Way of the Wolf: Equilibrium

By Scottish_writer

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The Wulvers Series Book 6 #79 in magic #198 in paranormal "The path I choose will decide my fate; to follow t... More

Chapter 1 ~ Ambitions
Chapter 2 ~Tactics
Chapter 3 ~ Guests
Chapter 4 ~ Chasing Tail
Chapter 5 ~ Thunder
Chapter 6 ~ Accusations
Chapter 7 ~ Council
Chapter 8 ~ Proposals
Chapter 9 ~ Persuasion
Chapter 10 ~ Apologies and Agreements
Chapter 11 - Running
Chapter 12 ~ Expectations
Chapter 13 ~ The Norse Pack
Chapter 14 ~ First Day Jitters
Chapter 15 ~ Far From Home
Chapter 16 ~ What It Takes
Chapter 17 ~ Dreams
Chapter 18 ~ Biding Time
Chapter 19 ~ Distractions
Chapter 20 ~ Unravelling
Chapter 21 ~ Torn
Chapter 22 ~ The Rules
Chapter 23 ~ Compromise
Chapter 24 ~ Freedom
Chapter 25 ~ Contemplative
Chapter 26 ~ Opportunity
Chapter 27 ~ On Edge
Chapter 28 ~ Defend
Chapter 29 ~ Gaolor
Chapter 30 ~ Key
Chapter 31 ~ Forged Bonds
Chapter 32 ~ The Truth
Chapter 33 ~ A Day's Work
Chapter 34 ~ Past Mistakes
Chapter 35 ~ Formalities
Chapter 36 ~ The New Hierarchy
Chapter 37 ~ Grudges
Chapter 38 ~ To Follow Tradition
Chapter 39 ~ To Break It

Chapter 40 ~ The Beginning

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By Scottish_writer

This is the final chapter!
Thank you all again for sticking with me, I loved reading everyone's comments and enjoyed figuring out how to do Raeghan's story justice.

Don't forget that book 4 is now available to buy as an ebook or paperback on Amazon. You can even order signed copies from me!

For now this is the final book in The Wulvers Series. I do plan on doing a spin of book with Braden, and maybe one day I'll come back to Raeghan and Ebbe as their story has only really just begun...

To keep up with all things Wulver, Laoch and Vampire, you can join my Facebook group or follow me on twitter/insta under the handle Scottish_writer
(Links on message board!)

Chapter 40: The Beginning

Sam poked and prodded me for hours, making sure my body got fluids while mud was cleaned from my skin and wounds disinfected. I wasn’t allowed to fall asleep while she worked which made me more than a little growly. Ebbe paced by my bed the whole time, and Braden kept his back towards me with blushing cheeks until Sam helped me slip on a loose gown and tucked a blanket around my legs.

Grim faced, she told me what I’d feared. While my leg wasn’t broken after all, my collision with the bench had left it’s mark. A fractured vertebrae that meant I was stuck lying flat and unmoving for the next few days. The worst of the open wounds were bandaged up and most of my injuries would heal completely within the week.
Only then did Sam allow me to close my eyes and sleep. It was fitful, and pain seeped into my dreams so I found little rest as my mind replayed a different ending to my challenge; Tomàs with his fangs around my throat. The moment his jaws clamped shut and cut off my airway, my eyes snapped open and I woke with a sharp gasp.

Slumping back into the soft pillows of the clinic bed, I sighed and rubbed my face. The room was lit in a rich orange glow, the blinds at the window casting shadowed stripes across the floor. Ebbe was slumped over my good leg, unmoving and breathing softly, his features pinched as if whatever he was dreaming about upset him.

“Looks like ye fucked things up mair than I did.”

My gaze snapped back to the windows, and a mass stepped into the glow of the setting sun.

“And that shows how little you know...Why are you still here, Braden?”

“Your father asked me to stay. They came to check on you but you were asleep, they’ll be back soon. Your dad said he’d know when you woke up.”

Scrunching my nose, I decided to leave Braden be. Dad probably wanted to keep him out of the way. “An Alpha can feel his wolves through the pack bond, especially their relations; offspring, siblings, or parents.”

“I guessed it would be some weird shit like that. So tell me, how is what you did the day ony different tae me challenging yer father?”

“Apart from the fact that I won?”

