The Fourth Eaton

By FieldFullOfStars

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*Book 1 of the Eaton Tetralogy* Camilla Eaton made a promise. And she has no intention of breaking it. A yea... More

Author's Note & Epigraph
Chapter 1 🔪 The Belt Buckle
Chapter 2 🔪 Choose
Chapter 3 🔪 Aptitudes
Chapter 4 🔪 My Turn
Chapter 5 🔪 Leaps
Chapter 6 🔪 Burgers
Chapter 7 🔪 Worth It
Chapter 8 🔪 Bang Bang
Chapter 9 🔪 Fists Flying
Chapter 10 🔪 Down
Chapter 12 🔪 Rumors
Chapter 13 🔪 Conquest
Chapter 14 🔪 Sharp Stuff
Chapter 15 🔪 Deserved
Chapter 16 🔪 Meet-and-Greet
Chapter 17 🔪 Showdown
Chapter 18 🔪 The Eagle's Wings
Chapter 19 🔪 This Isn't Real
Chapter 20 🔪 Tattoos and Roaring Waters
Chapter 21 🔪 Make It Stop
Chapter 22 🔪 Stupidity
Chapter 23 🔪 Eyes
Chapter 24 🔪 Don't
Chapter 25 🔪 Demons
Chapter 26 🔪 Arachnids
Chapter 27 🔪 Innocent
Chapter 28 🔪 Luck
Chapter 29 🔪 Fear and Freedom
Chapter 30 🔪 The Aftermath
Chapter 31 🔪 Celebrations and Revelations
Chapter 32 🔪 Beginnings
Chapter 33 🔪 Cherished
Chapter 34 🔪 Ordinary Acts of Bravery
Chapter 35 🔪 Imperfections
Epilogue 🔪 Proud

Chapter 11 🔪 Something's Up

702 8 7
By FieldFullOfStars

A/N: Hello guys!

It's been four long weeks since I've updated, and, as always, I'm sorry for that. High school is... overwhelming, and we're not even two months in. 

Most of my classes are actually easy; Geometry, Spanish, Computer Science, and Biology are not too bad. For 9th grade, it could definitely be worse.

The harder classes are Band, GT Humanities, and AP Human Geography. Band, because, well, music is a lot more work than you might think, and GT Humanities and AP Human Geo because they're AP classes. GT Humanities is technically my English credit for the year, but the curriculum is half English, half AP World History. And it's a two year course. AP Human Geo is a regular, one-year AP course. An AP course that has a corresponding AP exam with a less than 60% international passing rate. Oh, joy.

Anyways, I'll stop bothering you with my school problems. here's Chapter 11!

The next morning, I jerk out of my restful sleep - for once, no nightmares, maybe because my brain was too exhausted to produce them - to the insistent ringing of the alarm.

My friends and I grab muffins and race to the train, and arrive just minutes before it appears.

I wince a little as I ran alongside the train; my bruises from my fight with Julia still hurt.

I've been through worse. I remind myself, as I reach up and grab the handle. I swing myself in, and someone pulls me in the rest of the way.

I look up to see my brother. He smiles at me, although his expression holds a little concern, a toned-down version of the look he would give me after I just got a beating.

I smile back, then pull away from his hold, walking towards Lavender, Ethan, and Julia. The point he had made our first night in the Chasm was a good one; we couldn't be seen together too much.

Ever since our first two meetings, we had agreed to meet every other day, at the same time. It is a good way to just unwind and relax with the only person I love; a time to talk and express the other side of me with someone I trust. Our conversations had been much more lighthearted than the first two. Mostly, we just teased each other, which was both familiar and new. On one hand, we had never been allowed to tease each other in Abnegation - it was considered selfish and hurtful to do so - but, on the other, we had never been ordinary Abnegation kids.

Our trip to the fence is uneventful; we watch an Amity truck pull through, with several people sitting in the back strumming banjos. I observe them with a new perspective, thanks to Lavender. Are any of them truly this happy? Or is it all an effect of peace serum?

