In The Blink Of An Eye

By Ljucaaiida32

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MC has always had your normal typical life which many times she wishes she could change. However, with one te... More

Intro To Duskwood PART I
The Date (Chp 2)
Secret Clues (Chp 3)
Unexpected Call
Trust (Chp 4)
Uninvited (Chp 5)
Unforgettable (Chp 6)
Road To Nowhere
The Phone Call (Chp 7)
Siren Sounds
Saving Grace (Chp 8)
My Angel
Painful Reminder (Chp 9)
Lost In The Wind
Goodbye, For Now (Chp 10)
Tears Of Pain
Adrenaline Rush (Chp 11)
Back To Square One
Wake Me Up (Chp 12)
Blood Disorder
Anaphylaxis (Chp 13)
I Love You (Chp 14)
Violent Assault (Chp 15)
Alone With My Pain
New Beginning (Chp 16)
Screaming Sounds
Mysterious Ways (Chp 17)
Tears Of Joy
No Bed, No Couch (Chp 18)
Birthday Surprise
A New Life (Chp 19)
Welcome Home
Time For The Truth (Chp 20)
I Didn't Do It
True Friendship Never Dies (Chp 21)
Baby Number Two
Could Always Be Worse (Chp 22)
Crazy Runs In Blood
Love And Appreciation (Chp 23)
Our Special Day
Putting My Foot Down (Chp 24)
Celebration (Chp 25)
The Room Next Door
Alone (Chp 26)
Forever Love
Moonshine (Chp 27)
Not An Accident After All
Birthday Princess (Chp 28)
Life Is Unfair
Dead On The Inside (Chp 29)
Belief In God
All The Firsts (Chp 30)
Years That Passed PART II
When Your Past Calls
Just The Messenger (Chp 2)
It Was All Over
Time For Change (Chp 3)
How Do I Cope?
Signs (Chp 4)
Lost Baggage
Waiting For The Call (Chp 5)
Listen To Your Heart
Finally Together (Chp 6)
Blame & Shock
An Old Friend (Chp 7)
Never-Ending Cycle
Lucky Me (Chp 8)
Five Against One
New Beginning (Chp 9)
Access Granted
Moments... (Chp 10)
Scars (Chp 11)
Gift Shop
Training Day (Chp 12)
Worst Mistake
Leave (Chp 13)
Driving Away
Forbidden Desire (Chp 14)
The Fight
Jealousy (Chp 15)
30 Seconds
Sensory Nerve (Chp 16)
Special Connection
Hot & Heavy (Chp 17)
Date Night
Sorry To Do This (Chp 18)
Afraid To Live
He Is Right (Chp 19)
Together Again (Chp 20)
I Do or I Don't
Party Of 6 (Chp 21)
Hurting Them
I Wanted Him (Chp 22)
Here Goes Nothing
The Mess You Made (Chp 23)
Our Memory (Chp 24)
Horrible Plan
Dying Twice (Chp 25)
Closing My Eyes
Getting Help (Chp 26)
Thinking About Us
Reverse Psychology (Chp 27)
Ringing Of The Phone
I'm Not Running (Chp 28)
People I Trusted
Burned (Chp 29)
Trying To Remember
It's Still Him (Chp 30)
Finally Home
The Unknown
Heart Doesn't Forget PART III
Beginning Of Something New
Road Back Home (Chp 2)
Knock On The Door
Back Again (Chp 3)
It's That Time
Unwelcomed (Chp 4)
No Friends
Wake Me Up (Chp 5)
Missing Piece
Toughest Decision (Chp 6)
A Friendly Face (Chp 7)
Eternal Sleep (Chp 8)
Unbearable Pain
Two Dragonflies (Chp 9)
Who Do You Believe? (Chp 10)
Free Once Again
Better Than Sex (Chp 11)
Unexpectedly Pissed
Past Lovers (Chp 12)
Not Just The Ex
Should Have Trusted Him (Chp 13)
Today's Date (Chp 14)
You Lied To Me
Is It Too Late? (Chp 15)
First Dance
I'm Sorry (Chp 16)
Nothing To Lose
Alone on Wedding Night (Chp 17)
He's Gone! (Chp 18)
Eight Weeks (Chp 19)
It's Jake...
It's Actually True (Chp 20)
A Gift Box
Flickering Lights (Chp 21)
I'm To Blame
Forgotten Memories (Chp 22)
Almost There
Place Of Our Own (Chp 23)
A Small Scare
I Forgot To Remember (Chp 24)
Months Of Waiting
Turn Back Around! (Chp 25)
Forgive But Don't Forget
Labor & Deliver (Chp 26)
Unimaginable Pain
Nine Days (Chp 27)
First Time Holding Him
A Phone Call (Chp 28)
Facing Her...
Time Flies By (Chp 29)
The Truth Will Set You Free
It's Not All Bad (Chp 30)
Any Way The Wind Blows
Keep Hanging On!


