Dishing The Dirt: Nikki Sixx...

By _MissH_

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Mötley Crüe, the next big thing of Rock, have just been kicked off a tour with KISS after their crazy antics... More

Chapter 1: The Whiskey
Chapter 2: What happened?
Chapter 3: Seventh Veil
Chapter 4: Ten Seconds To Love
Chapter 5: Brunch
Chapter 6: On With The Show
Chapter 7: Getting personal
Chapter 8: Ex's and Oh's
Chapter 9: Date night
Chapter 10: Making Music
Chapter 11: Maggie's Birthday
Chapter 12: Revelations
Chapter 13: Scandal
Chapter 14: Denver
Chapter 15: Despair
Chapter 16: Dad?
Chapter 17: Oliv(ia) branch
Chapter 18: Changes
Chapter 19: Gossip
Chapter 20: Making Moves
Chapter 21: Heavy Heads
Chapter 22: The Roxy
Chapter 23: Snake in the grass
Chapter 24: Tommy's birthday
Chapter 25: Pasadena
Chapter 26: The Studio
Chapter 27: Birmingham Bound
Chapter 28: Home
Chapter 29: Temptation
Chapter 30: Discovery
Chapter 31: Breaking Point
Chapter 32: Awkward Conversations
Chapter 33: Mothers Love
Chapter 34: New York
Chapter 35: Release Party (Part 1)
Chapter 36: Release Party (Part 2)
Chapter 37: I Fucked Up
Chapter 38: Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 39: Heartbreak
Chapter 40: The Secret Spot
Chapter 41: The Secret Spot (Part 2)
Chapter 42: Nightmare
Chapter 43: Sharon & Ozzy
Chapter 44: Wake up call
Chapter 45: Rehab
Chapter 46: The Comeback
Chapter 47: San Bernadino
Chapter 48: Time We Talk
Chapter 49: Goodbye
Chapter 50: Feelings
Chapter 51: Nona
Chapter 52: Seattle
Chapter 53: Vegas (Part 1)
Chapter 54: Vegas (Part 2)
Chapter 55: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 56: Surprise
Chapter 57: Wyoming
Chapter 58: Baby fever
Chapter 60: Shout At The Devil
Chapter 61: Broken
Chapter 62: Nobody likes you when you're 23
Chapter 63: It's not over
Chapter 64: What Could Have Been
Chapter 65: I Gotta Get Out Of This Place
Chapter 66: London Calling
Chapter 67: Lonely Hearts Club
Chapter 68: Isle of Wight
Chapter 69: Tommy and Heather

Chapter 59: Rolling Stone Magazine

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By _MissH_

Nikki's POV:
Liv and I had been non stop lately. I couldn't even tell you just how exhausted and drained we were.

We went to the Grammys a little over a month ago. We'd both received nominations which surprised us, especially with the rising amount of corruption in the music industry. Our music was creating so much controversy. It was causing protests and stations were being forced to ban our tracks, but I guess nobody could ignore what we had already achieved with record sales and sold out shows. Whether people loved us or hated us, our names were on everybody's lips and you couldn't ignore us.

With it being such a monumental night for us, we decided to finally go public with our baby news on the red carpet.

I guess we thought by giving the media something it would get them to back off from following us around all the time and bombarding our friends and family with questions about their suspicions, but it just made everything so much worse. If we weren't already Hollywood's IT couple, we certainly were now.

It felt like our relationship was an item at an auction. Everybody wanted to book us for a big interview about our wedding and the baby, and don't get me wrong, at first I loved having all these magazines and TV shows bidding to see who was going to get the story first. I felt like I'd made it, like I was living the life of a real rockstar.

Our days were filled with travelling from one photo shoot to another, then to some kind of interview or we'd present a TV or a radio shows and do guest appearances, and then after that I'd go perform at some kind of sold out gig. It had been like that for well over a month without a single day off.