I ponder that as we ride back. My mind is only half focused on the conversation of my friends. I smile and make comments from time to time, but they clearly notice that I'm zoned out and don't try to talk to me.

Once we get back to the compound, Tobias gathers us around him. "You have the rest of the day off. Make the most of it. We expect you back in the training room bright and early tomorrow morning for your third fight. Dismissed."

He glances at me as he says this. I meet his gaze, even as the other initiates scurry off.

"Chasm. Tonight." He mouths. My stomach drops. Our last meeting was just yesterday. What could be so important that it couldn't wait until tomorrow?

I give him an almost imperceptible nod, then turn back to my friends, who are discussing what they want to do.

"I say we grab a bite to eat. It's almost 1 o'clock." Julia buts into Lavender and Ethan's debate. "It's almost one o'clock. After we fill our stomachs we can decide what to do."

Lavender and Ethan exchange a look, then nod.

"Last one there is a rotten egg!" I yell, taking off.

"Not fair, Cammi!" I hear Lavender's cry from behind me. The sound of our footfalls fill the dark hallways.

I can sense someone catching up to me, and I push myself even harder. Just a few more feet.

There. The jagged hole that leads into the dining room is right ahead of me. My tiredness disappears. I push myself into a sprint.

I burst into the dining hall, and immediately put my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath.

The people at the tables closest to the door twist around to look, then quickly turn away. I guess they're used to this kind of thing.

Julia appears behind me a few seconds later. Her laugh is melodic, like bells. I smile.

Lavender and Ethan appear last, neck in neck, their faces flushed and their mouths stretched into wide smiles.

"I beat you!" Lavender gets out through her pants.

"Did not! I was ahead of you by a foot!" Ethan counters. They're still smiling, though, so I know it's all in good fun.

"Did t-"

"You tied!" Julia steps in between them, her mouth curving into a silly grin.

"Does that mean neither of us is a rotten egg?" Ethan asks nobody in particular.

"No." I step forward, unable to wipe my amusement off my face. Lavender, Ethan, and Julia turn to me curiously. "It means you're both rotten eggs."

"Cammi!" Ethan whines, as Lavender fake-pouts, sticking her bottom lip out dramatically, all while trying to stifle a laugh.

"Nope. Come on Julia, let's let the rotten eggs sit together."

Julia giggles, which I've never actually heard Julia do before, and links her arm with mine. We start towards our table, with Lavender and Ethan behind us.

"I will get revenge for this!" Ethan calls out to me. His tone is playful.

I don't stop as I reply, "Try and I will kick your ass."

At this, Lavender can't hold her laughter anymore.

We get our food and sit down, me and Julia on one side and Lavender and Ethan on the other. Ethan's cheeks are flushed red, probably from my comment. Lavender's cheeks are also flushed, but from her laughter, which finally begins dying down.

"That was hilarious, come on, Ethan! Especially since Cammi probably could follow through with it!"

"Yeah, right." Ethan rolls his eyes.

"Would you like to find out if I can, Ethan?" I stand up, making my voice as menacing as possible. Julia claps a hand over her mouth, but her cheeks give away her amusement. Lavender just laughs harder. Great. She was just about to stop.

"N-No, no, no, I'm f-fine." Ethan stutters, as I tower over his sitting form.

I smile sweetly at him. "Good." And, I sit down, satisfied, and grab my spoon, shoveling food into my mouth.

Just then, someone slides into the seat on the other side of me. I stiffen, and turn to see who it is. I immediately relax again as I see Rowan was the one who sat next to me. On his other side is a Dauntless-born girl that I've never met before.

She's extremely pretty, with straight black hair that falls to her shoulders, pale skin, a thin but muscular frame, and striking gray eyes. They're the type that draw you in, so you can't stop staring.

I shake myself out of it, and look at the other two people who have sat down, on the other end of the table.

One of them is Juniper. She's sitting across from the Dauntless-born girl beside Rowan. The other one, sitting next to Lavender, is a boy who looks nearly identical to the Dauntless-born girl. He has the same build as her, the same skin, the same straight jawline, the same distinctive gray eyes.

