mental | lwt

By adidaspunk

172K 3.4K 735

❝ you taught me how to love others when i couldn't love myself. ❞ More

Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: Strange Behavior
Chapter 3: Complicated
Chapter 4: New Friends
Chapter 5: Meeting the Family
Chapter 6: Spaghetti, Meatballs, and Lies
Chapter 7: Confessions and Tough Talk
Chapter 8: Pizza, Discoveries, and Break-downs
Chapter 9: Soccer and Secrets
Chapter 10: Papers, Principals, and Panicking
Chapter 11: Disappointment, Boys, and Karaoke
Chapter 12: Thoughts, Changes, and Accusations
Chapter 13: Isn't Trouble Lovely
Chapter 14: Fails, Attempts, and Bonds
Chapter 15: The Right One
Chapter 16: Step One
Chapter 17: Would He Say He's In L-O-V-E?
Chapter 19: I Know What I Saw
Chapter 20: Talk About Awkward
Chapter 21: Classified
Chapter 22: Just the Way You Are
Chapter 23: I Can't Let You Go
Chapter 24: Accidental Regrets
Chapter 25: I'll Fix This
Chapter 26: Set Up & Stood Up
Chapter 27: Perfect As Always
Chapter 28: Realization
Chapter 29: Apology Accepted
Chapter 30: Smile and Show Your Inner Child
Chapter 31: Only Us Two
Chapter 32: Couldn't Be Better
Chapter 33: Time of My Life
Chapter 34: Just A Game
Chapter 35: Face Reality
Chapter 36: Not as Bad
Chapter 37: Grinning Like an Idiot
Chapter 38: I Came Back
Chapter 39: Performances and Big News

Chapter 18: Catching Feelings

3.5K 72 21
By adidaspunk

A/N: HERE'S CHAPTER EIGHTEEN! I hope you enjoy! Remember to comment, vote, and fan! Oh, and the picture on the side is what Emma's outfit is supposed to look like! Anyways, THANKS FOR BEING AWESOMEFUL!

-Reese Stylinson xxxx



                  I got a call from Louis in the middle the night, and I had rushed right over to his house. I knocked on his front door, and he came rushing down the steps to open the door for me.

                 “Louis? What's wrong?” He stared blankly at me, hurt showing in his face.

                  Tears had stained his cheeks, and his eyes were all red and squinty from crying. He threw himself towards me, wrapping his arms around my torso and sobbing violently into my chest. I rubbed circles into his back, combing my fingers through his caramel hair. Right now I didn't care that his tears were staining my shirt. All I cared about was that he would be happy again. 

                 He finally pulled away, and just looking at how depressed and hurt he was pained my heart. I grabbed hold of his wrist and pulled him upstairs to he bedroom.

                “Lou, it's okay. Just tell me what happened.” He sighed, chills all over his body. I reached out to wrap and arm around his shoulders, and he took a deep breath before continuing.

                “I had a terrible nightmare,” he started, stumbling over his words. “It was that Emma and Drake were getting married, and then Emma said that she didn't need me anymore.”

               “Lou, you know that will never happen. Emma loves you even if she doesn't realize it.” I assured him, but he just looked sad as ever.

               “I don't think so, Harry.” I sighed.

              “Do you want me to spend the night with you?” Louis nodded, and with that, I crawled in his bed right beside him.



              “Emma, it's time to get up for school. You better be awake by now.” Mom hollered from downstairs, and I sighed while kicking the blankets off of my feet. I stepped out of bed, walking over towards my closet in search for something nice to wear.

                I decided on a yellow tank with a black kami underneath for today. I changed into it real quick and then stepped into a pair of tan shorts that would match. I glanced at myself in the mirror, and I thought I actually looked pretty good.

                With that, I headed downstairs to go and eat some breakfast to calm my stomach a little more. I sat down in front of a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. I raised the glass to my lips, sipping slowly. Mom sat down at the table across from me, a smile plastered visibly on her face. I smiled back at her.

                  "Something tells me you aren't anxious to go to school today." Mom joked, and I rolled my eyes.

                  "I'm never anxious to go to school, Mom."

                  "I know, honey. Now hurry up and eat. The bus will be here in no longer than ten minutes." She warned me, and I finished eating my cereal afterwards.



