avoid voicing this thought, but I know you had heard it, even if you pretended not to, and I figured it'd be best to tell you directly. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure why you'd deny listening in on my thoughts, especially when I know you'd rather be alert and aware of your surroundings than simply leaving things to chance."

How did he know I was pretending not to hear him? Is he telepathic too?

"Judging by your now quizzical expression, I can tell that you're now wondering, 'How did he know?' or 'He's not a psychic too, is he?' Well, I admit, while my abilities may appear to be telepathic, they are not magical or otherwise supernatural. While it would be interesting to be able to use such abilities, I think the drawbacks would outweigh the benefits. Using simple deduction to figure things out is a skill most people tend to overlook, even though when harnessed correctly, it can be very useful in gaining the necessary information."

'Get to the point.'

I still think it's creepy when you do that.

"Oh yes, I was prattling on again, wasnt I? But thank you, because by asking me to once again hone in my speech to the original topic of conversation, you prove to me that you're not only listening, but are at least mildly interested in what I'm about to say. This knowledge truly flatters me, Kusuo-kun, and I appreciate it greatly. Anyway, I saw your hands twitch slightly at the same time as I thought about how cute you are. Of course, had it been something unusual, or a more jerky movement, than I could've predicted that is was some sort of disorder, such as Tourette's. Such mental disorders do make people act in that sort of way, what with small, sudden movements spontaneously and sporadically throughout the days. I believe these movements are called 'tics'. This theory would only prove to be valid had your hypothetical symptoms been reoccurring. While this is not the first time your hands have twitched in such a way, due to the frequent and rather, embarrassing nature of my compliments, your hands never moved in this way before I started to praise you out of the blue. Also, I can now see that your cheeks are flushed; only further proof to my theory."



'Stop doing that.'

Akechi smiled.

"Doing what?"

'Stop psychoanalyzing me. You know I think it's creepy.'

Akechi chuckled and ran his fingers through Saiki's hair, only to have his hand carefully moved and placed by his side.

Had he not seen his blush get brighter and felt his hand being rubbed softly as it was set down, he might have been offended.

"Alright. Next time, I won't psychoanalyze you," he said, looking up at Saiki.

'You better not.'


"Kusuo-kun, I think you're very cute."

'Shut up, I'm missing the movie. And move over, you're hogging the blanket.'

Akechi moved over on the bed and continued.

"Did you you not hear what I said? Of course, you were watching TV, and might not have been paying attention, or you may have not heard me due to the TV being slightly louder than usual. Unless you did hear me, which in that case-"

'I heard you. Now shush.'

"Oh? Than what did I say, exactly?"

Saiki scooted a little farther from Akechi.

"Kusuo-kun? What was it that I said...?"

'I'm not repeating it.'

"You must not have heard me," he said, leaning closer to him. "I said you are very cute."

Saiki turned away and cooled his face down.

'I heard you the first time.'

There was a sharp edge in his telepathic voice, which informed Akechi that he had won.

"Oh? Than why did you not tell me? Allow me to reiterate it for you; I find you quite endearing."


'I told you to stop doing this. You've been doing this non-stop for the past two weeks.'

Akechi had to hold back his laughter.

"Stop doing what? As I recall, it was sixteen days ago that you told me not to psychoanalyze you anymore, and I can successfully say I have not, at least since that particular conversation transpired. What I'm doing now is not a psychoanalysis per say, but instead a simple compliment. I personally believe that if you think something nice, or otherwise flattering about someone, it's best to say it. Especially..."

Akechi leaned in close, until his face was only a few centimeters away from Saiki's.

"Especially when it's true."

He heard Saiki's shuddering exhale and saw as he moved farther away, clearly defeated.

"You're only proving my point."

'Which point...?'

