stevepop one shots

By r3nisd34d

5.4K 56 12

a collection of my stevepop one-shots More

christmas fluff
date hc
too early
slide me some skin
protien bar
video games

pink clouds and daiseys

680 9 0
By r3nisd34d

colab work done with bestie @PonyboysCumSock ayyyyyyyyyyyy



"soda!" i called up the stairs and towards his bedroom, "c'mon buddy we gotta get going!"

"i'm coming, i'm coming chill out!" he called back.

he was gonna be the reason we're late for the second time this month. he takes so long with his hair- wait i can't say nothing about that.

my mind kept going all over the place. about sodapop, work, school, our date tonight.. shoot, our date tonight! i forgot about that.

just then, i heard foot steps thundering down the stairs, "okay steve i'm ready to go!"

"shoes," i pointed down at his feet and he nodded.

"right, i'll be right back." he walked back down the hall and grabbed a pair of shoes and slipped them on. he put on his hat and started out the door.

the car ride to the DX wasn't a long one and i was filled with a little bit of conversation. then i remebered our date tonight, "oh soda?"

"yeah?" he looked over at me with his beautiful brown eyes and gave me a slight smile. he put his hand in mine and waited for me to keep talking.

"i forgot about this until this morning, but we had a date planed and i didn't think of anything to do.."

"'s okay steve," he said with another smile, "i've got something planed. just meet me at my house say, around 6:30!" he squeezed my hand just slightly before lifting it up to his face and kissing the back of it. i smiled at him and nodded.

"sounds good to me sunshine," just then we pulled up to the DX and we both got out, going on with our day.


the day went by incredibly slow. the only thing on my mind was the date for tonight. i'm sorta disappointed steve forgot, but he forgets literally everything.

"hey sodapop!" a group of girls came strutting up to the counter.

i held back the urge to roll my eyes and just gave a faint smile. "what's up?" they all started giggling. take my word for it, dating a guy is MUCH easier.

"so you doin' anythin' after work today?" one girl asked. she was smacking on her gum real hard and twirled her hair with her finger.

i smiled to them, knowing they wouldn't be too pleased with my answer. "yeah, hanin' out with good ol' steve over there." i threw my thumb over my shoulder, pointing towards the garage.

a girl near the back piped up, "how 'bout we join you guys? double date maybe?"

i sighed, trying to figure a way to say no. "it's sorta something personal, i don't want anyone else comin'."

they all nodded, clearly showing sorrow, trying to guilt trip me.

with that, the girls all walked out, not even buying anything. steve walked right in past them, rolling his eyes. "what was the excuse this time?" "something personal." i stated. he nodded and smiled, "our shift is almost over you know..." i smiled back it him, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"you have till 6:30 to get ready." "get ready?" i let out a low chuckle, "y'know sharpen up a bit." steve cocked an eyebrow, "we goin' somewhere fancy or somethin'?" i shook my head no. "just dress decent. not in you DX shirt is all i'm asking."

"yeah yeah okay." steve gave me a peck on the lips before walking to the garage and back to working on a car.

i watched as the clock slowly ticked, after each second, and after each minute. i rested my head in the palm of my hand, almost falling asleep. i hardly got any sleep last night since ponyboy had another nightmare he couldn't remember.

"baby," i felt someone's hand on my shoulder shaking me. "soda wake up, our shift is over". i quickly opened my eyes and sat up, looking over at steve. he was staring right back at me with those blueish- green eyes of his.

his face softened a bit, looking at the state i was in. "no sleep last night?" i shook my head no. he gave me and empathetic smile, "well c'mon we gotta go home. it's 5 pm and i've gotta 'sharpen up' for tonight." he said, laughing at the end.

we got into the car and he dropped me back off at home. "see ya later." he said, kissing my cheek as i got out. i smiled and nodded, walking inside the house.

as i walked into the house, i saw pony on he couch reading and johnny sitting on the floor, facing towards the tv, between my brother legs.

pony heard the door shut and he looked up at me. johnny following in his foot steps.

"hey soda!" pony smiled up at me and waved.

"hey pony, johnny," he nodded at me before turning back to the tv.

"i'm going out with steve at 6;30, darry'll be home around 7 or 8. make sure you have you're homework done 'fore he gets home."

"kay soda, have fun with steve," he smirked and went back to reading his book. i rolled my eyes and johnny looked up at me with a confused look.

see, pony was the only one i told and steve and i. the others didn't really know and i didn't intend on telling them any time soon.

i walked to my room to change. i put on a white t-shirt, my dark blue jeans and a red flannel. i walked to the bathroom and grabbed my hair comb. i combed my hair back the way i always do and walked out into the kitchen. i grabbed a picnic basket i had made up the night before and a red blanket from the hall closet. then i walked out to the front porch.

after a few minutes, i saw steve pull up in his old run down car. i smiled at my boyfriends big smiled and i got into the passenger side door.

