I'll Fight For You

By Pigeon_NO

2.6K 79 196

I saw the lack of Hunter/Reader Fanfic so I knew I had to make some. This story is about YOU! You are a witch... More

I'll Fight For You

2.6K 79 196
By Pigeon_NO

Word Count: 14385

Warning: Made before season 3, so some new material may happen in the show that is not in this.

Light crept in through my bedroom window. The sounds of people chatting and rolling their carts echoed in the street. The smell of fish was clear through my open window. With a yawn I sat up from my bed, today at hexide was a field trip. Standing up I stretched my back. I have been looking forward to something like this at Hexide since I applied. It is my dream to be a part of the emperor's coven and work alongside the king. A photo of my parents sat on my bedside table, they are top tier witches that work for the Emperor. They inspired me to be like them as well.

I opened my small closet and took out my school uniform and staff. My uniform had blue underneath to symbolize I was in the healing track at Hexide. While my staff is red and orange with a fox pailsman on top. "Summon Aster", my fox pailsman awoke and climbed off of the staff pole. "Good morning to you", Aster yipped in excitement.

Walking downstairs I quickly made some Toast, put on my shoes and picked up my bag. I was ready for today and nothing was going to stop me. "Aster return", Aster stopped eating some leftover kibble and arrived at my side and transformed back into my staff.

"Flight", opening the door I flew off in the direction of Hexide. Looking down at the ground over the people of the boiling isles I felt powerful.


"Hurry up, Luz!" I heard a classmate of mine call that human girl over to the bus. I then softly landed on the ground in front of the school. I whipped my staff behind my back held on by a rope keeping it connected to me.

"Good morning." I turned around and spotted Amity looking at me in jealousy. She was said to be the strongest at hexide, but that was before I showed my stuff.

"Good morning, Amity. I truly hope you didn't run into any fire bees on your way here. Or does your hair always look like a flaming mess." I didn't like Amity, she was a bully to the core. Plus, I have much better things to do than stand around talking about which nails look best with my hair color of the day. Stupid things like that is why I hated most people at hexide. Except for August (or Gus as that human calls him), is a nice guy.

I took my spot on the bus and reminded myself what I was here for. Power. I needed to become powerful so that one day I could serve the king and join the emperor's coven.

"Hi!" August sat next to me. I blinked twice before smiling at him.

"Good day to you, August. How was studying last night?" We, or everyone else, had an exam tomorrow to show how much they have improved in their course track. I didn't need to take the exam because my Aunt Lilth would be scoring me personally. But she isn't really my aunt, just really good friends with my parents. I have known her since I was a baby. She is another reason I must join the emperor's coven, with her being close to me, I have no excuses for losing.

"It was alright, I can now create 5 fully functioning clones of myself!" August remarked proudly at his accomplishment. I even thought it was an accomplishment, I have never done illusions before. My reasoning is because they are weak. Easily broken, difficult to make, not a good power to spend your precious time using, but who am I to judge August. He is my only friend after all.

"That is incredible, August. Be proud of yourself." I can't lose August to others.

"Thank you. Now aren't you excited to see some artifacts at the castle? They have a bunch! Did you know that..." August kept rambling on until the bus landed in front of the castle.

"And that is why the snow on the boiling isles doesn't melt." August looked up, "wow, that is a castle for sure."

It was a castle, with a mile long trench around it. The stone work must have taken years. I would even bet they are still building parts of the castle that we can't even see.

"Hello, Hexide, welcome to the castle." Kikimora exclaimed from across an extendable bridge. My class and I walked slowly across. Looking down over the bridge there were sharp spikes waiting to kill.

Kikimora was one of the few elite guards at the castle. I had read about her in a few books at the library. Apparently she is irritating and a nervous wreck.

As we entered the main entrance to the castle I could hear Kikimora talking but I for sure wasn't listening. I saw guards, someone I would be here someday. And interestingly enough the King's symbol was on almost every wall. Very high walls that look as if they were painted in gold. The rug under my boots looked speckled in gold.

Then, without knowing, I stumbled away from the group.

"I mean this architecture is just incredible! The use of triangles and cones is a work of a genius." I gestured to the entire hallway as I kept walking deeper into the castle, surprisingly I had only seen guards nearby Kikimora. "Kikimora?" I looked around and realized that I was away from the group. "Oh shit." I turned around, quickening my pace, turning hallways and running in circles. "I am never going to find my class at this rate."

"Just take a right then another right, that will lead you to the entrance." A mysterious voice spoke from behind me. I yelped, spinning and kicking the stranger in the shin. "Ow!"

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean-" I looked down and saw the king's right hand man hunched over. The Golden Guard. I had just kicked the king's most prized person in the boiling isles, in the shin.

"I- I am so sorry, don't kill me!" I put my hands together and bowed respectfully.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Good reflexes though."

"Thank you, Golden Guard." I stood straight up, and examined his looks more carefully. "For an elite guard you sure are scrawny". I whispered.

"Uh... no I am not?" I didn't just say that out loud, right?

"Can you just help me get back with my class?" I don't want to embarrass myself anymore.

"That can be done." The golden guard went to step with his right leg and winced, holding tightly onto his staff in his left hand. "Maybe not."

I laughed a little under my breath. "Here," I put his right arm on my left shoulder and behind my head. "Let me repay you for kicking your shin." The golden guard did not respond, which felt slightly creepy. His mask hid every emotion he had. I didn't want to get him mad, so I struck up some good one sided conversation while we walked.

"Did you know that it is my dream to be a part of the emperor's coven?"

No response. Boring, not a very fun guy I can imagine at parties.

"Well...I have had it since I was a kid, it started when my parents told me that they worked at a castle. It just sounded so appealing to a five-year old me. And ever since then I have been training to earn my place as well."

"Go left. Then Right." That was a rude response, then again I did kick him in his shin. But he was just so friendly?

"It would be stupid at this point if I didn't get in since the head of it is my Aunt Lilth." I saw the Golden Guard grip his staff harder than needed. So I stopped talking momentarily. Then turning right I saw other guards and the entrance. "Hey look, we are here!"

I had made it to the entrance, my class was across the bridge getting ready to board the bus back to school it seemed. "Thank you for helping me, Golden Guard." The Golden Guard roughly pushed himself off my me, nodded his head and walked away without turning around.

That was odd, one minute he is friendly, next he is cold and rude. How on earth did I get him angry? All I did was strike up some conversation? Maybe he doesn't like talking. Or maybe I really hurt his shin so bad that he got mad at me? But he didn't seem mad at first. Was that just a facade?

"Where have you been, young student?" It was Kikimora, our tour guide.

"I got lost in the castle, I really didn't mean to, I swear. I just love it so much." I tried to act as sincere as possible, that way I could be let off the hook.

Kikimora sighed, "I wish there were more people like you who understand just how much we should love our king. Now, go home."

Taking that as a sign I go the hell out of there. Running across the bridge I was met by an angry teacher, snarky Amity, and no August. Where is August? He must have gotten caught in something, so I should not be worried. The safest place in the boiling isles is the emperor's castle, no doubt about it.


That night as I sat in bed I just couldn't sleep. What was with the Golden Guard, he was nothing like how the stories described him to be. A book I owned went into the tales of the Golden Guard, telling he is a strong hero that the Emperor cared for the most. But that person I saw in the castle wasn't like that at all.

Weak, scrawny, and slightly high voice for what I assume is a guy. Nothing how I thought he would be. Feeling myself frowning I knew I needed to drink some tea. A recipe my mother made helped headaches and insomnia.

The sounds of the kettle brewing on the stove was relaxing. It smelled like a damp forest through the small house. It also smelled like the Golden Guards sweaty armpit. Now that wasn't written in any books.

"Summon Aster", Aster hopped on to my shoulder and then my lap as I drank my tea. The heartbeat of Aster made me feel even more at peace, and at this rate I was going to fall asleep on my kitchen stool.

"Good reflexes though"

I smiled and fell asleep.


