Defrost my heart

By AkakuRed

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'I'll gift you a romance that every girl desires, but few get to live.' Tyler once said... He didn't lie, but... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 : Part 1
Chapter 6: Part - 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 (Final)

Chapter 32

21 5 25
By AkakuRed

Rose's POV
"Rose, wake up!" I heard a childish voice say.
Frightened, I wiped back, keeping my eyes closed. I started to panic.

''Rose... I'm not one of those who did you harm," the voice tried to reassure me.
I shook my head.

''Come on," I was now grabbed by my shoulder and shaken lightly, "It's me, Lina!"
Slowly I opened my eyes, it took a while until I could see clearly again, but I recognized the silhouette of Lina. Her long blond hair fell over her shoulders. She smiled at me.

''Rose, you had another bad dream. You were crying," she wiped something wet off my face.

I was lying on the bunk bed in our room. We didn't exactly have a nice room; we only had the bare essentials. A double bed and two desks so we could do our homework.

The walls were white, and the floor was wood. Our beds had a hard mattress, a light blanket, and a rugged pillow. A small dresser where we could store our few clothes was next to our loft bed.

"What were you dreaming about?" she asked.
She climbed the last steps of the ladder and sat down cross-legged in front of me. Slowly I sat up and did the same.

Lina looked at me expectantly, but then she remembered.
"Oh, wait."

She took the notebook and the pen, which were under my pillow, ''Here ... now you can show me what you dreamed about. You can even draw it for me," she put them on my lap.

I brushed my hair out of my face and began to write. I couldn't write correctly yet, but I did my best. Lina taught me so we could communicate.

The tears escaped my eyes. I couldn't speak even though I wanted to so much. When I finished writing, I gave her my notebook.

She read it carefully, ''I was dreaming about my mother and her boyfriend. Don't worry, Rose. We are safe here. Neither Tim nor Alex nor your mother can hurt you here."

I shook my head. They were going to get me, no matter what. Lina gasped and raised her hand thoughtfully.
"She can't get you back; I'll do everything I can to prevent that," she assured.
I looked at her for a long time before lowering my head in discouragement.

''Rose, how about this... Let's get out of here and go somewhere far away from where no one knows us and where we can start over. Isn't that great?" Lina now suggested.

I lifted my head curiously, then I nodded.
It would be great. ''Yey," Lina sighed.

She threw herself backward on the bed and put her arms under her head, grinning contentedly, ''How nice it would be. Just to be far away from the people. To a place where no one knows us." A slight pause followed before she continued, "Where we can live peacefully. Have a future. We could ... go to a big city ... Or although, no. Rather in a farm! We will have the best cows, the best barley, the best ... though ... Cleaning up the cow shit won't be fun, then we'll always stink," she wrinkled her nose; I had to smile, "Well, we don't have to smell good either."

I nodded to her statement and then laid down next to her.
"And then I will teach you to speak again. You will have the most beautiful voice in the whole world. Then we'll make you a singer. And all the bad people who have silenced you will always hear you. You'll show them that you made it," she looked at me, "That sounds good, doesn't it?"

I nodded again.
''We'll wait until I'm 14 and you're 10, then we'll do it," we swore and fell asleep together.

For days we planned our escape, although we still had a few years ahead of us. We painted our new home, our own farm, the barns, and the most beautiful flowers that will ever exist. I couldn't wait to finally turn 10. I finally had a goal.

But ... not even two weeks passed, Lina had become different. She cut herself off. Whenever I asked her, she blocked me.

One night, I couldn't sleep; I stared at the bare ceiling and tried to calm down. However, then I heard noises; I watched Lina get up and go out.

I followed her.
With every step I followed her, my heart beat faster. Because she was going to the roof. Lina didn't even turn around, and she looked determined.

But when she opened the door to the roof, she was in doubt. She was standing at the threshold.
I wanted to call for her, but my voice just did not come out.

