BanG Dream: The Feeling Of Lo...

By FantasyWriter241

7.4K 192 83

"Is this... what being in love feels like? It feels nice." (Y/N) (L/N)'s life became sad as his little brothe... More

Prologue - Starting Point
Chapter 1 - Hello, Happy World!
Chapter 2 - Rest In Peace
Chapter 3 - Exposing Sadness
Chapter 5 - I Want To See You Smile
Chapter 6 - Writing Dream
Chapter 7 - Working At A Live House?!
Chapter 8 - Hidden Feelings
Chapter 9 - The Spook Is Coming
Chapter 10 - 🎃👻Hello, Happy Halloween World!🎃👻
Chapter 11 - Happy Happy Island
Chapter 12 - My First Date
Chapter 13 - A Stormy Visit
Chapter 14 - The Wonderful Surprise
Chapter 15 - The Second Date
Chapter 16 - Our Special Home
Chapter 17 - Our Paths To The Future
Chapter 18 - Our New Lives
Chapter 19 - The Special Moment
Chapter 20 - Aquarium Theme Wedding
Epilogue - Watching Over Us

Chapter 4 - Smile Emergency

441 8 2
By FantasyWriter241

Location - Tsurumaki Residence

Kanon's POV

After hearing (Y/N)'s story, I try to come up with ways to make him smile again, but I couldn't come up with anything. I guess this was something I couldn't do on my own. Therefore, I decided that I should get my bandmates together at Kokoro's place and brainstorm some ideas. Five heads are better than one, after all.

Even though everyone is together, I can tell that they're not fully awake, especially Misaki.

"Kokoro... mind explaining why you want to hold a meeting on a Saturday morning?" Misaki asked while yawning.

"Actually, it was Kanon who wanted to get everyone together." She replied.

Everyone looked towards me, who was shocked to discover that I was the caused for this action.

"You wanted us to get together Kano-chan-senpai?" Hagumi asked.

"Y-Yeah..." I started. "I'm sorry to do this so suddenly, but I could really use your guys' help."

"What's the matter, my dear Kanon?" Kaoru asked.

"You see, it's about (Y/N)-kun..." I said, and told him the story he told me. After explaining what happened, the atmosphere around us became depressing.

"Oh, our poor prince losing his brother like that... it's not fleeting." Kaoru said, being her dramatic self.

"Yeah... if my brother and/or sister died liked that, I'd be sad as well." Misaki said as her face starts to fell.

"Kokoron, is there anyway we can make (Y/N)-kun smile?" Hagumi asked.

"Of course we can make him smile!" Kokoro said with a positive attitude. "Where there is a will, there is a way."

"Kokoro is right, our goal is to put a smile on everyone's faces, including (Y/N)-kun." Kaoru said.

"I guess we're doing this now, huh?" Misaki said with a sigh.

"I can't wait to do this! Kokoron, what kind of a show are we doing?" Hagumi asked.

Kokoro was about to speak up, but I managed to cut in.

"Actually, if it's okay with everyone... I want to plan something for (Y/N)-kun." I said meekly.

Everyone was taken aback, but Kokoro kept smiling.

"Of course it's okay, Kanon!" She said. "Right, everyone?"

"Of course!" Hagumi said.

"An unknown something created by you should be a wonderful sight to behold." Kaoru added.

"Well, if it's okay with everyone else, then it's okay with me." Misaki said.

"Thanks, everyone." I said. "I promise not to let you all down."

And soon after, the meeting came to an end. It wasn't a long meeting, but that was okay. As the rest of us left Kokoro's house, Misaki and I ended up walking home together, though I can tell she was still tired.

Location - Residential Area

"Ah, that was a bit unexpected to have an emergency meeting first thing in the morning." She ranted with a small yawn to boot.

"Sorry, Misaki-chan..." I apologized. "I just didn't know how to make (Y/N)-kun smile, so I asked everyone for help."

"I guess I can understand that." Misaki replied.

"So, what's your plan for making him smile?" Misaki asked.

"After thinking about it..." I started. "I decided that I want to do a performance, as well as doing a number of other things."

"Ah, that way, he can really smile for sure?"


Misaki started to chuckle.

"If I didn't know any better, though, I would be led to believe that you have feelings for him." She joked. But I took it rather serious. 

"Fueee... Misaki-chan, don't do this to me!" I said as my cheeks started to glow.

"I am only teasing, Kanon-san." She said. "Unless... you actually do have feelings for him...?"

Now Misaki was really putting me on the spot. She was right about me having feelings for (Y/N), but I really doubt he would have feelings for me in return.

"Actually, Misaki-chan..." I began.


"You were right about me having feelings for (Y/N)-kun." I said as I started to blush a bit.

"Huh? You were serious about that?" She asked in disbelief.

I nodded before I continued talking.

"But let's be honest, (Y/N)-kun would never be in love with someone like me. I'm sure he has a crush on someone who is confident and doesn't get lost so easily." I said to Misaki in a sad tone.

Misaki placed her hand on my back and formed a smile.

"I wouldn't count yourself out just yet, Kanon-san." She said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're a nice person, and if you stay true to yourself, he might fall in love with you right back."

"I guess you have a point. Thank you, Misaki-chan." I said with a small smile.

"No problem. I'll be here if you ever need any help, like always." She said and smiled at me.

"Fufu, I knew I can count on you."

A few weeks later...

To make (Y/N) smile forever, I told everyone that I want our performance, and to include fireworks, magic tricks, and anything else that might make him happy. I was struggling at the start, but thanks to my friends, I wasn't doing this alone. They have my back. They're here to help me. They think I can make it happen if I believe in myself.

We took breaks every 30 minutes or so, and practice every hour, so that we can make this performance just right. I was starting to get overwhelmed by everything, but I think it is going to be worth it by the end of the day. After a while, we felt like we were ready to go.

"Alright, Kanon! Make sure to tell (Y/N) to come here!" Kokoro said.

"Will do." I said and began to text him. He and I exchanged numbers after he took me home.

Text: Hey (Y/N)-kun, it's Kanon. I know you want to be alone right now, but there is a surprise waiting for you at Kokoro-chan's. I hope you can come over and see it.

I also added Kokoro's address to the text so (Y/N) would know where she lives. I was still feeling nervous, but I need to be brave right now. After all, I am doing this for (Y/N).

To be continued

A/N: Chapter four is done, and I hope you guys liked it. Will Kanon make (Y/N) smile in the next chapter? Keep reading to find out. :)

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