"Huh?" I felt groggy. My back hurt and something wet was touching my face. Opening my eyes I saw Aster licking my cheek. It was sunny in my kitchen, which meant it was morning. But what time? Turning my head I looked at the clock on my wall.

Seven, twelve. School starts at seven, thirty.

"FUCK!" I screamed and ran to my room. I shoved on my old school uniform from yesterday, brushed my hair quickly, skipped breakfast and flew out the door at seven, twenty-four.

I ran into the school as that screaming bell went off. "I AM HERE!" I panted as sweat poured down my face as I pushed open the door to the classroom.

Ms. Alakman looked my way and smiled. "Sweetie, you don't have class today, you are skipping today. Now go to the principal, he called you."

What? Why wouldn't I have school today? Why does the principal need me?

"Get out now, we have exams." Ms. Alakman shut the door in my face.

...EXAMS! It all made sense, they had exams and I didn't. Because Lilth was supposed to be coming to Hexide to score me personally in my abilities! I completely forgot.

I took a big sigh and swatted my hand to cool down. I don't think I have ever been so scared in my life. I opened the principal's door and there was Aunt Lilth.

"Good day Lilith," I bowed, "Principal."

"Hello to you too, now let's go. We are going to the castle. We haven't got much time for how long it took you to get here." Lilith spoke in a commanding tone that could make anyone grovel at her feet.

"I understand, I won't do it again." I needed to stay on Aunt Lilth's good side as much as possible in order to secure my spot at the castle.

"You better not, it is unbecoming for a future guard." She then turned and walked out of the room, and I followed her a few feet back.

In the front yard Lilith summoned her staff and levitated above the ground waiting for me. I took Aster off of my back and sat on my staff's pole.

We then left, I was going to the castle again but this time with Aunt Lilith. But I can't help but be nervous. Lilith is always so harsh to me and I need to impress her. There are a few spells I have been working on recently for offensive attacks. But I don't know if I am going to be able to do them with an aching back and tired eyes.

Trying to focus on flying was difficult because the ground underneath looked so beautiful. I could see cities from up here.

"Remember to be on your best behavior," Lilith landed gracefully on the ground, I fell on my butt. "We are going to be here for a few hours, not only am I testing you but you are training as well."

Training? At the castle?! This is the best day of my life. I am worthy enough to train with the most elite people in the boiling isles.

"But I thought you were going to score my exam today. That is why I came with you." I placed my staff behind my back and brushed off my pants.

Lith glared, "You are going to fight against a guard as your exam, and depending on the results," Lilith looked more gentle at me, "you may be able to join the coven".

"The emperor's coven?! But I thought I would have to be older to join?" Lilith and I walked through a side entrance passing by many guards.

"I am making an exception, the king allowed me to do so." Lilith then paused in front of a massive door that had the coven's seal on it. "Now don't look the king in his eyes." Lilith said softly as she opened the door.

I peered inside and saw the King sitting on his throne. He looked relaxed, resting his head on his left claw. But he oozed power still.

Lilith walked inside and I kept my head down and focused on the floor. Every fiber of my being was telling me to run from the king. My palms were getting sweaty from how hard I was clenching my fists.

"You must be Hexides' prized pupil. Come." The king was speaking to me? He is going to kill me, I am not strong enough, not impressive.

Taking a few steps forward I saw the bottom of his throne. I held my breath as I saw his shoes move infront of mine. "You are nervous, don't be. I wouldn't hurt such potential." His voice was raspy and deep. And while listening to the King's voice, all I could imagine was the Golden Guard. "Now, Lilith, do you really think that this witch could become a part of my coven?"

"I believe that they are the strongest pupil I have ever had." Lilith's voice wavered slightly. Was she nervous for herself, or me?

"Even stronger than The Golden Guard?" I gasp under my breath. I am not stronger than The Golden Guard, no one is. "Hmm? Do you think you could beat him?"

I shake my head no out of respect for the King. Saying that you are stronger than the King's most elite guard is an absolute death wish.

"Fair enough, now leave. Lilth, you stay." I bowed low to the ground. Then I turned on my heel and got the hell out of the throne room.

Shutting the massive door behind me I gasped for air. The King's room was so suffocating. Tears welled up in my eyes, I used my arm and brushed them away and sighed. That was terrifying, I could have died. Never seeing August again, or my parents. What a terrible thought.

"Do you need some water?" I jumped at the sudden voice, but I knew that voice.

"Golden Guard?" I put my hand on my chest and took a deep breath, "I could use some water." The golden guard then used his staff and teleported me a cup of water. I caught it, mid air and sipped some, it tasted fruity and felt lukewarm.

"How have you been, getting lost again?" The Golden Guard chuckled and I glared. Screw respect for my superior if they were confident to mock me. I raised my right leg as a warning, the Golden Guard put his hands up and surrendered.

"No, I came to the castle to take an exam. But it seems that it isn't getting done today, Lilith is talking with the King about letting me join the coven." The Golden Guard seemed to perk up at that.

"So you are getting your wish, how does it feel? I bet it feels good." The Golden Guard's position seemed relaxed. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest and his left foot perpendicular to his right foot.

"You are right, it does feel good." I got my wish, emperor's coven here I come.

The door opened and the Golden guard pulled me aside grabbing my upper arm. Lilith walked out with a hard expression locked in front of her, before turning to me.

"You are not accepted into the coven, our King says you need more training." Lilith looked broken next, "I am so sorry. I tried convincing him but he wouldn't budge." She put her head in her hands. The Golden Guard shut the door to the throne room behind Lilith.

"It is alright, you tried Aunt Lilth. Plus, training is something I am good at." I feel hurt. I am angry at the King for not letting me join when I am the best witch in training on the boiling isles. I am also remorseful for Lilith for trying so hard for me. And embarrassed from The Golden Guard witnessing all of this.

"I have an idea." The Golden guard spoke up, I turned to him with a sour expression. "Lilth, why don't you train Me and them at the same time? I am the best by far of course, but I can help teach and learn from you at the same time." I could train alongside the Golden Guard?

"I-...I suppose that could work." Lilith looked focused before shifting back into her tough persona. "But", Lilith turned to me, "you have school in the morning, and classes, you can't just skip those."

"I can come to the castle after school... to train with you two? Just putting some ideas out there."

"That could work. Then it is settled, Golden Guard and you will be training together from four to seven at night." Lilith clapped her hands together. I cheered, this was going to work after all. I hugged Lilth tightly as thanks.

The Golden Guard started walking away. I let go of Lilith and ran after him. "Can I give you a nickname?" That made him stop in his tracks. "If we are going to train together, I want to give you a nickname. Saying 'The Golden Guard' is too much for me."

"A nickname?" His voice was quiet. I could only imagine what face he was making.

"Yeah, something like..." Thinking carefully I broke his name into parts. "How about, Goldie?"

"I don't know about that." He sounded hesitant.

"Aw, come on! This will be fun!" I smiled ear to ear trying to get him to agree.

"Fine... but nothing else!" I nod and walk away.


It had been two weeks since I started training alongside Goldie. He was just as talented as the books said he was. I had a difficult time keeping up with him which seemed to make him happy in some way. Lilith seemed glad at how well I was doing against him.

Putting on my shoes and gym uniform, I walked into the training area. In the stands on the side was Lilth waiting with a clipboard. From the other side of the area Goldie appeared quietly still wearing that outfit. A heavy metal helmet and thick cape is difficult to maneuver in.

"Begin." The screaming bell went off and I went for it.

I drew a medium circle and launched a lighting spell at him. He easily dodged it by teleporting behind me. He went to whack me on my head with his staff before I flew on mine out of the way. I quickly drew multiple small circles that produced smoke fogging up the arena. I flew behind Goldie using a light spell to guide my way.

"Hiding using a smoke spell like that won't work on me!" Goldie yelled and the smoke was cleared away with a red flash of light revealing where I was hiding. He turned and smacked me off of my staff from hitting my skull.