                   When I got to school today, the first thing I did was head over to my locker to get my books. Luckily, it opened for me today, so it wasn't such a hassle. I closed my locker after I had all my stuff gathered in my arms. I took a deep breath before approaching Emma at her locker. Drake wasn't there, at least not yet, so this was my chance.

                    "Emma, hey." I managed to say, my hands shaking at my sides. It felt as if my heart was about to pound straight out of my chest, and I was more nervous than I usually was. Emma smiled at me, calm as ever.


                    "Want to walk to English together? We still have to work more on that essay, you know." I reminded her, and she chuckled as she shut her locker.

                    "Sure. Let's go."

                      As we walked to class, I was praying that Drake wouldn't show up and ruin it all. We kept on walking until we reached the classroom, and once we did, we walked right inside and took our seats. Emma smiled before reaching into her folder and pulling out the essay. She laid it on the desk in front of us so we both could see it.

                      After all the time we had been given, we had only written two sentences. I sighed while staring blankly at it, chewing my lip as I read it over to myself yet again. I felt as if this was going to take forever.

                       I believe that friendship is one of the most important things in life. To me, having friends by your side is the best thing.

                       That's all we had so far. I looked over at Emma, and she was looking straight down at the paper. Her eyes glistened, her lips pursed as she read it to herself. She was studying it super closely as I was studying her. I reached out to lay a hand overtop of hers, and she simply smiled back at me.

                        "I think I'm going to write about you, Louis." She told me, and I felt my face getting hotter by the second.


                         "Yeah, I mean, you were my first friend since I moved her. It would be foolish of me not to talk about you." She chuckled, and I blushed.

                          "And you were my first friend ever," I started, her eyes locking on mine. "You were the first to actually give me a chance. Everybody us just thought I was a freak and never wanted to talk to me."

                          "I still can't believe that you had no friends before."

                          "Well, believe it because it's true." I told her, and she nodded apologetically.

                          "Louis, how does it feel to have a disorder?"

                           I sighed. "Well, you're a normal person. You have feelings, you can smile, you can cry - we're all human. The only difference is you take stuff harder than most people, and you constantly feel stressed and have this achy feeling in your head and stomach. When you have an anxiety attack, take all that times ten."

                          Emma gasped. "I never thought of it that way."

                           "Louis, you're such a loser. You have no friends because you're just a freak." Some kid mused from behind me, and I felt myself wanting to cry.

                           "Don't listen to them, it's not true." Emma whispered, and I nodded.

                           "What a loner." The kid mumbled again, and that was enough to make me start crying. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and the teasing only got worse once the kids had seen me crying.

                            Emma tried to reach out and grab me, but I ran out of the classroom and down the hall. Harry was in the hall, and as I ran, he followed me. I made it to the bathroom before he did, and I locked myself in the stall.

                           "Louis, open the door please." Harry told me, his voice quavering with worry and sadness.

                            I cried harder, all my thoughts adding together. What am I thinking? I'm not normal. I'm different, and I don't fit in here. I don't fit in anywhere. Yet another salty tear escaped my eye, and I soft whimper escaped my lips.

                            "Harry," I choked out.


                             "Get Emma."

                            "But, Lou. She can't come in the boys bathroom," he insisted, and I didn't really care about rules right now.

                            "I don't care I just... I need here."

                            "Okay, if you say so."


                            "Louis, you know I'm not supposed to be in here, but I care about you. Please, come out of the stall. Don't listen to what those other kids were saying. You're more likeable then them, and you're more likeable and sweet than anyone I know. I think you have an amazing personality. And, who cares if you have a disorder? I like you for you. You make my life interesting and fun, and I don't want you to give up on yourself. Please, listen to me."

                            I did as she said, opening the stall door. I stood before her, her eyes meeting mine once again. I let out one last whimper, my eyes glistening with tears. She smiled weakly at me at me, opening her arms and giving me a hug. I buried my face into her chest, and she squeezed me harder. I smiled at her when she pulled away.