I smirked as his lips pressed into a thin line but as his gaze fell to a sleeping Ebbe, he swallowed the growl that had been building.

Keeping my voice low, I muttered, “My challenge was for honourable reasons, not just some half-cocked-“

“You need tae stop talking about shit you ken nothing about! I didn’t decide to risk my life challenging a full-blooded wolf because I woke up feeling roach one day. You’d do anything for your family, why shouldn’t I do the same for mine?”

Chest heaving, he spun away from me and I stared at his back. Shame settled on my shoulders and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath through my nose as everything suddenly fell into place. Of course. How could I not have realised sooner?

“Your mother. Brenna. You challenged my father for your mother.”

He ran a hand over his head, pacing back and forth a few times before admitting, “I thought your father told you what we talked about.”

“Only what I needed to know.”

My answer made him frown and I imagined he found new respect for my father in that moment as grey eyes, softer now, lifted to meet my gaze. For the first time, I saw what lurked behind the rage that swirled like dark thunder clouds. Pain. Confusion. Fear. Vulnerability.

A lost pup looking for answers among kin, even if he hadn’t realised that was what he wanted when he came here.

Was that what made my father forgive him so easily?

Sighing heavily, my head fell against the sterile smelling pillow, eyes on the shadowed roof before falling to Ebbe. Dark tussled hair fell over his eyes, full lips parted slightly as he mumbled in his sleep. Unable to resist, my fingers ran through the silky strands, and in that moment, I made my decision.

“Braden...You did well with the Alphas today. If you do decide to stay, I’ll continue to have your back.”

Braden smirked, but there was a lack of sarcasm and harsh edge to it as he leaned against the wall. He watched Ebbe for a moment too, considering my words carefully before replying, “Are you saying that for him or for me?”

My fingers paused in their movements, Ebbe’s breathing faltering until I started to stroke again. Always so greedy for attention.

Braden chuckled, and we shared a look of amusement.

“He probably wouldn’t like me saying it, but Ebbe doesn’t have many friends. For whatever reason, he likes you. And I know you like him. As does my father, or he wouldn’t have asked me to give you a chance.” Cocking my head, I studied the open curiosity in his expression. “We haven’t known each other more than a week, but I think you’ve seen I don’t do anything because someone else thinks I should. You earned my trust today, you showed you wanted to learn. I accept you of my own accord.”

He didn’t seem to know what to do with such a declaration. He shifted on his feet and eared his throat. “Tapadh leat.”

I smiled at his attempt at Gaelic and his acceptance of my olive branch.

“You know you have family here?” I said. “An uncle and grandfather. Future cousins if your Uncle Ruiraidh ever takes his focus off his work long enough to see all the females vying for his attention.”

“I know. Your father told me. It was agreed I would be introduced to them if I made it out alive today.”

I frowned. It wasn’t like my father to use family in such a way.

Braden kicked his boot against the wall and sighed. “That was my decision. You said yourself, over and over again, that the pack might take a chance to tear my throat out for what I’d done. Whatever family I have here, they feel the same way, don’t they?”

I stayed silent. For once, I didn’t want see hurt on his face and I knew if I told him the truth, that his grandfather had been there today and while he’d stood to defend, he too had cast dark looks his way. But Weylin was a calm male, and he would understand if Braden had a chance to tell him his story. Ruiraidh might have taken a bit more persuasion...

“It wouldn’t have been fair to tell them about me and my mother if I’d died today or been further punished, banished, whatever weird medieval kingly demand you wolves would have made.”

I allowed my eyes to close as I grinned. “I hear truth in what you say. But I dinnae ken if yer tellin me it aw.”

My attempt at speaking proper Scots as Braden did was far better than Ebbe’s attempt at my Scottish accent, but Braden still lifted an eyebrow, amusement coating his tone. “Tha’ wis shite.”

I chuckled, even as my ribs protested and sent shooting pains across my chest.
“Aye. Still better than your Gaelic.”

Shock froze my smile in place when Braden let out a hearty laugh that filled the room with warmth. Maybe it was a mix of exhaustion and pain mediation but I found myself joining in, biting my lip to keep quiet so as not to disturb Ebbe.
Braden had to lean against the wall as he wiped tears from his eyes, his smile slipping ever so slightly. Perhaps he too was laughing more out of nervous energy. His life had turned upsidedown as much as mine had in the last few days. His whole world had changed, everything he though he knew shaken to the core.