Not even at such a time, because it seemed very important to me to have a voice now. Faster I stepped to her, but she went further out. The door slammed shut.

I ran over to the door and opened it. Lina was not to be seen at first, but then I caught sight of her. She was standing on the edge, staring up at the sky.

I tried to make myself noticed, but somehow I was invisible.
I took my notepad and started writing.

I walked closer to her and then stomped my feet loudly, but she still didn't seem to hear me. I was afraid that if I touched her, she would get scared and fall.

It seemed impossible to talk to her. But then, all of a sudden, she turned to me.

''Don't worry... I heard you, Rose," she looked at me, her blue eyes glazed over, crying. I held my notepad in front of her.

"No, I won't come down," she said bitterly. Again I began to write.

Please, Lina! Let's talk.
''No, Rose! It's no use. The only way down... is this way," she pointed her finger at the asphalt below us.
Panic overcame me, 'Come down from there,' I wrote desperately.



''Rose, isn't it bad? Look at you. You can't even speak anymore. You've been abused to the point, you can't even talk. And now ... you're writing your fingers to the bone. Isn't that unfair?"

'Please, Lina! LIVE!'


''I don't want to anymore. I have been adopted four times, and I have always fallen into the wrong hands. I haven't been abused so badly that I can't talk anymore like you, but ..." cold air blew around us, and I felt the cold inside me. How it crept up, or was it the fear that just started to engulf me? I got goosebumps.
''My soul hurts. I haven't had a heart for a long time."



''No, Rose. I overheard a conversation... last week... your mother is about to get you back. I immediately stood up and said that you can't leave because they will kill you," she looked at the floor.

In shock, my notebook fell out of my hand. So I'm being sent back to hell? My heart stopped.

''Do you know what the woman from Child Welfare Services said to me? She told me that she doesn't care what happens to us. And ... that I was just jealous because nobody wants to adopt me anymore. You're supposed to go back next month," she said.

No. It can't be true.

''I went to the police today, but they didn't take me seriously either," she sighed. For me... She got to the extent... to even visit the police?

''We are living beings on this earth who are never taken seriously. We are children who were thrown away by our parents. We were not wanted. That's why no one will ever take us seriously." Her words were very close to my heart. My eyes were filled with tears, so I almost didn't recognize anything.

'I take you seriously.'

Lina stared at that note for a long time. She sobbed softly, ''Rose, I really appreciate it. But you'll be back with your mom next month," she rubbed her eyes, "You're going to suffer again, and I can't even save you from that."

My heart which was racing much too hard and much too fast, was hurting a lot. I was so afraid that I would have to go back to my mother. But ... even if. Lina, what are you going to do? The fear of losing Lina was greater than that of going back to my mother.

Although both were bad for me. I wanted at least one of us to live. And I wanted it very much for Lina.

''I will be alone again. I don't know what will happen to you... What they will do to you ..... maybe you will forget me too or even worse, leave me forever. But, rose, when you're gone, I have no one left. I have no purpose anymore.", she took a deep breath.

I wanted to scream so everyone could hear us. So that someone could help. I tried, but I just couldn't. My injured body, my swollen vocal cords, were still too weakened. Slowly I approached her.

''Rose, don't come too close. Otherwise, I'll jump right away," she warned.

Howling, I held onto my chest. I then rubbed desperately through my hair. What am I going to do???

'Please,' I pleaded. My pen broke off.

''It's better this way, too.''

No. It is not! I tried to pick up the lead and write with it. But it didn't work.
"It's useless. Nobody can take away my decision. I hope that nothing bad will happen to you with your mother," she murmured. I bit my finger hard until it bled.


I cried and cried, Lina, read through everything, and she also cried hard.

''Rose, please don't make this difficult for me. I have been thinking for a long time. I don't have a family, and I don't want to be alone and suffer anymore. I want to be free; that's what I hope for," she whispered.