"Hey, That girl who kicked Zayden's ass." Rowan's eyes sparkle with amusement as he says it, and, for a split second, my mind wanders to how nice he looks when he's happy.

I shake my head again, dismissing the thoughts. I'm just hungry, after all.

"Hey, Rowan, Juniper." I smile at them both.

"Nice to see you again, Cammi." Juniper returns my smile. "Isn't it, Rowan?" She leans forward and pokes him with her fork.

I glance at Rowan, only to find his eyes already on mine. I can feel my cheeks heating up a little. He was staring at me. Why?

As soon as Juniper pokes him, Rowan jumps a little, and shifts his gaze back to Juniper. "What?"

"I was just saying it's nice to see Cammi again. Where were you?"

And, for whatever reason, Rowan blushes. "Nowhere. Yeah, it's nice to see you again. Very nice."

His eyes bore into mine again. His hold an emotion I can't quite make out, and I'm sure mine hold a question.

But this time, he turns away first. "Where did you think I was, Juni? The training room?" There. Their light banter is back again.

"No, I meant your mind, you dumbass. And you want to know what I think?" Her voice has turned into a playful sing-song.

"What?" He asks, his tone decidedly bored.

"You were thinking about your little crush." This catches Rowan's attention. His eyes, which had drifted down to his food, snap back up to Juniper's.

A part of my stomach twinges when she says he has a crush. What is going on with me today?

"Was not!" Rowan says, his cheeks even redder than before. I wonder why this is embarrassing him so much. I know that the Dauntless are much more open with these kinds of things than the Abnegation are.

"I didn't know Rowan had a crush. Why didn't you clue us in, Juniper?" The Dauntless-born girl, whose name I still don't know, pipes up.

"Yeah, we all know he hasn't dated since... her." At that, all their eyes flick over to another table, across the dining hall.

I look over there too, out of curiosity. They're eying a gaggle of Dauntless-born initiates, four in total. Two boys and two girls. They're laughing and goofing around, nothing unusual from what I know about Dauntless.

"Anyways." The Dauntless boy continues his phrase, breaking the awkward silence. "This is huge, Juni! Answer Chloe's question."

So the Dauntless-born girl is Chloe. I store that information away.

Juniper shrugs. "He didn't want anyone to know, and I'll respect that. He kept my secret about you, Kian. That is, unless he pisses me off..." She switches her gaze onto Rowan, and Rowan gulps, clearly a little bit frightened of Juniper.

And the Dauntless-born boy is Kian. I'd be willing to bet that Kian and Chloe are siblings, or at least related in some way.

Just then, I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I whip around, and look at my friends. Ethan is just watching the exchange between me and the Dauntless-borns with confusion. Lavender is listening quietly. And Julia has her eyebrow cocked, looking at me.

"Oh my goodness!" I gasp, horror flooding over me. "I haven't introduced everyone!"

I turn to the Dauntless-borns. "Guys, this is Ethan." I point to him, "Julia," I do the same for her, "And you know Lavender." Lavender sends them a small wave.

"Hey guys. So you're the friends of the spitfire over here who challenged Zayden in the first five seconds that they met?" Rowan chuckles at the end of his sentence. Juniper just shakes her head, at what, I don't know.

"Yep. It was awesome. Zayden just called me a hippie and Cammi a stiff, and said that we wouldn't last. And she asked him if that was a bet, and told him that he failed miserably in insulting us." Lavender kept laughing at the memory. Thinking back to it, I smile.

"You should be thankful, Lav. I defended you from the wrath of Zayden." I make my tone teasing, so she knows that I'm not truly hurt. If there's one thing I've learned about Lavender in the past few days, it's that she doesn't like seeing anybody hurt. She gets through it, sure, but she always tries to help that person, no matter who they are. Except for Zayden, she has refused to extend that courtesy to him, although he hasn't needed it so far.

