Murder Capital Princess

By Rose_Books_Stories

18.1K 428 40

You had ran away from an abusive home when you turned 18. No one bothered to look for you. Have a few weeks o... More

Santa Carla
Lost Boys
First Meal
Move In
David 18+
Dwayne 18+
Paul 18+
Marko 18+
artes et carminibus tenebris
Lust Boys 18+
New Beginnings
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Dwayne 18+
Pregnacy #2
What about us? 18+
The 21st Century

Quinten and Alora

468 16 0
By Rose_Books_Stories

My beautiful babies were already six months only. The strange thing about it was their age was six months. Much like Darci, Alora was about three years of age. Quinten was around five though.

He was still much bigger than his sister and still had fangs. Alora spent most of her time with Darci now learning about their powers. Quinten didn't have any witch like abilities. He spend most of his time playing with Laddie. He had also developed blue eyes. Neither of us had blue eyes but max had told us that my father did so we didn't think too much into it after that.

He did have a temper though. He seemed to get mad over small things, which I am sure most little kids do at first. His temper, though, seemed unlike anything I had seen before. Max came to see him every other day to help him with this.

If he didn't want to share, then him and Laddie got into fights. Most of the time it wasn't bad, just boys tussling over silly things. But there were times where he took it way too far.

He got mad at his sister one evening because she was sick. That's another thing, Alora seemed to get sick very easily. She got a lot of attention from Dwayne and I which left Quinten out. We didn't mean anything by it, it was just that she was sicker than she had been in the past.

We went to sleep that night not knowing he was upset at us or his sister. He had gone and drank some of her blood. He then woke me up standing over me trying to drink mine as well. This terrified me, mostly because I didn't know it was him at first, and caused me to scream.

My screams woke up the boys. Dwayne was enraged that he would hurt his sister and try to harm me. He got sick off of the virus inside his sister's blood. Since that night, max has been doing his best to help control his anger. We believe it is because he was born a vampire and not turned into one.

Darci has loved having a little sister. Darci was going on thirteen years old. She had the soul of an older woman, which I think she got from her grandmother. She was kind and gentle with Alora. She took it upon herself to watch over her.

She loved helping her with magic. On days they had off, she would braid her little sister's hair and  reading to her. They played with each other constantly. They seemed to be inseparable. They absolutely hated when the boys would pull pranks on them but they always found a way to get them back.

I could tell David had a rough time watching his daughter grow so quickly. I honestly did too. I was still very much human and watching all three of my little ones grow rapidly was hard on me. Dwayne had a similar issue with it but half the time he was too worried about if his little girl would get sick or if Q would snap.

Marco and Paul loved the violent side of Q. That's what they called him by the way. They gave him the nickname Q Ball but they kept it down to Q most of the time. He loved his uncles. They respected my wishes of not smoking around him but he loved listening to their loud music.

Today was like any normal day. The girls were off learning more potions and spells. Q and Laddie were watching a new movie max had brought over. Max was visiting us for the evening. Darci had not gotten her hunger for blood yet but we were vigilant every day incase it came.

I was curled up on the couch while Dwayne was reading. I had dozed off and woke up about two hours from sunrise. I was a little late to get the girls but I found it weird Agatha hadn't tried to contact me any. We did have a landline now and she used it quite often on the days she needed time off or missed the kids.

I shot up off the couch startling David who was now sitting with me. The boys had gone to feed but he seemed to want to hang back. They were all secretly worried Q would try something again but he hadn't had a night like that in a month.

"Oh shit. David why didn't you wake me?"

"Was I supposed to?"

"Yes. I have to go get your daughter and Dwayne's. Shit. I hope she won't be upset I'm an hour late."

"Calm down. Let's both go and you can blame it on me."

"I already planned on that."

We loaded up in my Jeep. Max was still with the boys so we weren't worried about leaving them. I don't know what it was about Max  but he seemed to have this calming effect on Q. We drove to her shop but something didn't feel right.

We opened the door and David's face turned. He looked at me with concern and I smelled it when we got closer to the back room. Blood. Something had happened. He stepped in front of me and lifted the curtain slowly.

"Darci? Baby what did you do?"

"Daddy! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I don't know what happened."

I stepped from behind him. The sight in front of me was terrifying. Darci was covered in blood. Agatha was laying on the ground with multiple bite marks covering her and blood all over her and the floor. But what scared me most was I didn't see Alora.

