His Replaced Bride

RPlovesblack által

75.6K 3.4K 304

"I was invisible to him then and I will be forever" ~Nina Suresh "She's mine yet....she's not." ~Arjun Kapo... Több

CHAPTER 1- How have you been?
CHAPTER 2-Still the same I see
CHAPTER 3- We shall m'lady
CHAPTER 4- Don't lose hope
CHAPTER 5- Started the date without me
CHAPTER 6- Too close, too close!!
CHAPTER 7- Fucking hell
CHAPTER 8- All's well that end's well
CHAPTER 10- I fell for the right guy
CHAPTER 11- Keep quiet!
CHAPTER 12- Lucky pen
CHAPTER 13- Do NOT kill anyone
CHAPTER 14- freaking library!
CHAPTER 15- Happy tears
CHAPTER 16- I think I'll live here
CHAPTER 18- Why? why is it always me?
CHAPTER 19- I'll be fine
CHAPTER 20- Welcome to Paris
CHAPTER 21- He's Furious. Period.
CHAPTER 22-Aanya Kapoor, I curse you!!!
CHAPTER 23- Not again!
CHAPTER 24- Chocolate sauce
CHAPTER 25- yesterday mornings....events
CHAPTER 26- That obvious?
CHAPTER 27- This is NOT Arjun!
CHAPTER 28- I'm so sorry
CHATER 29- I like you
CHAPTER 30- Yeah, its not the time
CHAPTER 32- We are here
CHAPTER 33- I know I look hot
CHAPTER 34- Well, isn't that concerning
CHAPTER 35- Every. Fucking. Time
CHAPTER 36- I'm a fucking genius
I'm so sorry
CHAPTER 38- Home sweet home
CHAPTER 39- I quit my job
CHAPTER 40- I. Freaking. Hate. Mondays. Period.
CHAPTER 41- Please Kajol, please fight.
CHAPTER 42- the best and worst day of my life.
CHAPTER 43- Get used to it
CHAPTER 44- Oh my God
CHAPTER 45- Good luck
CHAPTER 46- Where are we going?
CHAPTER 47- What the hell is all this?
CHAPTER 48- What the actual fuck is going on?
CHAPTER 49- Where has life taken me?
CHAPTER 50- Please don't be...
CHAPTER 51- I love you to infinity
CHAPTER 52- what'd you say?
CHAPTER 53- Do. Not. Move
CHAPTER 54- Close your eyes
CHAPTER 55- Because you're mine!
CHAPTER 56- Let's cut the cake!
CHAPTER 57- My family, My life.
CHAPTER 58- My sister or brother!
CHAPTER 59- The strawberry one!
CHAPTER 60- Keya Aanya Kapoor

CHAPTER 37- Hey, I'm not stubborn!

801 39 5
RPlovesblack által

"What is love? It is the morning and the evening star." — Sinclair Lewis


I'm dead!

Or maybe your just overdramatic right now

I could feel her rolling her eyes at me, oh how I wish I could strangle her.

She's just adding on to the headache that's slowly and painfully killing me. Right now my head feels like someone is bashing it with a hammer from the inside.

I groan as the morning light hit my face, fantastic, I'm going to be tortured to death.

Yay me!

"Angel" Arjun's deep voice reached my ears while I was busy cursing at everything and anything that has caused my headache.

"Wake up, come on" I felt Arjun gently shake my shoulders which in turn made my head shake resulting in my head to hurt even more.

"I swear to god Arjun, shake me again and you don't wanna find out what I do with your fingers." I snap at him then groan as I open my eyes letting them adjusting to the light.

His sexy and deep chuckle somehow calmed me down.

I finally open my eyes only to be met with bright white light blinding me all over again.

"Close the blinds already!" I exclaim annoyed as I shield my eyes from the sun in one palm while the other was holding my weight as I sat in a upright position.

"Why does it feel like my head will explode any moment now and I might end up dying in the process?" I mutter rubbing my eyes and holding my head in my palms massaging my temples.

"Hangover effects, and you won't die." Arjun answered, gently pulling both my wrist and placing a white pill in one hand and placing a glass of water in the other.

"Great" I mumble but my eyes fly wide open on realizing what he said.

"Hangover?!" I shriek while he was smirking as if waiting for me to realize what he said

Oh god.