My head whipped round just in time to see my mother running over. She practically leapt over Ebbe, startling him awake as she wrapped me in her arms.

I grunted, biting back a whimper so she could settle herself with my scent, her nose pressed to my hair. Dad stood in the doorway, arms folded with a grim expression hardening his features as he looked from me to Braden.

“I heard laughter. I was worried something was wrong.”

Ebbe snorted in disbelief and my cheeks flushed as the two males watched me. I shrugged gently, keeping Mum’s hand in mine as she sat in the chair by the bed. “Braden was telling me about how weird we all talk. I told him we found his way of talking weird too.”

Dad hummed. “I’m glad you’ve reached some common ground. But Cathwulf and I would like to have a moment with our daughter. Alone. Sam’s cottage is just next door if you want to wait there, Ebbe,” Dad offered, before turning to Braden who stood awkwardly with his head ducked down. “Your grandfather, Weylin, is waiting to escort you back to the house if you wish to meet him. If not, you can stay with Ebbe and Cathwulf and we will take you back when we’re done here.”

Grey eyes darted to the window and I wondered if he could see Weylin from here. He rocked on his feet, lips parted as if to speak before snapping shut again.

“He would really like to meet you, and understands enough that he harbours no ill will towards you. You’re of his blood, he wants to know you,” Mum assured him gently, nodding towards the door. “Off you go now. It will only get harder if you wait.”

Squaring his jaw, he nodded stiffly and trudged with determination out the door. Ebbe stood and brushed his knuckles over my cheek, careful to avoid bruised and grazed skin. I grabbed his hand, nerves fluttering violently in my stomach at the thought of being left alone to the mercy of my parents. He paused, blue eyes glittering with humour as he peered down at me.

It was as if I could hear his voice in my head with just that look.

You just challenged and beat an alpha, putting every wolf who doubted you in their place, and now you’re scared to face your parents?

And he’d be right...

“I’ll bring some food back with me,” he promised, tugging himself gently from my grip to leave us to it.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pushed myself to sit up against the pillows.
“Raeghan,” Mum began gently, cupping one of my hands between her own, the warmth of her skin spreading through me.
“I’m not sorry.”

Dad arched a brow, taking the chair Ebbe had vacated. “Nach eil thu?”

“No. And I won’t apologise for challenging Tomàs.”

“Its a good thing we didn’t expect an apology from you then,” Dad mused. “Nor did we come here to demand one. But you left us with a mess to clean up, Raeghan. Tomàs’ wolves aren’t happy, but Gordon did well in reassuring them, it was about time he took his place. He has a lot to prove to his pack however, it may not be the last we hear of it; there’s no guarantee no wolf of the Northern Pack will challenge Gordon and take his place. Or that one of those wolves doesn’t come here to prove he can take down the female that dethroned the oldest council member. Not to mention Joshua may start to worry you’ll come for him next...”

“Gordon will stand well, I don’t think he’ll be losing his new title anytime soon. And I have no intention of going after anyone who doesn’t pose a threat to me first.”

Mum growled from my other side, piercing golden eyes scanning my face. “You were an alpha for a moment, Raeghan. I don’t think Gordon would have challenged you and most of the others would have followed his lead. So why did you give it up?”

That was the question wasn’t it. I’d gotten what I’d always wanted, a pack to call my own, the title of Alpha, and yet I hadn’t wanted to keep it.

“Challenging Tomàs was never about taking his pack,” I replied, repeating my words from earlier as I frowned down at the crisp white sheet on the clinic bed. “I won’t lie and say I had no intention of keeping it once I’d won. For a moment, I did think about challenging Joshua too, and everyone who stood against me. My wolf would have raged until I was the only Alpha standing, or someone put me down.”

Unease tainted my parents’ scents. I could feel their silent conversation even thought they shared no more than a quick glance.
Sometimes I wondered if there was more to my dad repeatedly denying me being heir, if he saw the part of me that lacked control and was out for blood. It was easier to control now I was no longer fighting my every instinct every second of the day, exhausting myself so I had no energy to remain in control.