"Sweetly, where is your sister?"

"I - I don't know. She ran off at some point."

David rushed over to Agatha and checked in her breathing. He was too much in shock to be overcome by bloodlust.

"Darling she's still breathing."

Thankfully, a few months ago I had convicted David to get a cell phone. It was a small one but much needed in emergencies. He, Dwayne, and I all had one. Agatha and Max stuck with their landlines.

"I'll call Dwayne and have him come over here with the boys. I'll watch her and when they get here, we'll take her to a hospital. You need to go look for Alora. I'll get her cleaned up just go baby."

I was in tears. I first checked the bookstore. There was an upstairs apartment much like the one above Max's shop. It was where Agatha lived. I could not find her anywhere in the building.

The next place I looked was the video store and the apartment above it. I had no luck their either. The doors were still locked and I had to use my spare key to get in. Even though I knew she wouldn't be able to get in, I still had to try.

I looked all over the board walk it seemed. I looked down multiple allies and on rides. I was completely beside myself at this point. I had been searching for her for over twenty minutes when I felt hands grab my shoulder.

"Hello Vamp whore. Missing something?"

I was turned around to see a group of men holding my little girl tucked in their jacket and another holding onto me tightly.

"Your men killed our friends a while back. They really shouldn't have done that. Now we'll take something of theirs. You've been hiding for a while but it must be our lucky night."

"Yeah we found this little girl covered in blood that wasn't hers. Must be a vamp kid. Did they turn her and you just for the fun of it?"

"No. She is my daughter. Her grandmother was attacked by something ungodly. I found her in an ally but my little girl was no where to be found."

I lied my ass off hoping these new faces didn't truly know who I was.

"Oh so you're saying you aren't a vamp whore?"

"Vamp whore? Like vampires? What the hell are you guys? Aren't you too old to believe that shit?"

"Stop trying to manipulate us!"

He grabbed my shoulders tighter and lead me into a nearby ally so no one saw us.

"We will kill her first, just to make you watch. Then I will kill you when your men eventually arrive to help you."

"Please don't hurt her. She's just a little girl. She has nothing to do with this."

"Oh she has everything to do with this."

Dwayne's POV

My phone was buzzing while we were cleaning up our mess from feeding. I looked to see it was David. He never calls during feeding unless he needed some or it was an emergency.

"Yes David?"

"It's bad. You need to come to the book store. Agatha is hurt bad and Alora is missing."


I hung up and gathered the boys. We got back to the boardwalk in under five minutes. We walked in to a startling scene. Thankfully Agatha was still breathing. Marco and Paul helped get Agatha to the hospital before she got worse.

"How did this happen? Where are Alora and Y/N?"

"I'm so sorry uncle Dwayne"

Darci was visibly shaken by this.

"I believe she had her first feed tonight. For her being so young, she couldn't control herself. She doesn't remember anything really. I'm guessing she fed in Agatha which scared Alora. She ran off"

"Is she still missing?"

"Yes. Y/N left to find her about ten minutes ago but she hasn't returned. You need to go help her. I've got this covered."

He started cleaning up the room and Darci. I ran out looking for my girls. I was searching alleyways and stores. No one had seemed to see either one of them. I was starting to lose hope when I felt something itching in my head.

"Daddy. I see you."

"Alora, baby? Where are you and mommy?"

"Men with jackets."

I looked ahead to see men shoving a woman into an ally. No one seemed to notice them though. The boardwalk was unusually busy for the night to almost be over. I slowly made my way though the people, not to alarm them of what was fixing to happen.

"Hurry daddy. They're going to hurt me."

"I'm coming baby"

I turned to corner and all their backs were to me. I eased up to the first one and placed my hand over his mouth. I drained him of blood before he could scream. I laid him down slowly. I had to do this quick and quiet so they didn't turn on the girls.

I eased up to the second one and did the same. There were about found left. A leader, one holding my daughter, one holding Y/N and one extra. I made my way up to the extra and took him out like I did the others. I was easing him down when I noticed they had turned to me.

"Well well. I'm so glad you could finally join us. I've been waiting for you."

He flipped out a switch blade. He stabbed it deep into Y/N's arm and I lunged at him. I was going to bite him when I felt something hard pierce my chest.


Dwayne had showed up to help us. The others were off somewhere else but I knew Dwayne would be enough.