My head hurt badly and was potentially bleeding but I was able to still speak.

As I fell to the ground I yelled, "Summon Alster!" Aster took control of the staff catching my fall. I flew back up and made a large circle that sent a whole bunch of lighting throughout the area. Bouncing off of objects I went in to hit him. Somewhere there would be an opening to hit him, I knew it.

But I was too late, as he noticed me and hit me with a red spark from his staff making me knock out in the area. He won the fight.


"Wake up." I shot up in bed and immediately fell back down. My head is pounding and my muscles burn. "Don't sit up, you got hit by my staff and earned yourself a concussion. But good news, you lasted eleven minutes, that is the longest record I have ever had, so good job."

He always got like this after a match. Something primal wakes up in him and he gets extremely competitive and mean. I learned that the hard way from our first match, one second he seems to be relaxed, next, my left leg is broken.

"Very funny, Goldie." Lilith said herself that his abilities and mine are evenly matched. "You know I can tell when you are lying, you aren't happy." He seemed to hate me now. Something about me injuring him and being stronger gets him really worked up.

He sighed and pulled up a chair next to the bed I was laying on. "You need to be more careful out there, you are never going to beat me in a fight."

"We will see about that, Goldie." He reacted to that, seeing his fists clench and shoulders become tense.

"I hate you sometimes. I thought that you were going to be a nice person and let me teach you. But you just need to show yourself up to Lilith." Goldie said in a mocking tone.

"Hey! You aren't always nice either, just like now. So get with the program and accept that we are equal in strength. And stop trying to kill me?!" I am furious, what does he know. I never see him try at all! Teleportation is a cheap trick that weak people use.

He sighed angrily and stomped out of the room and Aunt Lilith walked in. "You did well, better than anyone else could have done." She smiled at me. Sometimes it felt as if Aunt Lilith was my real family.

"Thank you, Aunt Lilith. Am I well enough to be a part of the coven yet?" I asked hopefully. But Aunt Lilith just shook her head.

"On the bright side, your scores have been higher than his. Making it more and more possible that you can join."

"My scores are higher than Goldi- The Golden Guard's?" Almost slipped up there.

"It doesn't matter if you win in mock training matches, it is the skill of your fighting techniques. And The Golden Guards techniques are just speed and minimal power. While you show off mastery of a range of abilities." Lilth looked proud. I felt proud.

"Now, rest for a little longer before getting up. You then can go home after picking up your equipment." I thank her and she leaves.

I can't believe that I haven't been accepted yet. Am I too young to be a part of a coven? Amity is in the Emperor's coven, so why can't I be? I can beat her. My vision went blurry and tears poured out of my eyes. I am trying so hard and I am still failing. This is not fair. My does he get to be a part of the coven and serve right under the king and I can't?

I sit up, I feel no pain anymore. Standing up on the floor feels cold beneath my bare feet. My shoes should be near the arena.


It is dark out now, it must be late. As I walked past the emperor's throne room I stopped. I could hear voices inside the throne room yelling at one another.

"Why don't you understand?!" I froze and leaned up against the wall to hear better. That was Goldie's voice, I know it.

"I refuse to agree to this, they are weak and a distraction to you. So they cannot join the coven."

"No they are not! They keep up in battle with me and are the strongest person I have ever fought. The only reason I even win our battles is because they are slow!"

"Silence!" I shivered, that was absolutely the King's voice. "They need to improve, and you need to get away from them outside of training." The King was talking about me, wasn't he? "Now leave me, Golden Guard."

As the door opened I ran in the other direction and flew home as quickly as possible.

Why was Goldie yelling at the King? How could he yell at the King?! Was he really supporting me in joining the coven? Lilith said the King said no. He said no because he thinks I am a distraction to him? But how could I be? He is strong, we are equals!

I landed carefully this time on my balcony. "Summon Alster", I need some comfort right now. I walked inside with Alster by my side. I made some tea and ate some cookies I had out, they were partly stale. I had been so busy recently that I hadn't been eating as much.

Taking out my spell book, I read as Alster yipped on my lap. I need to study more spells if I want to beat Goldie. Maybe I could talk to August about teaching me an illusion spell? I know that goes against how I feel about them, but I need to get tricky.


"You want to learn an illusion spell? From me?" I nodded. August slowly smiled, he loves teaching others new information.

"Look, it's the loser." I heard giggling behind me. Looking back I saw Amity and Bosaha pointing at me laughing. My face began to heat up.

"Leave us alone, Bosaha!" August stood up for me.

"What did you say, twerp?" Bosasha got close up to August's face, practically spitting on him.

"I said leave us alone." August's voice changed slightly.

"Okay, weak losers." Amity laughed as they walked away together with their possy behind them.

I really am a loser. First the Golden Guard called me it, now my bullies. I hate it here at hexide. I am an outcast.

"Don't listen to them, you are not a loser. Now let's get to teaching you illusions!" August grabbed my hand and we ran outside into the surrounding forest to practice.

I am really grateful to have August by my side.


"Ready for our rematch?" Goldie floated riding his staff inside of the arena. Lilith was not here today to judge, she had to meet with the King regarding something.

All last night I was practicing my new illusionist magic. It was difficult, I now understand how August has a hard time with it. Only right before my alarm went off for me to wake up I had perfected it.

"Hell yes." I lunged into the air and quickly drew a medium circle and shot a reflexive lighting attack. He avoided it but the lightning bounced off of the arena walls and kept going. It caught him off guard funnily enough.
I closed my eyes and focused. Slowly I drew a small circle. Then there were two of me. Seeing as the spell worked perfectly I made more clones of myself. Soon enough there were thirty nine clones all waiting to attack The Golden Guard.

"Charge!" I yelled. Me and my clones shot different attacks, some lighting, some smoke, some even water.

The Golden guard took out a few clones before getting hit in the back of his head and falling to the ground. I had won this round.

"Ugh, what?" He seemed extremely dazed.

"I won, Goldie." I smirked at his misery. I had beaten the one and only Golden Guard.

He frowned heavily I could tell. I was beginning to understand his emotions from his body language. And by the way he was breathing and staring at me told me he was ticked off.

"Good job though." I made a large circle in the sand on the floor of the area. My clones then all poofed into thin air. It made me feel powerful. "But better luck next time!"

"Help me up, I think I am stuck in this position." You laughed at him first before reaching your hand out to him. He grabbed it and stood up. His gloves felt soft. I wonder what his hands must feel like in comparison.

"You two." That was definitely the voice of a Aunt Lilith who was incredibly annoyed. "What is the meaning of this! You know you aren't supposed to train without me watching over you both!" She screamed at us. Goldie immediately let go of my hand and stood straight up in a presenting manner.

"It's okay, Aunt Lilith. No one is hurt too badly. And I beat him in a duel!" I squealed and made Goldie cover his ears slightly.

"You... what?" Lilith seemed surprised at how I could beat him.

"Well it was nothing much, I just used some illusions and magic. Which took him down, literally." I covered my mouth to stifle my laugh. Goldie falling on his butt was a memory you were going to keep forever.

"That is great, my darling." Lilith looked proud of me for beating him finally. "But you two have something bigger than a simple duel to deal with."

"What is it, Lilith?" The Golden Guard spoke up from next to me.

"You two are being sent on a mission for the King himself." A mission sent directly from the king? He is really trying to get me killed.

"To where, Aunt Lilith." I concentrated, this is important for getting into the coven. If I do well I may be able to join soon.

"The Knee, you two are to collect a source of magic. Whether that be fur from a SlitherBeast or a chunk of stone ruin." The Knee is the only cold place on the Boiling isles. It is said to be the place where witches developed their magic for the first time.

"When do we begin?" Goldie spoke up. A man of few words I see.

"Tomorrow, at dawn, you will come to the castle and leave together and return by night." Lilith seemed more dreary than usual. Maybe she didn't want me to go on this mission?