"Yup, you my dear angel, had ten vodka shots because you found the glasses to be really cute." I legit chocked on the water I drank at the clearly wrong time, I soon went into a couching fits while Arjun was rubbing my back grinning cheekily. 

That can't be good.

That's never good!


What is wrong with me? I drank something out of a glass because the glass were cute?! But again come to think of it, I am capable to these things. Hence why Kajol never lets me go anywhere alone other than the hospital.

"What are you grinning for?" I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously once my couching died down.

"I suggest you freshen up, eat, drink and do whatever you want before I tell you everything that went down after you were drunk." with that he motioned me to take the pill and went to the kitchen leaving me stunned and worried....really really worried.

I took the pill and walked to the washroom still clutching my head while Arjun just laughed at my misery. I stuck my tongue out at him and walked away.

A long and hot shower....here I come!!


I sigh in satisfaction walking out the washroom and move to the dressing table to tie my hair in a bun when something caught my attention...right below my ear.

I squint my eyes feeling whatever it was, it was....was it a....oh hell no!

This is exactly why Jacob and Myra were smirking the whole dammed time yesterday.


Oh Arjun's so dead.

I storm out the room into the kitchen and stomp my foot on the floor waiting for him to acknowledge me.



4...4 freaking minutes, I've been standing near the kitchen threshold for 4 bloody minutes, but that idiot is busy doing god knows what!

"Arjun" I grit my teeth.

"Morning" he twirls around grinning a little too excited today.

He's officially lost it. Someone send help before he goes completely mental like her!

Open your dammed mouth again and I will not hesitate to tape it shut it.

I wanna see you try.

I just choose to ignore her and shift my attention to Arjun who was now pouring milk in two bowls.

"ARJUN KAPOOR! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I burst out clearly catching him off guard.

He spun around with a slightly surprised expression.

"What happened?" he questioned going back to the milk.

"What is this?!" I grit my teeth together so hard I feel like I'm gonna end up breaking them.

He first frowns but then his eyes follow my hand then my finger pointing at the hickey, on realizing what it is, he smirked.

He freaking smirked!

This morning cannot get any worse!

"That my little wolf, is a hickey." he explained it to me like I was a five year old.

Wait no, never explain what a hickey is to a five year old....you wanna why? 
Because half of them are smarter than you...which means they already know what a stupid hickey is!

"I know what it is! All I'm asking is why in the dammed world have you given it to me!?" I exclaim using a hell lot of hand gestures.

"So that people know your off limits, your taken. So that men stop eyes fucking you. This is proof that you mine, only and only mine. Clear?" he was whispering huskily by the end and heck he even closed all the gap between us.

His hands rested on my waist while mine...well they were fisted on my sides trying their level to punch him square in the face.

"Are you crazy? Non one looks at me like that! I'm not even that good looking, you did no-" I was cut off when I heard him growl...like actually growl.

Are we sure he's not a werewolf or anything?

"Never say that" his eyes turned slightly black as he spoke in a firm tone.

"You my little wolf, are beautiful, men all over the place eye fuck you every fucking time. It takes everything in me to not gorge their eyes out and hand it over to them. You are beautiful and gorgeous and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Am I clear or do I need to explain it to your stubborn mind again." he asked while I shook my head smiling, I did not bother hiding my red cheeks due to the happiness bursting inside me not due to the fact that he called me beautiful but for the fact that he denied when I said I wasn't good looking. Never in my life did anyone deny it, everyone just agreed which had changed my mindset about myself. They made me insecure in my own skin, made me feel ugly every time I saw myself in a mirror, body shamed me, reminded me everyday I'm ugly and fat on a daily basis.

These things drove me to hate myself, hate my skin, my face, my body, myself. Hating my body resulted in hating dresses but over these past two weeks I've become comfortable with them, all thanks to Arjun for making me comfortable and also thanks to Kajol and Annie for forcing me to buy these.

"Am I clear?" he asked again peeping straight into my eyes with sincerity and determination.

I smile and nod.

"Words, I need words Angel" he stated.

"Yes" he nods satisfactorily.

"Now, I'm loving the hickey and can't wait to give you more." and like that folks, my smile vanished into thin air and was not replaced by a scowl and deep red blush.

"Shut up" I playfully glare at him and hit his chest.

His chest vibrated as he chuckled then winked at me and pecked my nose and went back to the bowls while I stood there frozen blinking a few times to register what just happened.

