Winning her back

Από Writer_x101x

535K 10.8K 1.2K

Ben and Lisa had been dating for five years, married for two. Everyone saw them as the perfect couple, the co... Περισσότερα

1. All good things come to an end
2. A new beginning
3. The Boss
4. Cold night
5. The party ends
6. The Aftermath
7. Conflict of interest
8. Hurt people hurt people
9. When fear wins
10. Memory Lane
11. Back to reality
12. When the past catches up
13. Who to trust
14. Three's a crowd
15. Plot twist
16. The night is still young
17. Playing with fire
18. Regret
19. Door left open
20. Goodbye
21. The Sister
22. Knocking on someone else's door
23. Secret crush
24. Let me down slowly
25. Innocent until proven guilty
26. Moving on
27. The Truth (Part 1)
29. When friends become enemies
30. Betrayal
31. The Chase
32. Clarity
33. The End: Part 1
34. The End: Part 2
35. Epilogue
Thank you

28. The Truth (Part 2)

8.3K 198 40
Από Writer_x101x


I had imagined all the possible ways that this conversation, or rather, confrontation would go. Most of them involved me latching on to her hair with a screaming contest going on in the process. The rest of them involved me knocking her out and leaving without any answers.

I had so many questions, questions which had accumulated over the years into one fundemental question. Why? Why break a family, a marriage .. what possible reason could there be for one to destroy their own life .. and run away without picking up the pieces.

I was no saint, but not even sinners deserved what she did to me. And for what?

I was about to find out.

"Is the coffee ok"?

"It's fine", I said bluntly.

"Alrighty then", said the mysterious man who was living, or co-habiting or whoever the f*** knows with my sister.

"Who the hell are you?", I questioned as I glanced in his direction.

"I'm Romeo, Torvi's roomate. We've —

"Maybe you should go upstairs Rom", my sister interrupted. "And take Mason with you".

"Sure thing". And with that, he waved and left with an awkward smile on his face. I glanced once more at the little human standing near his feet. A gut wrenching feeling filled my stomach. I wasn't prepared for this.

"It's ok, you don't have to drink that. I know Rom's coffee isn't the best". She began fidgeting with her mug, constantly rotating its position. She also made sure to avoid my eyes.

"He took a barista course online and suddenly thinks he's the next hot shot coffee maker". He chuckled nervously. "I've been trying to tell him subtly but he just gets so-

"I didn't come here to talk about coffee or your boy toy".

Her eyes widened. "He's not .. we're just roommates. I can't possibly afford this place alone. Ella and Maya live here too, but they're at work at the moment. We're all just trying to help each other out".

"I really couldn't give a damn Torvi".

I saw her face drop slightly, but that didn't hold me back.

"Look, I'm only here because mom and dad mentioned you were pregnant, and thats why they kicked you out". I started.

"I came here because I wanted to know if it was true ... and to ask you if Ben was the father".

I giggled at the stupidity of the situation. "But now that I'm here, I just realized that I don't need any answers from you".

I stood up and straightened my coat. "You ruined my past, I won't let you ruin my future".

And with that, I made my way towards to door.

"Wait", I heard a cry behind me, but I didn't look back.

"Ben's not the father", she yelled.

"And why should I believe anything that comes out of your mouth huh?, I said as I faced her.

That's when I really took her in. Her bun was now all over the place, I hadn't realised she had been been fiddling with her hair too. The dark circles under her eyes were unmasked, and so was her vulnerability.

"Because — because", she said in between sobs, "I was already pregnant when I slept with Ben".

I scoffed and stepped away from her. "You're disgusting". I chose my next words carefully.
"You ruined my marriage. Do you have any idea what I've been through?".

"I'm sorry", she pleaded. "But I know being sorry will never be enough".

"Damn straight", I scoffed.

"What I did ... is unforgivable", she began whilst wiping her tears. "But you don't know what I've been through either".

"I don't care". Honestly, I didn't.