I was just about to start writing when Lina moved. She wanted to let herself fall, but I was able to grab her.

''L...i...n...a", I pressed out forcibly; I tasted blood when I pronounced it.

Lina looked at me proudly with wide eyes.
"Wow... You have a beautiful voice, Rose. I'm glad to hear it."

She slipped and fell, but again I was able to grab her, both of us dangling from the edge. I with my upper body and she with her whole.

''Rose. I don't want to die. But I-I just ... want to be free." I shook my head.

''L....I...VE!" now I was spitting blood.
"Stop it, Rose."

She tried to slide away from me again, but now I grabbed her arm with both hands.

''Thank you, Rose. Thank you ... for not leaving me alone."

She freed herself from my grip. Everything seemed to me as if in slow motion. I fell with her; I tried to grab her again.


At the same time, I stretched out my arm.
''ROSE! Calm down; everything is fine. I'm here!" Dean's voice brought me back to reality.

''Dean," I mumbled.
It took me a long time to realize that I was home.
''Yes," he sighed. I started to cry. This dream ... no, this memory. Was bad.

...After I took a shower, I spent some time with my family until I went to sleep with Dean up in my room. When we laid down, I must have fallen asleep right away.

But this memory... really made everything inside me quiver.
''It took a really long time until I had calmed down to some extent.
"Did I wake you up?'' I mumbled.

''It doesn't matter. I slept well thanks to you, it's already 10 o'clock in the morning, so it's even good to be awake now," he pointed at the window to show me that it was already light.
''10 o'clock?" I asked.

''Yes, I haven't slept so well and for so long in a long time," he smiled and put his hand on my shoulder, ''But it looks like someone didn't have that luxury," he murmured.

He looked at me and then leaned back.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he inquired.
''I ... had ... remembered a friend," I sighed sadly.
"The one from France?"

I nodded.
"That must have been ... a bad dream."
''Unfortunately, this dream... was real,'' I looked at my hands and remembered my bloody finger. If only I could have talked earlier.

"She'll be fine," he assured me. At first, I thought he didn't know she was already dead, but when I looked into his eyes, I knew he knew.
''She's watching you from above, and I'm sure she wants you to be okay."

I nodded to his statement.
Maybe that's what she wanted.
"That must have been bad."

I nodded.
"Yes, it was."
''Why did you shout?" he asked cautiously.
"I wanted to reach for her. And ... save her. Even though I could never have saved her," I remembered that when I reached for her again, she had panicked. She didn't want me to die, so she pushed me away from her. Just before the impact, she moved me in the bushes, they cushioned my impact a bit, and I only had my arm was broken and a few bruises. Lina, unfortunately, had not survived all this.

Dean wiped away my tears again, ''I can't imagine how bad it was. But I'm sure she wants you to remember the good times and not this incident."

''This is a little hard," I sighed.
He nodded, "I believe you. But we are here, and we won't leave you alone."
''Unfortunately, she didn't have that. I was useless at that time," I mumbled.

Dean didn't say anything at first, but that was good. Because at the moment, no words could comfort me.
''I think .... you were a great help after all... but unfortunately it was hard for her... Of course, you can never see into other people's heads, but maybe she saw that as a last resort. Maybe she couldn't live like that, but for you, she saw a future."

Sammy, lying between us, now made himself known by coming onto my lap and snuggling up to me.
"Death is not a solution."
''That's what I want you to say," Dean clapped his hands, "That's why we have to live and enjoy life."

Sammy agreed. I looked at his leg and then gently stroked his brave wound.

"You're right about that."
But it was hard.
The door was opened, Mika entered with a tray filled with food and drinks.

''Good morning, my sleepyheads. I hope you slept well," she sang happily. Dean looked at me sadly, but I put on a smile again.

"Yes, we did. Thank you."