322 13 0
By Ljucaaiida32

I leave my room and go back into the living room where Richy was finally done with the phone.

"Hey, about time you finished. I was sure you were talking to another girl. Is it possible that you like someone more than me?"

"No reason to be jealous, it was just a customer asking about a car. She has been having the same issues so wanted to know what it could be and if she could bring it in."

"Do you have to go?"

"No no. I made plans with her for the weekend. I'm all yours right now."

"Okay good, I was starting to get a little jealous there hehe. Are you hungry? What do you say if I make us something to eat and we turn on a good comedy movie. God knows I could get my mind off all scary things."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll find a movie while you make us something to eat."

I go into the kitchen and decide to put something together from the stuff I had lying around in the refrigerator. As I was preparing the meal, I realized how much I actually missed cooking. It has always been one of my favorite things to do, even as a child. I was always prepared to help my mom around the kitchen whenever she needed help.

I find cooking relaxing, which I'm sure many people would not agree with me. I found the distraction of cooking quite nice at this time. I finally had something else on my mind besides Duskwood, the man without a face, Jake, Phil, my friends, and all the stress that came with it. Slowly, I prepare the meal and set it up on nice plates for Richy and I.

"Hey, did you find a movie you want us to watch? I'm done with the meal."

"I did, and good because I am starving!"

I bring the food to the living room and sit down next to him on the couch. Before we start the movie I get an idea.

"Richy, what do you think if we invite the rest of the group over to my house tomorrow? We can make food, watch movies, laugh and talk. We haven't had one good memory together since I got here. I want for all of us to get everything off our minds and just have a good time together. What do you say?"

"I think that's a great idea. I'm sure they would love it and would be very happy."

"Do you want to call them, or should I?"

"I'll do it and you can talk, you can surprise them."

He dials their numbers one by one starting from Jessy and working our way through the group. If you're wondering what I said in our call, it was; "Hey, if you are available tomorrow I would love for you to come over to my place to visit. I am having a small gathering for our group. Hope you can come. I'm looking forward to seeing you." I have had enough on my mind that it was time to take at least one day off to ourselves. I wanted to spend time with these amazing friends I had made without worrying about a single thing. Finally after being done with the calls, Richy and I get back to our movie and meal. 

The meal was a little cold, but we were really hungry so we didn't mind. We started to watch a movie he had picked out and I can honestly say that not even a few minutes into the movie, we were both laughing and making jokes. It was so nice to hear him laugh. It felt like it's been ages since I last heard him laugh. I love how caring, loving and nurturing Richy was but I loved seeing this silly and fun side of him. I enjoyed every single second of our day together. The things I once took for granted like someone's laugh, the way they smiled, and the excitement in someone's voice when they spoke about the things they loved. Now these things I was praying for.

I couldn't believe how fast time was flying by. The movie was almost over and we had spent the last two hours just laughing and having a great time together. Spending the day with Richy just made me so much more excited for tomorrow when I would be able to spend the day with the rest of my friends. Once we were finished with the movie I picked up our plates and washed them while Richy went to freshen up.

"Hey Richy, do you want to go to the supermarket with me? I thought it would be nice if we went to get the items we need for tomorrow. If you're not busy I would love for you to accompany me."

"Sounds like a great idea. I'm down for it. Let's go."

"Give me a few minutes, let me grab my purse and change really quickly and I will be there. You can wait for me in the car."

I run upstairs and change into something cute but comfy and grab my purse from the nightstand. It felt so strange getting ready to go somewhere besides running around and trying to save someone. Sadly, it felt unfamiliar as if years had passed since the last time I actually did something for myself. I leave my house and run up to the car where Richy was waiting for me. I didn't even want to ask him where we were going, I just wanted to enjoy every second of it.

"So, how did you enjoy the movie?"

"It was hilarious, I loved it. Good choice. I never knew you had such a good taste in movies."

"I do enjoy other things besides cars, you know?"

"I hardly believe that hehe."

