
By onceuponabook_

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Lena has hated Jace Hartley with a burning passion since kindergarten. But when everything she thought she kn... More

Good Job, Kim Possible
A Lake Full of Crocodiles
Call It Aesthetic Appreciation
Woody Boy
Plummet from a Medium-Sized Cliff
Festival Day
Beccy Shaw
In a Non-Sexual Way
I Had a Plan
I'm Thinking About An Encore
Fuck the System by Fucking Each Other
You're Obsessed With Me
This Is Not What It Looks Like
This Is Kind Of Dumb
Eat the Rich, Honestly
This Might Just Be A Bit Of Fun
Everybody's WIggling
The Kindergarten Kids
Fornicating In The Library
A Ferocious Band of Chipmunks
Just For Today
My Penis Has Superpowers?
Let's Hope You Don't Try To Dry Hump Us
Objectively, You Two Had Major Bang Potential
Hooray for Boobies!
Thanks, Bestie
I Want Everything
Hoping He'd Choke on Your Tongue?
Don't Be Jealous of Our Love
It Was Really, Really Hard
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Crackhead
Should We Slap Him?
I Was Ready To Contact Dr Strange
Ravish Me
Pineapple in Your Sandwich
We Don't Want to Bang
A Pure Southern American Belle
Nate is a Hot Little Piece
Ready or Not
Am I An Accessory to Something?
You Can't Pause the Vampire Diaries
Eleven Bottles of Vodka
We Had a Gun to Our Head
I Trust You
I Will Not Lend You The Gigantic Dildo
Keep Talking Dirty To Me
The Smouldering Sex God of Weddings
Isn't This Your Wedding?
Elly Belly
Threaten My Hypothetical Nuts
I Was a Regular Darth Vader
He's Gone
Naked and Dancing
Come Home
Fall In Love
So, Who Is Your Mystery Girl?
All I Want is Your Firstborn Child
Other Works
BONUS: Holy shit, I'm going to kiss Lena Montez


8.8K 373 110
By onceuponabook_

"Do you still have the blindfold secured?" said Knight.

I had been bundled into the passenger seat of the car this morning by Liv, Knight and Austin with a silk sleep mask covering my eyeballs and no idea where we were headed. It had made me come to the startling realization that I hated surprises. This would likely change the moment that the surprise was revealed, but the anticipation that steadily built within me was practically torture.

"Yes, it's secured. You know, I had a phobia of cars for a while, since I was practically crushed to death in one. And I trust you, like, 1%. You're a terrible driver."

"Sweetheart, I'm practically Lewis Hamilton," said Knight, as he sped around a corner in a manner that felt a little reckless and a lot terrifying.

"Can you try for more... elderly and cautious?"

"That is against my life philosophy, Elly Belly," he said. But he still slowed down. He didn't say anything about it, but I still smiled to myself.

And I was totally right about the nickname. He had been using it pretty consistently since last night, when Liv had revealed the top-secret information. God, I hoped no one told Alex and Jonah. I would never escape their teasing, despite the nickname not being particularly funny or embarrassing. The boys lacked the imagination to come up with anything better, though.

"We've been driving for, like, an hour. Surely we're almost there?" I complained.

"You're so whiny," said Knight. "I'm starting to understand why Jace didn't like you for so long. Still don't know what you were on about hating him."

I adjusted my mask slightly, ensuring it didn't slip down my nose. "Uh, he was the worst."

"Hm. Charming, good looking, personality of a friendly golden retriever with a great sense of humour... no, you're right. Practically the devil."

I crossed my arms, but I couldn't see Knight's face to know if he saw me. "He wasn't this nice before. He threw a hot chip in my hair."

"I've heard that that is Satan's torture preference," said Knight. "How will we ever contain his pure evil? The lengths he will go to are boundless! Throwing chips, my god, this man doesn't have a soul. You're lucky to have survived."

"Your point has been made," I said crossly. "You can stop now."

"But I'm having so much fun."

"Who's whining now?"

"Hopefully not you, because we're here."

The only information Knight had told me is that he would be leaving the whatever this rendezvous was early; something about a meet up with a lawyer. With such limited information, I certainly wasn't prepared when Knight pulled the blindfold from my eyes to reveal a stunning beach house overlooking the bay at Phillip Island; my favourite holiday spot, where our nanny had accompanied my siblings and my cousins for lazy afternoons when we were little.

The house was big—double story, with balconies and a large yard—and the chillier weather didn't matter, because I could see Cady and Alex chatting on one of the balconies, and I realized that Knight had invited all of my friends for a spring getaway.

I turned to face Knight, my eyes sparkling. "Oh, Knight, thank you!"

Knight was grinning, clearly pleased to see my complete and utter joy. "I'm, uh, glad you like it." His smile was shy. "I couldn't afford to get you a proper present, you know. So, I organized this trip away—with a little bit of help, of course—and all the others have helped to put in. The whole gang is staying here with you for the next two nights."