"We were about to come to the living room," Dean confirmed with a sigh.
"Nonsense, you still have to recover. Yesterday was a bad day. And your bullet wounds didn't heal overnight," she rebuked.

We both nodded.
''Today there is no school, your friends want to come. Hani and Tiffany are looking forward to seeing you again, Rose," she approached us and put the tray on our laps.
"Thank you," I mumbled.
''You're welcome." Then she placed a kiss on my forehead, ''I'm glad you're finally home. We were all really worried."

I hugged her and smiled. Mika really gave me everything I wished for. Love, consideration, and strength; she was just incredible.
''I missed you," I admitted.
"I missed you much more, my angel. Eat, my beautiful ones."

She sat down next to us and told us about her plans. Mika was utterly excited and happy, and her energy penetrated through to us.

After our meal, we went to change and freshen up. It didn't take long before Hani and Tiffany arrived.

''ROSE" they both shouted. They literally jumped on me and crushed me.
''We missed you so much," Hani cried.
''I missed you, too," I whispered and crushed them, too.

The doorbell rang again; Sophia, Tyler, and Bryan were standing in front of it.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Tiffany screamed.
"NOOOOO!" Hani chimed in.
''We are not going to give Rose to you. She is coming with us now. We need time with her alone. So, soon to be Mrs.Mayer, we are going to kidnap Rose now. Any objections?'' Tiffany asked.

Mika started to laugh while the others stared quizzically at Hani and Tiffany.

''No objections,'' Mika then agreed.
Jin, Noah, Dean, Jason, and Caleb were already in the living room.

I had already greeted them. But I hadn't seen Bryan for a long time. Finally, he smiled at me and stepped towards me. Then we took each other in our arms, even though Hani and Tiffany didn't like it.

''What a pleasant surprise. It was about time you came back! Even Dr.Florance missed you," laughing, he ruffled through my hair and then gave me a kiss on my cheek.
"Oh really? For a doctor to miss me..."
''Well, he was worried. So was I."
"Ehem. You can talk next time. Now let's go," Hani pulled me away from Bryan and gave him a nasty look.

''Come on, Rose, we are out of patience," Tiffany agreed.
''And what about Sophia?" I asked.
"NO! Sophia saw you first yesterday, and she stopped us from coming because of a certain person," Tiffany hissed; she looked at Sophia reproachfully. Then she gave Tyler a piercing gaze.

Oh, now I know who the other accomplice is! Now my hunch was confirmed; Sophia was also an accomplice of Tyler.
She looked sadly at the ground, but Hani and Tiffany had no mercy.
I put on my shoes and then was taken by the two.

"Where are we going?"
''We are going to Tiffany's place," Hani looked at me with a grin, "No one will bother us there."

Dean's POV
"Shall we play a game?" Noah asked the group. We were all sitting in the living room after the 'kidnapping' of ROse.

''Yeah, how about cards?" Jason suggested.
''Good idea," Caleb agreed.
"So, that's it. I'll go cook for all of us," Mika clapped her hands and smiled broadly; she seemed happier than ever before, ''I think it's great to always have a full house. So nice,"

''Mom, do you want me to help you?" Jin asked.
''No, no, you go ahead and play," she declined gratefully.
''But I want to help," I said and stood up.
''Dean, you don't have to do that. Your friends are here because of you, so stay with them, okay?"
"Then at least let me help set the table," I suggested.
She nodded, then I sat back down again.

Bryan got the cards, and then we started playing. Of course, we all fooled around a bit and bickered while playing, but it was pretty funny all in all.

"What's taking them so long?" Noah muttered in the middle of the game break; he was wondering about Rose.
''Oh, they'll be back later," Mika came over to us.
"Where are they?"
"They're at Tiffany's house, and I'm sure it will do them good."
''That's unfair. I wanted... too," Sophia sighed sadly.
''Pff. It doesn't matter. You're better here with us anyway," came Tyler's comment, after which he received a slap from Sophia.

