Reincarnation, I Want a Peace...

By al_fluffy1209

158K 8K 1.1K

Dying and getting reincarnated in a different world was not something ##### expected. Now going by the name K... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Kocho Family Information
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Guardian OC Information
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
100k Special Chapter
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 4

5K 264 26
By al_fluffy1209

Tomoe and Kyoya were now second year middle schoolers. And this time the two were in the same class, much to Kyoya's delight.

As a former class representative from last year, Tomoe was chosen to help the new students coming in after orientation by showing them around. Tomoe had expected to show around a bunch of quiet and nervous first years, but imagine her surprise when she got a nice group with an extremely loud boy. He had grey hair and a scar on the left side of his forehead near his eyebrow.

She had learned that his name was Sasagawa Ryohei.

And boy was he extremely loud.

"Kocho-senpai, is there an EXTREME boxing club here?!" He asked loudly, making her unnoticeably wince from the volume, but the other students in the group near him did show their wincing.

"No, there isn't a boxing club, however you can create a club," Tomoe answered, looking over her shoulder at the boy. "Just make a club application, meet the requirements, and then hand the form to a member of the Disciplinary Committee so Ky- I mean the prefect can approve of it."

"I see! I'm EXTREMELY grateful!" Ryohei shouted and Tomoe forced a smile. 'He's so loud! Kyo-chan will probably kill him.'

"R-Right. Since I've led you guys around the school, I'll bring you around to some spots on the school grounds where you can hang out," she said as they followed her outside towards the gym. "There are many places to hang out and eat with your friends if you don't want to do so in your classrooms or the cafeteria. But, there is one place that you shouldn't ever go."

"U-Um, where is that Kocho-senpai?" a girl asked and Tomoe's face soured.

"The rooftop." She sighed, running a hand through her hair and began explaining. "Hibari Kyoya claimed the rooftop, so if you don't want to get bitten to death by the DC's president, then you better avoid going up there. As a matter of fact, if you ever see him, you should do your best to not attract his attention. Which means that you shouldn't be loud, crowd around in groups, and roam around the hallways when classes are still going on... Just try not to break any of the school rules and you will be safe." She turned around, facing them with a serious look. "Take my words to heart if you want to stay intact in your years here!"

"Y-Yes senpai!"

"Good." Tomoe huffed, turning back around. "Now then, let me show you guys the club rooms since we still have time before I bring you back to your classes."

"Kocho-senpai!" Ryohei yelled, jogging up to the girl. "I hope you're having an EXTREMELY good morning!"

She smiled, used to his presence even though it has only been a week since school started. "Hello Ryo-chan, good morning to you too. Has everything been okay?"

He grinned. "Everything is EXTREMELY fine! I'm looking for some EXTREME fighters to join the boxing club!" He then looked at Tomoe, an idea coming to him. "How about you join!"

Tomoe's eyes widened before she laughed, shaking her head. "I'll have to refuse Ryo-chan, I'm already busy enough with being Class Rep." 'And also dealing with Kyo-chan and other stuff...' "Maybe you can ask some of your classmates to join?"

"They joined other EXTREME clubs already," Ryohei replied, walking by Tomoe's side. "But I'll find some more EXTREME guys to join! If you ever want to join then you're welcome to Kocho-senpai!"

"I'll keep your offer in mind."


When Tomoe went to the roof today to eat lunch and relax with Kyoya, she didn't expect Ryohei to be there as well.

"Ryo-chan?" She blurted out, surprised that he was on the roof talking to Kyoya when she clearly told the incoming first years to avoid the roof and the demon prefect.

"Kocho-senpai!" He shouted happily when he saw her. "I hope you are having an EXTREME day!"

"Y-Yeah I am..." Sweat rolled down her face when she saw Kyoya's mood plummet even more.

He glared at her from behind the unsuspecting boy. 'How do you know this loud herbivore?'

She shrugged. 'He's my friend. Ryo-chan said so himself.'


"Rude. It's not that hard to believe."

Ryohei confusedly looked between the two, wondering how they just communicated without saying any words. He beamed. 'They must be EXTREMELY close friends!'

"So why are you here Ryo-chan?" Tomoe asked, turning his gaze away from Kyoya to the younger boy.