But, the novelty had started wearing thin. We were being totally overworked and it was getting out of control. So, I put my foot down and I told Doc and Sean that todays shoot was the last one that we were doing and then Liv and I were taking a break from it all. Her morning sickness was lasting all day, and she'd been going dizzy a lot. It was concerning.

She was doing way to much but, Liv couldn't be told. She wanted to try and keep everyone happy and push herself as far as she could for as long as she could so that's why I started to take control of the situation. I knew she'd kick off when she found out what I'd done but I didn't care. She could scream and shout at me all she wanted, but she was carrying my baby.

Even though Liv and I had been together pretty much constantly, we hadn't really spent any us time together and I was missing it. I wanted us to take a few months to just relax and enjoy the time we had left together before we were changing diapers and measuring out baby formula.

"Okay Nikki, if you could just put your hands on Liv's bump and kinda look into each other's eyes - that would be fantastic"

I sighed and got into my next pose. Liv looked up at me and her eyes sparkled but she just looked so tired.

"Look into my eyes Nikki" she whispered, mocking the photographer a little.

I smirked. She knew I needed something to help pick me up a little. We had been taking pictures for 3 and a half hours now and we were both becoming restless.

"I'm looking at you... should I look at you like this? Or like this" I whispered, pulling a bunch of faces.

We both started to laugh a little.

"That's amazing, keep it right there"

I smirked. "It sounds sexier when you say that" I whispered in her ear.

Liv burst out laughing. She was hysterical and I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Guys, come on - we're almost done"

I rolled my eyes. "Dude c'mon man - you said that like an hour ago and we're still fucking here" I huffed.

"I know, I know. We just need a few more"

Me and Liv rolled our eyes. This dude had us in every pose you could think of. How many fucking pictures did he need!?

Liv grabbed my hands and placed them on her bump. I moved a little closer to her and kissed her cheek. We looked up at the camera ready to pose, but I felt a kick.

I gasped a little and my brows pinched together. Liv's head shot round. She looked up at me, her eyes were wide. She looked just as shocked and amazed as me. "Oh my God!" She gasped

"Did he just..."

Her eyes filled up a little with tears. "He kicked" she smiled

She stood to the side so she was in shot for the camera.  She knew how to work it. She placed my hands back on her bump. We were trying to feel around to see if he'd kick again.

"Maybe he's gone back to sleep" I tried to joke, but I was a little disappointed.

Liv shook her head. "No, I can feel him moving, he just isn't kicking. Hey, maybe you should try talking to him. I read about it, he can hear you" Liv shrugged.

I got down on one knee and Liv placed her hands over mine.

"Alright lil man. If you can hear me, you gotta do that again for me and your mommy, alright? Just let us know you can hear us." I whispered. I rubbed my thumb gently against her skin.

I waited a little but there was nothing.

I pulled my hands away and stood up looking a little disappointed. I let out a little sigh and looked down at Liv. "Maybe next ti-"

Liv's eyes widened again. She gasped and looked down. She instantly grabbed my hands and pressed them back against the spots I was rubbing.

I gotta tell you, there was nothing - no drug or amount of booze in the world that could top the feeling of my baby kicking. Something inside me changed within an instant.

The camera flash went off but, it felt like it was just the 3 of us. We completely forgot about everyone else in the room. It was just me, Liv and our baby. At last, I finally felt like I had my own little family.


Liv's POV:
"Hey guys! Thank you so much for meeting with me today! How did your shoot go? How are you guys feeling?" The reporter smiled.

"Tired" Nikki mumbled.

I giggled as I moved around in my chair. It was one of those stupidly uncomfortable chairs you get on a film set made out of wood and canvas. "It was amazing! We felt our baby kick for the first time but I have to agree with Nikki, we've been non stop, life has just been going at 100mph for us" I smiled.

"I can imagine. I mean, you both shot onto the music scene and people have gone absolutely crazy for you guys ever since. It seems like everyone either wants to be you or be with you! Liv, I know you've had some kind of experience with the media but Nikki, how are you finding things?"