''It's all your fault. If only I hadn't helped you," she pouted.
''Come on, Sophie," he tried to calm her down, but she got up and disappeared.
''You did a great job, Tyler," Noah commented sarcastically.
''Oh my goodness, I was just about to call you to set the table because dinner is ready. And now this," Mika looked at us disappointedly.

''I'll go get her," Jin got up without waiting for an answer and went in the direction Sophia went.
''I'll go too," Noah said, but Mika stopped him.
"I think Jin can handle it," she smiled knowingly.
''Come on.''

She scurried us all over to the kitchen, where we set the dining table and then waited for the other two.
It took a while for both of them to come back, but I have to say.

Sophia's mood was better now.
It was obvious, after all, it was her beloved Jin who was by her side.
Everyone knew she had a crush on Jin.
I used to think he was into her too, but something changed.
So... I had a feeling like that.

Well, it's not my concern.
After dinner, Noah, Bryan, Caleb, and Jason helped clear the table. Sophia, Tyler, and Jin were in the living room.

I went over to Sammy and helped him move around a bit and keep him company.
A little later, Tyler came over to me as well.
He apparently left Jin and Sophia alone.
''How are you?" he started to ask.

I sighed and stroked Sammy, who snuggled up to me.
"Your wounds?"
Tyler sat down next to me.
"They don't hurt so much."

''Yeah, I honestly don't feel the bullet wounds. It's this pressure on my neck. Where he strangled me."
Tyler looked at the marks; next, he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"He'll pay for this," he hissed.
"You think so? So far, only corpses have been found, and he's still on the loose."

"I know, it's all really fucked up. The guy is a miserable bastard, but he knows what he's doing. That's why the police need some time."
"I just hope they don't take too much time,'' I sighed yet again.
''I hope so too..."
"But don't worry, Dean. I'm here for you," he assured.

''Thank you, Tyler."
"You're welcome. Are you still having bad dreams?"
''Well... I have bad dreams from time to time; the worst part is... when I close my eyes ... I see him in front of me."

"And I don't see him normally in front of me. I see him right where I had him. Where I stuck the knife in his leg. And I always imagine, no, I always accuse myself, that I could have ended everything," I paused for a moment.

"I could have ended it all. If I had the knife somewhere else-."
''DEAN!" Tyler tightened his grip and pulled me to him.
"Don't ever think like that again! You must never think like that again. You are not a murderer!"
He looked at me with encouragement, ''You are not a murderer," he repeated.

''I... I'm sorry. I just wanted to say what I was thinking about."
"There's nothing wrong with that, but I just don't want you to think that way after this."
There was silence for a long time. Somehow I was ashamed to have said these thoughts out loud.
"Sorry, I'm not like Rose. I'm not so good at comforting with words."
''You really suck at this," I now agreed with a laugh.

"Hey," he playfully punched me in the chest with his fist.
"Thanks to Rose, I was able to sleep properly today."
''Yeah, yeah, I only allow you to do that because you're miserable. Otherwise, I would never let you sleep with her on the same bed," he hissed.

"I don't need your permission for that. She's not yours."
''But... very soon," he said firmly.
Suddenly he looked at me uncertainly, "I hope so. I really hope she gives me a chance. I love her, and I want to have her at last. But I'm afraid someone will take her away from me."

Wow. This is the second time I've seen him so unsettled.
''And it took you so long to finally find out that you love her?" I asked mockingly.
"Is that the old Dean coming out?"
"Shut up, you moron..."

Tyler started to laugh, "Do you think it took me too long? I honestly knew that for a long time. I just couldn't really say it out loud."
''You're always looking for excuses," I sighed.
But I didn't want to talk about it, so I changed the subject.
"Today, Rose had a nightmare."
Tyler looked at me questioningly.