The gray haired boy grinned, pumping his fists up. "I'm here to be EXTREME friends with him!" He pointed at Kyoya and Tomoe's eyes widened.

'Friends with Kyo-chan?!' She wiped the tear forming at her eye. 'To think someone would willingly want to become friends with him! I'm so happy!'

She smiled, giving him a thumbs up. "Please do become extreme friends with him!"

Kyoya growled. "Small animal!"

"Yes I EXTREMELY will Kocho-senpai!" Ryohei replied, smiling brightly.

"Let's have lunch, okay?"

Ryohei continued to bug and hang around Kyoya and Tomoe. The girl was still shocked at how Kyoya began to relent to Ryohei and at how persistent the boxer was.

"He thought I was Hibari Kyoya," Kusakabe explained to Tomoe one day after school, making her laugh as he began to retell the story.

"Haha! You, Kyo-chan? Looks like you might get disciplined for identity theft." Tomoe began to stifle her giggles. "I can't believe he got you two confused. No wonder why he was hanging around Kyo-chan and trying to befriend him."

Kusakabe rolled his eyes. "Kocho-san, please stop laughing at this situation. Hibari-san was already mad enough."

Tomoe waved a dismissing hand. "No way, anyhow, I'm glad that Kyo-chan finally had another friend besides us."

"Another friend?" he repeated before looking down at her in horror and shock. "Do you mean Sasagawa-san?"

She grinned. "Yep. Ryo-chan and Kyo-chan are now friends even if he doesn't admit it." 'Besides, despite how annoyed he was, Kyoya seemed happy to have another person willingly talk to him.'

"Alright! Let's go Tetsu-chan!"

"Go where Kocho-san?"

"To get Ryo-chan to eat lunch with all of us."

"E-Eh? Kocho-san wait!"

"Hey Kyo-chan, I've been wondering about this for a while..." Tomoe trailed off, looking at the running Ryohei from the DC room's window.

"Hn?" Kyoya replied, not looking up from the documents he was working on.

"Why hasn't Ryo-chan been asking you to join the boxing club?"

"The loud herbivore made a deal with me since I helped him out. Now he can't annoy me by joining his club," the boy answered, looking up at Tomoe. "Is he still bothering you?"

Tomoe chuckled, smiling sheepishly. "It's fine, we all know I won't join no matter how many times he asks." She pushed her hair behind her ear, watching as the grey haired boy continued to excitedly run about. "He really rubs onto ya, y'know... So a boxing club with one member only, huh? How interesting."

When Tomoe walked into Kyoya's home unannounced, she didn't expect to see a baby in red clothes sitting on the table.

A baby.

A baby in Kyoya's house.

A baby in Kyoya's house sitting on the table.

The worst part, the baby looked like Kyoya. Shiny black hair which was in a braid, those similar grey eyes, and the Hibari like features.

She froze, completely and utterly shocked at the sight. When the baby turned to face her she was even more terrified.

'No, no, no, no.'

The baby smiled. "Hello."

'OH MY GOD!!! I shouldn't be too quick to judge and start theorizing that the kid is Kyo-chan's! He might just be a relative! HE DOESN'T HAVE RELATIVES!!! Does he have a secret little brother I don't know about?! Okay okay, calm down... Take deep breaths... Count to three... One... Two... Three... Phew. I know that Kyo-chan does not have any interest in romance and has no concept of the topic, so this child is definitely not his. Besides, he's too young!'

Awkwardly clearing her throat, Tomoe forced a smile, walking up to the child who was staring at her. Tomoe felt like he was assessing her with how calculating his eyes looked, but she shrugged it off. She bent down slightly to look him eye to eye.

"Hello little guy, who are you?" She asked, smiling while she was internally panicking.

The baby smiled back at her. "Fon." 'Do babies normally talk this young? Well he looks to be one or two years old...'

"Alright Fon-chan." His smile seemed to curve in amusement for a moment. "Are you here to see your... big brother?" Fon shook his head. "T-Then your father?" He shook his head again and Tomoe could only sigh in relief. "A relative?"