"Hey I'm not stubborn!" I cry out in defense for which he just erupted laughing at my very very late realization.


"Now, before we begin the game of your embarrassment, I need an answer first." he rubbed his palms together as if bracing himself for something huge.

My nervousness had taken over me, why was I nervous? I'm pretty sure even God has no idea.

"Uh huh" I answer trying to steady my increasing heartrate.

"Why the fuck were you in a club?" he scowled.

I just closed my eyes already embarrassed and we haven't even began.

How do I tell him without creating a fool out of myself.

"I'm waiting" he yanked me out of my thoughts.

"I was pissed at you" I blamed it on him, well it was partly his fault. Oh who am I kidding, now that I come to think of it, it was completely his fault.

"My fault?" he had a look of disbelief, I just nodded my head in response.

"Elaborate" he leaned back on the couch and folded his arms across his chest.

I sighed "Is it required?" he legit cut the thin thread on which my hopes were hanging, now they were drowning and getting eaten by sharks.

Drama queen

"Ninu" he sighed signaling me to answer.

"Well..." I started as I thought of the best way to frame my answer.

Man this feels like an exam!

"Ok" I sighed and continued "so when we went to buy ice cream the women there was basically drooling over you and all you did was smirk at her which encouraged her further, I got pissed because you keep claiming I'm yours so I felt the need to claim you mine in front of her and I did so, but I was mad at you for not saying anything instead you just kept smirking which annoyed me. Then you came and sat down with me near the pond after a while and well, I was mad so I left and entered the first taxi I saw and asked him to drop me at the nearest restaurant but due to language barrier he dropped me near a club, since it was late I went in and after that everything is a blur." I blabbered in one go and finally took a deep breath and peeked at Arjun who looked dumbfound and speechless.

Huh! Was not expecting that.

"You left me in the pond because you thought I was smirking at the women?" he confirmed for I just nodded as sadness loomed over me.

The way he smirked at her just encouraged her and I'll be honest and frank, I got really jealous and possessive so I did what I felt right. Indirectly claimed him as mine and it felt good.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard Arjun laughing full heartedly.

I did not crack a joke...did I?

I frowned deeply confused as to what possessed him right now. 

"Why are laughing?" I was confused and slightly annoyed.

"You really think I would smirk at a slut?" he questioned making me scowl.

"Do not call women that" I warned him.

It doesn't matter if they sleep with a hundred different men, but you do not call women sluts.

"Your too sweet for this world my little wolf." he caressed by cheek lovingly, I leaned into his touch when I frowned again.

"Little wolf?" I question a little amazed.

"Yup" he stated proudly.

"Any meaning behind it?" I ask with my eyebrows raised.

"Well, yesterday, you did get quite possessive of me just like wolves do, so your my little wolf. My possessive, jealous, beautiful little wolf." he bopped my nose. I swatted his hand away and playfully glared at him.

"Oh and-" he leaned forward "-your extremely hot when you get all possessive and jealous over me." he whispered in my ear and planted a soft kiss on the hickey making me go into a even deeper shade of red.

I'll bet even my ears are red right now.

"And your really cute when you blush." he pecked my already red cheeks making them go even redder if that's even possible.

"Ok now, time to recite everything you did yesterday." he said excitedly turning his body towards me and shifted closer.

I took faced him and sat in the lotus position waiting for my possible doom.


Arjun was busy laughing clutching his stomach at my shocked, stunned, horrified and petrified expression. Oh and my redder than a beetroot embarrassed face.

Actually saying I was all those would be a freaking UNDERSTATEMENT of the bloody century!

I waited for Aladdin to pick me up in his flying carpet, revealed Kajol's deepest and darkest secret for which she would definitely be plotting a plan to kill me then bury me somewhere deep deep down, I went searching for Narnia, hugged the air, called myself freaking Harry Potter because my glasses happen to be round, hunter for Ollivanders in the washroom for my wand, called Arjun a 7 foot giant- which he is by the way, just saying- even told Arjun I don't wanna die a bloody freaking virgin, magically appeared a hammer here trying to swing it like Thor does and even thought of dying my hair blond for that, then decided to cut my precious hair and dye it purple to look like Mal and when he denied I decided to dye it blue to look like Evie. Then asked him about what babies think when we talk to them in the weird way, why women like makeup. Oh and how could I forget, I CURSED! I FREAKING CURSED!!!

