How to melt a frozen heart?

By IamLizziet

14.6K 1K 1.9K

Miryam, a young woman who is not looking for anything at the moment. Niko, a young man who has laid his eyes... More

1. Should we drink for that?
2. From where do you know that hot cousin?
3. I don't need just some nice guy to hang around
4. Yet here you are again
5. You know life is for living, right?
6. What the fu....dge
7. She is not a very good with alcohol
8. 365 days
9. Girl you did what?
10. I'm a bit of a candle person
11. How come Atte came up with that... ?
12. I might have started to melt
13. If he makes you smile
14. You know I'd really like to kiss you
15. That boy is able to see the future
16. Okay lovebirds
17. What was that now..?
18. More like sleeping troll
19. A Cupid
20. Take me here and now
21. It got me speechless
22. Shut your mouth
23. You must be Niko
25. A family

24. The sweetest guy in the world

501 39 119
By IamLizziet

The waiter brought us the coffees and cakes, after what my mom leaned both of her elbows on the table and laced her fingers together. Her big blue eyes danced between me and Niko and I was crossing my fingers that she would behave.

"So..." she started smiling.

"What?" I asked blushing as I felt Niko wrapping his left hand around me.

"This is the young man who caused your sleepless nights?" my mom asked and I wanted to run away. Jesus Christ she is not going to behave. I tried to somehow tell her with my eyes to act normal but she smoothly ignored my gaze and focused on Niko.

"The what now?" Niko laughed and looked at me with cute smile while I hid my face with my hands.

"Oh my, mom, seriously...?" I mumbled against my hand. That was the reason why I wasn't really eager to show my mom around. She did not have a filter on all the time. Niko was still looking at me and I shyly looked at him and I was just about to say something before my mom opened her mouth again.

"She told me that she was having troubles sleeping so I saw that the only reason for that would be that she is in love, and now I can see that I was right"

"Mom!" I laughed and Niko was just looking at us amused, not really being bothered about the situation at all. That chat with my mom happened like ages ago and Niko knew that I went to see her the night after the restaurant so now he knew that I had been pretty muc hin love with him all the time. Thank you mom.

"Okay, I stop teasing. Anyway... I am happy to see that my daughter has found such a nice man into her life. How did you met? You neve rtold me that" mom asked and sipped her coffee meanwhile I was just about to choke into mine. I had to wing up something and fast because if she gets to know that this situation here happened only because I was a little bit tipsy one night, she'd kill me. I looked at Niko, like trying to tell him to quickly think something.

"We actually met..." I started but I really had no idea what to say.

"At her birthday party. Her friend's boyfriend is a friend of mine..." Niko continued and smiled. Well that's true. She found him from the party too, tho.

"So he just came along with them and..." I said and looked back to Niko and took my mug from the table.

"And we kinda clicked right away" the man said and sipped his coffee and looked back at me.

"Yeah, then we went to brunch and.." I placed my mug on my lips to continue drinking it.
"Fell in love" Niko said with lovely smile while looking at me. I just fell in love with him again. Fuck that smile got me weak every time.

"Yeah...." I smiled with hearts in my eyes.

"You kids are so sweet... " I then heard my mom saying, waking me back to the current moment. I blinked my eyes few times and turned my eyes to her. I had no idea did she buy the story but even if she didn't she seemed to be pleased with it.

"I heard you are in a band? Blind.. something, and it sounded dangerous" mom asked Niko and I was having serious problems holding my nervous laugh back that was mixed with the embarrassment.

"Blind Channel, and yeah we play violent pop, guess that can be kind of dangerous some time" Niko chuckled as he saw how red I was. I was slowly sliding under the table but Niko took my hand and pulled me closer to him.

"How dangerous?" mom asked and I did not quite read was she worried or amused.

"Well.. We tend to bump into each others sometimes.. And our guitarist burnt a bit his hair after getting too close to the pyros"Niko said and gently caressed my side.

We stayed there for another hour and luckily mom didn't put me into more embarrassing situations.

"Well, it was great to meet you, Niko" mom said as she was pulling her jacket on.

"Likewise" Niko smiled and helped me my jacket on.

"You should come to visit us to Vantaa too, I'm sure your dad would love to meet him as well" mom smiled when we made our way to the door. We got out and stood in front of the big window to the café.

"Yea, we'll see when we have time" I said and looked at Niko who just nodded. We then said byes to mom and made our way back to Niko's.