“Every wolf has the right to challenge. But winning, and being the only one left standing, doesn’t guarantee one a pack. I don’t know the Northern wolves or their ways, I have no interest in leaving my home to rule over them. This is where I belong. This pack is my family,” I affirmed, thumping my fist against my chest. The eerie green glow of my eyes reflected back at me in the window and my fangs pressed against my lip as I met my parents' gazes. “I showed everyone what would happen if they wouldn’t accept me. If the council comes for me again, then yes; I’ll take pack after pack until they learn their lesson.”

“Gordon already swore he’d stand by me when he became Alpha, so handing him the title seemed like the most diplomatic thing to do to avoid an all out war. As much as it disappointed a small part of me to hand over the alphaship, today taught me a lesson too; you’ve both been right. I’m not ready to be Alpha, or to have so much power. I don’t think I would handle it well, even with Ebbe there to tamp down on my instincts...But if Gordon forgets his commitment to our alliance, it won’t matter whether I feel ready or not. I’ll challenge him too if I have to.”

“I will have to start watching my back.” A flash of fangs from my Alpha, his eyes burned in warning. Not that I imagined he felt threatened, more just to subtly remind me of my place should I need it. And I probably did.

My head ducked down as far as my aching body would allow, my nose scrunching slightly in irritation but I didn’t need my father to add broken bones to my list of injuries.

Puffing up with a smirk, he let out a gentle rumble, leaning down to nip at my jaw.
A growl of approval rumbled from Mum and she smirked as she brushed her fingers against me cheek. “My female, look how fierce you’ve grown. You handled the challenge well, and I do think you were right to have Gordon step up instead. The council will have the freedom to change and grow as it needs to, now Tomàs is gone.”

I nodded in agreement, relieved it was comradery I’d found with them and not a scolding or warning to reign myself in.
Dad’s head cocked to the side and his lips twitched as he called towards the clinic door. “You can come back in now, Ebbe.”

My male looked a little sheepish as he stepped through the door from where he’d been eavesdropping. He ignored my parents to look at me, his lips pressed into a straight line that had me fearing he didn’t like what he’d heard.

“You’re sure you want to stay by my side?”

How many times had I asked that question? But now he’d seen what could come our way first hand, the brutality that might await. My Alpha pair watched him like hawks as he made his way back to my side. I inhaled sharply when blue eyes flickered like flashes of lightening, gaze set and stern. It wasn’t anger that had the air around him thick with hormones, only one emotion spiced the air like that.

Desire. Pure, unadulterated craving. My words had stirred more than I would probably be comfortable with in front of my parents if I wasn’t so lost in how good it felt to be locked in his gaze.

“I’ve never been more sure. My place is by your side, whatever role you need of me I will play,” he vowed with such reverence it made my heart melt. His gaze turned to my parents next, grit to his tone as his wolf pushed forth. “Have no doubt in me, she is my Alpha.”

I expected my dad to growl and remind Ebbe that he was joining his pack, and that he was his alpha. Instead, he smirked, sharing a look with my mother. She squeezed my arm, giving her mate a smug tilt of her chin that had him baring his teeth in jest.

She’d known. From the first time Ebbe and I fell out, she’d known this was where we’d end up. Dad folded his arms again, perhaps trying to intimidate Ebbe but it didn’t work.

“Very well, my heir. Both of you have a lot to learn, I hope you’re ready.” My Alpha dipped his head, pale green eyes boring into mine, and I held his gaze with far more ease than the day before.


“You’re taking up all the hot water, Ebbe!” Banging on the bathroom door, I growled in annoyance when his laughter rang out above the sound of the shower.

A few seconds later, the sound cut off and the door swung open. Heat billowed against my face and I waved my hand against the white steam that blurred the male before me.

Ebbe grinned and leaned against the doorframe, strong arms folded across his chest. Proudly naked, he didn’t care that dark hair was plastered across his face, skewing his vision while it drew my gaze down, following stray locks that curled around his shoulders now he’d let it grow longer.

“It’s my day, I should be allowed to use as much hot water as I like. Admit it, you’re more upset I didn’t ask you to join me,” he stated with a smirk.

Hands on my hips, I narrowed my eyes. “You never ask me to join you in the shower. I don’t even want to know what you do in there that makes you love it so much.”