"And who says I need your defense?" Lavender's face twists a little, and I detect a bit of insecurity and anger in there. Immediately, a wave of guilt washes over me. I wish I could take back my words. If I were Lavender, I would feel hurt too. I was basically implying that I needed to defend her, which is not true at all.

"Nobody. You don't need me. I bet you would have kicked his ass all by yourself, if I hadn't intervened."

I can see the effect of my words on Lavender. Her face immediately turns back into the always smiling, always caring girl that I call my friend.

"Why did you, Cammi?" Rowan suddenly asks. I turn to him, a little puzzled.

"Why did I what?"

"Why did you challenge Zayden? I'm not saying it was a bad thing, I think all of us are happy you did, but why?"

Rowan's words hold an edge of seriousness, and it sobers up everybody at the table. Seven pairs of eyes wait for my answer.

I think for a moment, before I come up with the honest answer. These are my friends; I don't want to lie to them. "I was getting picked on. My friend was getting picked on. I'm not afraid to stand up for myself or my friends. I couldn't do that for sixteen years in Abnegation." I swallow, thinking of the many years - and many ways - in which I didn't defend myself. "The Dauntless manifesto says 'We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.' So standing up for us was a Dauntless act. And I am Dauntless."

In one of our Chasm meetings, Tobias had brought a copy of the Dauntless manifesto, for me to read. This particular line, along with one another, had caught my attention. I had admitted it to Tobias, and he had replied that he thought it was one of the most beautiful lines in the manifesto. I couldn't agree more.

I look up from the table, at which I was staring at throughout my little speech. Fourteen eyes watch me, in confusion or awe, I'm not sure.

The silence that has fallen over our group is dispelled when Chloe opens her mouth, "It was a Dauntless act, but it's also an Abnegation one. You were defending your friend. You turned away from your reflection, like the Abnegation manifesto says."

I can feel my heart start to beat a little faster. Does she know? How could this girl that I met less than five minutes ago also dissect me so quickly? Does she just assume that I have lingering characteristics of my old faction, or that, under my Dauntless exterior, I will always carry my Abnegation with me?

"How do you know the Abnegation manifesto?" I ask, arching my eyebrow. I'm curious how she knows what it says - even though it is the shortest manifesto, the other factions aren't exactly fond of the "Stiffs". I can't imagine anyone who would learn our manifesto for fun. Maybe the Erudite, but they hate us.

But I also have an ulterior motive; asking her is also a good way to deflect the attention off myself.

It works. Everyone looks at her, and her cheeks turn pink. "I, um, uh-"

Kian cuts her off. "On the way home from school, we heard the Abnegation reciting it from inside one of their government buildings. It was a little after last year's initiation ended."

"Oh." I nod. "It must have been Abnegation's initiation day. Dauntless initiation takes less time than Abnegation's does, I think."

"Yeah, I guess." Kian shrugs and nods in agreement.

Suddenly, Juniper's eyes widen, and she leans over to whisper something in Kian's ear. His eyes widen too, and he turns to face us.

"Well, thanks to our idiot friends, especially Rowan-"

"Hey, why me?" Rowan protests. Under the dim lighting of the dining room, I can't help but notice how his hair shifts as he moves his head to look at Kian.

What is wrong with you, Camilla?

"Well, it's thanks to you that your transfer friends don't even know all of our names!" Kian finishes, smirking at Rowan.

He instantly reddens. "I'm so sorry, guys. Cammi, Lavender, Ethan, Julia, I'm Rowan, and this," he points his spoon at Juniper, "Is Juniper. Cammi and Lavender, you've met her already."

"Yeah, we have. You two gave me some insight on how blind my former faction is when it comes to their bread." Lavender quips.

This earns a laugh out of everyone. When we calm down, Rowan continues the introductions. "Anyways, the girl to my left is Chloe."

"Hey, gals. You guys-"

"What!" Ethan interrupts, putting his pouty face on. "I'm not a gal!"

"Well, you are now, is that clear?" Chloe smiles at him, sickly-sweet, and he immediately shrinks back, grumbling something under his breath.