I was enjoying the ride so much that I kind of wish the supermarket was further away. We pull up to the market and we park. As we are heading into the store, I see a familiar face I wasn't expecting to ever see.

"Omg Richy, isn't that Michael?"

I couldn't even finish the sentence fast enough when this man I have only ever seen in pictures was staring right at me. I just continued on my way to the store when he approached me. I was so shocked that I felt my breath stop for a minute like I had forgotten to breathe. He didn't know who I was, I mean right? He couldn't have! I only ever heard of him and seen pictures of him online after the whole investigation during Hannah's disappearance. Why was he approaching me?

"Excuse me, do you happen to have a minute? You're Hannah's friend, correct?"

"Yes sir, I am. This is Richy, our friend."

"Hello Richy. I hope you're showing your friend around this beautiful town."

"So what can I do for you? I'm not really sure there is anything I can answer you, but I can try."

"Is it true that Hannah's kidnapper is behind bars? That guy Jake? Did they really catch him?"

"Jake is NOT her kidnapper!!! He had nothing to do with that. I can't believe these morons are making everyone in town see Jake as some kind of monster that he is not."

"I'm sorry, I just"... I cut him off before he can even finish.

"Look Mr.Hanson. I am very sorry but this conversation is over. I have nothing else to say to you. Jake isn't the monster everyone should be after, and if it's the last thing I ever do in my life, I will find the real psycho that's out there."

He leans over and whispers to me. What he says nearly knocks me off my feet. "Don't trust anybody. You should leave, just leave and get out of here as soon as you can." As he rushes off, I stand there shaking as if I had just seen a ghost. I couldn't even move a muscle. My body felt frozen in fear. It was him! The letter in my pocket, the man that followed me that day I met up with Phil... it was Michael. Richy quickly grabs me before I fall to the ground. The last thing I remember is seeing Richy's face looking at me in fear and I passed out.

"Hey are you okay? Please wake up. Omg, please wake up." I slowly hear Richy's voice calling out to me as he is tapping my face with his hand. I don't know how long it's been since I fainted, but I was surrounded by people all around me. As I open my eyes, I hear Richy sigh a quick breath of relief. "Oh thank God!!! You had me so worried. Please tell me you're feeling okay. The ambulance is on it's way. Stay with me."

By the time the ambulance came I was already feeling better so I refused to go to the hospital. That is the last place I wanted to be. I told them that I was feeling fine and that I just hadn't been sleeping or eating well so I got dizzy and fell. Obviously Richy didn't believe a word that was coming out of my mouth, he saw right through me but he kept quiet.

I've seen movies, I know what happens when you have someone after you who wants you gone! Isn't the hospital the first place they come and try to mess with your IV fluids by placing poison or some kind of drug in it? I wasn't about to take any chances. I wouldn't probably even make it out of the ambulance car, he would have been in there as one of the paramedics and trying to mess with my life. As paranoid and dramatic as that may have sounded to me at some point in my life... now it was the reality. Finally after the ambulance leaves and all those nosy people around me had vanished Richy grabs me and quietly says;

"You wanna tell me what really happened back there or are you going to stick with the lie you just told the paramedic?"

"Richy, Michael is the one who followed me that day when I went out with Phil. He left the note in my pocket, which I actually never told you about. He just repeated the same exact words from the note when he whispered to me before I fainted."

"He left a note in your pocket? He's never been around us before, how is that possible?"

"I think I actually know how, but I need to be sure first. Speaking of, you don't happen to know the owner of the house I'm renting do you?"

"No, why? Didn't you see the owner when you were moving in? Aren't they the ones who give you the keys and stuff?"

"Yes, normally they are the ones who do that, but not in my case. The lady who gave me the keys said she is the realtor and that the owner was out of town. If I needed anything, I should contact her and she would get in touch with the owner. I didn't think anything of it. I was just glad to find a cheaper house I could stay at. Now I wish I had just gotten an apartment. I think Michael is the owner of my house!!!"

"Hey, don't worry, we'll find out who the owner is. But now we have to go home, we can't just sit here on the side of the store forever."

"No, we're not leaving home yet. I promised my friends that we were meeting tomorrow and that's exactly what I intend on doing. As far as this little incident, this stays between us. Not a word to any of them tomorrow, got it?"

"You can't be serious right now. You just passed out and you're still thinking about tomorrow?"

"Richy I AM FINE. I just got scared and fainted, no big deal. We are meeting our friends tomorrow and that's the end of that."