"hey steve," i smiled at him as i put the basket in the back and leanded over to give him a quick kiss.


"hey steve," soda smiled at me and put a picnic basket and red blanket in the back, giving me a quick kiss after.

"hey baby, where are you taking me tonight," i smirked at him and put a hand on his knee.

"technically you're driving. but we're gonna drive about 30 minutes out of down and there's this small wooded area that no one is ever at so we can head over there."

"sure thing babe," i turned to face away from soda and kept my hand on his knee, pulling out of the driveway and asking him for directions every now and again.

as i was listening to soda throw directions here and there, i put the pieces together of what our date is gonna be.

"so it's a picnic." i stated, looking away from the road for a minute. he smiled, and bit his bottom lip, stopping himself from smiling real big. i laughed as he nodded.

"alright, turn right here." i turned onto some gravel that was in place of a parking lot. there were no other cars here expect us, just like soda said there would.

i got out of the car and sodapop grabbed the basket from the backseat. i stood in front of the car admiring the view. he handed me the blanket so i was carrying something.

"c'mon this way." he grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, and swayed our arms slightly.

we walked in comfortable silence until he brought us to a stop, not too far into the woods. when you look up, there were no trees so you could see the sky perfectly.

i grabbed the basket out of his hands so soda laid could lay out the red blanket on some area that was flat.

soda sat down and patted a spot next to him, motioning for me to sit too.

i sat crisscrossed siting directly next to him, because he then laid down, resting his head on my lap. he looked up at me and smiled.

"you have pretty eyes." i felt my cheeks flush a bit, which caused soda to smile more. "you have a pretty smile." i told him. he fixed his hair, shooting me his movie star smile and winked.

i couldn't help but smile at his goofiness. "do you just wanna sit an' talk for a few minutes?" i asked him. he nodded.

"what're your plans for the future?" "what?" he sounded taken by surprise. "well i don't expect ya to have everything planned out, but we're 17, you've gotta have somethin' planned." he let out a sigh.

"hopefully darry'll be able to afford both him and pony so i could move out if i wanted. maybe start a family, have kids." i nodded along to what he was saying, running my fingers threw his hair.

"hopefully it's with you." he whispered, looking straight at me. i looked back at him, admiring his looks, his perfectly defined jaw and his lively and dancing brown eyes.

i noticed he was blushing and so was i. "yeah. me too." i whispered back. he slid on hand on my cheek, and sat up, pressing his lips against mine. i kissed him back right away. his soft lips slowly gliding against mine.

i placed a hand at the back of his head, and my other on his shoulder, sliding it down to his hip.

i felt him smile in the kiss and i couldn't help but smile too. soda'll make anyone and everyone smile just by looking at them. it really was a nice feature of his.

he pulled back, giggling a bit. "you wanna eat now?" his posture was more relaxed and he no longer looked like he was lacking sleep. i smiled to him, and nodded. "sure what'd you pack?" he reached for the picnic basket and sat it in between us.

"it's not much, especially since it's supposedly dinner," soda opened the basket and grabbed sandwiches, the basic picnic meal. i didn't mind, i liked them, plus i was with sodapop so that's all that matters.

we sat there talking and eating for roughly forty minutes. it usually doesn't take us that long to eat, but we kept stopping so we could talk.

"i've never had a picnic before. only seen the ones in the movies." i said after swallowing. sodapops eyes widened. "you're kidding?" "nope." he opened his mouth in shock. "well i hope this one lives up to your expectations." he joked.

we watched the sun slowly go down, changing from a bright blue, to orange and pink, even making the clouds pink.

we decided to head home, my watch said it was about 7:30 so it wasn't too late. i was disappointed that the date was over. i interlaced my fingers with his as we walked back towards the car after packing up everything.

we got in the car and i started the engine. soda placed his hand on my thigh rubbing it slightly, "i hope you liked the date." "i loved it, a lot. thank you." i turned towards him, pecking his cheek.

we rode home and talked up a storm almost, there was no need for the radio. tonight did live up to my expectations. i pulled into the driveway of the curtis house expecting soda to say goodbye and walk inside.