I leaned over the dashboard to engulf Knight in a massive hug. He might not have all the money in the world right now, but Cole Knight knew me. And honestly? The knowledge that I had stumbled upon a friend, tucked away in the streets near my home, and he had fallen so seamlessly into my life; that was a far better gift than any material thing he could get me.

"Oh, my god. Is that a spa?" I squealed, looking at the small pool of bubbling water that adorned the left half of the upstairs balcony. Okay, maybe the material aspects were nice too.

From the doorway of the house, Jace materialized. I smiled shyly at him, waving slightly. Knight snorted a laugh beside me. He was now in the stage where he found all interactions between Hartley and myself endlessly amusing.

I stepped out of the car. "Hi, Jace," I said. A few months ago, no one who organized a trip away for my birthday would have thought about inviting Jace. He had existed in the periphery of the group, and no one would consider his presence a part of any present to me. But now, things had irreversibly changed. I suspected that Knight had put him first on his list of people to invite.

"Lena," said Jace. "How was the drive?"

"Awful," I said, scowling at Knight. "I was stuck with speed racer. If he could, he would've thrown a red shell at the car in front of us."

Knight stuck his head out the window. "Yeah, I would. Because that would be awesome."

Jace shrugged at me. "I mean, it would be awesome."

Daria barreled out of the house at that moment, running up to me to envelop me in a tight hug. "Lena! Happy birthday!"

"Not my birthday," I said in a choked voice.

"The whole trip counts as your birthday," said Daria cheerfully. "I'm going to give you a cake for each day!"

I grinned. "Aye, aye, Captain."

Jace was already unloading the boot of the car, hiking my bag onto his shoulder and grabbing Knight's suitcase. He was so helpful. "Far out, Cole. Are you packing for a month-long camping safari?"

Knight grimaced. "No, but I had to take all of my things so that Lena's family didn't see them."

The weight of the bag, I could see, suddenly became far too light. Everything that Cole Knight owned could fit into a single suitcase; and he didn't even own that. I vowed to buy Knight something super big, so that his things weren't so transportable that his existence in my life could be wiped away, transferred, so easily. Maybe I would buy him a car, or, like, a trampoline. Or maybe just a really big box; like the box for a trampoline.

Jace carried my things and Knight's inside, Daria chattering away at his side, and I followed with my purse and pillow. In the living room, I was greeted by my friends. Cady and Alex had come down from the balcony, and Chance, Kaelin, Callie, Jonah—who was, as expected, asleep on the couch—and McKenna. They were all standing beneath a sign that read HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELLY BELLY, (it appeared that it was too late to kep this information from Alex and Jonah, who were looking from me to the sign with pure delight)with Daria's first cake of the birthday weekend—a mound of chocolate frosting and strawberries that looked delicious—lit up in front of them.

"Happy birthday, cuz," said Kaelin, holding the cake out in front of her.

I blew out the candles as Alex cheered—"Oh, why was she born so beautiful, oh why was she born at all? She's no fucking use to anyone, she's no fucking use at all!"—as the others laughed and sang along. I grinned. That song was super weird, but it was tradition.

Jace placed a hand on my shoulder. "Happy birthday," he said quietly.

I grinned up at him. "Thanks, Jace."

The others started talking a million miles a minute, placing a flurry of cocktails and other assorted drinks in my hand, wishing me a happy birthday, hitting me in the arm—birthday punches, a very important tradition in the Krisler household, and one that Alex was particularly fond of—and pointing out the rooms of the household. I was bunking in with Knight, Kaelin and McKenna, apparently, unless I wanted to take the master bedroom, which was currently empty. Apparently, no one wanted to sleep alone in the big room, because it was lame and very un-slumber party, according to Daria.

Jonah and Cady would probably love that room, I thought, but likely hadn't been awake to know that it was on offer.

Jace had already climbed the stairs with my things in hand. "Guys, guys," I said, grinning pleasantly and sipping at the cocktail Alex had pushed into my hands. He had made it far too strong. My heart was full, buoyed by my friends and their laughter and generosity. "I will be back down in a second, but I should probably help Jace with my stuff."

"Ooooh, Jace" they cooed. Knight made another kissy face at me.

"We promise not to walk in," said Cady innocently.

"Don't make out on my bed," warned Knight.

I looked over at Callie and McKenna nervously. They were standing together in the corner of the room, but to my relief, they were grinning. I really did need to talk to McKenna. She had dated Jace—was still in love with him, probably—and I had kissed him. Three times. Not that anyone save Knight, Jace, me, and probably Daria, knew.

I flipped my friends the finger as I started up the stairs, admiring the beautiful house that Knight had found with a whistle as I ascended. There were four bedrooms on the top floor, and the one at the end stood with the door ajar.

I sauntered in to find Jace neatly laying my bag at the foot of the bed. When he heard my footsteps, he turned around with a lopsided grin. "Is that okay there?" he asked.

I waved absently. "Fine."

Jace sat on the edge of the bed, looking up at me. "Happy with your present?"