I spent all night studying the Knee's geography for the mission. Ruins are located at the tip of the island along with Slitherbeasts. I had to read what those were, texts about them are few and far between. It seems they are yeti like creatures that are peaceful if kept undisturbed. Apparently, they like to eat witches.

Which is just great for me and Goldie. (sarcasm)

I landed on the castle's roof. My scarf almost got blown away from the strong air currents at the top. I dressed for the occasion, I even got to go shopping for the first time. A rare slekidoma coat, fairy-bat boots, and a hat and scarf woven out of cat fur. A very clashing outfit, but it served its purpose greatly.

"What are you wearing? It looks hideous." I looked and saw Goldie seemingly disturbed, " I mean... I looks great!" Anyone could tell he was lying to my face.

"I know it may look bad, but it is built for cold destinations like The Knee." I flipped my hair back feeling unusually confident. Looking back at Goldie he seemed to have shut up.

"But the real question is, what are you wearing, Goldie?" I gestured to his outfit, "Your common uniform, that isn't going to keep you warm at all." He made the bright decision to wear his uniform to The Knee. The only thing he had that was going to keep him remotely warm was his cape.

"Well excuse you, but my uniform is built for all kinds of weather, not just the cold." Goldie spoke with an attitude that I was not liking.

"Let's just go, Goldie!" I stormed off and hopped onto my staff. He did the same, and we were off flying to The Knee.

The horizon was beautiful from up here, the sky seemed as if it was melting under the sun's rising cycle. Down below I saw the ruins I read about. I looked towards Goldie, he seemed focused on our destination. Wanting to appease the King I see.

"Stop looking at me." He didn't even need to turn around but just sensed it.

"Sorry." I spoke quietly. I didn't mean to stare. But the way he looked was just so pretty. His cape flowing in the wind, and his helmet reflecting the drowning stars was just mesmerising.

Before we knew it we arrived. Luckily, it wasn't snowing. If it was, we would have to find shelter quickly. The temperatures up here can get below freezing quickly.

"Let's look around for some stone, we can bring that back to the castle." I said.

"No, that isn't enough for him." I looked at Goldie, he seemed to be getting into his competitive funk again.

"What do you want to bring in?" I released Alster to walk around with us, and alert us of danger.

"Just like Lilith said", I raised my eyebrow under my itchy hat. "The fur of a slither beast," I gasped and stepped back.

"You cannot be serious, that is a death wish for us. I want to return to the castle with my life, you know?" Why would he say such a stupid thing? Not even us could handle a beast like that.

"We can do it, I am sure of it." He seemed confident.

"Aslter, led us to a Slither Beast", Alter yipped and sniffed the air before running off into a direction making me and Goldie run after him in the direction of a slither beast.

The snow and its leaves crushed beneath our running feet. I could see my breath rising in my air in huffs. I was too out of shape to be running. Turning my head to its side I saw Goldie not struggling at all, he was riding his staff.

"Led me help here, Goldie!" I was slowing down as Alster kept getting farther and farther away,

"Hm? Why should I?" He moved to sit on his staff in a relaxed position, as if he really didn't care.
"Just give me some help, together we have to complete this mission!" My throat was burning and snot coming out of my nose. I stared at him for a second longer before giving up.

I heard a heavy sigh coming from him before he flew down next to me. I jumped onto the back of his staff and he sped up. I grabbed onto his torso as we flew. Not being in control of flying really is making me uncomfortable.

I rested my head behind his neck to avoid the snowfall coming at us. I can feel him breathing quickly. This feels very relaxing.

Down below Alster yipped, causing me to look down. Down on the ground was a slither beast, it was massive and ugly looking. Its large claws could rip us apart no problem.

Goldie slowly lowered me to the ground. I hopped off and petted Aslter and gave him a treat from my pocket. I could feel Goldie staring at me from behind.

"Let's make a plan." Goldie crouched behind a bush getting a hidden view of the slither beast.

"We should knock it out with a spell, right?" I looked over at him, he seemed extremely focused, making me look away.

"But how will we get close to it to apply the spell?" It was quiet, all I could hear was the wind and Goldie's voice. He really sounds like the king. "Aren't you listening?"

I wasn't. "Um..." say something smart stupid brain. "Let's distract it by flying around it?"

"Good idea". Phew, that worked. "I will ride my staff and throw a rock at it, getting it to attack me. Then you will use a spell to knock it out. Then we will get the fur and return home." He seems proud of his plan.

"Home?" I never really thought about it, but does Goldie live at the castle?

"To the castle... I mean," Goldie awkwardly coughed.

"Okay, let's get to it." Let's hope this goes well.

Goldie got on his staff and picked up some pebbles. I made Aslter return to staff form and I waited for my opening.

Goldie slowly levitated over the creature before dropping all of the pebbles and speeding up into the air. The slither beast reacted quickly and roared. It jumped high into the air and swung at goldie. Luckily he was out of reach.

I flew nearby and started drawing a large circle. The slither beast spotted me and growled. What? The slither beast lunged at me and I couldn't react.

"Watch out!" I got pushed out of the way by Goldie taking a hit for me. I hit the ground and he did too. In the moment of panic I grabbed him and ran away to the ruins we passed over before. There we could hide till things calmed down.

I was heaving Goldie up a hill and I could hear the slither beast right behind us. Tears are filling my eyes, there is no time for me to make a spell.

My life is flashing before my eyes. I am going to die because of a slither beast because I am just not strong enough yet. My knees gave way making me fall onto the snow. Goldie, who was on my back, pinned me on the ground from toppling onto me.

I looked at the Slither Beast with my eyes filled with fear and tears. It roared and I covered Goldie with my arms, holding him tightly.

I waited for its attack to kill us but it never came. I peaked my eyes open and saw a little robin chirping at the massive slither beast. It was a pailsman judging by the wooden look it had. And surprisingly the pailsman was winning the fight.

The robin pailsman pecked the slither beast on its head. Then the slither beast ran away whimpering through the wrecked forest it came from.

The robin pailsman landed on a nearby branch and chirped at me. I raised an eyebrow. Where did this pailsman come from?

"Thank you mysterious pailsman, but can you help me?" I gestured to the knocked out person laying on top of me. The robin turned its head to the side curiously. I sighed and tried to get Goldie off of me.

I kicked and pulled and breathed a sigh of relief. Standing up I brushed snow off of my outfit before learning down to hull Goldie over the hill and into the ruins.


Goldie groaned, he was finally waking up. It had been about an hour since the attack. Since then I dragged him into a nearby ruin structure to block us from the cold. I also made a fire and healed Goldie of his wounds.

The weird part of this is that the pailsman that saved us, hasn't left Goldie's side the whole time. It seems to have a close connection with him. Which is odd since I hadn't seen it once with Goldie, nor did he say that he had a pailsman.

"What is going on, why do I feel sore." Goldie's voice sounded dry and gloomy.

"Don't get up, Goldie." My voice was quiet so as not to overwhelm him. "We failed the mission, the slither beast almost killed us but this robin pailsman saved us at the last second."

Goldie's eyes went wide at this information. "We failed?" His voice sounded so sad that we failed the mission. He sounded like a child instead of an elite guard.

"Yes, Goldie. We were lucky to get out with our lives." The robin pailman chirped as if to say 'that is all true'.

"Oh be quiet, Lil' Rascal. Nothing is good as of this situation." Goldie seemed to be talking to the robin pailsman.

So they do know each other.

"Be nice to the pailsman, he saved our lives!" I swatted Goldie with a piece of firewood.

"Stop that!" Goldie yelled. I haven't heard him yell before. "Don't be silly, we failed! We are weak, you are weak!"

"Says the one that got knocked out!" I yelled in retaliation.

"It was your plan that got me knocked out! You should've left me for dead and ran away! Don't worry about me anymore!" Lil' Rascal plopped onto Goldie's chest in an effort to calm him down.

"I could have left you for dead, but I took the time to heal you." I glared at Goldie, I wish I could see his face through that stupid owl helmet to see his expression.

"...You healed me?" He was genuinely confused.

