Mercy *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)

By Hannah1094

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Elydia is an assassin working for a man who would do anything to keep her by his side. ANYTHING. When things... More

Point Of No Return
Dance With The Devil
It's Over When It's Over
The Real You
Save Yourself
Bones Exposed
Hell To Have You
As The World Caves In
Barely Bleeding
Until The World Goes Cold
Make Damn Sure
Rainy Day
Find A Way
Wherever You Will Go
Tangled Up In You
Could Have Been Me
The Only Exception
Better Together
Peace Of Mind
I Won't Let You Go
True Faith
This is Home

Light On

90 10 6
By Hannah1094

Light On - David Cook

"Blunt as ever, Els... Well, your mother wanted you to marry up, as I told you yesterday. We were just shy of turning thirteen when we overheard our mothers talking. Your mother and father had saved up money to send you to a reformatory school to get rid of your 'unruly mischief' and prepare you for potential marriage interviews at the end. We went out to come up with a way to stop them from taking you away and we'd finally come up with one when we saw my ring on your necklace... The next village over approved marriages for anyone thirteen or over and our birthdays were the following week. We decided to get up the money as quickly as possible, then sneak off to marry and come back. We were going to take the certificate home as proof so they couldn't send you off to get ready to marry someone else."

"Did we do it?" I ask, unable to get myself to say anything else as I wrap my head around it. I've been possibly married for the past eight years which is right around the time I disappeared as well. Obi looks away and his grip on my hand tightens. "Yes... We left on the night of your birthday since I'd turned thirteen two days prior. Everything worked perfectly. We snuck out together, bartered a ride with a traveling merchant who was headed that direction, then ran to the chapel. The minister was angry we woke him up but agreed to marry us so we'd let him go back to sleep. After the ceremony, I went into the office with the minister to get our marriage certificate while you were looking at the stained glass windows. We heard you scream but when we went out, you were gone. No one saw you again and it was my fault..."

I can't get myself to speak, to move except for the involuntary trembling, I can barely even get myself to breathe. I married Len... Obi... on my birthday and got taken by Threil immediately after. I've been married for eight years without knowing. How did Threil even find me? Did he know me back then as well? We were inside the chapel in the middle of the night... was he following us somehow? I'll never get to know the the answer to that. What do I do with this information? We're still technically married but as it stands now, I barely know him beyond a handful of scattered memories and what I've experienced the past two days. I won't hold him to the marriage of course... Did we marry for love or did we simply marry to avoid me being sent away?

"H-How...?" I choke out before taking a stabilizing breath. "How was it your fault?"

"I told you that I'd never let them take you and that I'd always protect you no matter what and I failed you... I should have paid closer attention, kept you by my side, something, but I was so caught up in the marriage that I let my guard down and look where it landed you."

"We were thirteen, I don't think that you could have done much to prevent him from taking me the way he did. There's nothing that could've been done. You found me again though and protected me in the end."

"Eight years later because you tripped over me while running for your life..." He scoffs. "I thought you were dead... I spent two weeks searching everywhere for you before I had to return home and admit to your mother that I took her daughter away and lost her. I spent two more years searching for you once I left home that following year until I finally just thought that you had died and it was my fault."

My head is pounding right now and my vision is growing fuzzier by the moment. This can't be good for me but I have to focus on what we're saying right now. This is too big to let a simple migraine get in the way.

"I... Did we marry for love or did we only marry to stop me being sent off?"

"I loved you from the first time I met you when we were five and your family moved in next door." I see his mouth move into what I can only guess to be a smile but I can't tell well enough because everything is starting to turn black. "You always told me that you couldn't stand me but I knew it was a lie. I told you multiple times when we made the plans though that if you didn't want to marry me that it was alright and we'd figure something else out, but even as I climbed through your window that night you still said you wanted to marry me too."

"I-I'm glad... I don't... feel well..." I mumble out as I feel my head begin to feel like it's being crushed and my eyes close.

We did it! I can't believe it! Len and I are officially married now! He always said he was going to marry me someday but I never believed that someone like him would end up with someone like me. I don't care if he only married me to keep me from being sent away because now we can be together forever. He told me that I was the only thing he knew he needed when we returned and that no matter what our mothers did, we wouldn't be apart. All we need now is the paper proving we're married then we have to go back home to tell Mother. Len leaves me to go wait on the minister so I focus on the large windows of the chapel. The chapel Mother drags me to every Sunday morning is nothing like this. It's a rather small cottage with only two small normal windows and the people have to bring their chairs from home or simply stand in the room as the minister gives the sermons. I always found it rather boring but I attended anyway.

The doors open behind me but I don't think much of it since people came and went from our chapel at all hours to pray and ask for forgiveness for sins and such. It's rude to interrupt people trying to talk to the Lord after all, that or Mother just wanted me to shut up.

"They're pretty windows, aren't they?" I hear a voice behind me ask.

I gasp slightly and turn to find a tall blond man standing beside me looking up at the glass too. He's not as old as mother but definitely at least five or six years older than me.

"Oh, yes, they're quite pretty."

"What's a young girl doing out and about so late by herself? It's a dangerous world out there."

"Oh... Well, I'm not alone Sir, but thank you. I'm just waiting."

"I see... What's your name? I'm Threil." He smiles.

"I'm Elydia."

"It's wonderful to meet you, Miss Elydia. I hope to get to know you better."

A cloth slips over my nose and mouth while Threil yanks me up against his chest with his free arm. I scream through the fabric and fight to get away but my limbs betray me and everything goes dark...

A/N: To all readers, from the dates October 5th- October 9th I will NOT be posting as those dates encompass my birthday, my boyfriend's birthday, our celebration, and a memorial service for a family member. I will do my best to post before and after those dates so stay tuned!<3

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