His grin widened as he straightened up to come towards me, capturing me in his arms and easily tugging me against him even as I fought. Weeks training with the best in the pack had Ebbe’s brute strength outmatching mine. And he took such joy in that. I couldn’t deny I rather liked it too, I even enjoyed snapping my fangs at males and females that dared look at my male as if he could be theirs. Ebbe did too. He enjoyed telling me that.

Though he’d never be as hulking as Quillan or even my father - more sleek lines of muscle built for stamina than strength - he was coming into his own. He could hold himself well against our warriors, and my mother enjoyed sparring with him. Though he preferred to spend his time with the pups, leading them through the forests on wild hunts or making daisy chains with a picnic so tired parents could have a break.

“They’ve arrived,” I murmured, sinking into his warmth and breathing in the fresh soap that covered Ebbe’s natural scent. My nose scrunched in distaste and Ebbe rumbled as I rubbed my cheek against his skin.

“I heard them. Katrin’s laugh could be heard above a bomb going off.”
I pulled back in surprise. “Who told you about bombs?”

His lips twitched and I knew who it was without needing to be told. Braden. Shaking my head, I muttered to myself and shoved past Ebbe so I could take my own shower. With a sigh, he grabbed my hip and spun me back around, probably going to ask me to be nicer about his friend until he saw my face crease in pain.

“Your back still hurts?”

I tried to play it off with a smile, shrugging casually, even as the crunching sound my back had made when Tomàs had thrown me against the bench echoed through my head. “I fractured it; it’s going to take a little longer to heal. Don’t you worry about me today, Ebbe. You’re right. This is your day. Get ready and head downstairs so The Norse Pack can fawn over how you’ve grown, I’ll meet you down there.”

The grin lit up his face again, and my cheeks flushed as he whipped away the towel from around his waist to start drying his hair. I had to shut the door to stop myself from giving into temptation. The thought of Ebbe walking around saturated in my scent was almost too good an offer to pass up. But I was sure he’d indulge later after a midnight traipse through the forest.

With that in mind, it didn’t take me long to get ready. The smell of cooking burgers and various desserts wafted in from the back garden where sounds of pups’ delighted laughter and adult conversation filled the air. Even Jakkon’s wolves were dressed in their best; furs, tunics and long loose dresses that stood out against the shorter dresses and jeans worn by those from my pack.

Ebbe hadn’t gotten used to our clothes yet but he didn’t stand out as much as I thought he would in his loose woven trousers and shirt, barefoot so he could feel the earth beneath him. I paused in zipping up my dress to watch him mingling amongst the two packs, Braden lurking behind him like a sour-faced shadow.

Blue eyes found mine and the impatient scowl that overtook Ebbe’s features had me spinning away to grab my boots. I slid one on and zipped it up before rushing down the stairs, hopping to the door while shoving on the other.

Taking a deep breath, the smell of wildflowers, sweeter than I was used to, caused my hand to still against the door handle. Clothes rustled behind me, and I made sure to smile as I turned towards Ebbe’s twin; a female with whom I wasn’t sure where I stood, especially as she was here to watch her brother join another pack.

Had they had a chance to speak about that before the party kicked off? Gods I hoped so. With the way the taller female’s lips were pinched together, it couldn’t have gone well if they had. Brown eyes remained respectively lowered but I could see she wanted to say something and I was sure she had the ability to cut well with words. What was it Freydis had once said?

That female doesn’t need knives.

“It’s good to see you again, Gisli. Have you seen Ebbe-“

“I spoke with him when we arrived. Where were you?” Finally, she dared to meet my gaze, but it wasn’t anger in their depths. Hurt, definitely. Resentment, possibly.

“I’m still taking on some of my father’s duties. It keeps me b-“

“Busy. That’s what Ebbe said.”

My eyes narrowed. How many times was she going to interrupt me? “Things will settle down soon. Your brother knows what he’s getting into, he knows I have responsibilities that take up a lot of my time. He does now too if he wants to be the mate of an Alpha. Believe me, I understand how big a change this is and will be for him, but I’ve not forced him into this, Gisli. Nor have I led him astray. He chose to come and he chooses to stay. If you’re angry with me and want to blame me for taking him away so you don’t have to be angry with him, then fine. I’ll bear that for him.”