"Well well. I'm so glad you could finally join us. I've been waiting on you."

I watched as the man turned then stabbed a knife deep in my upper arm. I went to scream but the man holding me had covered my mouth. I secretly was happy they had turned their attention to me and not Alora.

Dwayne went for an attack but his eyes grew wide. He slumped to the ground and I noticed the reason. A stake had been driven through his chest by the man holding our daughter.


The man held me back while their leader hunched over Dwayne.

"Well now wasn't that a surprise. Now you can die like my brother did. Slowly and painfully."

"Just one issue. You missed."

Dwayne ripped the stake out of his chest and his eyes seemed to burn with rage. He drive the stake through the leaders chest. He definitely did not miss. He turned his attention to the man holding our daughter. He dropped her to the ground and tried to run.

Alora hid behind a dumpster and appeared to be alright. Dwayne attacked the man and drained him dry before he ever got to the end of the ally. I felt the man rip the knife from my arm and hold it to my neck.

"If you even try to kill me then I will slit her throat."

"Dwayne take Alora please."

"I'm not going to leave you."

"I'll be back I promise"

He seemed to catch onto my plan. He picked Alora up and walked out of the alley. The man didn't notice him jump onto the room of the building next to us.

"Foolish woman. You won't be back. You should have said goodbye when you had the change."

I felt a gush of air behind us.

"Okay then. Goodbye."

The man dropped the knife. I head his body make a thump when it hit the ground. I turned to see he was dead and Dwayne was standing behind me.

"Thank you. Please tell me she is okay."

"Yes baby she is fine. I did leave her on the roof though. Give me just one moment."

He jumped back to her and came back down slowly. She was perfectly fine. She didn't even seem upset by what had happened. I held her close to me. She yawned and I knew she was sleepy. Daylight would be arriving fairly soon. I needed to get them both home.

"Can we go home now mommy?"

"Yes baby we can."

We stopped back by the book shop to get Darci. She was still very upset by what she had done. David had cleaned everything up nicely and I locked the door when we left. David had given his phone to the boys so we could keep in contact.

"I got a message from Marco. He said she's been admitted to the hospital. He said he found her outside of her house. He was her mom and said she had been fighting with some kind of stay dogs for a while now. The doctors somehow believed that and blamed it on rabies. She'll be fine. They're already heading back."

We loaded the girls up in my Jeep and Dwayne followed us back. I noticed the girls had fallen asleep just seconds after us departing from the boardwalk.

"What happened to you guys? You're hurt."

"I am fine. I'll have Max handle it when we get back. Do you mind him staying for the day?"

"No but you still didn't answer my question."

"I think they were related to someone you guys have killed. They wanted revenge and were going to use us to do it. Dwayne took them out but they stabbed him with a stake. He seemed to healing nicely though."

"Is it okay?"

"She didn't seem too shaken up by it. I guess it was because Dwayne came just in time. I don't know how though. I'm just happy he got to us."

We made it back to the cave. David and Dwayne carried the girls to bed. Max placed a few stitches in my arm to keep it closed. He then wrapped it up. Amen for that first aid kit he forced me to have back when I first moved in with the boys. It had half a freaking pharmacy in there.

Once my arm was clean and wrapped, I made my way into their rooms to say goodnight. The boys were beyond sleep. They had been asleep for a while before we got back. I kissed their heads and went to see the girls. Alora was fast asleep but Darci was wide awake.

"Baby what is wrong?"

"I hurt GG and I almost got you both killed. I'm so sorry mommy."

She was full on sobbing at this point.

"Honey, don't be so upset. We knew this day would come. GG is going to be fine. The boys said so theirselves. I am fine and Alora is safe."

"Grandpa Max said I would grow anymore. Am I going to look like this forever?"

"I do not know. Don't worry about it too much baby. We will handle that tomorrow. Now please go to sleep."

I wiped her tears and kissed her head. I tucked her in bed and sat with her till her eyelids became too heavy. I left once I knew she would be able to sleep. I made my way into my room and changed into some pajamas. I heard a faint knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door swung open. There stood my two little girls.

"I thought you two went to bed already."

"Can we sleep with you mommy?"

"Yes my babies. You can."

They crawled into bed and I crawled in between them. The sun was barely starting to come up. I drifted off the sleep as they curled into my sides. I woke up a little while later to see David and Dwayne sleeping in the nest off in the corner of my room. My little ones and my protectors.


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