Nintey-Nine Bottles

By PandorasMistake

616 21 7

Chrystine Antoinette McIntyre lives a double life. She is the silent, beautiful girl at school who gets good... More

Nintey-Nine Bottles
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter 2

124 6 1
By PandorasMistake

As soon as I stepped into the classroom, everyone looked towards me. There was only five other students, only one of them being another girl. They were all the nerdy, leave-me-alone type and only spared me a few seconds of their time before returning their attention to the teacher. I handed the teacher my tardy slip and took a seat in the back, letting my bag slip to the floor beside me. I pulled out a notebook and a mechanical pencil and started taking notes while the teacher lectured on the first chapter. I let my mind wander back to the incident in front of my locker. That wasn't me; I never did things like that, ever. I barely talked to people, which is why they were so surprised. I felt my chest tighten and my heart began to beat sporadically. Why had I done that? What's going to happen now? I bit my bottom lip and forced the unease aside, taking a few deep breaths. My mind flashed back to the image of Chase almost eating it and I couldn't help but smile again. That was pretty funny considering who he was, and Desiree......that was even better. A small part of me was afraid of what she would do, but it was only a small, miniscule part. I enjoyed knowing I got under her skin, it doesn't happen every day. She was the "It" girl, head skank, top Barbie, plastic bimbo, evil Bit......I mentally slapped myself. Even if it was true, I still don't like calling people that word; it's degrading. And as much as I don't like her, the concept still applies. Desiree Jacobs is the type of girl who gets what she wants, is absolutely gorgeous, and completely ruthless if she feels threatened by someone, especially girls. This is why we've never gotten along. We never used to be friends, and never will be because our personalities, to put it simply, clash. I'm quiet, get good grades, and I'm nice while Desiree is....well, not those things. But that's not why she hates me. She hates me because apparently, I'm just as hot as she is. I'm not blind, I know I'm attractive, but I'm also not vain. I don't care if I'm pretty, and I wouldn't care if I was ugly. I jumped when the bell rang, shocking me beyond belief. Class was over already? I quickly packed up my things and headed out the door, checking to see what my second period class was. AP English, which was on the other side of the school. I put my schedule away and began to walk towards the south wing where most of the senior classes were. As soon as I rounded the corner, the catcalls and whistles started. I ignored them and kept staring straight ahead; I was almost there. I reached out to grab the door handle but my hand was slapped away. Ouch, that actually kind of hurt. I pulled my hand back and turned to glare at the culprit; Desiree. I should have known. I sighed heavily and mentally prepared myself for the stupid things that were about to come out of her mouth.

"Keep your slutty hands off of my Chase!" She hissed. Wow, that really didn't make her sound attractive at all. I bit my tongue and allowed her to just continue.

"Don't think for one second that you have a chance with him, because you don't. You're not attractive at all and you're so not his type." I blinked, becoming slightly confused. Did she realize what she said?

"Let me get this straight: I'm not Chase's type?"

"Yes! And you're not attractive"

I stifled a smirk, opting to raise an eyebrow instead.

"Uh Huh. So if I'm not his type" she opened her mouth but I cut her off, "nor am I attractive" her mouth snapped shut and she smiled smugly, nodding.

 "Then why are we having this conversation? There shouldn't be anything to worry about from what I'm hearing."

Her smile fell and she just glared at me, her blue eyes narrowing to slits. She really knew how to make herself look attractive; NOT. I didn't even flinch when she took a step closer to me, raising her hand as if to slap me. When she did, my head didn't even turn and my eyes didn't water. She stared at me, shocked.

"You slap like a little girl." The words came out before I even thought them. I smirked and looked up at her, my 4 inch heels not doing much to alter my 5 foot height. Yeah, I was short, but I was petite and had the body of a dancer. I flipped my long auburn hair of my shoulder, mocking her. I slightly turned and tilted my head to the left, exposing my cheek to her, my grey-green eyes daring her to hit me again. Her blue eyes widened and she took a step back, glancing around. It wasn't like me to do something like this; I never was this brave. Desiree seemed to realize what she was doing and made a failed attempt to regain her composure.

"There, Bitch. Consider that a warning and just stay away from my Chase." She turned and stalked off, her heels making a ridiculous amount of noise. I shook my head, muttering. Did she have to make that much noise? Just because you're wearing heels doesn't mean it's impossible to walk quietly; I do it all the time. I sighed and walked into the classroom.