"You can't really describe it, it all happened so fast and even though, like you say, Liv has some idea of what to expect with the media - I don't think either of us expected things to go the way they have but I'm not complaining! I could never have imagined living the life I do now, you know and I'm so grateful for it. It's all mansions, smokin' hot wives and Grammy awards" Nikki smirked as he looked over at me and squeezed my hand.

"Sounds like quite the life! Congratulations to you both by the way on your Grammy awards! Nikki, Mötley Crüe won Best New Artist and Liv, Crimson won Album of the Year, Single of the Year and Best Rock Group. That is absolutely incredible, especially so early on in your careers"

"Yeah it's insane and you know, it feels like such a cliche when we say it especially because we say it so often, but if it wasn't for our fans we literally wouldn't be here and we're both just so grateful that we get to do what we love and through that love and passion we found one another" I said as I rested my head against Nikki's shoulder.

"You guys are the cutest! That being said, how did you guys meet? Don't leave out any details"

I looked at Nikki and he started to blush.

"So, we met at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go over on Sunset. Nikki and the guys had just come back home after being kicked off their tour with KISS and I was in there with Ashley Adler..."

"She won't tell you this, but she got up on stage and this was way before Crimson was even a thing, but she actually stole the guitar off Slash who was in a little cover band at the time and started rocking out to some Sabbath songs. We were all sat in our regular booth rocking out, well, the rest of the guys were. I was trying to give Liv the "come hither" eyes but she couldn't even see me over the sea of devil horns" Nikki giggled and I burst out laughing.

"Yeah, then after that he came over to me and I actually wasn't interested in him at all" I smirked.

"Oh come on! She's totally lying! She was just playing hard to get!" Nikki squealed, going all high pitched.

I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"So Nikki was interested first, huh?"

"YES!" I shouted.

"I mean Liv would have been if she saw me first" he shrugged, trying to act all cool.

"Oh shut up" I said as we both started bursting out laughing.

"Liv, what were your first impressions of Nikki?"

I smirked. "You know those fluffy Pom Pom key chains? Honestly I thought he just looked like one of those on legs. It was so dark in there, I just saw this huge ball of hair, a mouth and LEATHER! He didn't even have any eyes. It was terrifying!"

Nikki covered my mouth. "She's talking out of her ass! She saw me and thought wow, look at that hunk!"

We were both besides ourselves with laughter.

"Nikki, what was your first impression of Liv?"

"I thought hot damn she's got a fat ass". He said impulsively as he took a sip of water and smiled.

I covered my face, I was laughing so hard.

He stopped laughing and looked a little more serious. "Nah, honestly. As soon as I lay my eyes on her, I just... I just remember everything stopped like it does in the movies and I knew in my gut, I said to myself okay, that's it. That's Mrs Sixx and I wasn't giving up until she gave me a shot"

"That's adorable! What would you say your favourite thing is about each other?"

"I'd say her attitude but it's all well and good until you're on the receiving end of it" Nikki giggled. "But in all honesty I'd say her overall energy. I always know if something ever goes wrong or if I'm sick, I automatically feel better and know things are gonna be alright because Liv is there. She's so protective and caring. She's all I need."

I smiled and looked down. My heart fluttered.

"My favourite thing about Nikki is the fact he's a dreamer but then again... he really does have the biggest heart and it's just made of gold. He's so welcoming and thoughtful and considerate of everybody. We have sat up and spoke till 4/5 in the morning just talking about his visions and ideas and because we bounce off each other we fire each other up and we create amazing things... hence bumpalicious over here" We giggled as I rubbed my bump.

"The whole world seems to be so overjoyed about your baby news, can I ask how far along you are?"

"I'm 18 weeks and 2 days"

"Wow so you're almost half way"

"We are!"

"Have you thought of any baby names yet?"

Before I even had a chance to talk, Nikki took off talking. As soon as he was asked about the baby he couldn't wait to talk. It was so adorable. He was going to be the best dad and I couldn't wait.