" wasn't really a nightmare, but she remembered something from the past. She was crying for a really long time."
''What did she remember?''
"The suicide of her friend."
I swallowed hard, ''She was screaming desperately and holding out her arm as if she wanted to get her back. Then I tried to wake her up. And she said she wanted to reach for her. Wanted to save her," I looked at the floor.

Tyler clenched his hand into a fist.
"That must have been bad."
''She's been through a lot of terrible things in her life, and she needs to get some closure. But, unfortunately, as long as Tim is free, she will never have closure. And I won't be able to close..."
''He will be caught-," Tyler tried to say.

Except I raised my hand, ''Yes, but he is not caught yet. Listen, I don't want to tell you what to do. Yet, give Rose some time. I know you; when you want something, you want it right away. But I'm pretty sure Rose's got a lot on her plate right now. With her mother's death, Alex living a life he should never have. With the death of her friend, her being abused, raped, kidnapped again, shot, and then dealing with the lunatic on the loose. The school and the girls who can't stand her and ... Yes, us too, because we weren't exactly kind to her. She can't worry about 'love' now too," I tried to explain to him what I was thinking, and Tyler seemed to understand.

But also, somehow not.
''I will get these thoughts away from her."
''Isn't that wrong?" I continued, ''If you make her not think about these things, she will never be able to close this chapter of her life. She has to let her thoughts run free and not always stop forcibly because of us."

Again I sighed, "I just don't think Rose is capable of having a relationship right now."
Tyler sighed and clenched his hand into a fist.
"I don't mean that in a bad way. I just want the best for you and for Rose. And I don't want you to hurt each other."
"She wouldn't hurt me."

"I know. She definitely won't hurt you on purpose. But you can't know that she loves you, too. What if someone else comes along and does the exact same thing you did. Harass her and make her think only of him. You can't blame her then either if she can be with someone else then."

Tyler looked at me, offended, "I'm not bothering her."
I rolled my eyes.
"Dean, I know what you mean. I understand what you're saying. I just don't want to lose her to someone else. That's why I've been trying to speed things up."

''I know, but she's not going to run away now; she's with us. And I just advise you to control yourself and give her some time."
"I can control myself."
''Come on! I heard you yesterday," I hissed.
"WHAT? You were eavesdropping on Rose and me? Oh my god, you pervert."

"What do you mean? I heard you and Mika, your plans, you idiot! Oh god! You moldy clod! You were bothering Rose? I knew it!" I stated angrily.
Tyler blushed slightly and laughed softly, "Haha, oops."
''I'll protect Rose from you, you lecher."
''Come on, Dean. You can't forbid your best friend from having a love of his life."
"You creep! I won't let you do it anymore."
Sammy also started growling at Tyler.

We both looked at him reproachfully.
''Pah. You creep!"

Rose's POV
They took me to the house. I correct to the mansion of Tiffany! There were guards everywhere in front of her estate, and they all bowed low when they spotted Tiffany.

''Wow," I muttered, intimidated.
''Don't worry. Don't think wrong. It's just my grandpa's way," Tiffany grabbed me and pulled me inside the villa.

Without much of a detour, she led me around briefly and then straight to her room.
''So..." They jumped on me and hugged me tightly.
"Here we are undisturbed."
''Definitely," I agreed. No one will ever get in here so quickly.
''Which organization are you in?" I asked jokingly.
''Yakuza," Tiffany answered thoughtfully.

I looked at her with wide eyes in shock. Then the two of them started laughing.

''It was just a joke. Don't be so shocked."
''Wow, I really believed that..." I mumbled.
"Never mind... Rose, tell me what Tyler did to you yesterday," Hani wiggled her eyebrows.
''Sophia stopped us yesterday because of Tyler. So we know the half of it," Tiffany explained.
I looked at her in silence for a long time, but then I briefly told them what was going on.

''And what was your answer?"
''I haven't given him an answer yet," I mumbled.
''You're making the bad boy wait for a long time," Tiffany teased.

