
By lilyslegacy

598 128 24

Stephanie's life takes a different turn after her parents' divorce. She leaves Nigeria for the USA with a pur... More



12 4 0
By lilyslegacy

She was wearing a pink cargo pants, a white, cropped sweat shirt with pink markings on it, and sleek white sneakers. Her straight, black hair was packed into a neat ponytail with two streaks of hair hanging on both sides of her face. She had costly bracelets and rings all around her hands and some of them contained real precious stones. Her expensive clothes were fancy enough to make anyone feel intimidated. Although, she frequently wore outfits as simple as a top on a skirt, they often looked costly and she never repeated the same clothes.

Her aura was distinctive from the others—highly charismatic. How can one female possess such endearing charms? I continuously quizzed myself on why Emlyn would ever refuse a girl like her considering her noble status.

Nicole McGuire sat side-by-side with me on the bench, her shoulders poised and her forearm leaning gently on her thighs with much dexterity.

I watched her closely and observed the amazing aura. She seemed like a perfect picture of all I had ever wanted.

"Nice." she said without looking at my face; her head was held up high like a proud peacock.

"Thanks," I responded and my face twitched in timidity. Arthur mustn't see us together.

"I know you don't want me around you. You don't need to hide it."

"What?" I silently asked.

"They've fed you with defamatory statements about me-arrogant, wild, sassy... evil." I looked intently at her and she turned to look into my face and my face twitched again. "You know, humans are really good at judging you when they do not really know you, you know, behind the scenes." Nice stage pun.

To me, she was only speaking parables.

"People are fond of judging you without having knowledge of your backstory and the cause of your actions and attitude. They simply judge foolishly."

"People don't need to know your backstory to be licenced to judge you," I snapped. I had been awaiting the perfect moment to prove my smartness to her; everything I did to esteem myself highly before her. Suddenly, the spirit of competition was hovering in the atmosphere.

I continued, "it is those actions and attitudes that you make visible to them that they judge you based on. If you are mean to people, yes, they will be quick to label you as mean. They don't need to know your backstory or the cause of your actions to sympathize with you."

"Hmm, you speak like one whose parents are tough moralists."
Yeah, such stereotypical statements of Nigerian parents.

"Humph. So, what's your backstory? Will you tell me about it?" I focused the whole of my body and mind on her and flustered my eyelashes at her amiably. She equally laughed relaxingly and fully faced me.

"Well, I grew up in a supes wealthy family—like filthy rich. My mom is a fashion designer, one of the best in the country, but her divorce with my dad has almost taken her out of the spotlight. My family is not only rich but talent flows in our blood."

Gradually, I was getting soaked into the conversation.

"When I was much younger, I used to be a sad little girl with zero friends. Money isn't really the answer to everything 'cause if it were, I certainly would not have been bothered about my parents' constant dispute or that they were too busy for me.

"My dad is the one who terrifies me like hell... Like hell! He's so austere in his ways and I guess he's that much of a disciplinarian because both his parents are strict soldiers."

She said, "He never desired for me to go to a private school, he says he wants me to learn to live like a normal kid. Actually, he opposed my career and fame at this age. He detests it when I get any special attention and he's basically all about discipline, some crazy moralist he is. He says he won't allow fame make me forget where I come from—a family that's all about doing what is right irrespective of your status.

"So, I went to camp, I studied for good grades, I eat in a normal restaurant once in a while, I used to take the school bus and all, though my mom thought he was being an extremist and he was being absurd. My mom likes it fancy and likes to be the center of attention.
They always had a problem with determining my lifestyle because they both had really different and nonrelatable viewpoints of life."

"I-I'm totally speechless."

"The few months I spent with my mom, she allowed me do whatever I wanted to and to truly behave like a celebrity. She opposed public school, she allowed me date boys, she allowed me take risque pictures for my social media and whatnot. She is simply candid and carefree about my personality and upbringing.

"She was fond of saying, 'Nicole, do whatever makes you happy' because she felt I was letting in too much sadness into my life at such tender age. She didn't want parental issues to be the reason why I got depressed and that's one of the reasons why she spoiled me in such manner. On getting to the teenage stage, I just... Changed. I was no longer that sad nor meek little girl. I used my fame, money, and importance to an advantage.

"I found joy being on stage and having all the attention to myself, that attention I never really got from my parents.

"I really wanted them together, Stephanie. I wanted to be able to say a few things when my mates blabbed about having the best parents and saying it's of more worth than riches.
Nothing hurt me more than being part of a broken home. Then, I just... Went astray. It was pretty easy with my kind of exposure, again, at such tender age, and with parental conflicts."