                            "You're the best, Emma. And to me, you're the most wonderful person in my life. You are the sweetest, and I don't even know where I would be without you. Not only do I have you as my best friend, but you introduced me to more people. You took me in the second we ran into each other, and that means a lot to me. Some people think I have the mind of a toddler, and I think so too, but... I'm just like you in a way."

                             "Louis, you're one of the smartest people I know. You're young at heart, and, I love that about you. I mean, you're the only person I know who would play in the leaves at seventeen years old."

                              "Is that a good thing?"

                               Emma chuckled. "Very good. Now, let's get out of here before people start to get concerned."


                               In study hall today, I figured since I loved singing, I could write a song maybe. It would be something about Emma and how she was with Drake. I wanted her to be with me more than anything, because she understands me better than anyone else. It pained me every time she and Drake were together, and I wanted to fix that. So, I took out a piece of paper, and started thinking of some meaningful lyrics.

Na na na na na

Na na na na na

He takes your hand

I die a little

I watch your eyes

and I'm in riddles

why can't you look at me like that

                            I smiled at what I had written so far. It was so true, and all my feelings kind of just poured out onto the paper. Who knows? Maybe if I keep songwriting a hobby I may not cry or get upset as much anymore.

Na na na na na

when you walk by

I try to say it

but then I freeze

I never do it

my tongue gets tied

the words get trapped

I hear the beat of my heart

getting louder whenever I'm

near you

                            Now I needed a chorus. I let myself drown in my thoughts, brainstorming all she and Drake had been through. I knew it was a lot and I was going to have to summarize it, but I think I was able to do so.

But I see you with him

slow dancing

tearing me apart

cause you don't see

whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking

oh how I wish

that was me

Na na na na na

Na na na na na


He looks at you,

the way that I would

does all the things

I know that I could

if only time could just turn back

cause I've got three little words that

I've always been dying to tell you

But I see you with him

slow dancing

tearing me apart

cause you don't see

whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking

oh how I wish

that was me

                             I decided to take a break from the song writing for a while and have something to eat. I hadn't eaten since lunchtime in school today, so I was starving. I groaned before standing up and walking towards the kitchen. The first thing that I noticed just sitting on the table was an apple. It had just been washed, and my first instinct was to just eat it right then and there. So, that's exactly what I did.

                             I saw Fizzy running down the hall to her bedroom, and Phoebe was following right behind her. Lottie was calmly sitting on the couch texting away, and I was just sitting here biting into an apple.

                             "Lotts, who are you texting?"

                              She blushed.


                                I chuckled, biting into my apple once again. "I figured. What are you two talking about?"

                               "The dance." She told me, and my smile faded.

                                 The dance. Where I was going to see Emma slow dancing with Drake rather than with me. I sighed, plopping down on the couch right next to Lottie. She noticed I was depressed, so she locked her phone and turned to face me.

                                  "What's wrong, Lou?"

                                    I sighed. "Can I tell you a secret?"

“Yeah, sure.”

                                      “Well, lately, I realized that I have sort of a crush on Emma. But, you can’t tell anyone.”

                                      “I knew it.” She smiled mischievously.

                                      “Why is it everybody knew this but me?” I joked, and she laughed.



                                        Niall and I still have no song ideas whatsoever. We have been working on it for two days now, and I think that we should at least have an idea – but we didn’t. I sighed, looking over at a confused Niall.

                                         “I hope asking you to come over will help a little, but I’m not sure.” I told him, and he looked up at me.

                                           Niall sighed. “I hope it makes a difference.”

                                          "Why is this so hard? I mean, we love singing, but we have no clue how to write a song." I complained, and Niall nodded in agreement.

                                           "I know. Maybe we could write about... I don't know... love?"

                                           "But I don't have a girlfriend."

                                           "Are you crushing on anyone?"

                                             I looked to the floor, my cheeks flaming. Niall nudged me, trying his hardest to embarrass me.



                                            "I said maybe."





                                            "Fine, you don't have to tell me, but that's not going to get us anywhere with the song, you know."

                                             "Alright, alright I'll tell you. I like Danielle Peazer." I admitted shamefully, and Niall took a moment to process the information.

                                             "Isn't she popular?"


                                             "Do you think you have a chance with her?"

                                               I sighed. "Probably not."

                                              "Well, I think I may have an idea for a song."

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