''Well, I have a lot on my mind at the moment."
''You're right," Tiffany agreed, but Hani interfered.
"NO! That's not okay. Tyler is hot, and it's time-,"
''Keep it down. She doesn't need to worry about that at all. She's not as horny as you are."

"Oh, I'm not," Hani pouted.
"I... I don't know," I said at last, ''I don't know what to feel. Right now, I'm pretty confused."
I took a deep breath, "Besides ... Jin confessed his love to me, too."

I looked at both of them in despair.
Tiffany, pulling Hani's hair, immediately let go of her and looked at me with wide-open eyes.

Hani fell on the floor, and she also stared at me with her mouth open. So, I just started to tell what was in my heart, even speaking about the awkward atmosphere between Jin and me.

''Rose... Please don't blame yourself. This is a complicated thing," Tiffany sighed.
"Honestly. I don't think Tyler deserves you. Jin is more suitable for you," Hani said for the first time after a long silence.
''Hey, hey. That's not for you to decide!'' Tiffany took my hand and looked at me with encouragement, ''Rose. It's a tough situation right now, and besides, everything is still messed up. No wonder you don't know what to feel."

Hani took my other hand, ''Sorry, Tiff is right. But, someday, you will realize yourself if and when you love. Your heart will show you," she smiled at me.
"Thank you," I felt a little more liberated to have finally said this thing.
"I can't believe you ever said anything so wise," Tiffany teased.
''Hey, I have always been wise," Hani looked away indignantly.

Tiffany and I started to laugh.
''That was really good. Rose, Hani is right. Your heart will tell you who is right for you. But now, let's get to the more important things."
We sat up straight again.
"Tell us, how was it in Paris, and did you finally find answers?"
I shook my head, ''Unfortunately, no," I began to talk about my time in France, and then I briefly mentioned the shooting.

''It's crazy..'' Tiffany sighed.
She laid backward on the floor and placed her arms under the back of her head.
At the gaze, Lina came back into my head.

The memory of this morning.
I laid down next to Tiffany and snuggled up to her. Just like I did with Lina in the past.

''We have to find out who is helping this stupid bum," Hani lay down next to me and pressed me against her.
A tear came out of my eyes because I was overjoyed yet, sad that Lina was no longer with us.

I have Hani and Tiffany with me right now. I was not alone, but Lina, who used to lie with me just like this, is dead and alone in heaven.
''I'm sure that's another psychopath," Tiffany muttered.

''He must be, after all, this someone is helping a psychopath," Hani made the remark.
''What do you think, Rose?" they both asked.
They looked at me and then saw my tears.
''Oh my god. Why are you crying?" They sat up worriedly.
''I'm just delighted to have you," I hugged them.
It was quiet for a moment, but then we cuddled again.

''Us too, we love you,'' they both confirmed.
The three of us ordered a pizza and talked a lot. I felt like an ordinary girl who spent a lovely day with her girls for the first time.

We talked about God and the world, made some jokes, and laughed a lot. Until we came back to the subject of school.

''All the girls are terrified. Even Ashley is completely different since the police now have their posts in the school," Tiffany said.
''Yes, that witch Ashley is really strange; she doesn't talk at all and doesn't act like a witch anymore, laughing out loud," Hani started to blaspheme, ''And our teachers are acting strangely; they have become so much stricter."
''Do you think that Ashley might help Tim?" Tiffany asked.

Hani looked at me and then at Tiffany; The three of us started laughing simultaneously.
''That brat? Hahaha, never! She cries when her nail is cracked. As if she can help a psychopath," Hani laughed.
''She may be evil, but even I would never trust her to do that," Tiffany wiped away a tear of laughter.