Fire burned all the brighter in her gaze. Her hands fisted by her sides as she stepped up to me and I forced myself to remain neutral. She was upset and she probably didn’t have anyone else to vent to like this. Besides, it would only do more harm than good if I growled and put her in her place. Sometimes it was important to put dominance and hierarchy aside for a moment, as Ebbe did most of the time.

“Ebbe and me, that’s all it’s been most of my life. I never went a day, not one day, without seeing him. Then all of a sudden he’s off with you, hunting with the pack, then disappearing completely. He didn’t even say goodbye, Raeghan.” Bottom lip trembling, tears doused the fire. She wiped at them angrily with the sleeve of her dress, frustrated with softer emotions.

“There wasn’t time,” I said softly, my heart breaking for her. “He was going to come back for you but things got more complicated when we got here, and I will take the blame for that. But Ebbe is finding his feet here, he’s carving out a place for himself just as you did in your pack. You must know Ebbe wasn’t happy there.”

“Ebbe is never happy anywhere unless he’s on the move.”

I flinched at her tone, the warning that echoed in her expression. Was she saying it just to hurt me or could she feel Ebbe’s restlessness, the wild in him that wouldn’t ever be tamed to stay in one place no matter what he promised.

Gisli sighed and folded her arms. “Sorry. I’m not a liar, that was cruel. He is happy with you.”

I growled, a short low rumble to show my disapproval that cut off when her head ducked down. There was more to Gisli than met the eye but I was beginning to wonder if she preferred gentle. That was her way. Tooth and fang meant little to her.

“He has missed you. More than he ever says out loud. When he goes quiet and touches his chest, I know he's thinking about you, that he’s probably sensing you through your shared bond. I won’t ever be able to understand what you to have...” Biting my lip, I shifted on my feet before offering. “You could stay here too-“

“No.” A firm shake of her head confirmed what I already knew. Ebbe might be able to handle the change but Gisli wouldn’t. Even if she was still finding her feet amongst Jakkon and Signy’s pack, she wouldn’t leave.

She was more like her brother than she probably knew. While the pups had locked her firmly with them, she too avoided wolves her own age and older. Maybe without Ebbe as a crutch, she’d open up to her pack more, start finding her own place. I hoped so. I really did. I’d never met a sweeter soul, and to be so with all the trauma that lingered around the twins still...

“I don’t want to fight with you, and I won’t defend Ebbe because he’s done nothing wrong and we both know that. You’re his twin, and if he and I mate one day, there’s a high possibility that I’ll be able to sense you too and it would kill me to feel your resentment every day. I don’t want to come between you, I want to be a part of you. Your sister. Your friend. Someone you can rely on and talk to and trust completely to be at your side even with the distance of the sea between us.”

Gisli looked contemplative for a moment before, a crease between her brow as she stared over my shoulder.

“Okay. Will you walk out with me please?”

I blinked, and then fought against the smile tugging at my lips. Another thing I’d been told about Gisli proven true, she wasn’t one to hold a grudge. Just like that, animosity melted away from her stance as she inched closer, slim fingers winding through the beltloop of my dress.

Keeping her close, I opened the door and angled myself to shield her away from eyes that flicked our way. She slinked closer still at the attention our arrival garnered, but a growl soon set them straight.

I grinned when they looked away immediately without question. News had already fast about my new position, and unsurprisingly, more of the pack than usual showed up when I trained with Weylin or my father. And they were both happy to watch wolves try and put me on my ass. The Pack’s strongest and most ambitious were testing me, and so far, I’d held my own.

At least Dad was watching and teaching now too.

Quillan was the only one who hadn’t challenged me yet. But he was a patient hunter and I had the feeling he was waiting for the perfect moment, whether to teach me a lesson or anyone who watched, I’d find out.

With a quick murmured thanks, Gisli made a beeline for Freydis and Aljana and both females gave her warm smiles, crowding around her. I’d need to make sure I greeted them both at some point during the night. Ebbe had made great effort to wrap my family around his finger so it was only fair I made an effort with his too.

I made it to my future mate's side just in time. The last rays of the setting sun caught streaks of light blond and brown in his hair, creating a golden glow around him. He grinned, his arm sliding around my waist to tug me close so he could inhale deeply by my neck. Whatever he caught in my scent made him tense.