"Well we're convinced we're having a boy so we really like the name Jagger. It's fun, it's different"

"It's rock n roll" I smirked.

"Exactly!" Nikki beamed proudly.

"We were really stuck on a girls name but we were recording a new single at our home studio one day and Tommy had left one of his comics lying around and I fell in love with the character Elektra, I found her so relatable especially with her red costumes and stuff so with our record label also being called Elektra it kinda seemed like fate"

"Elektra Sixx" Nikki smiled.

"Nikki, how do you think you'd cope being a girl dad?"

I burst out laughing.

He smirked. "Don't start! I've had enough of this with Liv already. I think I'll either be grey or bald by the time I'm 30 thanks to the stress" he giggled.

"He'll be arrested for fighting pre schoolers" I laughed.

"So you guys got married in Vegas on the back of Crimsons tour. How did that happen? Was it a spur of the moment thing?"

"I mean, I've been crazy about Liv from the moment I met her but when we were on tour, we stopped off to see my grandparents and I was dying to introduce Liv to them. My Nona loved her as soon as she saw her and she actually gave me her engagement ring and I knew from then that I was going to ask her to marry me, it was just finding the right moment"

I looked at Nikki and smiled. I never knew that.

"Yeah, I think that tour was really great for us. We actually went to Seattle where Nikki was raised and I think seeing that side to him really bought us so much closer because he'd opened up and made himself really vulnerable with me" I said, pecking his lips.

"Yeah, and then we got to Vegas and it just kinda happened. I woke up from a nap and I was like fuck it, let's just go get married" Nikki smirked.

"And they say romance is dead" I giggled.

I knew he probably wouldn't want to tell the actual truth about what happened so I supported him.

"I don't have any regrets though. It was really romantic, more romantic than Nikki is making out but it was so perfect for us" I smiled, trying to reassure him.

"Yeah so, moral of the story guys. Be a little more vulnerable and you too could bag a smokin' hot wife" Nikki smiled, clicking and pointing his thumb and finger.

Me and the reporter laughed at him.

"Okay guys well thank you so much for your time today and good luck with parenthood"

Nikki's POV:
Liv and I couldn't wait to get out of there.

I drove us back home and grabbed us some food along the way. There was no way either of us had the energy to cook tonight.

Liv practically ran to the door while I grabbed the food. She started kicking her shoes off. One landed in the kitchen and the other went behind the sofa, it was like something out of a movie.

I kicked the door shut with my heel and started heading to the kitchen. Liv let out a loud, sexual moan and course, my head whipped round to instantly look over at her.

She held up her bra and smiled at me, looking a little relieved.

"You never moan for me like that" I said.

She looked smug. "That's because you never make me feel good like that"

My jaw dropped and she burst out laughing.

"I'm totally kidding, baby. Come here"

She walked over to me and wrapped her arm around my neck. She cupped my face with the other and began kissing me gently.

"I'm gonna go take a shower but I'll be right back down, okay?" she said with a final kiss.

I nodded and watched her ass jiggle as she walked away from me and headed upstairs.

I grabbed some plates from under the counter and started dishing everything out. Since she got pregnant, Liv straight up refused to eat anything straight from a box or those polystyrene tubs, she said it made the food soggy and taste funny so I always had to get the food out of the packaging and onto a plate ASAP and she needed to take a shower before she ate because apparently that made sense. It was fucking nuts to me but, Mick said it's normal, his ex wife had weird little quirks when she was pregnant too.

I flopped down onto the sofa with my food and turned on the TV. I let out a sigh of relief. I could finally relax for the first time in what felt like forever.

I knew Liv wouldn't be long and we always liked to eat together so I tried to find us something to watch. A lot of the channels had already finished for the night so I decided to light the candle on the coffee table and put on a video. I didn't want anything too heavy so I put on Empire Strikes Back.

I kept glancing over at the clock but Liv was taking forever. I jumped up and walked over to the bottom of the stairs.

"Baby!?" I yelled.