"I'm really amused as to how I managed to jump to random different topics in a matter of seconds." I say after coming out of my possible shock.

"Trust me, we all did" he managed between his laughs.

"Its not that funny" I pouted.

"Aww, but it is" he pinched my cheek, I swatted his hands away and glared at him.

"Is that all I did?" I ask once he clamed himself down.

"...yes" he hesitated making me frown.

"Why'd you hesitate?" I narrow my eyes in suspicion.

What is he not telling me.

"I didn't hesitate, this is all happened yesterday" he shrugged and looked away.

"Look into my eyes and say that." I insisted.

I know I'm being nosy and all but I have a feeling this was not all, I feel like I did or said something more. I just....I'm scared as to what I told him....if I told him about my past.

"Angel, this was all that went down yesterday." he looked directly into my eyes.

I just nodded in response.

"Now, which movie as we watching?" he changed the subject and I didn't object.

Hey that rhymed!

"Descendants then Harry Potter!" I smiled making myself comfortable.


"Shall we?" I ask coming out of our room adjusting my sling bag.

I stand straight to come fact to chest with Arjun, I tilt my head up and smile at him.

"We shall" he replied and forwarded his hand.

"Oh and, you look stunning." he complimented as we got out, I smiled in response as I saw my outfit, a button up black knee length dress.

Once we were out of the hotel, we aimlessly started walking under the clear sky filled with stars shining beautifully. The artificial lighting of Paris illuminated the night with bright colors showing the peaceful surroundings filled with children running around, couples completely in love, shops filled with their respective items, restaurants and cafes' filled with the delicious aroma of food.

Its surprising people are still eating, its around 9:30 pm already.

As we walked, my eyes went everywhere, even after being here for more than a week, I still find the place fascinating. 

Suddenly I felt myself being dragged, Arjun tightened his grip on my palm and pulled me with him in a different direction.

"Where are you going?" I question matching his pace.

"There's a park nearby." he pointed forward.

The park was peaceful and empty unlike the city out there, elderly couples were walking around while further away there was a crowd formed with young and elderly people. 

Arjun started walking to the crowd, while I followed quietly observing the green tress and colorful flowers around.

"Look" Arjun's voice made me tear my gaze from my surrounding to him.

"What?" I avert my eyes forward and find a group of musicians playing soft, romantic tune while a few couples danced to it and the others.

"Come on, lets join them." Arjun dragged me before I could open my mouth.

"Woah!" I caught his wrist with my free hand to stop him from walking any further.

"Where are you going?" I raise my eyebrows.

"To join them, come on." he tried pulling me.

"No!" I whisper yell looking at the amount of people around.

"Why not?" he frowned.

"There are so many people around." my eyes go slightly wide.

He just rolled his eyes "You didn't have a problem with Jacob." 

"That's because no one was watching, they were busy eating." I try reasoning with him.

"Its fine come on" he pulled again while I pulled back.

I shook my head.

"Ok, is it because of them or you don't want to dance with me." he flashed a hurt expression.

My jaw fell, drama queen.

"What? No! Its just.." I sighed "I'm nervous, everyone will watch." I explain as I again checked the number of people around which just increased.

He sighed "Angel, you shouldn't be afraid of the crowd, it doesn't matter if they watch, all you have to do is ignore their eyes and pretend they aren't around." he drew soothing circles with his thumb on my knuckles as my heart rate picked up.

"Its easier said that done." I say in a low voice.

"Plus, I don't know how to dance." I state another reason.

"I'll teach you come on." he dragged me into the circle and my heart was racing way too fast.

"Hey-" Arjun whispered "-just look at me." he left my hand and found my waist, pulling me closer causing me to collide with his chest.

"Keep your eyes on me." he whispered again and started moving while I stood still conscious of the fact that eyes were on us.

"Hey, eyes on me." he pulled me closer and gave me a encouraging nod. Slowly I moved along with him, matching with his step without breaking eye contact.

"Good, now keep your focus on me, on us and follow my lead." he held both my palms and placed them behind his neck and lightly with his index finger tranced both my arms, reached my shoulders and tranced my curves and finally settled on my waist. I shuddered under his touch.