"Of course I did, we are mission partners so you can't die." It was the obvious answer. I wouldn't let anyone die in my hands.

"That takes some skill..." Goldie trailed off.

"Thank you..?" One minute he is yelling at me and now he is complimenting me? "Anyway, explain to me the dynamic you have with this pailsman." Goldie turned his head away from me.

Goldie took a long sigh. "He chose me, I don't know why. But ever since he did I have had to deal with him. I named him Lil' Rascal because he is mischievous sometimes." A small pause. "One time he stole a whole cake from the kitchen and gave it to me. It was my favorite flavor, he didn't even know that." He sounded like he was smiling.

"Sounds like you care for Lil' Rascal." Goldie didn't respond. "Don't be angry so much, it isn't good for your soul." I patted Goldie's helmet as if I was touching his hair.

"Can you get some plants?" I looked down in confusion. "We can bring that back to Lilith. So we haven't failed...yet."

"Okay, but then we leave." I got off of the floor, "Lil' Rascal watch over him for me, he is a handful." Lili' Rascal chirpied in reply and I heard Goldie grumble making me laugh on my way out.


"So, all you have to bring back is plants?" Lilith stood in front of us with a small frown. Clearly she wasn't pleased.

"But you said to bring back anything practically?" I handed her the assorted plants I collected while Goldie was recovering.

"I was expecting more from you two. Our best witches bring back some dirty shrubbery." Lilith gripped the plants in her fists.

"We did good, it was a dangerous mission. The Knee's climate is dramatically different. And I bet if you sent any other guard they would have become food for a slither beast" Goldie was standing up for me against Lilth. "If you can't understand that, we will be leaving."

Goldie blames you for the issues at what happened, says he only stood up for you because he didn't want to get in trouble. You feel hurt by that but accept it.

Goldie grabbed my hand and pulled me down a hallway away from Lilith. I looked back but Lilith disappeared.

"You didn't have to do that." Goldie turned to look at me.

"She didn't understand it, she wasn't there to see what you endured." Was he being honest, or lying to make me feel better? "Cheer up, it could have gone a lot worse." Goldie physically put his finger under my chin.

"I just feel dumb," I pushed his hand away, "because a small pailsman was able to beat something that two high leveled witches couldn't."

Even though he was right about the mission potentially going worse. It doesn't mean that what we did get done, was good. I just have a feeling that Goldie is lying to me about this being alright.

"We are just teenagers so others can shut up." Goldie was being kind, much too kind.

"Wait, you are a teenager like me?" I didn't know this, the Golden Guard is written to be a young adult in all the books in the library.

"I am 16, so I have suffered for 16 years." He remarked as if that was something to be proud of. It wasn't.

"Oh, okay, I am 15." Goldie is old enough to go to Hexide.

"Aw, you are just a child." Goldie patted my head, making me frown.

"I am not a child, I am just a little younger than you! And this 'child' is now going home. Good day, Goldie." I turned on my heel and walked away. Who does he think he is, calling me a child. He is the immature one compared to me.

Turning the corner I bumped into a small raspberry looking demon.

"Oh, it's that Hexide student who got lost from a tour." Kikimora scowled at me.

"Hi, again, and I didn't mean to wander off I swear." Her eyes nawrored.

"It's fine, I know that by now. I just think that you should spend less time with that Golden Guard. He isn't a good role model for someone as powerful as you."

"Golden Guard is an excellent role model for me to look up to. He is also a teen prodigy like me. I know he is a good person who tries his best, and how is that something not to look up to?" I looked down at Kikimora and she seemed startled.

"It isn't good to be soft at the top, and keep talking like that, it makes it seem as if there is more to your relationship." Kikimora hissed and walked off as if she had won.

More to our relationship? Like what? Goldie is a good friend to me, and a training partner. Nothing more can be of our relationship. It isn't allowed. And if she is alluding to what I think she is, I haven't even seen his face.

I trotted quickly passing by the throne room, I could hear Emperor Belos' voice.

"I can't believe you failed your mission, you have never done that before." I pressed my ear up to the wall to hear better.

"I didn't mean to, you know I didn't." Goldie was in there with him, and his voice sounded scared and sad. "Next time I promise! Don't give up on me! Please!" He was begging practically.

"What happens if I don't give you a second time? You stay useless forever." A long pause happened between so I held my breath. "Hu-"

"Stop right there!" A voice shouted.

"Huh?" I turned around and there were multiple guards with spears aimed right at me.

"Why are you spying on the King?" Their spears inched closer to me. I gulped.

"I wasn't! I just leaned up against the wall." Lie, please work!

"...Alright, but vacate the premises and return home, it is nightfall." They lowered their spears letting me take a huge sigh of relief.


At home I gave Alster a small polish to make him look nicer. But really I needed something to keep my brain off of what happened today.

Goldie and I had a mission that we barely passed. I was okay earlier with going home empty handed, and handling a disappointed Lilith. But I made Goldie get yelled at by the emperor. He is such an intimidating man, I don't know how I could stand there and take it.

I poured myself a cup of tea and sat down on my couch to think better.

I just feel so horrible inside for him having to get yelled at. Before I came along I bet that Goldie never had any of these issues. He never got yelled at because he did all of his missions flawlessly I assume.

I don't know if I can face him again, for now I am going to avoid him. Is that the cowardly response, yes. But hearing Goldie break down like that... I just can't. He needs space, and I need time.

Aslter licked my face, I smiled. Maybe things weren't going to be so bad.


A few days went by and I didn't come to the castle. Lilith had even come to the school to ask what was happening. I said I needed a break which seemed to make her back off a little. For now I needed to focus on learning and not failing my classes.

"Mind if I sit here, August?" I was holding my lunch tray, I thought I could improve my relationship with August, maybe even make some new friends.

"Sure thing," August was eating a simple sandwich.

"Who are you?" I looked up and saw a girl with round glasses looking at me.

"I am August's friend, nice to meet you." I tried smiling wide.

"My name is Willow, I am in the plant rack." Plants? That is impressive, plant magic is difficult. Taming plants and making sure they don't die is hard. I would know, I have probably killed five plants in my home alone.

"That's cool." Doing well, go me!

"My friend Luz should be coming by soon to sit with us." That human girl?

"The human?" I questioned.

"Yes, the human." Willow spoke kindly to me, it makes me feel nice.

Suddenly the speakers went off signalling an announcement. I paused from eating.

"Hexide today we have a guest, so be on your best behavior today." It was the principal's voice. "He is here just to look at how things are done around here so do not be alarmed."

"Why would we be alarmed?" I asked August and Willow.

Then the cafeteria doors opened and no one made a sound. Standing there in the doorway was Goldie holding his staff.

I gasped and ducked under the table. Willow poked her head down and made a face.

"What is wrong?" Willow spoke in a much too cheery tone.

"I know him, that is the Golden Guard!" Willow gasped.

"You know the Golden Guard!?" She spoke loudly.

"Yes, I do. And we aren't talking right now. Help me escape?" I looked up at Willow with pleading eyes. I really wasn't trying to deal with Goldie right now.

She sighed and held out her hand which I carefully grabbed.

"Golden Guard, it is so nice to meet you. I am Amity Blight, the top student here at Hexide. It is an honor to meet you." Amity was talking to Goldie. Oh, she was going to get punched in the face for that.

"Nice to meet you too. I have heard of you from my superiors. Send my thanks to your parents for inventing such powerful abominations. The castle has really improved because of them." Goldie was complimenting her.

"Are you okay?" Willow asked me, I hadn't moved from under the table yet.

"No, not really." Willow looked sad and drew a small circle with her free hand and summoned a plant that blocked everyone from view.

"Let's go!" I ran out into the hallway and Willow followed me. August looked so confused at what was happening.

Taking a breath after running down five hallways, I bet Willow had a lot of questions.

"I know that I don't know you too well, but I think I can trust you." Willow looked concerned for me. Taking a sigh I spoke, "I know the Golden Guard, we are- were training partners. But I got him into some trouble. So now I just avoid him. And no, I do not know why he is here."