            The day went by pretty fast. I had a short break after second period, then I had Calculus, Economics, and a free period for my 3rd, 4th, and 5th period classes. After fifth period I went to lunch, choosing to eat in my car like I always do. The last half of my day was my favorite, and the easiest. I had two periods of P.E. I couldn't wait; I've been looking forward to this class all day. I headed to the girls locker room and began to change. I put on a pair of black cheer shorts, a red spaghetti strapped tank-top, and then a loose, see through white tee shirt that came to just below my chest. After pulling on some red and black argyle styled knee socks, I pulled my hair back into a messy bun. The other girls in my class began to file in as I was stuffing my bag and clothes into an empty locker. A girl came beside me and began to occupy the locker next to mine. I glanced at her; she had medium length black hair that had strips dyed red. She was tall too, maybe almost 6 feet, and she was muscled. She looked very athletic, and dressed sort of like a boy with a baggy athletic tee and loose sweats. She pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail and then proceeded to stuff her clothes and what-not into her locker. I was debating whether or not I should introduce myself when she abruptly turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Can I help you?"

My mind blanked and I stood there a little shocked. I hadn't meant to stare at her, I just wasn't sure if I wanted to introduce myself.

"Well, then I guess that's a relief because for a second there I thought someone had placed a sign on my back or something."

She was smiling and I noticed she had light green eyes that crinkled up when she smiled.  Wait a did she know what I was thinking? Realization dawned on me.

"I said that out loud didn't I?"

She laughed and nodded while I felt my cheeks begin to burn with embarrassment. She extended her hand to me which I shook.

"The names Carolyn Timbolt, but you can call me C.J" She had a slightly deep voice but it wasn't masculine at all and I couldn't help but feel comfortable around her.

"I'm Chrystine McIntyre." We smiled at each other and then headed out of the locker room towards the track where the coach had everyone lining up. C.J and I chatted a little bit about our classes and things we liked, things we hated, and we soon realized that we had a lot in common. After laughing so hard tears were coming out of her eyes, C.J turned me with a wide grin on her face.

"Shorty, I think we're going to be great friends". I couldn't help the goofy grin that spread across my face; I didn't have any friends, so this was a nice change. I suddenly frowned and stopped walking, causing C.J to stop too. I had just registered something she'd said.

"Hey! I'm not short!" I crossed my arms and glared at her teasingly which caused her to collapse into another laughing fit. I pretended to huff and stamp my foot which only made her clutch her stomach from laughing so hard. While I watched her drop to the ground and roll around a pair of muscled arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I stiffened immediately but when I made a move to break free, the arms only tightened, trapping me in place. Whoever my captor was rested their chin on the top of my head as their chest pressed into my back.

"I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you are a Shorty." I felt, rather than heard the laughter rumbling in his chest. I rolled my eyes and broke out of the vise-like grip, turning on the idiot. It was Chase, of all people. By now C.J had gotten a hold on her laughter and had stood up. She came to stand beside me and smirked at Chase.

"Well, look at what the cat threw up." Chase didn't seem affected by her words and returned her smirk with one of his own.

"Oh, I'm sorry, is someone jealous because I didn't pay attention to them first?" C.J rolled her eyes and grunted in disgust.

"Oh, please. Like I would ever be jealous because of you." The smirk on Chase's face widened and he chuckled slightly.

"I know you want me, just like Chrystine." He turned to look at me and winked, making a big show of checking me out. I pretended to gag to show how wrong he was.

"Not if you were the last species on earth." I could tell I struck a nerve. His jaw clenched, accenting his strong jaw muscles. But before he could say anything, our coach called everyone over, affectively cutting off all other conversations. C.J grabbed my hand and tugged me the rest of the way to the track. I could feel Chase's eyes on me the whole time the teacher lectured to us and gave us our lesson. We were supposed to run the mile and record our times, which was simple enough for me. I continued to talk with C.J as we waited to be called up since the coach decided to have us run in groups. I was called after the fourth group ran so I walked over to the start line. C.J wasn't in this group, but Chase was and he still looked ticked off. He positioned himself beside me and his eyes seemed to challenge me. I smirked and looked forwards, positioning myself as well. If it was a race he wanted, then he was in for one hell of a race.

 ~Author's Note: Please comment and vote! I really appreciate the feedback :) Also, the picture is of C.J, hope you like!

~All Rights Reserved

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