After hearing her speak in petriment, I shortly became flummoxed and ice bound.

"For-for real?"

"Yes, Stephanie. I screwed everything up," she said in a sad manner. She brought out her purse and opened it, showing me all the hard drugs hidden inside. I was utterly shocked.

"Why do you do this?" My eyes spelt pity and concern.

"Because, it's the only way to deal with my issues."

"You have issues?" I asked. "I mean, issues issues?"

She heaved a sigh. "I've had a really difficult life, 'specially in the industry. So much is expected of you, there are standards you have to meet while trying to remain sane at the same time.

"So, I vape nicotine, take alcohol or painkillers or amphetamine. My friends introduced them to me. They go through troubles with their mental health too. And you see, in the industry, you're gonna find a whole lotta sh*t. I guess what both my parents were tryna protect me from in different ways has finally caught up with me."

Her words utterly threw me off balance; I was shocked by her confessions.

It was my chance to be that motivational speaker I had always wanted to be. Deep down I thought, it would be glorious to encourage Nicole McGuire with my very words.

"You did screw everything up but I believe they're still proud of you. I believe in change, it's not too late to fix things. This made me realize that we actually have things in common. My dream has always been to gain fame through the movie industry for a really great purpose. Also, I come from a broken home—just like you."

"Trust me, I know the sore it causes but you have to set a priority for yourself and you need to make your parents proud. Um, I'm certain that your mom didn't mean it this way when she said you should do what makes you happy. Being morally upright and responsible is the best way to live your young life. You don't have to please anybody or gain their approval, just do you. You certainly do not need to be antagonistic and rub your fame and money on the less privileged just to gain that happiness."

"Tell me more," she said. I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic but I resumed, "Being nice and lovable and talented will fetch you fans and admirers from all corners and you'll gain real happiness. Um, also I'd love to introduce you to the One I tell all of my problems to and the One who solves all of my problems." I said with a beam on my face. It was as if Nicole had knowledge of my intentions to win her soul; she surprisingly flipped the topic aside.

"Well, it was nice doing business with you. I can't wait to have more conversations with you! You're so cool."

"Um, thanks?"

"Would you like to join my club?"


"Just say yes!"



"So, it's Saturday tomorrow and I would love it if we both can spend time together. You know, get to know eachother and talk more. What do you say?"

"Uh, yeah, why not?"
I was screaming with joy inside of me.

Immediately, I spotted Arthur at a distance, watching us. My heart skipped. He had a dark look on his face like a creepy stalker from a horror movie. He approached us and Nicole rudely stared at him before she said "laters" to me and pranced away to meet a group of senior boys and girls.

Arthur said nothing to me at first. He waited for both of us to overhear the conversation of her and the students and they were talking dirty—about drugs and a planned orgy at her house.

"Do you hear that?"

"Arthur, there is a lot you need to know."

"The lies that she has fed you with?"

"Is it true that her parents are divorced?"

"Well, yes, but..."

"Arthur, you don't understand. I know how she must feel, I know, I really do. She needs help and maybe I can help her. Arthur, she is just like me," my eyes were full of compassion and sympathy.

"Away with such confessions!"

"Why won't you just listen to me?!"

"Why won't you just listen to me?!" He hurled back.

"You don't even care about me, if you did then you would understand that being at peace with Nicole means I'll no longer be oppressed by her. I'll no longer live in fear. Plus, I'd have a bigger chance at fulfilling my dreams which such a superstar like her by my side."

"A superstar like her by your side? Is that what this is all about? Little miss Her Royal Highness decided to flip sides after her dad placed her on probation and not like his words touched her but because she knows that someone holds the key to unlocking her greatest nightmare—you—therefore, she has tried to befriend you.

"She claims to be a changed person like people change just so easy, in a bid to get miss sentimental here on her side, so that her secret is kept safe. You need to let her know that you will not expose anything for the sake of your reputation and for the sake of peace but she has to stay away from you, that deceitful weasel!"

"Arthur, don't be so irrational and rude."

"And I wish you weren't so unclever in your thinking," he said. "You're in OVC, Stephanie, open your eyes. Nicole is capable of anything and everything, you just don't know her. Sentiments won't help you," He stormed out of the place.

My eyes were watery and my heart battered. I was overwhelmed with all the information I had absorbed from both parties.

Then I prayed to God. I prayed to him for a sign to prove either of them right or wrong.

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