"Wow, that's a lot." I nodded and leaned up against a locker. "I knew you had something going on with you leaving Hexide early some days, but this is bigger than that. You need to talk to him."

"No, I can't." I really can't, I caused him so much trouble. As a future guard I want to protect, not damage.

"Yes, you can." Willow put her hand on my shoulder. "It isn't good to avoid someone just because you feel bad. You need to face those feelings head on."

"But, I can't. I am weak, I can't stand up to anyone." I slid to the floor.

"I don't think you are weak," I turned to look at Lilith. "You are probably the strongest at Hexide. The only reason people don't think so is because of Amity taking the spotlight."

"But I just met you today? How could you know all of that?" How could she understand me?

"August talks about you, a lot. He tells me how strong and determined you are to become a guard at the castle. You even took some of his lessons on illusions, he was so happy." Willow's voice got quieter.

"So you think I should go in there and talk to him?" I really do not want to. But Willow nodded then helped me up. "Thank you, I needed this."

"Any time, we are friends now. Right?" Another friend?

"Yeah, we are." I smiled at Willow, the second friend I ever had.

"Now, let's go in there and show the Golden Guard what you really feel." Willow took my hand and we walked into the cafeteria, the plant had been burned up and August looked happy to see us.

"Where did you guys go? You missed meeting the Golden Guard!" August yelled.

We missed him? But wasn't he leaving until later today? I was so ready to talk to him again.

"No, it's not too late. Go to him." Willow nodded her head to me.

"O-Okay!" I ran off as Willow cheered for me. I can't miss him, I need to do this. Just like Willow said, face your problems head on!

I opened the front doors to school with a boom. He was standing right there next to his non-pailsan staff. He looked surprised by the way he jumped when seeing me.

"Golden Guard, I need to talk to you!" I shouted at him. Quickly running down the entrance stairs, I pulled Goldie into the nearby forest in front of the school before stopping in a clearing.

I slowly let go of Goldie. Even though it had been a few days, it felt like years. I missed his fighting spirit in our mock matches. "Goldie, I am sorry. I messed things up for you with the Emperor. I heard you and the Emperor talking in the throne room as I passed by it. You sounded so hurt, and I caused that with my poor planning. I wasn't focused and that cost you your honor to the king." I looked at Goldie carefully. He wasn't moving and I couldn't see what he was thinking. "So, again, I am sorry. And so I vow to leave you alone, and work on a different path on getting into the coven".

There was a big pause. He wasn't talking. Should I say something?

"I am sorry too. I was... being stubborn... rude and like a jerk to you that day. If I could redo that day I would." Did he just admit to being at fault?

"What, no, you shouldn't be saying sorry. Only me." It doesn't make sense for him to say sorry when this is all my fault.

"My pailsman told me what happened while I was knocked out. He said you were crying and protected me until he flew in to save us. I really appreciate that, and I didn't know that when I yelled at you. I shouldn't have yelled at you. You didn't deserve it."

"Goldie..." I didn't know he could be so nice.

"You have every right to be mad at me for how I treated you, so don't say sorry." Goldie raised his index finger at me telling me off. His voice sounded as if he was going to cry. "So I-"

I hugged Goldie tightly. It was the first real hug we have had. I could feel his heartbeat in his chest going a mile a minute. Before he wrapped his arms around me reciprocating the hug. It felt right for me to be doing this.

We stood there in silence just holding each other. It was relaxing.

"Hey, Goldie?"

"Mhm?" Goldie hugged me tighter.

"Do you," I can't believe I am saying this, "want to be my friend?"

Goldie and I let go of each other. I looked at his helmet, inside there was Goldie.

"I thought we already were?" I giggled at his words, I don't think anyone would ever guess that we were (just) friends. "But there is something I need to tell you, the second reason for me coming here." Goldie got down on one knee and held my hands.

Is he doing what I think he is?

"Do you want to go on another mission with me?" Oh, this is even better.

"I would love nothing more."


"You want to go on another, what?" Lilith looked at us in bewilderment.

"One more mission please! Gold Guard and I want one more mission, so please, Aunt Lilith." I pulled the Aunt Lilith card, getting her to cave in agreement.

"Oh, fine. We got news of a thief who stole some pailstrom wood from our safe in bonebourgh. We need you two go collect it as quickly as possible." With that me and goldie rushed out of the castle and were flying to bonebourgh.

"The thief would have probably headed into the forest for cover." I spoke.

"Then let's do an aerial search first before going down. Remember to watch your back." Goldie pointed that out to me and we split up.

I was looking down surveying for any movement, we had to do this and succeed. Going further into the forest I spotted some footprints. They looked fresh. I whistled and Goldie who was a few hundred feet came over.

"I found some footprints, let's follow them." Goldie nodded in response, together we quietly lowered ourselves into the forest.

"I could get fifty-thousand snails for this." The thief was sitting beneath a tree cradling the pailstrom wood. He was a demon judging by his scales and creepy non-witch ears.

I got off of my staff and crouched behind a tree and signaled to Goldie. Goldie then did the same at a farther distance closer to the target.

We can't underestimate this thief. If he was capable enough to get the wood then he is capable enough to beat us.

The thief looked to have large claws, meaning he is a close range attacker. Meaning I will have to use long range moves.

I made a finger gun to Goldie, then we attacked.

Goldie aimed a magic net to capture the thief, but he easily broke out using his claws. I then came in and hit him from a distance with lighting. It knocked the thief out swiftly.

"Good job, Goldie." I patted my hands on my clothes to get rid of my sweat.

"Thank you, now let's get this guy sent to the conformitorium."

We together wrapped the thief in a net that was much more resilient. Before hauling him off guards stationed in bonebourgh.


"Aunt Lilith, we handled the thief!" I rushed up to her and gave her a hug.

"About time you put your training to good use. And good job to you too." Lilith gestured to Goldie who was standing off to the side. I imagine he had a big smile on his face. "I'll report your success to the king Belos. But for now you need to get home. Tomorrow you have school."

"I understand." I bowed respectfully to her and walked away. Goldie walked behind me. I have to go back to school and continue learning with my friends. At least now I don't have to deal with anti-Goldie drama.

"I can bring you home, if you would like that..?" Goldie offered.

I looked back and saw Goldie standing there. He was holding his hands together in an awkward way and his feet were shuffling on the ground.

"Sure!" I don't know if I cleaned my room though. Would it even be fine to have a boy over in the house? If my parents were here, what would they say?

"Here," Goldie levitated his staff in a riding position in front of us. "I can fly us there, you did a lot for me today. So this is how I pay you back." Goldie got on his staff and held his hand out to me. I grabbed it and he helped me on.

My face began to heat up and my mouth felt dry. Why was I feeling these things? We are just going on a casual ride to my house. This isn't romantic at all! Every witch uses a staff to get around... Did I say romantic?

Am I crushing on Goldie? The golden guard. My mission partner. My friend!?

Goldie soared up into the sky and I held onto him from behind. The sky was a pretty shade of pink as the sun set on the horizon. A day well spent I would say.

I rested my head on Goldie's back. I was tired from our mission, plus he was going to give me a ride home. So what do I have to worry about?

"By the way," I listened to what he was saying, "where do you live?"

"I live in the town Latissa, vertebral column rd., lot number 561, second floor, room B4."

"You sure have that memorized." He spoke under his breath. "So, Latissa huh? The emperor's coven is very prominent there. I could see you in the mornings before you go to school."

"Yeah, that would be fine." The reason my parents joined the emperor's coven was because they wanted to fit in with all of the guards around town. Latissa is a dangerous coastal town that handles lots of trading with other parts of the boiling isles. Many people who live there are thugs and pirates. But no one is truly mean.

Goldie found where I lived and landed on my balcony making me let go of him. I stepped on the wooden floors with a creak and looked back at him.

