Funny Seeing You Here

By -curiouscat2

83.2K 2.4K 533

"I know this reunion's unexpected, but it's past due." After moving to Atlanta with her then boyfriend, Venus... More

Part Two: Welcome to the Party
Part Three: Crème de la Crème
Part Four: I Don't Clear Up Rumors
Part Five: Ex's Best Friend
Part Six: Doctor Harlow
Part Seven: Harlow the Whore
Part Eight: Birthday Boy
Part Nine: Q&A
Part Ten: L.A
Part Eleven: Pandora's Box
Part Twelve: Lurking
Part Thirteen: Reunion
Part Fourteen: Birthday Girl
Part Fifteen: Morning After
Part Sixteen: That's What They All Say
Part Seventeen: Q&A 2
Part Eighteen: Together
Part Nineteen: In Love
Part Twenty: Family

Part One: Dear Jackman

8.2K 159 18
By -curiouscat2


Venus S. Bishop: The Muse
Aka Vee

Ig: imvenus
Spam: buttercup13
Twitter: imvenus

Jackman T. Harlow: The Casanova
Aka Jack

Ig: jackharlow
Spam: missionaryboi
Twitter: jackharlow

Sunshine I. Porter: The Og Best Friend
Aka Sunny

Ig: rayofsunshine
Spam: bad.bitch87
Twitter: sunny.girl3

Amala Z. Dlamini: The New Best Friend
Aka Doja Cat, Mala

Ig: dojacat
Spam: phat_b00bs69
Twitter: dojacat

Montero L. Hill: The Matchmaker
Aka Lil Nas X

Ig: lilnasx
Spam: metro.7n
Twitter: lilnasx

Loose Era (2018)
Copy of Letter 1

Dear Jackman,

Please don't get mad! I accidentally read some of your lyrics. I know you don't like showing me your stuff until it's ready, but you left your book open and I took a peek. Do you write about me often? I'm your inspiration huh? I can already hear you telling me not to let it get to my head, but it's too late! Anyways, I like what you have so far. Like a lot. I can't wait to actually hear it. I know you're gonna make it big someday. I can already see it now; Grammy award winner, platinum records, world tours. I'll be right by your side cheering you on boo. Love ya!

I know writing letters is old school, but I'm an old soul so please write back :)

Much love,

Copy of Letter 2

Dear Jackman,

I've packed the last boxes finally! I still haven't told my parents that I'm moving, and I don't think I am. I know they're gonna say it's not gonna work out and that I'll come crawling back home. I know it's not gonna happen though. I'll be driving down to ATL at the end of the month. Hopefully you get this before I get there. I'm extremely nervous, you know. Moving eight hours away to a completely new place with my boyfriend at nineteen is a little impulsive of me don't you think? Well you know me, I live for adventure! By the way, you better find time to write to me when you're on tour! I know it's only a month, but still. I'll miss you a lot. Love you handsome.

Beaucoup d'amour,

Copy of Letter 3

Dear Jackman,

You haven't written me in a while. I understand you're busy, but you promised. You don't even text me anymore. I've seen videos of you performing, you look like you're having the time of your life, which makes me happy. I can't help, but feel as if I'm holding you back. Maybe it's just me being insecure I don't know. When you get back, maybe we can talk about us. Anyways, I might quit my job. The hours are shit and the pay shit. I hardly get called in anyways. I'm trying to stick through it until I find something else. I've also been thinking about getting a cat, it'll keep me company. I can't wait for you to come back.

Miss you,

Letter 4

Dear Jackman,

I don't know why I'm writing a letter I'll never send. I guess it's just so I can get my feelings out. You broke up with me in the worst possible way. It's almost as if you wanted to break my heart. I asked you before if you were sure that you wanted to continue dating and have me move with you, and you said yes to both. Not only that, you broke up with me a day before my birthday. What the hell happened to you? I'm just hoping it's because you're young and dumb. I hope you treat the next girl you're with better than me. Maybe by then you'll have matured a little bit. Also thanks for just leaving me high and dry. Love struggling so much to the point where I might get evicted if I don't find a roommate soon. I bet you're happy that you don't have me holding you back anymore, now you can freely flirt with other bitches. Oh wait, that didn't stop you before. Asshole.

Hate you,

Confetti Era (2019)
Letter 5

Dear Jackman,

I haven't "written" you in a while. I was doing so good, but my curiosity got the better of me. It's oddly comforting that you still write songs about me. I'll be honest, Sunday Night made me cry a little so fuck you for that. I guess the breakup was hard on you too. I'm glad you didn't hit me up, I either would've went back to you or cussed you out. Hm, yelling at you would've probably made me feel better. A part of me misses you still. I miss laying next to you, I miss hearing your laugh, your stupid jokes. I miss talking to you. But I've moved on, I had to. Being hung up on you wasn't good for me. My sister always said that first loves are the hardest, but fuck was that an understatement. I lost weight, I couldn't sleep without dreaming of you. I had to block you on everything so I wouldn't be tempted to check on you. Like I said my curiosity got to me, you're growing facial hair now. It suits you. You just keep getting cuter and cuter. Do you ever wonder if things could've turned out differently? I'm not sure what I could've done different, I feel like I was a good girlfriend... I probably could've flown out during your first tour. I don't know, I feel like us not being together was meant to happen, and I've come to terms with it. I'm glad you're doing what you love. I'm happy you're happy.

Best regards,

I told you, you'd make it big

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