"Beyond," I said, sitting down next to him. I was still holding the cocktail, so I set it down on the bedside table. "I'm glad you could make it."

He bumped my shoulder with his. "What are besties for, hey?"

"Don't let Knight hear you say that. He'll stab you in your sleep."

"I'll fight him for the honour."

I whacked him. "You already have Daria as your best friend. You can't have two."

"Maybe I pick you."

I snorted a laugh. "Yeah, okay. If Daria is on the table, I'm taking her and leaving you out in the dust."

Jace chuckled lightly. The memory of our kiss under the stars felt tangible, like a heavy weight in the air between us. But Jace was leaning back, his posture relaxed and easy, and I felt comfortable. It was a heavy weight, but in an almost comfortable way. Like a weighted blanket.

"So," said Jace. "Did you know that Alex went skinny dipping earlier?"

I bolted upright. "He did not."

Jace was laughing. "Yeah. There's a secluded section of beach just in front of the house, and Alex thought it would be funny. Then he spent the next twenty minutes with a heat pack down his pants."

I giggled at the thought. "Imagine if his nuts froze off."

"That's why he's been drawing penises on everything for so long," said Jace solemnly. "He's going to draw one back on, and make it so realistic he can pretend he's still got on."

I shoved Jace as I laughed, and the seriousness in his expression—betrayed by a twinkle in his eye—set me off again. Jace's face broke into a matching laugh, amused by my small giggles.

"I have some photos from the wedding, by the way, of... us," I told him. "If you, uh, wanted them."

C'mon, Lena. Why would he want pictures of you two together?

But Jace said, "Oh, yeah, definitely. I can add them to my collection."

I raised an eyebrow. "You have a collection?"

"Well, I have a group shot from last year or something. Plus, do you think I just got rid of your giant tapestry?" said Jace, recalling the prank I'd played on him all those months ago, when I'd climbed his tree with Alex, destroyed his room and hung a giant poster of myself flipping the finger, holding a sign emblazoned with my comeback message. I'M BACK, HARTLEY. DID YOU MISS ME?

"Okay, firstly, please tell me that's not still on your wall," I said.

Jace looked affronted. "Of course, it is. Giant Lena watches me sleep and flips off any intruders." Then he smirked. "Okay, Giant Lena is actually folded up in my closet."

"Thank you, weirdo," I said. "Secondly, you know that when I first saw your room, I thought you might be using that group shot to show to a hitman?"

Jace laughed. "Elle, you really overestimated my bank account if you thought I could afford a hitman," he said. "Besides, I only ever did tame stuff, like put spiders in your shoes or throw a chip at your hair. How far did you think I'd be willing to go?"

I shrugged. "I mean, you hated me a whole lot back then. Besides, I went pretty far."

"Yeah, because you're very extra and arguably the most stubborn person I have ever met," Jace reminded me. "Besides, I hardly had to go to much effort." At my confused look, he added, "You got far more annoyed at the small stuff anyway. I could set up an elaborate and embarrassing prank, and you'd be slightly annoyed. But when I threw a chip at your head, you would go onto a warpath and declare your eternal hatred for me."

"Huh," I said, but he was right. Hartley's small, annoying pranks had irritated me far more than the big ones. Maybe because I appreciated the elegant creativity, and could hardly be too furious at something so well-thought out. "I guess I could be a little over the top sometimes."

"A little?" said Jace. "Yeah, okay."

"That's what you hated me for," I said, grinning.

Jace's face wasn't turned toward me when he said, "With the heat of a thousand suns, as I recall."

"Jace! Lena!" came Chance's call from downstairs. "Stop making out and come downstairs! We're drinking!"

Jace stood up with an easy smile. "You ready?"

We spent the rest of the night drinking and laughing. Kaelin did a handstand that ended up with her falling into the spa, and Alex thought that skinny dipping a second time would be a good idea; it was not, as he spent the rest of the night thawing his nuts in the spa with Callie chattering at his side. Chance downloaded Grindr—well, Cady forced him to—and we spent a while organising his matches for him while he flailed nervously. Knight made us all watch Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse, while McKenna invented a drinking game that involved taking a shot every time Raquelle was an icon. We were quickly very intoxicated. Alex and Knight transferred the sleeping onto an inflatable mattress and sent him out into the sea; this prank didn't really work, as he was quickly swept away without actually waking up, and the ever-sweet Daria swam out to save him. This ended up with Daria thawing in the spa beside Alex.

The sun was rising by the time I collapsed beside Knight in bed. My head was fuzzy with alcohol and my eyes were drooping. McKenna and Kaelin were already asleep in the next bed.

"Hey, Knight?" I whispered into the darkness.


"Thank you," I said. "This is the best birthday present ever."

"No problem, Elly Belly," he replied, and he was asleep before I could say anything else.

When I stared at the ceiling, it was thoughts of Jace that stirred my mind. I was smiling secretly to myself by the time I drifted off to sleep. 

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