"As I was saying, before I got rudely interrupted." Chloe smirks at Ethan. "You guys seem a lot cooler than the other transfers. I mean, those two-" She points at Zayden and Dante, "are mean, of course, but you already knew that. And the other two Erudite transfers seem very engrossed in one another."

At this, Julia rolls her eyes. "Yeah, they are. I told Cammi, Lav, and Ethan that they'll probably be dating soon. I've known them for three years and they've known each other even longer."

"Ah, nothing like young love." Juniper smirks in the direction of Aiden and Sadie, who are, have their heads close together, and are laughing softly.

"Shut up, Juni. I seem to recall that you're in a pretty serious relationship yourself." At Chloe's words, Juniper's cheeks instantly gain a new pink tint.

"With who?" Lavender asks. I look back at her, and the expression on her face is curious.

Juniper laughs. "Just so you know, I'm not available, nor am I interested in girls."

It is now Lavender whose cheeks go red. "I didn't mean it like that! I was-"

Juniper, as well as Rowan, Chloe, and Kian, burst out laughing. "Relax, Lavender. We're kidding with you." Juniper grins in Lavender's direction, a truce. "And that brings us to our next introduction. This is Kian, my boyfriend."

"Hello, everyone. Seems like a pretty interesting group here." Kian nods at us. Out of all the Dauntless-borns, Kian seems like the most serious, the most withdrawn, although he hasn't hesitated in joining us in banter and discussion.

"Let me guess." Julia pipes up. "You two - Kian and Chloe - are you siblings? Twins?"

They look at each other, then at Julia. "Yep." They chorus.

"That's creepy." Ethan makes a face. "I don't understand how twins do that."

"It's magic," They chorus again, which makes Ethan scooch away from them a little, dramatically.

"Anyways." Ethan looks at Rowan. "I'm really glad you guys are here. Before, I was stuck with these three crazy-"

Instantly, Julia, Lavender, and I are on our feet.

"Don't you say it, Ethan Schultz." Lavender warns.

Ethan gulps and nods. "I was stuck with these three wonderful girls, but now at least I'll have some boys to hang out with."

The Dauntless-borns snicker. We three girls sit back down. I can see Lavender and Julia's arm muscles relax as they do so.

"Dang, you three are scary when you want to be." Juniper laughs.

"Or maybe Ethan is just a scardy-cat." Julia says this in a baby voice, making everyone grin at poor Ethan, who is as red as tomatoes.

"What is this, citywide pick on Ethan day?" He grumbles.

We all laugh at him, pick up our trays, and throw away our trash. Then, the Dauntless-borns bid us farewell.

"Have fun, Cammi, you guys!" Rowan calls, as he, Juniper, Kian, and Chloe turn down a hallway that I haven't explored yet.

I can feel a slight blush rise on my cheeks again, at his words. He addressed me directly, even though he knew the names of all of my friends.

Why was he doing this? And why did it affect me so much?

I watch the Dauntless-borns go over my shoulder, and I would swear that right before they turned the corner, Rowan's eyes found mine.

"Cammi!" Lavender's hand gently shaking my shoulder brings me out of my thoughts.

I turn and cock my head at her, questioningly.

"Let's go!"

So I let her grab my hand and pull me along, as the debate between her and Ethan rages on.


I walk down the Chasm path, and find Tobias already at our spot.

"Toby." I warn him about my presence, just so I don't end up in the Chasm when I approach him.

He turns, a frown on his face. "How many times do I have to tell you I don't like that name?"

I roll my eyes at him. "And how many times do I have to tell you that I don't care? It's my name for you, just like Cam is your name for me."

He sticks his lip out, pouting.

I laugh, enjoying the part of Tobias that he only ever lets me see. From what I've gathered, even Zeke and Shauna, his closest friends, don't get to see anybody other than Four, the quiet prodigy.

"But you actually like Cam!"

"Who says?" I shoot back, crossing my arms as though I was angry he would make such an assumption. His face immediately turns serious.

"I thought you did, Camilla. If you want me to stop calling you-"

I start laughing. Tobias just stares at me, confusion evident on his face. At that, I laugh even harder, falling down beside him.