"Thank you, Goldie." I opened my door to go in before thinking of a stupid desison. "Would you like to stay for a little bit. Have some tea?" I kept staring inside of the apartment without looking. Why did I say that? My face was probably pink by now.

"Oh, um, sure." Goldie got off of his staff and held it in his left hand. His cape gracefully swooped behind him in the wind. The lights from the road below made him look alluring in a way. "You need to move so I can go in."

Shit. "S-Sorry, you can sit on the couch as I make the tea." I shut the door behind him and with a snap of my fingers I turned on the lights. The house luminated to show it was partially messy with spell books scattered across the floor.

I summoned Alster letting him roam, then made my way into the kitchen. I set the tea kettle filled with water on the stove and raised the heat to medium. It was extremely quiet. The only noise was Aslter chewing on some kibble I left out the night before.

I can't believe I let Goldie into the house, but what else was I supposed to do? Tell him he wasn't allowed in. It felt right after the ride to let him at least have a drink. I can bet he's tired.

Turning my head and I spotted Goldie sitting up on the couch. He was holding an old photo of me and my parents. It was from about ten years ago.

I lunged across the room and grabbed onto the photo. "Don't look at that!" I was leaning over the back of the couch right next to Goldie. He then purposefully pulled it away, he began laughing a little at my outburst. "This isn't funny, that is such an ugly photo!" I was missing my two front teeth in the picture, and my hair was a mess as I showed the biggest smile ever.

"I think it is cute, you should hang this up in the hallways of the castle. It is your best photo." Goldie kept withholding the photo from me. It was just out of my arms' reach, making me lean more forward.

And then I fell over landing upside down with my butt on the couch and my face almost on the floor. Goldie in the nick of time dropped the photo on the table in front and caught me. I held my breath.

"Gosh, I didn't mean to make you fall over."

"What do you think happens when you make a witch lean over the back of a couch? They float?" I was pulled up by Goldie, surprisingly for how scrawny he looks. He brushed the dirt off my arm that was closest to him.

"I thought you would give up." I gave him a fake offended look.

"Since when do I give up? You see just how determined I have been." If he even says that is false, I will be slapping him across his stupid helmet protected face.

"Yeah, yeah, I shouldve realised that. But why are you so embarrassed of a photo? You look so happy in it." Goldie had a sort of mocking voice.

I love my parents but they aren't the best. They are gone for so long and they always had high standards for me. I truly want to become a guard belonging to the emperor's coven, and I have worked hard for that dream. But now thinking about it, how much of that dream is really mine?

"That photo is from when I won the spelling bee, I was five." I remember my parents yelling at me and forcing me to memorize a bunch of words and crying a lot.

"That is impressive, be proud of it." How am I supposed to be proud of something that I didn't want to do?


"You are making it seem that talking about your parents is a sore subject." Goldie made a fake thinking expression with his hand.

"It is just the more I am thinking about it, why do I want to become a guard? My parents? Is this even a good idea anymore?!" I put my head in my hands, this felt confusing. I can't believe I hadn't realized this before.

"I think, and now this is my personal opinion, you shouldn't become a guard." Goldie leaned back on the couch as if what he said didn't have any impact.

"What?" I am shocked he could say such a thing. "You pulled me to go on a mission with you to get me in the good graces of Lilith, so I can become a guard. And now you are telling me that I shouldn't?! Why not?!" I stood up and yelled at him, how could he say such a thing.

As I was yelling, Goldie raised his hands up and undid the buckle holding up his mask. He gently took off his mask, revealing his face to me. He wore a sad expression.

"It is dangerous, and the King won't stop getting in your way of letting you into the coven. He thinks that you are a danger to my progress of training. So if you become a guard somehow, then he will try to kill you to keep you away from me." Goldie has purple-red eyes and wispy blonde hair. I can't believe I am seeing his face.

I reached out to touch a small scar on his right cheek.

"Are you listening to me? You could get killed and I don't want that to happen! So please find another job you want to do. You are strong and brave, but the king trumps all." Goldie took my hand and held it.

The tea kettle started going off, making me have to leave Goldie sitting on the couch.

I poured the boiling water into a bowl with tea leaves inside of it. It would be some time until the tea was complete.

Standing there seeing how the tea changed color got me thinking about Goldie. The things he has said make sense in a way. And his face is so interesting, he looks like no one else on the isles.

But what was he thinking about telling me that I can't become a guard?

I have to become a guard now, I have worked too hard. I am one of the most talented witches on the boiling isles. What could a century old king do to me? The king needs to understand that I want to work alongside Goldie, not against. I have already bettered him, I think? He stands up for people and has seen new experiences with me. I think I was the spice his life was missing this whole time.

Like the tea leaves and boiling water, they need each other to create tea. That is like Goldie and I. We need each other and no amount of convincing can stop me.

I poured the tea into two cups and brought them over to Goldie. I sat next to him and passed him one of the cups. He murmured a quiet thank you before staring off into space.

"You know, Goldie, I could probably heal that scar of yours. I am in the healing track at hexide." I moved closer to Goldie and used my hand to turn his face to me. Using my other hand I scanned the scar, it looked new.

"It's fine, now about you. What are you going to do? You know pursuing a job at the castle will be a death sentence." Goldie drank some of the tea and made a small grin. Seems he liked the tea.

"I am going to continue working towards my goal of becoming a guard at the castle. I don't care about any other careers, my passion is my magic. Plus what would life be like with me being without you? You are my friend Goldie. And I don't lose friends. We can convince the king together not to kill me!" I moved closer to Goldie so we were practically touching. No way was I going to lose my opportunity to have Goldie with me. I love him as a friend... and maybe more.

"My name is Hunter. So you can stop with that cheesy nickname." Goldie laughed a little.

"Huh? Your actual name?!" No book I ever read at the library ever told me the Golden Guard's true name. It was for protection purposes.

"We are friends, aren't we? And any friend of mine deserves my name." Goldie looked genuinely happy.

"Hunter- Hunter- Hunter... It is a nice name. I like it." It was a better name than Goldie I guess.

Sitting there in the silence, the only sound was Hunter sipping tea and distant rumbles of thunder. It felt incredibly nice. I wish it could stay like this forever.

Hunter put his tea cup down with a sigh. "It is time for me to go now, thank you for letting me stay." He stood up, making you grab onto his wrist.

"You don't need to go, stay the night! I really don't want you to leave just yet." I begged him. We were having a nice moment, and he can always leave later.

Hunter turned to look outside and saw the boiling rain pouring outside. He could still get home using a spell but that would take a lot of work.

Hunter then sighed before laying on the couch fully and wrapping himself up in a blanket.

I put his helmet on the table and brought the tea cups over to the sink to be washed. Sighing I retired for the night in my bedroom. Tomorrow morning me and Hunter can create a plan for talking to the king.


I woke up to something pecking at my forehead. Opening my eyes I saw Hunter's pailsman resting on my chest calmly.

"Five more minutes, Lil' Rascal." I said turning over, facing away from the palisman it continued again. "Okay, Okay." I got up groggily and rubbed my eyes. Stretched then with a yawn I got up.

New day, new me. I changed into my uniform and washed up before heading downstairs. Hunter was in the middle of baking some pancakes. Making me sit at the kitchen island waiting to be served.

Looking around from my seat the house seemed a lot cleaner than it did before. Did he wake up early?

Lil' Rascal fluttered down onto the counter in front of me letting me pet him. It wasn't very soft since he is made of wood. Aslter yipped, making me shush him. Him being a fox plaisman would probably want to 'hunt' the cardinal bird plailman. Heh, hunt, like Hunter's name.

"Just how good are your baking skills? Should I worry about poison?" I smirked over at Hunter.

"I will have you know I took a class from a chef at the castle. So you should be worried for your taste buds because they are going to explode!" Hunter placed a plate in front of me of the pancakes. "Bon appetit my friend."

I stared down at the pancakes, they looked delicious. Better than any food I have ever made for sure. Hesitantly I picked up my fork and broke off a piece of a pancake. It was fluffy on the inside and smelled sweet. I ate the piece of pancake and froze. This was amazing! It was sweet, but not too sweet. It was moist but not too watery. It was perfection on a plate.