"This ... this is probably the only chance we've got ... to talk things out, why -

"You've had plenty of time to talk things out. You chose to run intead".

"I didn't have a choice Lisa", she said. "My life was a mess. I fucked up everything. I didn't have anybody else to turn to so I ran. I ran so I could give Mason a better life ... a better home."

I lowered my eyes and tried to calm myself. This was harder than I initially thought. I was an aunt to a kid I had never knew existed. He was innocent in all this.

"You could have come to me", I said in all honesty.

"I tried to", she argued. "That night, I came to you because I had no else to turn to. Dad had kicked me out. His own daughter, can you imagine?".

Tears threatened to re-appear at the mention of our dad. I wanted to feel remorse, but I had no reason to. My mind and soul just wanted to get away from this entire mess. But my body stayed put. I needed answers, and this was the only way I could get them.

"Go on, explain how you fell on my husband's d***"

She winced at my poor choice of words, but continued nonetheless.

"I came looking for you Lis ... but once again you weren't there. You know, before you left .. you promised me. You promised that you wouldn't abandon me -

"I didn't ! ", I spat back.

"Not intentionally, no. But he was always in the way. Everytime I called ... or visited .. he would always be in the way".

"I didn't come her to listen to your excuses Torvi".

"They're not excuses. I know we've always had our differences as kids, but the one thing that we always agreed on, was to be there for each other when we got out of dad's cult."

I remained silent and signaled for her to continue.

"When I saw you with Ben Martinez that one day during lunchtime, I knew he'd be trouble. You were smart, beautiful and talented ... and you fell for the school's biggest player. I didn't get it at first. But then I realised that we were so desperate to get out of that suburb, that we'd take any route out."

"I thought maybe you'd run away with him", she continued. "And then come back for me. But when you married him? God Lisa ... I couldn't believe it. He had you wrapped around his finger".

"I don't need to listen to this", I retaliated.

"No, you don't. Because you thought he was perfect. The perfect prince charming to sweep you off your feet. But he wasn't".

"What are you trying to get at huh? I know Ben's not perfect. Don't think for a second that I let his actions sit ... I divorced him Torvi. And you're to blame just as much as him".

A look of relief spread on her face. "I'm sorry, but I'm also glad".

"Glad?", I screeched. "Are you insane?", I questioned in disbelief.

"Ben was an abosolute tool Lisa. He'd always had a wondering eye. I was so mad that night ... you knew I was there ... and yet you left me hanging ... just like all the other times".

"What are you talking about? I was trying to build a career ... you out of all people should know what that was like". lol

"I'm not only talking about that night. After you married him and left, I tried to call you countless times, left you never ending voice messages. The only person I got through was Ben who'd just tell me he'd pass on the message".

"What messages? I never got any messages". Ben never mentioned Torvi calling either.

"Of course", she smiled, but her smile didn't reach her eyes. "I guess it all makes sense now. He wanted you to himself Lisa. He wanted to make sure that he was the only family you had".

"And why would he do that?".

"Because he's a selfish prick".

My legs started to feel heavy. The room started to feel hotter and I leaned forward slightly to catch my breath.

"This is all too much", I confessed.

"I know. I just want you to know that I did what I did that night because I wanted you to realize that he wasn't the man you thought he was."

"I don't know what or who to believe anymore".


Two pairs of feet came into view from the bottom of the stairs.

"Mason hunny", she said as she reached for him.
"I told you to stay upstairs".

I watched in awe as this little kid, who couldn't be older than four, slowly walked down the stairs, holding closely to the rails.

"Who dis mama".

"This is your Aunty ... Aunty Lisa", she said as she held him close to her chest.

Big blue eyes reflected mine. He explored my face, and I couldn't help crack a smile. He was beautiful, fair, blonde, pale .... He couldn't have been Ben's child. He looked nothing like him.

Which only left one question to be asked.

"Torvi, who's Mason's father?"


I'm back :)

Who do you think Mason's father is?

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