"Both. The way you're acting is not only entertaining, but invokes what a writer who uses hackneyed phrases in their literature would say, 'butterflies in my stomach'. A romantic cliche, but still somewhat accurate. Of course, while I do not have literal butterflies in my stomach, seeing how I do not regularly consume insects, or rather, I never consume insects, even though some people do. People do cook and eat crickets, ants, and even tarantulas, although I'll stop with this topic of conversation since it makes you uncomfortable. Anyway, I also find this very cute, which proves my second point, and because I'm rather enjoying this- the look on your face, your subtle blush- it was definitely a good idea to tell you."

'I hate you.'

"You're a pathological liar, Kusuo-kun."


"Now, let's continue with the movie."

I don't think I can enjoy it anymore.

But by now, Akechi was already back to eating popcorn as if nothing had happened.


Any moment now...

Saiki was sure that Akechi would spring out of nowhere with a sudden compliment. After all, he'd been doing it without a rest lately. It had been a few days since his last "ambush", but that usually meant he was waiting.

Because Akechi didn't forget things.

He'd considered the possibility that it was on purpose, to lure him into a false sense of security, waiting, thinking, to find the right moment to strike.

He guessed- he knew he was planning some sort of stealth attack. All he had to do now was wait it out.

What's taking him so long?

Akechi had gone into the kitchen to get snacks. There was leftover coffee jelly from the last one of their baking sessions and Saiki was done waiting to eat it.

He had offered to bring them into his room while he continued to go on a lengthy spiel about Cyborg Ciderman Number Two, but it had been a few minutes, and Saiki decided to check on him.

'Touma? You okay?'

Akechi jumped up at the sudden approach, the door to the fridge slamming closed and the coffee jelly in his hands- well, previously in his hands because as Saiki projected this statement, he dropped the pots of jelly.

Saiki was too distracted by the scared look on Akechi's face to stop them from falling and spilling on the floor.

"I-I... Kusuo-kun, I'm so sorry..."

Saiki sighed, a bit upset at the wasted coffee jelly, but more upset that Akechi was upset.

'It's fine.'

"I didn't m-mean to... it... w-when you... I mean-"

'I said it's fine.'

Akechi relaxed a bit and Saiki almost smiled.

"Are you mad at me...?"

Saiki floated the pots to the sink and cleaned up the jelly.

'Of course not. You're too adorable for me to be mad at you.'


Was it not for the deafening silence in Akechi's thoughts, Saiki might not have noticed what he projected.

Akechi's dorky grin slowly creeping across his face make it even more clear.

"What was that?"

Saiki looked straight ahead, determined not to falter.

'What was what?'

"What did you say just now?"


"You called me adorable."

Why'd he have to say it?

'So? You say it to me all the time.'

"No, I don't."

Now he's lying.

'Yes you do, all the time.'

"No. You must be mistaken."

'And how am I mistaken...?'

"Because I called you 'cute' numerous times. You called me 'adorable'. Technically, 'adorable' has a more positive connotation than 'cute'. I said I think you're cute, but clearly you think highly of me; somehow more highly than I think of you, at least in this aspect, because your compliment means more. In addition to how the two words compare, you also said it without a second thought. Even if you don't want to admit it, the way you said it was more, how do you say, 'candid'? Yes, I believe that's the correct term... Anyway, this tells me that it was lingering in your mind; at the very least in your subconscious, and while you didn't mean to say it, you do think it's true, don't you?"


'No matter what I answer, you'll twist it around to your favor,' he projected, hoping his face wasn't visible as he turned away.

"Ah, you make it sound so ill-intentioned! But the fact that you didn't answer 'yes' or 'no' specifically tells me that it's most likely a 'yes'."

Akechi came up behind him and leaned on his back.

"That makes me very happy, Kusuo-kun."

'Is there at least more coffee jelly?'

"Changing the subject so quickly?"

'Is there, or is there not more coffee jelly...?'

Akechi giggled.


Akechi opened the fridge again and pulled out another two pots.

It might not have been from Akechi, or been what he expected, but it certainly was an unexpected compliment.

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