I gobbled the rest of the food down as Hunter looked awkwardly at my eating style. "So I assume you like my food", I responded with an eager head nod.

Hunter then turned away and muttered a thanks. The tips of his pointed ears turned a soft pink. What is up with him?

I broke off a piece of Aslter, Titan knows that he has been taken care of crappily by me recently. "Are you going to finish your food?" Hunter still had the majority of his food still left on his plate.

"Yes, so stay still." Hunter looked at me meanicnaly, I froze and stood still. Geez why did I listen, am I being annoying?

Aslter jumped on the table and I reached out to pet him, but he avoided me and went over to Hunter and yipped to get him to pet him.

I frowned as Hunter got to pet Aslter and not me. Yes I haven't been the best recently to him, but I will improve and promise you that much.

Hunter slowly pet Alster as if he was nervous. Before chuckling to himself at how nice Aslter felt. Aslter was made from a special type of pailtrom wood that is softer, almost furry. Now I know that can sound gross but it feels nice.

"Your laugh sounds nice." I commented, catching Hunter off guard. He became a sputtering mess. I laughed at him before he made an annoyed face at me, as if he was saying 'don't make fun of me'. "Okay, let's sit on the couch and form a plan".


"Do you really think I should give up still?" I looked at Hunter who was sitting next to me.

"I would recommend it, and unless we can think of a reason for him not to kill you. Then pursue a career as a doctor or something." Hunter was wearing his helmet again. It sucked I couldn't look at his eyes.

"What about me wearing a disguise and getting the emperor coven seal? That way he would have no way of stopping me since I joined the coven?" Hunter didn't look impressed. "At least I am giving ideas." I mumbled under my breath.

I just want to work alongside Hunter, join the coven, and most importantly, not be killed by the king! Tears started brimming in my eyes. Hunter immediately noticed, taking his cape off and placing it over me. I thanked him and he nodded.

While sitting there pondering, Hunter's palisman came to us and sat on his shoulder before chirping and cooing. Hunter seemed to react to what his pailsman was saying. Some witches can form very close bonds with their pailsman, and in time they can fully speak to each other.

"That could work." Lil' Rascal chirped happily.

"What could work?" My voice sounded a little tight from crying slightly.

"He is saying that I should talk to the king and say that you are my partner."

"He could just tell us, 'no you can't be partners'. What about... you being my mentor? You are older than me, and have had more practice in magic." Hunter turned his head to me and nodded in agreement.

So, it's decided. This plan is that I need to lie and say I wanted Hunter to be my mentor.


Shutting my locker I sighed, the end of today I was going to meet with unter at the castle. But I am so tired from school. Groaning, I trudged down the hall towards my next class about scented oils and how they help heal people.
I stopped when someone got in my way. A certain three-eyed competitive witch. Bosaha smirked as if she was the cat that got the cream. Just what trick did she have hiding up her sleeve?

I pulled out my staff and raised it up to her chest as a silent threat, I was stronger than Bosaha in the magic department.

"You smell like a puppy, weirdo." Huh? What kind of insult is that? "Here, I'll explain, since I am the best." Bosha began to circle me slowly. "I happened to bump into the human girl Luz and Amity today in my physical education class. Amity, that traitor deciding she wanted to be a good person and friend to that human, has gotten close to Luz. And the two of them today smelled just like how you do. And want to know that disgusting smell you all had? Sick puppy love! You are head over heels for some witch and I know you are hiding that secret from me. And just know, no one will ever love you. Not even your own parents or Auntie seem to show any interest in you." Bosha laughed and skipped away leaving me confused.

She can smell how I am feeling? And since when did Amity become a decent person? Shaking my head I focused, I like hunter I can't lose him now. Bosha can suck it for all I care.

I rushed off to my next class, in a few hours I will be facing the biggest decision of my life.


I brushed off my clothing, I smelled faintly like a fresh flower from incidents in class. Hunter was standing at the corner of one of the many hallways in the castle emotionlessly. He was wearing his Golden Guard uniform.

"I am ready for this." Hunter nodded confidently at my words and we entered the throne room together. It felt cold and it was dark. The same atmosphere as last time but more pressure was felt on my chest.

My heart rate was increasing, staring back at me was the Emperor of the entire boiling isles. I gulped but reminded myself what I was here for, no backing down.

Hunter began talking for me, "Emperor Belos, I have a request to make." He did not respond from his throne. "I-I wish for them", gesturing to me, "to be my apprentice and have a room here at the castle to learn alongside me."

A room at the castle?

The Emperor sighed before standing up slowly, he looked big but frail. My hands were shaking and I wanted to run away. He started walking towards us like a predator.

He ended up stopping in front of me and stared down before taking his left hand and raising my chin to look at him better, in fear my eyes watered. I feel like I am going to die any second in his hands.

"You want more, don't you?" Emperor Belos spoke. I made a puzzled face. "I can smell it, I can see it all on your face," Can he smell me like how Bosha could? Then that means he knows.

My face paled and I wanted to grab onto Hunter for him to help me get away from the king.

"...Hunter, leave us." No, please don't! I need your help, can't you see I am in pain? Hunter paused, making the king look at him with a face that could kill. Hunter quickly left, probably to go wait outside of the room for me. Please come back.

It left you and the king alone, "You are lying when you say you want to become his apprentice". The Emperor removed his hand from my chin making me wobble on my jello feet.


"Don't." The king stepped away, making me fall to my knees. The king picked up his helmet and removed it, and tossed it on the floor near the throne. "You like Hunter, and you need an excuse." I can't breathe.

The king turned around revealing a face similar to Hunter's. The maroon eyes and dull blond hair. Were they related, sweet Hunter and this monster?

"I am concerned for my nephew, he has a life that he needs to follow, a purpose, and you are halting that progress". The King sneered at me.

Mustering up courage I spoke. "I want to help continue that progress, I want to be by Hunter's side, and you can't take me away from him". I put my foot down, this is my density and dream now. To be by his side working in the emperor's coven.

"Prove it", what? "Prove to me that this little game you have going on with Hunter will work". What game with Hunter?! I looked at the king through tears with a face full of anger, he looked at me right back, "leave, and bring Hunter back in."

I stood up skalily and wobbled like a newborn fawn towards the doors. Pushing open the doors relieving Hunter standing there in the hallway. I fell right into his arms and hugged him tight. The painful expression of your face told Hunter all he needed to know.

"Uncle." Hunter, I could tell he was angry at how his chest was moving as he held me.

"You have a purpose, to be a part of this perfect world in the making. Loving this girl is going to hinder you." The Emperor was declining us. If anything now I was going to be killed, just like how Hunter said I would be.

"No, it won't...I-..." Hunter paused, causing worry to bubble up. Maybe he didn't like me after all the moments we had together. "I love her, and we will work together and help you. I swear Uncle, trust me." Hunter's voice sounded raw with emotion.

"Fine, you can like her." The Emperor conceded to our demands. The king put his helmet on and sat back on his throne in his relaxed manner. Hunter pulled me to my feet. He guided me by holding my hand the whole way to his bedroom. It was on the highest floor in the castle. Opening the door to his bedroom it was incredibly clean. He put me down on the bed, and took off his helmet.

Hunter looked relieved. I passed the king's trial, and now there was no going back. I smiled at Hunter. We're now going to be together forever. He smiled back.

Wind rushed into the room lifting up papers and moving my hair into an uncomfortable position. Hunter and you looked at each other. The sun was setting on this chaotic day, and tomorrow would lead you to getting everything you dreamed of. But this is only the beginning.

Recalling the incident at school with Bosha saying how i smelled like a love sick dog. And the King said I really loved Hunter, in front of him.

"I meant it Hunter, I really do love-"

Hunter kissed you on your cheek quickly. Your whole face turned red as a tomato. Hunter laughed softly and looked at you lovingly. "I love you too."

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