Grind to the bone

By ElementController

18 0 0

A book on money secrets and financial advice More

Chapter 2: Network
Chapter 3: Make a to do list
Chapter 4: Either work a 9 to 5 or start your own business
Chapter 5: Invest
Chapter 6: if you're going to gamble do it responsibly & quit while you're ahead
Chapter 7: Take Risks
Chapter 8: Never Rely on Only One Form of Income

Chapter one: save money

8 0 0
By ElementController

First things first, what you are going to do is you're going to want to save money, starting right now as you read the begenning of the chapter of this book. I don't care it if the smallest amount of one penny you have in your pocket right now, take an empty jar, or a piggy bank, and put it in there, and focus on filling the jar and or piggy bank up. The goal is to one, give yourself something to do, and to be active and to set a goal to fill the jar up to the top with money and change. For those of you that are religious, if you believe writing a financial prayer down on a piece of paper and placing it in the coin jar or piggy bank helps you, do that as well. But as we all know, faith without works is dead. At the end of your day each day, empty out your pockets, and place whatever loose change you have in your coin jar or piggy bank. Before you realize it, your coin jar will be a good amount full, and you won't even realize how much money you actually been making ever since you started your coin jar. There is also a trick to it, be aye the trick is into making yourself think you're broke, because when you first started the coin jar, it was empty, and you told yourself that your goal was to fill the coin jar up to the top, so by doing this, subconsciously, you told yourself and trained yourself, and taught yourself that you need to get money, which in turn, filed your motivation to learn how to make a accumulate money in multiple different ways instead of in only one way and one form of income only. Your change you emptied everyday into the coin jar is what is left over in your pockets from what you made and or spent that day. As each day goes by, you'll realize how much money you actually have been making, and thus, giving you a pattern, and plan for you to keep your income actively coming in, filling your coin jar gradually more and more to the top. Eventually you might even start a second coin jar, and so on and so forth, which is where the real fun comes in. Now you're looking at your first coin jar, and thinking and saying to yourself, if you were able to fill that coin jar up, filling this second coin jar up will be a piece of cake, being your motivation to fill the second coin jar up. Welcome to being broke again, because now you have a new goal to reach, and this new goal to reach, is the top of the new jar. It's always great and smart to also have a bank account, and you should and need to start one immediately. A penny a day, keeps staying broke away, always remember that, because even if you have a bank account, with your coin jar you have personally at home, you are still actively watching and making your money double in amount by working on your goal to fill the coin jar up to the top.

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