"our date isn't technically over yet." "it's not?" he smiled shaking his head.

i opened my car door and got out, standing by soda waiting for him to tell me what to do. he grabbed my arm and pulled me up the porch steps. he opened the door and we see the whole gang sitting in the living room.

darry was sitting in his arm-chair reading the news paper, dally and johnny were sitting next to each other on the couch while watching tv, ponyboy was sitting on the floor reading a book in front of johnny and two-bit was on the floor watching tv and sipping on a beer.

dallas was the first one to notice us when we walked in, "hey soda an' steve. what's happening?"

i didn't know what to say so i looked over at soda, he smiled, "hey dal! uhh steve and i were just out and we were just about to go upstairs and hang out an stuff. ya dig?" dallas nodded and waved us along. soda waved to the rest of the gang and then started walking up to his room, i followed him while doing so.

when we got to his room, he shut the door and pinned me to it within seconds, "s-soda," i breathed out as he licked and sucked on my neck. he started to trail light kisses up my neck and to my lips. he pressed his lips on mine as my hands found their way to his hair.

i pulled his head away from me and looked into his eyes.


steve let out a low growl and leaned towards soda's ear and said quietly, "so this is what you had planned, huh baby?" steve's grip on sodapop's hair tightened and soda whimpered in responce, "that's what i thought," steve let go of the younger boy's hair and pushed him lightly towards the bed.

soda go the message and crawled on to the bed, taking off his shirt and then reaching for his brown-eyed boyfriend's shirt. steve let him take it off before leaning down to the blonde and leaving hickey's all along his neck and chest.

"steve c'mon stop teasing!" steve bit down on soda's neck once again and the younger boy let out a shocked moan, "a-ah~ c'mon i want you in me steve" the blonde cried out breathlessly.

steve moved down a bit and unbuttoned and unzipped sodapop's jeans, pulling them all the way off. the blonde was left in nothing but his boxers. he looked up at his boyfriend and smiled sitting up.

steve looked down at his boyfriend with a dazed look. his chest had a light coat of sweat on it, from being worked up so much, his legs were fully exposed to his and were slightly spread out.

"do i look pretty, stsve?" soda looked up at his lover and spread his legs even more, leaning back a bit and arching his back. all the while, keeping eye contact with his boyfriend.

steve nodded and began to unzip his own jeans, "get on the floor baby," he spoke softly to his boyfriend who was still sitting on the bed.

sodapop slid off the bed and onto the floor in front of the dark-haired man. steve got his jeans off and stood up in front of the blonde and looked down at him. he guided the younger's head towards his hips and sodapop reached up and slowly slid off steve's underwear.

when the older males underwear was off, sodapop grabbed the base and pulled the top towards his mouth. soda rubbed the tip of steve's dick on his lips before taking in half of the brown-eyes boy's shaft.

"oh soda! that feels so good baby... so good... keep going please.." steve moaned as sodapop bobbed his head up and down his shaft.

sodapop was starting to runout of breath, even thought he was breathing through his nose. the younger started to pull his head back before feeling a strong hand placed on the top of his head, pushing it down slightly.

"where do you think you're going?" steve questioned as soda's eyes began to well up with tears. sodapop mumbled pleas to let him up, but they were muffled.

steve finally let sodapop pull his head off his shaft and pulled him up by his hair, was that too much for you honey?" steve questioned while letting go of the younger's hair and stroking his cheek. soda shook his head and smiled, "i'm alright."

"good.." steve guided sodapop over to the bed and pushed him down softly. the younger moved back on the bed so his full body was on, before his older boyfriend straddled his hips. steve started to grind down on the younger, making both boys pant.

"steve- mph~ please hurry up!" steve put a hand over his mouth and leaned down to the younger, "soda you have to be quiet baby... you have to be quiet.. or do you want you're brothers and the rest of the gang to walk up and hear you moaning? all because of me?" sodapop shook his head and let his eyes roll back slightly.

steve placed his fingers on sodapop's bottom lips. sodapop got the message and started to suck on his fingers, "good, that's good baby boy... keep going then i can be in that tight little hole of yours," soda moaned in response as steve started to get off of the younger boy, pulling his fingers from his mouth. the blonde whined from the lack of contact, but stopped when steve bent and pushed his legs up to his chest.

"i'm gonna put them in okay baby?" steve placed his fingers at soda's entrance and looked up at the younger to make sure he was okay with that.

"alright," the blonde smiled sweetly at his boyfriend, before moaning in pain as steve slipped his middle finger inside his entrance.

"you okay baby?" the brunet asked while he moved his finger in and out of the younger, to get him used to the feeling.

"yeah i'm alright, it's just been awhile you know?" steve nodded and started to curl his finger up, looking for the blonde's prostate. he finally hit something deep within the younger that made him moan out in pleasure.

"oh steve, right there! right there!" he yelled quietly. the older smiled to himself before slipping his pointer finger in and hitting that same stop again.

after awhile of soda's moans, telling the younger to be quiet, and a lot of talk about what he would to to him, steve was finally done with the teasing. the 17 year old pulled his finger out which left soda feeling empty. steve spit on his hand before rubbing his up and down his shaft. steve moaned from the contacted before placing his top at the younger's entrance.

