Never To Late For Love

By sarahd517

80.3K 2.8K 128

Mae is a thirty eight year old woman who has given up hope of finding her forever person. Knowing that all th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 29

3.2K 114 9
By sarahd517


We maker our way into the courtroom, and I feel my stomach turn. I've always hated speaking in front of large groups of people, and knowing that I will be spending the most time on the stand of all of the witnesses is making me panic.

The DA Liam and I have practiced multiple times, and he assures me that I will be just fine on the stand. Alex sits next to me and takes my hand in his and rubs circles along the top of my hand.

He has been amazing in helping me deal with all the feelings and fears that I have been having since the incident. Max sits on the other side of me and takes my other hand in his. I've had to finally threaten his man meat to get him to stop apologizing for something that wasn't his fault.

"All rise. The honorable Judge Abigail Patterson is now entering the court." The bailiff announces

An older, shorter woman enters the room and looks around the courtroom. She gives off an air of dignity, and I'm instantly put at ease with her here. I've never met this woman in my life but there is something about her that sets me at ease.

"You may all be seated. Ladies and gentlemen considering the type of crime that this case is dealing with, and the fact that the defendant is not cooperating, I have had a television set up for Stephanie to view the trial. She has put in a guilty plea which will also speed up the process. I would, however, like to speak with the three victims in private. I don't want to drag this trial out, and since she did plead guilty, I see no reason to do so."

Alex, Max, and I are lead back to the Judge's chambers and sat down. The judge walks in, and she takes off her black robe and is left in an elegant dress that is fit for a board room.

"Mae, dear, I know that you are in a delicate condition, and the last thing I want for you to have to do is to sit through a lengthy trial for someone who did the crime. Stephanie may have some mental issues, but she was smart enough to listen to her lawyer." He gives me a soft smile. "The reason I wanted all of you here is to talk about how you feel about sentencing."

All three of us look back, and forth between each other. We have all talked about this multiple times and we all feel that the best thing for her is to be committed. I have a feeling that the judge is going to feel the same way.

"If I may speak freely, Your honor?" I say. She nods her head smiling.

"We all feel that the best thing for Stephanie is to get help. She is mentally unstable, and we feel that if she is committed and got the help she needs that may be in the future, she would be able to live a more stable life." I let out a breath as I finish and feel like I have just run a marathon.

"I'm glad to hear that. The court is going to have Stephanie committed to a program for the criminally insane. This means that until the court feels she is mentally stable and has served time for her crimes she will not be released. Stephanie's family also feels that this would be the best option for her." The judge smiles and stands, showing us the way out.

"She wasn't kidding about making this as short as possible," Max says as we walk out of the courthouse.

"Well, when you plead guilty, and there is nothing but the evidence against you, I guess they can do this sort of thing," Alex says.

"At least we don't have to worry about it anymore. We can move on to bigger and better things like getting little Hayden here safe and sound." I say, smiling at the two of them.


Time has flown by, and we are a week away from the due date. To say that my pregnancy has been wonderful would be a lie. My hormones have been all over the place, and poor Alex doesn't know if I'm going to jump his bones or scream at him.

He has taken it all in stride and has laughed and cried with me. I have been off for the last few days since the doctor felt that it would be best for me to relax before the delivery. The girls have been taking turns staying with me through the day to help keep me distracted.

I've been having Braxton hicks contractions for the last two days, and it is driving me crazy. Alex is working his last day today before he goes out on leave. Xavier has been awesome through all this and is allowing Alex to stay out with me while I recover. he told us that it would be paid back for while he is out with Chelsea in about six months.

They found out they were pregnant when Chelsea started getting sick every morning. Turns out they were pregnant with twins. Xavier is terrified that he will be a bad father, and Chelsea is nervous about how she is going to deal with two babies at once.

Declan and Max have both managed to find girls that they have stayed with for a few months now. Declan met his girlfriend Hayley at the baby supply store. She was working and helped the poor guy buy presents for Hayden. He said he fell in love instantly and hasn't looked back since.

Max met his girlfriend Alice at a cake decorating class he was holding. She was one of his students, and they hit it off immediately. Rosetta hired her to take my place since I have decided to work only once in a while. I want to be there for everything that happens with my baby so Alex and I both agreed that it would be for the best.

"Erica this dip is fantastic. Where'd you get it?" I ask as I plop down on the couch. Erica was the lucky girl spending the day with me.

"I found it at the supermarket. I thought you might like it since it has your latest craving in it." She chuckles.

We are sitting watching an 80's movie marathon when all of a sudden I feel another contraction and then feel like I pee on myself. I look down and see water everywhere.

"Erica, I think it's time." She squeals, and we quickly clean me up, grab the bags, and head out the door.

I call Alex on the way, and we rush to the hospital. The contractions are coming fast and hard, and as soon as they get me into a room, they check me.

"Mae, it looks like you are already at an eight. Have you been having contractions?" My nurse asks.

"Yeah, I thought I was having Braxton hicks."

"I hate to tell you this, but you are far too progressed to have an epidural." She says looking, at me with nervousness.

"Well, shit," I say as another wave of pain hits me.

Alex comes busting through the door and runs up to me, grabbing my hand. Things move very fast from here. I'm in so much pain that I'm focused solely on doing what the doctor tells me.

"You can do this, Baby," Alex says.

"If you ever think of putting that thing near me again, I will hurt you!" I yell through the pain.

He only chuckles and smiles down at me. The man never gets angry. It pisses me off! Then again, I'm in the middle of having a baby with no pain meds! Before I know it, he's here. My perfect little man is here.

Once everything is taken care of, and we are both clean, I get to nurse him for the first time. I never knew that you could love someone you have never met before this much. Alex has his arms wrapped around us both, and we sit there on the bed, one happy family.

I have no idea what the future holds, but as long as I have Alex by my side, I have nothing to worry about.

The End

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