Fon nodded again and Tomoe stopped bending her knees, standing at her full height. Extending her hands, she carefully grabbed Fon and held him in her arms. "Alright then, I don't know which irresponsible person would leave a kid on his own, but that's a big no-no." She smiled at Fon who was getting cozy in her hold. "Would you like something to eat?"

"Yes please," Fon replied and as Tomoe was about to start walking to the kitchen, the front door slammed open. A few hurried footsteps were heard and Tomoe made eye contact with Kyoya who was glaring.

"Kyo-chan," Tomoe greeted, not knowing she was in fact in danger due to a certain baby in her arms. "You look like you just ran as fast as you could around Namimori and back." She noticed his breathing was a little faster than usual and if you looked closely enough, he looked a little disorganized.

Ignoring Tomoe, Kyoya took out his tonfas, eyes on the baby in her arms. He growled. "Carnivore."

The girl let out a shriek from the unexpected attack, jumping back and rolling over the table onto her feet while keeping Fon secure and protected in her arms. "Kyo-chan what the-?! Why are you attacking?!"

"Let the baby carnivore go, Tomoe," Kyoya replied, still attacking her while she dodged.

"Hell no!" Tomoe shouted back, kicking him in the stomach, sending him crashing against the wall. "Why the hell are you attacking a child Kyo-chan!" She angrily glared at him. "I'm disappointed in you! To think you would attack a baby. You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Kyoya snarled, frowning as bloodlust and anger oozed from his body. He directed his gaze at Fon. "My small animal is mad at me and this is all your fault, uncle."

Fon chuckled. "I'm glad you have a friend, Kyoya."

Tomoe blinked, looking at Fon. "Uncle?"

He innocently looked up at Tomoe, but his eyes were holding pure amusement. "Yes. Kyoya is my nephew."

"Ah I see your nephew- huh?" She looked back and forth between them, eyes wide and in shock. "W-What?! How can a baby be your uncle?! That's not normal at all!" 'What the hell?! I know that this place isn't normal and shit, but this is just too far!'

Kyoya and Fon looked at her with their usual stares. "Hn. He has dwarfism."

"Like hell I'd believe that!" She retorted, feeling like she was losing her mind. "This is clearly not a normal medical condition issue! He's around Arashi's size and he's only a few months old!"

"Would you believe me if I said I was cursed into this body?" Fon questioned and Tomoe groaned.

"That's way more believable." Tomoe looked at Fon from the corner of her eye. 'I'm guessing this is fiction logic?' She sighed again. 'Even after all these years I still don't know what show I reincarnated in. With how weird everything is, I know that I'm in an anime...' She recalled every non-normal thing she'd witnessed in this world. 'Yep, definitely in an anime world, but the question is which one?' Her eyes narrowed as she stared at Fon. 'Man cursed into a baby... This seems familiar to something I heard... Wasn't it-'

"Stop clinging onto Tomoe, carnivore." Kyoya ripped Fon out of Tomoe's grasp, darkly glaring at him for touching his property. This made the girl snap out of her thoughts, watching as Fon got out of Kyoya's grip and landed on the ground with grace.

Fon noticed the meaning behind his nephew's actions, chuckling with a small smile at how protectively he was acting towards his friend. 'I should visit more often.' "Now now, Kyoya, don't get too mad. I just came for a visit today to see how you were doing."

"Hn. Leave."

"You're even rude to your uncle, Kyo-chan," Tomoe commented, looking way more tired than she was when she first entered his house. She looked at Fon. "Would you like to eat miso soup and rice, Fon-chan?"

Fon chuckled, amused at how Tomoe still called him "Fon-chan" despite knowing he was an older man - Kyoya's uncle - yet she still referred to him casually and with -chan. "Yes, that would be nice."

"Tea or water?"

"Green tea please. Kyoya, I'm so glad you have a nice lady friend."

"Leave already!"

"Kyo-chan I swear I'll yeet you out of your own house if you start a fight." 

A/N : I swear Fon is like a sadistic person who will hardcore judge you on the inside but will only voice kind words

I was lazy to write the long scene of how Ryohei and Hibari came to an agreement (aka the boxing) so the interactions between them this chap are short

One more chap until I start following the KHR anime and manga

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