Birds are kinda a Clawthorne...

By Dini6621

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(Amity blight x fem reader) You are (y/n) Clawthorne Eda's daughter SLOW/MINIMAL UPDATES NO SMUTT Extra detai... More

Important details
Chapter 1: late again
Chapter 3: you calling me a monster?
Chapter 4: happens often, I'm used to it
Chapter 5: is it ok if we hold hands?
Chapter 6: GAME ON!
Chapter 7: ok I'm in!
Chapter 8: now stop being a jealous asshole
Chapter 9: Amity stop it, I'm fine
Chapter 10: Christmas?
Chapter 11: they'll think I'm weird
Chapter 12: I'm still a monster
Chapter 13: OHH AMITY!
Chapter 14: well I broke a promise
Chapter 15: none of your business
Chapter 16: one thing after the fucking other
Chapter 17: the only thing I cant tell you
Chapter 18: go get em Bad Girls!
Chapter 19: girlfriend for the night
Chapter 20: I feel ya
Chapter 21: you ok sweetheart?
Chapter 22: I know you won't let anything hurt me
Chapter 23: shes so fucking weird
Chapter 24: I'm so sorry (y/n) I'm so so sorry
Chapter 25: I don't think I can do this without you

Chapter 2: snuggle buddy

5.7K 139 152
By Dini6621

(Y/n) POV

I wake up to blinding flashes right in my face

I look up to the person or may I say people holding the scrolls, Ed and Em

"what the fuck" I hear Amity say, her voice still groggy from just waking up.

"Stop that" I put my hand up trying to block the light

They listen and put away their scrolls

"Good morning gays" Ed says with a smirk

"Shut up" Amity scoffs

"At least I don't say me and Viney are just friends and then get caught snuggling" Emira says

"What,we were not" I get cut off

"Snuggling? What do you mean snuggling?" Amitys face starts getting red

Ed takes out his scroll and shows us one of the many pictures he took.

Amity was laying on her back with my whole body practically on top of hers

She was also drooling a little, what a dork

Amity faces me, clearly embarrassed

"DELETE THEM NOW!" she yells

"We will delete them when you guys admit that you are dating" Ed says

"But we're not dating" we both say

"These pictures say otherwise"

Amity stands up and forms a massive abomination who grabs the twins and pins them to the floor

She hops up, snatches the scrolls out of their hands and deletes the pictures

She sticks her tongue out at her baffled siblings in which are still lying on the floor in shock

"Sometimes I wish I took the abominations track too" Ed sighs

"What time is it" I say hopping up from my warm place in the blankets

"Around 7am, mittens slept in" Em says

"If 7 is sleeping in I don't wanna know when you actually wake up" I say picking Rascal up and off of a sleeping Ghost

"Anyways I gotta go byeeeeee" I say jumping out of the window, falling a bit just until Rascal starts flying me back home

*timeskip to home*

"Where were you" I hear my mom say from in the kitchen

I must've closed the door to loud

"Amitys" I call back

"Youngest green hair?"

"Yep, I'm gonna go get dressed" I walk up the stairs and into my room

I grab a uniform, throw it on and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and attempt to brush my hair

"GOOD MORNING HOOT HOOT" Hooty says obnoxiously

"Morning Hooty"

Suddenly I hear a big thud at the bathroom door

I open it to see King lying on the floor with Francois and his blanket still half asleep

"Morning buddy" I giggle picking him up

"ERgUh" he attempts to say actual words

I carry him downstairs with me to the kitchen.

"Here Lulu" Hooty says excitedly handing aunt Lily a plate of something

"Thank you Hootcifer, may I ask what this is?" She asks while taking a big bite

"Bugs and dirt"

She spits you the nasty so called food Hooty had just given her

"Hooty, witches don't eat bugs what the Isles" aunt Lily says

"But their so tasty" Hooty reply's smashing their face into the slop and licking the plate clean

"Well that was disgusting" I say standing up from the door frame I was leaning on

I plop King down in his throne, also known as a highchair

I whip out my scroll to check the time it's 7:59

I need to go now, school starts in less than a minute

"Byeeee" I yell before jumping on Rascal and heading out the door

*flying to Hexide timeskip*

"I'm late, again" I sigh

Take one hand off my staff checking the time on my scroll

"8:07 eh, could've done worse"

I swoop down landing on the steps of the school

"Ow" I say after I land too hard and sharp pain shoots throughout my feet

I ignore it and push open the doors, the halls are empty and dead silent

I throw my stuff in my locker and walk to the abominations home room

"Late again Ms. Clawthorne" the short teacher says, not even having to look at the person awkwardly standing in the doorway

"I'm very sorry sir, palismen troubles. Won't happen again sir" I say

"Yeah sure, take your seat" they say going back to teaching

Walk up and sit beside Amity

"What now?" She says with an annoyed tone

"Well, after my snuggle session with you I still had to go home get ready and fly here so if you add it all up it takes a bit, ya know?"

"Don't say that out loud" she says a blush spreading across her face and her ears moving downwards

"Ok then, snuggle buddy" I say shooting her a quick smile before turning to face the lesson

*timeskip to lunch*

"And Bosch just slipped in the mud, face first my lumpkin patch" Willow tells us about their time spent gardening

We all laugh

"Anyways what did you two do last night?" Bosch asks

Am and I look at each other, waiting for someone to answer

"I snuck into her house" I admit


"We just hung out, don't get your panties in a bunch" Amity rolls her eyes

I put my hand up, blocking Amity'sveiw of my mouth

"We fell asleep and cuddled" I mouth

*time skip to home*

I walk in the house and immediately run upstairs and lay down on my bed

I hear quick tapping on the floor before King bursts through the door and runs up to me

"Hey King" I scroll through Penstagram

"Hi (y/n)" he holds his arms up "upie" he demands

I lift him up into my bed

"Ya know you could've jumped up yourself right?"

He ignores me and walks in circles to find the perfect spot

"Hey (y/n) come down here and look what I got" I hear my mom call from downstairs

"Oh great, just when I get comfortable" King says before sprinting downstairs on all fours

"Coming" I say putting away my scroll and running downstairs to see what my mom has

1004 words

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