Tobias instantly wraps his arm around me, probably to keep me from falling in the river from all the laughing I am doing.

"What's so funny, sis?"

I feel another bout of laughter rising in my throat, but I push it down.

"I was messing with you, bro. I love when you call me Cam. Now, your nickname, on the other hand..."

Tobias shoves my shoulder gently. "You are a little devil, Cam."

"And you are?"

"The angel who keeps you at bay." Tobias replies, grinning widely.

"Oh, you think you're an angel, huh?" I sit up and push Tobias so that his back is touching the rock that we're sitting on. I know he could easily overpower me, but he lets me do so without a fight. Instead, he just smiles sweetly. Huh. I clamber on top of him. "And where did you get that notion?"

Suddenly, Tobias wraps his legs around my waist and rolls, flipping us so I am where he was just a second ago. My eyes widen as I realize what he just did.

"I got that notion from the little devil herself."

"I don't remember telling you that, Toby."

"You brought this on yourself, Cam." And with that, he begins tickling me.

I screech as his fingers move over my very ticklish stomach and sides.

"Toby! Stop! Stop!" I keep repeating over my laughing and fast breaths. I squirm, trying to get out of his grip, but he, being a lot stronger than I am, manages to keep me there.

"What is my name?" He asks, calmly, as his fingers continue.

"Four." I'm crying now. Tobias and I used to do this all the time, back before our mother died. We haven't done it since, and it feels both familiar and new.

"Wrong answer. Cam, what is my name?"


This makes him move his fingers a little faster. "I will keep on tickling you until you tell me what my name is."

I don't respond, still shrieking and trying to squirm away from him. At one point, I think I have an opening to get out, and maneuver my body to take advantage of it. But Tobias recognizes what I'm doing, and pins my arms above my head. Now he has access to my underarms, possibly the most ticklish place on my body.

He begins tickling there, and I scream, "Fine! It's Tobias."

"What? I couldn't hear you." He teases, not stopping on his path to make me laugh until I have no air in my lungs.

"TOBIAS!" I yell in his face, and he finally stops and lets go of me.

"Good. Now that that's cleared up..." He smirks at me, clearly proud of his victory.

I sit up slowly, and I'm the one to shove his shoulder this time. "You jerk."

"And yet you love me." He smiles at me.

"For some inconceivable reason, I do." I wrap my arms around him. He does the same. We sit like that for a few seconds, until I begin to move my fingers slightly, tickling him a little over his side.

He pulls away partially, his eyes wide. "Don't make me do that again, Cam." He warns.

"No, I won't." He still looks apprehensive. "I promise. You still need to tell me what was so urgent that we had to have a meeting tonight."

He sighs, his playful expression melting away. "You're right." We wrap our arms around one another again, and I wait patiently for him to tell me whatever is on his mind.

"The Erudite are up to something." He starts suddenly.


"The Erudite. I work in the control room. I can see just about everything that's going on in the compound. The Erudite are up to something and the Dauntless leaders are helping them."

"Why would they do that?"

Tobias sighs and shakes his head. "I don't know. I don't know why they would betray our faction and help with whatever Erudite is planning."

"And why do you think the Erudite are up to something?"

"They're visiting the compound a lot more often, like, everyday."

"Okay... but couldn't that be circumstantial? Routine checks, or something?"

Tobias shakes his head again. "Routine checks happen once a year, about a month before initiation. And even then, it's only a team of Erudite who are specialized in the maintenance of the equipment we have in the Dauntless compound, which isn't much, mostly the fear sims and fear landscape technology."

"Then maybe something broke down?" I know I'm being far too optimistic, but I desperately want to believe that nothing is going on, that I will get to live a happy life in Dauntless with Tobias after I pass initiation, if I do.

"Cam." Tobias lets out a breath, dragging a hand over his face. He looks so much older than he is, especially when he does that. "There is no reason for the fear sims or fear landscape to be broken, we haven't started stage 2 or 3 yet. And, once again, it would just be a team specialized in that technology."