I stopped laughing, ''But what if she is? She hates me and tried to drown me in the pool," I muttered.
''Dogs that bark don't bite. Ashley is really disgusting and retarded. But she doesn't do that. What does she get out of it? I rather think it's someone from outside. If a nurse has already helped. He picks people who are unstable to lure them in. The nurse didn't have any money. He got her with money. The policeman who brought you the package had a sick mother, and he wanted to give him medicine, which he couldn't get here. This one man who kidnapped you has a sick daughter; he also needed money. So it must be someone who really needs something urgently... Maybe it's a teacher at our school. Mrs.Smiths was abandoned by her husband, and she has really many debts, I heard," Tiffany began to speculate.

Suddenly, I remembered the male nurse, the guy who tried to kill me. Maybe he's helping... Tim.
Oh, god. Or ... no, he saved me after that. Or could it be him?

"We'd better stop. Rose, let's go back to your place. It's already half-past seven," Hani reminded us.
"Good idea, but still, I'll keep an eye on Mrs.Smiths," Tiffany clarified and looked at us with confidence.

''Okay. You've been watching too many detective movies," Hani sighed.
"Pain in the ass," Tiffany hissed.
''Oh, yeah," Hani dug something out of her bag, ''Here you go," she handed me a phone.

''Tiffany and I got you a welcome present. Our numbers are all saved. Even from the guys," Hani winked at me.
"I can't accept something like that."
''Yes, you can. We are always available," Tiffany added.

After a long hesitation, I reached for the phone.
''Thank you,"
Once again, we cuddled.

Then we drove back to my house. Hani and Tiffany accompanied me only as far as my house, then we bid goodbye.

It was really lovely with the two of them, and I hadn't been scared either.
I was about to go to the porch when I heard a voice.

"Excuse me."
I turned around. An elderly lady with a cute little dog was waving at me.

''Hello," I greeted her.
She looked at me kindly and then looked me in the eye.
''I am your neighbor from the other side of the street," she told me.

Then she held out two letters to me.
"I was supposed to give you these."
''Who gave it to you?" I asked.
''I don't know. I had one of them a while ago, and today I got the other one, which reminded me of the first letter and that's why I wanted to give it to you today, so I wouldn't forget again," she said.

''I don't open other people's letters. But, as I said, I got up today and found the letter with a note on it, saying that if I see a girl with long black hair and amber eyes that I should give this letter," she pressed it into my hand.

''I hope it is something positive, going to such trouble to get a letter to a certain person. But, of course, that person must be something extraordinary," she smiled at me affectionately, ''My husband used to write me letters when he was in the army. But, unfortunately, he is no longer with us; he got killed in the war... At least these wonderful letters remained."

I swallowed hard; the woman seemed very friendly and hopeful. But I feared for the worst.
''Nowadays people don't write letters to each other anymore. That's why it's even more special. So open it, child." She was still smiling at me so beautifully. I shakily opened the first letter, but I tried to hide my emotions for the sake of this woman.

'Rose, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I hope you are well... Your phone doesn't seem to work anymore. I would love to see you again. I used to talk to Hani and ask about you, but she wouldn't really tell me much. I hope we can see each other again. If you would like to, please contact me, here is my number XXXXXXXXX, I wish you well. In love John. P.S This is kind of embarrassing...haha well, I hope you at least received my roses.'

I had not expected that.
''How nice, someone has put a smile on your face. The magic effect of letters," the woman turned away.
''I wish you a wonderful evening. Thank you for the letters," I bowed.

You are welcome. Bye," she walked back over to her house.
Smiling, I hugged the letter to me.

That John would do something like this...was really unexpected and sweet. I read the lines a few times and couldn't help but smile.
Then I opened the other letter.
My smile died.

Dear Rose,

It's been a long time since we've seen each other. This must be changed.

If you don't want your beloved father to die. Then .... make it easy on both of us. Go back to school as usual. There we will see each other. Not when you want, but exactly when I want.

Will you take this letter to the police or tell anyone about it.

Then I'll kill your father.

This is not a joke. Okay... let's finish this formally.

Yours sincerely, Tim.

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