I was expecting her to yell back at me but it was complete silence, I couldn't even hear the shower running.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I headed upstairs to go find her.

"Liv?" I called out.

The bathroom door was open and the mirror was still steamed up from the humidity.

I looked over at our bedroom and that's when I saw her. I rested my head against the door frame and smiled.

Liv was lying across the foot of the bed still in her towel snoring away.

I giggled as I walked into the room. I didn't want to wake her so I pulled the sheets back on her side and scooped her up in my arms. I lay her down and took the damp towel off of her. I didn't want her to end up with a chill. I pulled the sheets back over her and she didn't even stir - she was well and truly asleep.

I kissed her forehead and turned the light off.

Liv's POV:
I jumped out of my sleep and I had no idea where the fuck I was or what had happened. I was so tired that I literally felt like I was drunk before I fell asleep. I couldn't remember anything and it was a feeling I didn't miss.

I looked over and Nikki wasn't in bed with me but my hair was still damp. I couldn't have been asleep for too long, surely?

I took a second just to gather my thoughts and covered myself up with my robe.

I opened the door and I could hear the TV crackling from downstairs. The bathroom light was on and the towels were in the laundry basket. Nikki must have cleaned up after me.

I threw my hair up into a messy bun and splashed my face with some cold water to try and wake myself up.

I headed downstairs and I could see the white noise on the TV after a movie had run it's course.

I turned off the TV and walked into the kitchen to grab a coke from the refrigerator to try and settle my pregnancy craving. It tasted so much better out of a can than a bottle or a glass.

I looked outside, it was always the prettiest view at night time.

My heart fluttered when I saw Nikki sitting out there in front of the fire pit. I grabbed my drink and headed out to join him.

"Hey you!" I said.

He turned around and his eyes lit up. "Hey! You're awake"

I stopped in front of him and looked out at the view. "Yeah, I woke up and I was hungry" I smirked.

He held my hand and I looked down at him. His eyes were tired. I sat on his knee and lay my legs out along the rattan sofa. Nikki put his arm around me and pulled me into him, resting his hand on my bump.

"How come you're out here so late?" I asked.

He let out a sigh. "Oh! I just got caught up thinking" he said, looking out at the view.

I quickly squinted my eyes as I looked at him. He was my husband, I could read him like a book and I knew something was bothering him.

I started brushing his bangs out of his eyes. "What's on your mind?" I asked, softening my voice.

He started pinching his bottom lip together in between his fingers. "Uhhh..." he pondered, but nothing else came out.

I cocked my head to the side and held his face in my hand. "What's wrong baby?".

He kissed the palm of my hand and his face scrunched up as he burst into tears. My heart sank.

"Nikki!? What is it!?"

He shook his head and tried to cover his face. I put my arms around him and run my fingers through the ends of his hair until he was ready to talk.

"It's... it's not anything bad" he sobbed still struggling to catch his breath.

I pulled away and started to dry his tears with my thumb. I had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes from seeing him so overcome with emotion.

"What is it then?" I asked.

"I just... I'm scared. I'm so scared"

"Sweetie" I sighed. "What are you scared of?" I asked.

"Fucking up as a dad... losing you" he sniffled. "I never thought I'd find someone like you Liv. I never thought I'd be so happy to be a father and for the first time in my life I feel like I belong somewhere and I've found my purpose in life. I'm just scared of losing it"

I kissed his cheek and cuddled him. "You're not going to lose me" I said. I pulled away and cupped his face in my hands. "I love you, do you hear me? I love you with every single inch of my being, Nikki Sixx and I will be by your side forever, for better and for worse, because I took a vow to be your wife and I'm in this rodeo with you until I die" I said, lowering my voice to a whisper. "Look, I know we don't have things easy and it's been rocky but it always will be, it's just us, but we'll figure everything out together and kick ass because we're a team. You're all I need and I'd be lost without you, you're the other half of me"

He gave me a little smile. "I fucking adore you" he said, kissing my lips.

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