He looks up from the water below, and meets my eyes. His dark blue ones, which are deadly serious, bore into mine. "It's not just some Erudite coming to the compound, either. It's Jeanine Matthews and a few of her assistants. Jeanine would never come to just fix some equipment."

I stay quiet. I have no comeback, no excuse. He's right, Jeanine has no reason to be in our compound, and certainly not every day.

Tobias, seeing that I am silently agreeing with him, continues. "And that's not all. They always go and barricade themselves in one of the leaders' offices or one of the conference rooms, with all the leaders. There aren't cameras or microphones installed in those rooms, so I don't know what they're doing." He runs his hands through his hair. "Although it's probably not good."

I think over what he told me for a while. Jeanine and the Dauntless leaders are teaming up. They want something. What is it?

"Abnegation." I say suddenly, as a few of the pieces come together. Tobias, who had been staring at the rushing water, turns his head to look at me.


"I don't know what Jeanine wants, but Abnegation has it. That's why she's been slandering Abnegation."

Tobias rubs the stubble on his chin. I know that's a sign that he's deep in thought. "That makes sense. But what could Abnegation have that the Erudite don't?"

I think about this. He's right; Abnegation lives with the bare minimum. Erudite, on the other hand, have all sorts of technology; they could probably innovate anything they could ever need. It doesn't make sense.

I shrug. "I guess we'll have to figure that out another time." I yawn, and check my watch. 12:00.

"Yeah, let's do that." I look up, and see Tobias observing me, his eyes clouded with concern and guilt. "I'm sorry I kept you up so late. You should go get some sleep. Remember, the third fight is tomorrow."

"I don't want to go." I mumble. It's true; I want as much time with my brother as I can get.



I hear him sigh. "I'll tell you what, we can stay here for a little while longer."

"That sounds good." I smile at my brother, and he smiles back.

I shift so that I'm laying with my head on his lap. Tobias begins stroking my hair. I smile softly at the feeling of his fingers running through my dark brown strands. It's a gesture of his that I've missed.

I'm so thankful that I'm back with him.

I can feel sleep overtaking me. I fight it for as long as I can, enjoying the feeling of being so close to Tobias, but, ultimately, my body wins.

With my brother's arms around me, I begin drifting off.

Right before I fall into a restless sleep, I feel his lips touch my hair.

I let a small smile grace my face.

A/N: Alright, so that might have seemed like a filler chapter, but this chapter actually had two very important purposes. 

One, it gave Camilla some time to get to know her love interest throughout this series. I bet you can't guess who that is... ;)

I know the romantic part going kind of slow. But you have to keep in mind that the Dauntless-borns and transfers haven't really mixed at this point. Like, in Divergent, Uriah and Marlene first appear in Chapter 12, when they're playing Capture the Flag. Camilla and her love interest have to get to know each other before falling in love. Tris and Four spent ten hours a day together, as initiate and trainer, so they had plenty of time for that. Just be patient, you'll get some romance at some point, however long it takes me to build up their relationship. I hate "love at first sight" stories. To love a person is to know and accept them, to build them up if they're breaking down. And that can't happen if you hardly know each other.

That was a long speech about romance and love from a high schooler who has never even thought about dating before. :P

Moving on, the second important purpose of this chapter was to introduce the threat, aka, Erudite. This is a war story, so the threat has to come in at some point. I know the timeline is a little earlier than Divergent, but I wanted Tobias and Camilla to be on their guard. 

Anyways, not counting Camilla, there are two divergents in her initiate class. She has formally met them already. Can you guess who they are?

If you guess correctly I will give you a cookie. :)

Hope you like the chapter! Next chapter is the third fight, woo-hoo...

Camilla's third fight is going to be basically the equivalent of Tris vs. Molly. Can you guess who she is fighting?

Nos vemos! (Might as well get some Spanish practice in here)

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||Book 2, please read Dauntless Initiate, before reading this one. This book picks up exactly where the other one left off for Tempest|| ||I own noth...