a smaller mordreds brother pa...

By Paratroopa

24.3K 383 256

the third book in the series. and it is apocrypha this time. (y/n) was turned into his saber form, which just... More

vote for grand order
the homunculus

Meeting more servants

2.4K 62 39
By Paratroopa

hay guys here is another chapter ill probably post 1 every Monday unless i cant than it will be sometime int he week.


after going staying the night in a miserable place like this. in which i chose not to go to sleep taking advantage of not needing it. speaking of we found out that dumb berserker went out on a rampage. i never really liked Spartacus.

but taking advantage of this, i wanted to meet some of the best people. sad they stayed with the red side. but they are awesome, i so want to fight Achilles. ohh crap, don't tell me that mordred wore off on me. 

(y/n): master, can i go monitor berserker.

(master): yeah sure, just dont get spotted by the black team.

(mordred): hay no fair, i want to go to!

(y/n): you need to protect master while im gone.

she seemed to pout.

(mordred): you know your better at protecting people (y/n)!

(y/n): yes but if i left you alone you would cause trouble.

(mordred): i would not, master tell him i wouldnt.

(master): .........

master chose not to speak up. whether it was because of our sibling rivalry or something like that. or it might be because if he says the answer wrong he will get another sword at his throat.

so he just allows me to go. as i leave i remember another thing and yell down the corridor.

(y/n): remember to contact that weird priest so he doesnt get mad!

(master): yeah yeah! just go already!

(y/n): bye! and mordred dont break anything!

using my superior speed i jump all the way to the forest where i know Spartacus is. if you wonder why i know, thats because i mapped out the area for all the events i remember.

when i get there i jump into a tree and just see berserker breaking golems. and hear rider and archer talking

(archer): do you think we should just abandon berserker and leave rider.

(rider): if you would rather stop him and try to convince him to stop you can try missy.

(y/n): i dont suggest that action.

they seemed alarmed when they see me. and get defensive.

(y/n): relax, im saber of red. well 1 of the 2

looking at them i can tell that there both good looking. 

(y/n): so what are your names?

(archer): my name is Adelante.

(rider): Achilles, what is yours saber?

(y/n): my name is.......bennet

(rider): i havent heard of a swordman named bennet

(y/n): sorry im not well known

(rider): that must mean your pretty weak.

(y/n): wanna run that by me again...

i pull out my sword from my waist. and point it at his neck.

(rider): woah woah calm down.

(archer): be quiet everyone they are here.

when we look i notice a trap. duking it out with berserker. berserker losing obviously, he is one of the weakest servants in this war, the only good thing about him is his noble phantasm. but it is to creapy.

than his arm gets stabbed by mr dracula there.

at this time it is well known to me that they have already detected us. its not like i can do much about that tho. they have there archer on us. and vlad with his stakes is a bit annoying. and than they start to take berserker out of the forest and to there base.

than combat starts. but i just stay up in the tree and conceal my position. while atalante stays up in her tree. and achilles stays in the open for them to not expect atalante.

saber and berserker of black come out of the woodwork. as achilles is whistling.

(achilles): hay there you two, lets see a saber and a berserker huh. well now seems as if im being underestimated. they really think two servants is enough. i cant help but feel a bit insulted.

than there combat begins with achilles having the upper hand for most of the time.  

everything changes when atalante fires a shot and hits sigfried. and saber dematerializes. rider provokes berserker. but berserker does not go forward. instead by instinct i jump down and slice down the arrow about to hit achilles, than followed by 3 more arrows, than berserker runs after atalante.

and than nothing really happens except a short skirmish and me blocking arrows. man is archer anoying. and i dont have fricking protection from arrows. its anoying. but before i leave i want to meet ruler again.

so i instead start going a different direction. finding astolfo and the homunculus running through the forest. but seig gets tired. probably because he hasent walked a lot. with astolfo making a really weird speach you wouldnt expect from him.

saber suddenly coming out of the woodwork for the second time. and being ordered to pin rider down. walking away from them, well more like running i finally find ruler running her way to where they are. i slightly follow her. finally she makes it there.

(ruler): saber of black

(saber): ruler.

(astolfo): ruler.

(saber): i have once again lost sight of my path, he wished nothing of me so i nearly abandoned him. i stopped thinking for myself and let others decide for me.

(ruler): what on earth happened

(saber): i may be responsible for all he encounters.

(y/n): saber of black what are you doing....

(saber): ahh saber of red, i see you are here as well. 

(y/n): that was a nice fight earlier.

(saber): i thank you for that...

(y/n): are you really going to do that.

(saber): it is the only way that i can help him.

(y/n): you know that you owe me a fight, it would have been fun if lancer wasnt there last time.

(saber): than it is going to be a while before we can fight again.

(y/n): than i will try to help this child as much as a can, but i think ruler is going to help more.

(saber): ounce again i have to thank you.

and that was the last of the day when i see a man i greatly respect take out his heart and give it to someone just to help him. i kinda want to meet him when grand order happens.


hay guys that was the chapter goodbye

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