"Jesus I'm so sorry she threw all those questions to you" I apologized Niko. Mom had asked so much about his childhood and everything. Pretty much only thing she did not ask was his shoe number and what colour his toothbrush was. It sounded like an interrogation.

"Chill, it was not that bad. I'm sure my mom will do the same once you meet her" Niko poked me to my side. Can't wait.

"Besides, I asked to come so I was ready for that, you know" he then pulled me close to him and we continued our way to his place.

We got back to Niko's and we crashed on the sofa. Neither of us had no idea what else to do than just cuddle and share kisses. I was totally fine with that anyway, not that I even wanted to do anything else besides that.

"I have a question" Niko said and painted a grin on his lips. I looked at him, not so sure if I wanted to know what he had in his mind.

"Yeah?" I asked and snuggled even closer to him.

"Did you really lost your sleep because of me?"

The colour in my face took the rather familiar red tone and I started to giggle like a little kid. I hid my face to the crook of his neck and tried to calm myself down.

"I take that as a yes" I heard the man laughing quietly and he stroke my back.

"A little.. maybe.. I mean... " I pulled away from his neck and looked at him before resting my head on his chest. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his closure. It was so calming and relaxing that I could have just easily fall asleep like that. Wouldn't be the first time tho.

"I just couldn't stop thinking about you... I guess I was fallingin love with you from the beginning.." I sighed and felt how Niko wrapped both his hand tightly around me and he held me like that for a while, before he reached for his phone from the table. He lift his hands up and soon I heard the camera sound. I looked at him with questioning face and he then showed me what he did.
"Stop being so cute..." I blushed again as I realized that the picture he took was now his wallpaper.

"Or actually.. Mind to send me that pic?" I asked and pushed myself up. Niko nodded and soon I got a message with that picture attached to it. I downloaded it and put it as my wallpaper as well. It was great picture. I was mostly just a huge bunch of red hair all over his chest, but him... . His eyes and small smile he had. I couldn't stop smiling to it.

The next day at work was pretty interesting. Pauline kept eyeing me with very questioning face but we didn't have time to catch up before the kids were napping. Other thing that kept our mind busy was Jaana and her Tinder profile. The dark haired older woman who looked so professional during the work, hid indeed a badass rock chick inside of her and that just did not fit into my head. I had hard time picturing her wearing leather jackets and black dresses because I was used to see her more conservative.

"So....?" Pauline sat next to me while I was on my third cup of coffee. I might not slept much for some obvious reasons and I was sure that Pauline had noticed it.

"So, what?" I asked and hid my face behind my mug, like trying to avoid any eye contact between us. Pauline kept staring at me and I was having troubles not to smile.

"Okay fine, yes we did it" I then said and placed my mug on the table just to hid my face with the sleeves of my black cardigan.

"OH MY GOD! Like fu.... finally! How was it?!" Pauline got up from her chair and jumped around the office room. I laughed and shook my head.

"Great... And that's not all.. " I bit my lip and played with my sleeves. Pauline stopped and looked at me under her eyebrows.

"He said he loves me" I smiled and got carried away to some dream world.

"And you said you love him right?"
"Of course I love him..He is the sweetest guy in the world.. Every other man would have just walked away as they realize how awkward I am but he stayed and made me feel like I was the only woman in the world.."
"I want to fucking shake you, Mir! That's what I've been telling you the past weeks! Jesus Christ girl you have some long wires in your head" my friend laughed and on that moment our favorite Jaana walked in to the office.

"Pauline.. Language, please.. We don't need all these kids run around repeating the word you just said" she said and sat behind her table. I tried not to look at Jaana's direction because the profile picture was still fresh in my memory and I did not want to lose my job by making any comment about it. But Pauline..

"Sorry about that... Tho... I happened to see your profile on Tinder"
Jaana lift her head up from the screen and I could see her eyes getting bigger and bigger and I was sure that she was going to stand up and show Pauline the door.

"Oh... " she said and a nervous smile appeared on her lips.

"A friend of mine was scrolling there and your profile came up.. I must say, I am surprised" Pauline sat down and reached for her coffee. Jaana looked at her and then moved her eyes back to the screen while her fingers were quickly moving on the keyboard.

"I had no idea you have such a great style" Pauline then said and to be honest I wasn't sure was she joking or being serious.

 "Oh girls, I ride Harley and go to concerts.. I live life" Jaana said smiling and continued with what ever she was doing. And that got me speechless.

A/N: Guess the mom wasn't that bad :D Anyway, tomorrow will be the day when this story ends.. Thank you all lovely readers who have been supporting me with amazing comments ♥♥♥

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