Locking my eyes with his, I swayed with the deep yet soft romantic music playing in the background, matching with his every step. His hypnotizing eyes gradually made me forget about the people around us, slowly my hesitation faded and soon I moved more freely matching his pace. We moved slowly at first, and as I caught the rhythm our steps became more...acute. Without breaking eye contact, he suddenly twirled me thrice before lifting me in the air. Once my feet touched the ground he twirled me around and embraced me by my waist from behind and swayed while his eyes were locked with mine. As he turned me around to face him, he loosened his grip allowing me to move freely. 

His eyes held power to hypnotize me, to teleport me to a different world. Gazing into his eyes felt like the world had disappeared leaving us two alone. It felt like the time had stopped and the world around us faded away leaving only the two of us. The feeling of dancing with him was magical, my stomach fluttered while my heart melted into a puddle. We kept moving our body to the rhythm, flowing with the beat oblivious to the people around watching us. As we danced, our bodies rubbed with each other while our eyes had a dance of their own establishing a new line of trust and...a new and different yet strong connection between us.

The hypnotizing power of Arjun's eyes and the magic of the music kept us dancing for long. Our legs moving, hips swaying, bodies attached and our unbroken eye contact kept us moving. We were broken out of our trance on hearing loud noises instead of the music.

Finally breaking eye contact, I gazed around to find that people had formed a circle around us, the previously dancing couples had joined the audience, clapping and cheering loudly. Only then did I realize that we were the only ones dancing, so lost in each other that we never realized when we became the center of attention. I hate being the center of attention.

As people smiled widely at us and clapped, I felt heat creep up my cheeks. Just then did it hit me that Arjun was still holding me close to him, so I just hid my face in his chest while the crowd erupted laughing.

Arjun's hand held the back of my head protectively as I buried my face deeper into his chest while his other hand was on my lower back pulling me closer to him.

Soon I felt Arjun's chest vibrate as he chuckled and said something that I didn't understand. 

"Wanna leave?" I heard Arjun's husky whisper.

I nodded my head vigorously for which he just smiled.

"Come on" he created some gap between us, intertwined our fingers and moved forward. I finally turned around and I nearly went into shock on seeing so many people. I tightened my hold on him and even held his wrist with my free hand and walked behind him with my head down after I smiled at the crowd.

"You guys are too cute." someone from the crowd yelled as we moved, I  blushed hard but briefly glanced in the direction of the voice and smiled lightly while Arjun just chuckled and waved at them.

Once we were out of the park, I released my breath which I didn't know I was holding all this while. 

Arjun's hand circled my waist making me crash with his warm chest "That was fun wasn't it?" he smiled.

"Honestly, yes it was but I did think I would die of embarrassment." I answer.

"You hurt me, I embarrass you?" he placed his hand on his chest and pretended getting hurt, my eyes went wide thinking he took it in the wrong way.

"No! You know what I mean!" I exclaim.

"Relax, I'm just messing around." he pecked my forehead while I sighed in relief.

"Your mean" I mutter lightly hitting his chest.

"I've been told" he winked.

"But I need to agree, that person was right, we are cute together." Arjun embraced me and started walking.

I just chuckled and agreed with him.


She fucking stole him from me. He was, is and forever will be mine. I had a plan, a perfect plan to make him fall for me but no, the fucking bitch had to come in between and ruin everything.

I will make her pay for this, for stealing my guy from me. She's just a fucking slut, a clueless whore who thinks she can do whatever she wants.

She has no idea what I have in store for her, all I have to do is wait for her to get back from her so called honeymoon and in no time I will make him mine. He will leave her in a blink of an eye for me.

He can never love her, she's not worth it. She's not worth his time, his money, his name. I am, it should have been me instead of her, I should be his wife, his love, not her.

He's far too good for her, plus he's never noticed her, the fat, ugly bitch. She's just a pathetic reason for a wife for him, she doesn't deserve a guy like him, in fact she deserves nothing but pain and misery.

She thinks I will just let her live as Nina Arjun Kapoor, I will destroy her and she will go back to Nina Suresh in no time. 

Nina, you will suffer. You will suffer for taking what's mine. 


Yayy!!! I actually updated this week, was not expecting to but hey I did it anyway.

Well, I hope you like the chapter,
please do vote and comment!!

So, I know asking who you think this mystery person is too soon, but still, any guesses?

Word count- 4135

Until next time....

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy and Keep Smiling:))😃😘😍🥰😉

I love you guys<3💖💖



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