"you ready baby? you ready for me to be in that tight little hole of yours? i'm gonna make sure you don't walk for a week..." he whispered into his boyfriend's ear. sodapop smiled and nodded to everything his boyfriend asked him.

steve pushed his tip in, the younger male threw his head back in a bit of pain, grabbing onto steve's shoulders. steve moved his hands so they were right beside soda's head, "you okay baby?"

soda nodded, "you can keep going. it's not gonna kill me," steve nodded and pushed himself half way into the younger. stoping every once in a while to make sure his lover was still okay.

once steve was all the way in, he sat for a few moments before sodapop spoke up, "you can move now, sir." steve was taken aback at the name but none the less started to move at a slow pace.

just then a few thundering steps could be heard coming up the stairs. loud knocking was heard on sodapop's bedroom door, "you guys in there?" they both knew it was darry.

"y- yah dar, but we need to be alone right now steve had a hard time with his dad last night," the blonde winced at the feeling of steve's cock, he could feel it pressing against his prostate. soda looked up at his boyfriend who looked terrified.

"alright, sorry to hear that steve. i was just checking to make sure you guys were okay cause i heard some noises. but i'm assuming y'all are alright?" soda looked back at steve and wished his could get this over with.

"yeah we're alright.. it was just a lot worse than it usually is."

"oh i didn't see anything on 'em but it's cool. i hope you're okay steve. i'll get out of your hair," the two boys heard the foot steps go back down the stairs.

sodapop sighed and steve still looked just as scared as he did before. then, steve pulled soda's hair and pulled his face closer to his own. he leaned down to soda's ear and whispered, "this is why i told you to be quiet. you didn't want to get caught and you almost got us caught," the blonde whimpered but steve kept talking, "you're moaning like a slut and they could've heard you. well i'll they'll you, you better be quiet now cause i'm going to pound into you so head you won't walk for a week."

steve started to slowly thrust as soda placed his hand over his own mouth, but steve pulled it away and pinned his hands to the bed, "no baby. you're gonna have to be quiet yourself. i still wanna hear you but- mph~ you don't want them t-to hear you.." steve sped up his thrusts and soda's eyes rolled back into his head.

"please sir, please!" soda cried out as quietly as he could, "i want you to fuck me harder and faster. i want to b-be filled with your cum- uhnn~ right to the brim. please sir!" soda was starting to be a moaning mess as steve found his prostate and started slamming directly into it.

all the slamming into caused steve and soda to become close, "oooh baby~ i'm almost there honey! i'm almost there!" steve cried quietly.

"me too! steve! oh please please please!" steve placed one hand over soda's mouth and the other on his boyfriends dick. he stroked him fatally as soda threw his head back.

"cum. soda cum please baby, i'm not going to last much longer," soda tightened around steve's shaft as he let go and came. his white cum painting across his stomach and chest. steve kept thrusting a little while longer before he came into sodapop.

they stayed like that for awhile before steve pulled out of the younger and watched his cum leak out of his entrance.

"oh that was good baby.. that was so so good," steve smiled down at sodapop who had his eyes closed and was breathing heavily.

steve's arms gave in as he rolled over next to soda, not being able to hold himself up any longer. he laid looking at the brown eyed boy, watching as his breathing became steadied.

soda looked over at steve, smiling at him, eyes full of lust. "we should probably...clean up." steve nodded before getting up, pulling on his underwear. he left towards the bathroom, grabbing tissues to wipe themselves off. steve cleaned both himself and soda, because soda seemed too tired to move.

steve laid back down, as the both of them faced the ceiling, still processing what happened. "did tonight live up to your expectations?" soda questioned. steve let out a low chuckle. "yeah baby, it did." he tunred his body so he was facing soda. they smiled at each other, admiring each other's looks.

without moments of hesitation, soda wrapped his arms around his lover, putting his head in the crook of the brunettes neck. steve placed his hands on sodas back, gently rubbing his hand up and down. the couple stayed like that, pondering their own thoughts. wondering if they both did good, hoping that they could do this again.

soda, assuming steve was about to fall asleep any second, mumbled into steve's neck. but it came out muffled. "what'd you say?" steve whispered. "i love you." steve smiled to himself, pulling the blonde closer to his chest, hugging him tighter. "i love you too baby."

sodapop felt himself blush, at the short sentence he was told. the two laid together, legs tangled under the sheets, arms around each other, head rested in the crook of the neck. they feel asleep listening to the breathing of one another, calming each other down from their high just moments previous.


thank you so much to my lovely lovely good friend for helping me write this. i loved working with you and can't wait to work with hopefully you again, as well as others! i hope you're all having a wonderful day. make sure to eat something and drink some water. thank you so much for the support!! <3

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