I know he probably thought I was crazy but I also knew that tomorrow was the last day to have somewhat of a normal life before Friday. Because once Friday comes, my life might never be normal again. So I was not going to spend another day moping around and feeling sorry for myself.

After finally convincing Richy, we go to the store and buy all the things we need for the next day. I think I got way more than we needed but who knew when the next time would be that we could all be together at the same place again. Once we get home Richy forces me to lay down and rest as he prepares me something to eat and drink. The way he was treating me you'd think I just had a major surgery and couldn't move for myself. I hated to admit it, but it felt nice being spoiled and looked after. I look at Richy still running around and say;

"You know I am not dying right? You don't have to run around and look after me like this. I'm fine."

"I know but you do a lot for everyone, it's time I do something for you. Just enjoy it and relax."

"In that case I'll make sure I faint more often hehe."

We spend the rest of the day just relaxing and spending time together before going to sleep. We stayed up until almost three in the morning. I couldn't believe how fast time had passed. Richy really was an amazing guy. Not that I didn't already know that, but being with him in person just confirmed that. I have always felt a great connection with him since the first day I met him. He had a personality that made it easy for me to trust him and talk to him about anything I needed, even when I didn't really know him.

One of the hardest days for me since I got invited to search for Hannah was the day I saw Richy get attacked. It hurt me so bad seeing him laying there hurt, bleeding and needing help but there was nothing I could do but stand there on the phone praying to God to at least catch a glimpse of the person who had attacked him. I stood there for a good fifteen minutes just staring at the screen in hopes that things would change, but they didn't.

I left him there on that ground in the middle of the woods bleeding to death! I had never felt more hopeless in my entire life. After that day, I promised that I would do everything in my power to never allow such a thing to happen again. And now, I feel the same way about Jake. Hopeless!!! 

I look at Richy and I see him look back at me and at that moment I felt something for him that I never felt before. I felt the need to protect him. I loved him like a brother and I was willing to risk my life if I had to just to save his. That's when a tear dropped down my face and I was aware that he had seen it. He got closer to me, wiped my tear off my face, looked at me and said;

"You don't have anything to fear or worry about. As long as I am alive, I will make sure nothing ever happens to you. I love you! You're my best friend and nothing is ever going to change that."

I swear it's as if he had read my mind. I get close to him, lean on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around me. I don't remember what happened next. I just zoned out and my mind wandered somewhere far away from Duskwood. I wake up to the sound of a knock on the door. I was so confused for a minute that I wasn't sure if it was a dream or reality. I look around and see that I am not in my own bed, but instead I was still in Richy's arms where we must have both fallen asleep. I couldn't believe we had fallen asleep like this.

To be honest, I was a little embarrassed and shy. What if I had drooled all over him? This time the knock on the door gets louder which throws me out of my thoughts. "RICHY, WAKE UP, SOMEONE IS HERE!..." "RICHYYYYY!!!" He wakes up and looks around in confusion. I didn't even know what time it was, but it was obvious that it was later in the morning since the sun was already shining hard.

"Did we fall asleep together last night?" asks Richy with a smirk on his

All of the sudden I hear my phone ringing. I didn't even know where the ringing was coming from since I couldn't see my phone anywhere.

"Richy go get the door! Make sure to look who it is first, don't just open the door it could be anyone"

As Richy walks to the door, I see that my phone was under him. I grab my phone and quickly answer the phone without even looking who I was getting a call from.

"Are you guys deaf or just ignoring us? How many times do we have to knock on the door?" I hear Jessy ask.

"Jessy I am so sorry. We were asleep and didn't hear you guys knock."

By this time Richy had opened the door and I saw them all just standing there staring at us as if we had horns growing from our heads.

"Ummm why are you both still in your sleeping clothes? And did you guys just get out of bed?"

"Better yet, did you guys just get out of the same bed together?" asks Dan.

"WHAT??? NO!! We were just watching movies late and ended up falling asleep on the couch."

"How late exactly hehe?"

"Late Cleo, now get your mind out of the gutter. Nothing happened. We just fell asleep watching movies."

"That's funny because I don't see any movies playing. In fact, the TV is not even on!"

"Okay okay guys, enough is enough. HA HA very funny. You all had a good laugh now come on it and shut up" says Richy.

I couldn't believe they were at my house and I was standing there looking like a hot mess. My clothes, my hair, my makeup... no wonder they didn't believe us. I glanced at my phone and it was past twelve in the afternoon. I was shocked at how late we slept in. I was glad to see them all, but I really wish they had called first before just showing up. At least to give me enough time to change and get myself together.