“You were with Gisli, is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine, we cleared the air.” Finding his hand, I thread my fingers with his and gripped it tight. Maybe a part of me still doubted Ebbe wouldn’t suddenly make a run for the hills even if his sister assured me she’d planted that seed of doubt out of spite. “Are you okay? Are you nervous.”

He shook his head, looking out towards the mingling packs with a smile. “No. This feels right. The only thing I dislike is swearing allegiance to a wolf who isn’t you.”

I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Well that’s sort of the entire point of tonight, Ebbe.”

“I’m teasing you.” He poked my nose. “Relax. No!” Grinning wide, he cleared his throat and tried out another new word. “Chill.”

I groaned. “Gods above.”

“Do you two ever actually get along?” Braden drawled, appearing beside Ebbe. Grey eyes flicked nervously around him but he appeared more relaxed around so many wolves than I thought he’d be. “Alpha Roarke says it’s time.”

Taking a deep breath, I pealed myself away from Ebbe and straightened up with a sly smirk. “You could always change your mind and join the pack too.”

Braden scoffed and turned on his heel without an answer, which again, was better than I expected from him. Despite feeling smug having gained a reaction, I didn’t get why he was so against joining the pack anyway. He was even insisting he be allowed to find a flat in the city.

“Last chance to back out,” I murmured, looking over at Ebbe. He grinned, a low growl rumbling from his chest. He ignored me too, marching towards the wooden stage that had been erected for the musicians and the upcoming ceremony. I followed in amusement, sharing quick greetings with those I walked past to follow him.

Siannon skipped off the stage with her guitar in hand, 50’s style skirt billowing in layers of pastel blue. She beamed as we approached.

“Good luck,” she whispered to Ebbe, reaching out to squeeze his arm before waving her guitar at me. “I’ll have you up for a song before the end of the night.”

My laugh was laced with heavy sarcasm as I urged Ebbe up the rickety steps. I only sang if I was sure nobody else could hear, or drunk Raeghan took over, that wasn’t about to change.

Mum and Dad stood centre stage with Jakkon and Signy, heads close together as the spoke quietly to each other. I was glad the Alphas were all getting along. Mum and Signy had both run and hugged each other this morning as if they’d always known each other.

The Alpha Female smiled and pulled Ebbe into an awkward hug on his end. He didn’t seem to know what to do as she wrapped her arms around him though Signy didn’t mind. Her lips moved by his ear, but whatever she whispered to him was drowned out by the cacophony of chatter around us. It made him smile though, and finally he returned the hug, squeezing the female tight enough that Jakkon growled playfully from behind them.

The Alpha gripped Ebbe’s shoulder once he was released, maneuvering him to stand between at his side. I took my place beside Mum and didn’t resist when she tangled her fingers with mine.

“I didn’t think I’d see this day, not so soon,” she murmured, nudging her shoulder against mine.

“We aren’t mating. He’s just joining the pack.”

She laughed, golden eyes alight with mirth. “But you will. You know you will; though I understand why you’re waiting.”

Before I could reply, an almighty howl broke through the noise, silencing anyone speaking as power beat out in a tsunami wave that had wolves bowing their heads all around. Even my neck bent under the pressure as our Alpha demanded our undivided attention. Peering through a veil of copper hair, my lips twitched at the surprised expression on Alpha Jakkon’s face as he took in my father. Signy chuckled quietly and folded her arms, winking when she caught my gaze.

Maybe Jakkon and his wolves would think twice about calling us tame.

Freydis and Bjarke moved to the front of the crowd with Gisli and Basjan in tow, beaming up at their adoptive son with true pride. Aljana was as stern faced at ever by their side but even she couldn’t hide the glitter in her crystal eyes. Ebbe’s gaze was locked on them, the family he was leaving behind. He didn’t so much as blink when Dad ushered him to come forward.
My heart skipped a beat.

Jakkon had to nudge Ebbe forward to break him from his trance, and I relaxed, smiling as he straightened his shoulders to face my father. Their eyes clashed and my skin tingled at the sudden static that fizzled in the air. Mum took a deep breath next to me, her hand tightening around mine. She could sense it too, the magic of the pack winding around all of us, growing stronger until wolves swayed with the ebb and flow.

“Ebbe, in front of The Western Pack, the Alphas that bare witness, and your packmates who you break ties with, do you promise to uphold the laws and values of my pack? Do you swear to pass on our traditions and history, to protect the wolves around you, and to learn your place by the side of the pack’s heir?” Dad’s voice boomed out for all to hear and I swore he grew bigger as he stared at Ebbe, awaiting his reply.

I could only see the side of his face, the click of his jaw as he clenched it in determination. His own voice was just as clear and strong as he replied, “I promise to uphold the laws and values of The Western Pack. I swear to pass on our traditions and history, to protect the wolves around me, and to eagerly learn my place by the side of the Pack’s heir.”

A rumble of amusement left Dad’s chest. “Then, Ebbe of the wilds, with your next words, you tie yourself to this land, the wolves that reside here, and to my mate and I as your Alphas. Are you pack?”

The pause dragged out forever. Once more, Ebbe looked over at his family. I wished he’d look at me so I could see his eyes, because then I’d know what he was thinking. But I could see a touch of a smile tinged in happiness and sorrow as he turned back around.

“I am pack.”

Our Alpha gripped his forearm, tugging him forward to be the first to greet him as he declared. Cheek to cheek they took in each others scents properly, skin rubbing skin so everyone would catch the Alpha’s scent on him. There would be no question where he belonged.

Mum released me to be second as was her right. She embraced him properly, arms tight around him and he looked alarmed, wide eyes finding me. It was my turn next anyway and I eagerly rushed forward to have it.

I breathed him in and nearly grinned at the way his scent now held the undertone of my pack. Our pack.

“How do you feel?” I whispered, reluctantly pulling back. Oria and Quillan would want their chance to greet their new pack member and I couldn’t deny them that.

Ebbe let out a shaky breath. “Different.”

Before I could ask him to elaborate, Dad stomped a heavy boot to regain control once more. All eyes turned to him and I frowned in confusion. The ceremony was over, had Braden maybe changed his mind and decided to join too?

“I have one last announcement before we can get the band back up. I know you’re all eager to get back to drinking, dancing and learning more about our new guests.”
A chuckle resonated around the crowd from both packs, amusement softening the seriousness that had fallen over us during Ebbe’s ceremony.

Turning to face me, Dad held out his hand, determined pale green eyes meeting mine.
A shudder of anticipation went up my spine. I stepped forward to take his hand, comforted by his warmth strength as he gave it a gentle squeeze and pulled me to stand at his side. Pride burned in his gaze before he looked back out.

“Most of you probably already know, but it is tradition to give an official announcement so that you have the chance to challenge if you so wish,” he began.

His words set my fur on end and a small amount of nervousness fluttered in my stomach, my eyes becoming watchful of the wolves before me.

Another squeeze of my hand settled me a little.

“While I was healing, Raeghan took up some of my duties and continues to work alongside me in them. I’ve also been told she proved a comfort to many of you during this time of uncertainty. Therefore, I have granted Raeghan, my female, the title of heir to the pack, to take over when I can not and to one day be your Alpha.” He paused, his eyes roving over the many faces looking up at him. “Does anyone wish to challenge this?”

My breath caught at the back of my throat, my body stiffening as I waited through the moment I’d always dreaded. Wolves looked amongst themselves while murmurs moved through the air and I couldn’t get a sense of the sides being chosen.

Nobody moved.

Then I heard a lone howl break out towards the back of the crowd and I grinned at the sight of Kailum's support. More howls began to join his, spreading slowly forward, and the relief and love that flooded through me as my pack cried out their acceptance of me brought tears to my eyes. Feet stomped like rolling thunder, the sound drumming through me, filling me up to straighten my spine.
Gratitude, that was the emotion that took hold. That I’d earned their trust and belief was more of an accomplishment than gaining any title.

Another hand took mine and Ebbe winked as he took his place at my side. No smart retort, no snide jab. He took a deep breath and joined in the song as they had for him only moments ago.

In the fluttering orange glow of candles that kept dancing shadows at bay, the howling and cheering filling the early evening sky, I felt at ease. I might have chosen a harder path but no longer did I feel at war with myself, as if Equilibrium had been restored. With Ebbe standing beside me, my friends and family surrounding me, supporting me, I knew I’d chosen well.

One day, these would be my wolves.

One day, I would be The Alpha.

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