"Will you guys excuse me for a few minutes? Make yourself at home and I will be right back."

I run up to the restroom and wash my face, brush my teeth and freshen up. Right after that I go to my bedroom and change into the first cute thing I see hanging in my closet. I didn't have time to pick and choose right now. As soon as I get changed I go back down where I see my friends laughing.

"You all better not be talking about Richy and I."

"We might have been hehe. Just kidding."

"It's not funny Jessy. You all know nothing like that would ever happen. He is my friend."

"He better be or we're going to have a problem. You're supposed to marry my brother. So you better watch what you're doing."

"Don't worry Lilly, she belongs to Jake. He is my friend too, and I wouldn't do anything like that to him."

"He's right Lilly. I love Jake! Nothing, and I mean nothing will change that."

"Will you two relax? We were just messing around. Don't get all worked up" shouts Dan.

I was so happy to see all of my friends right here in my house. It made me happy to see them all laughing, talking and having a good time. For the next couple of hours we spent time just being together as the time seemed to fly by.

"Are any of you up for eating something?"

"I thought you'd never ask. I am starving!!!"

"I agree with Jessy, I'm pretty hungry myself" says Thomas.

"What do you all want to eat? Any suggestions?"

"How about we make pizzas and chicken wings?" asks Richy.

"Sounds like a plan" they all say at once.

"Girls, you want to help me in the kitchen? Let's leave the boys to choose a movie or decide what we should do next."

Jessy, Cleo, Lilly and Hannah join me in the kitchen and we start preparing the food, while the boys sit in the living room. I put the pizzas in the oven and Jessy starts to fry the chicken wings. Lilly and Hannah work on setting up all the side appetizers and Cleo starts making us her dessert specialty. We had to leave her to do that, after all she's the talented one.

After I put the pizzas in the oven I go and ask the boys what they would like to drink. One by one they name what they would like to drink and I go to get it from the kitchen and serve it to them. As I pass by his side, Thomas grabs my hand and asks me if we could talk alone for a minute. I nod my head and point to the hallway.

"What's up Thomas, is everything okay?"

"I just wanted to thank you for having us over. I know you're going through a lot right now. Also, I want to say that I'm here for you. No matter what you need or when, just let me know and I'll do everything I can to help you out. You never gave up on Hannah and she's here with us because of you and Jake. So, I will do everything to get him out and help you two finally be together."

I hug him and say "Thank you so much Thomas. You have no idea how much that means to me. I'm just glad to have every single one of you here and that we are all alive and well. Together, we will get through it all. I promise!"

He hugs me back and gives me a kiss on my cheek then we head back to the living room. I smile at him as he sits down and I go back into the kitchen.

"What was that about?" asks Hannah.

"He just wanted to thank me for having you guys over and to tell me that everything will be okay. He really is a great guy Hannah."

"I know he is," she says with a smile on her face.

I pull Lilly to the side and ask "Are they back together? Please tell me that they are."

"They are! They just got back together a few days ago. But don't say anything to anyone, they don't know yet."

"My mouth is shut." I smile and gesture locking my mouth and throwing away the key. She smiles and winks at me.

Once the food is done, we set up everything and sit down to eat. As we are eating, we talk, laugh, joke, and have such a great time that I don't want this day to end. As I look at them all just sitting there in front of me, I try to enjoy every second and absorb as much of it as possible. I am aware that today might be the last day my life is filled with so much happiness and joy.

Tomorrow might change the course of my life and not just mine, but all of ours. I wanted to enjoy this moment for as long as I possibly could. I have been waiting for this moment since the first day I met them without thinking the day would ever come. Even in my wildest dreams I never thought I'd see the day I come to visit Duskwood, sit together in one room with my friends, or even meet Jake. So far it was all coming true, and if tomorrow goes anything as I hope it does, I might get the chance to finally meet Jake as well. But if it doesn't... my life as I know it will be over. I was so lost in my thoughts that the elbow nudge from Jessy brought me back to reality.

"Wow, you really zoned out there for a moment. Nice to have you back."

"Sorry Dan. I just have a lot on my mind. I was actually just thinking how happy I am to have you all here with me."

"Awww we're all happy that you're finally here with us in person too. Just promise no more going back to only seeing each other over phones."

"If everything goes as planned Lilly, I promise I will never leave again."

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