Learning to Fly (Oneshot)

By Singerj199

4 0 0

Tails has always felt a certain kinship with the skies above Mobius. It was a sacred place, a secret resort t... More

Learning to Fly

4 0 0
By Singerj199

Learning to Fly

The skyline was adorned with red and orange pastels as the sun began to sink below the horizon. The air was crisp, and a cool breeze chased away the last of the warmth as it gently ruffled the fur of a proud looking, two tailed fox.

The vulpine closed his eyes and drew in the familiar sounds and scents of the airstrip. His chest fur expanded and contracted with every breath and his fingers eagerly wiggled against the leather of his gauntlet gloves.

The faint purr of an airborne motor caused a pleased smile to cross his muzzle. The anticipation of floating on a cloud filled him with a twinge of excitement that shot down his spine like lightning. When his eyes opened up once more, he was greeted by the sight of various hangars and the long black tarmac that beckoned him beyond the chain-link fence that stood before him.

Without a thought in the world, Tails' eyes slowly raised to the heavens above. The salmon-colored horizon formed a peaceful gradient and the warmth gave way to a cool indigo that had begun to stretch across the sky. The fresh, glistening stars bathed him in soft light and they seemingly stared at him fondly.

It was a perfect night to fly.

The fox had always felt a certain kinship with the atmosphere above mobius. It was a sacred place, a secret resort that only a few ever dared to explore.

Finally, the fox stepped forward and his brown leather boots clacked against the concrete. As he strolled, his eyes returned to the awaiting tarmac and he could envision a biplane barreling down the runway with a lone blue hedgehog standing defiantly on the left wing. Oh how he missed those days.

"Good evening, Miles," a gray cat spoke from the guard post. His crooked whiskers and wrinkly smile betrayed his age, while his cleanly pressed white uniform displayed his experience. "Here to enjoy an evening flight?"

Tails grinned warmly and tipped a non-existent cap in the feline's direction. "How're you doing, Jack? Anybody give you any trouble today?"

The cat's hearty chuckle rang out like an old vinyl record and he slowly readjusted his glasses. "Well now that depends," Jack said slowly and leaned forward to peer over his spectacles. "Is a young fellah like yourself gonna give me any headaches?"

Tails leaned back and crossed his arms, "I might have a trick or two tucked in my scarf."

With another snort of laughter, the old cat rubbed his belly and shook his head. "After all these years, I've yet to see one of your so-called tricks, young man. So, just flying on your own tonight?"

"I'm afraid so," the vulpine admitted, though his smile never dimmed. "Mina's out with one of her girlfriends," Tails explained and produced his ID from his belt and slid it over to Jack.

"And the youngins?" The cat asked as he glanced over the photo and began clicking away at his computer keyboard.

"Sally's watching the kids for the weekend. So it's just me."

"I see," the feline nodded slowly. His jaw lazily hung open as he punched in the last of the necessary information. "Well Mister Prower," Jack said with a renewed smile as he turned and slid the card back to the fox, "it appears that you are cleared for take-off."

Tails gently tapped the counter twice and wished the elderly cat goodnight before he proceeded through the opened gate.

Various tones of whirring power tools echoed from nearby hangars in untimely unison. The familiar sounds were nothing short of a sweet melody to the fox and he was eager to join into the uncanny harmony. Tails lightly waved to passersby and to the other mechanics and pilots as he strolled onward. His heart began thumping anew when his own hangar came into view and he could almost hear his plane calling out his name.

Upon arrival, he stared longingly at the closed door and with a simple push of a button, the threshold parted. Inside the vast space, several workbenches clung to the wall and were accompanied by numerous tool boxes of different sizes and colors. Tails' eyes passed these items however, and instead settled upon a large blue tarp that covered his most prized possession.

His footsteps reverberated off the walls when he stepped into the garage and his deep blue eyes didn't dare depart from the hangar's centerpiece. The plastic tarp crumpled in his grip and each crinkle caused Tails' ears to twitch in nearly unbearable anticipation.

Starting with a strong yank, the tarp came loose and Tails walked backward, taking the covering with him every step of the way. When it ultimately fell to the ground, the rush of air kicked up a layer of dust and Tails' gaze rose to the newly exposed biplane.

The glossy blue paint shimmered with pride under the dim lights. Jumping out from the azure wash, with a bright yellow finish was the plane's moniker. The letters were elegantly drawn out and reflected the same craftmanship that had built the aircraft. Displaying her name proudly for all to see, was the Tornado II.

The fox couldn't help but freeze at the magnificent sight. It was as if he was staring at an old friend that he hadn't seen in years. A wave of bashfulness washed over his body when he stepped forward. The machine, though silent, somehow reciprocated his affection when he gently placed his hand against the body.

"I've missed you, old friend," Tails whispered and his eyes glanced over the sapphire finish. Keeping his fingertips against the surface of the aircraft, Tails worked his way around the machine, inspecting every panel, every rivet, every bolt, every nook and cranny.

When he made his way to the front of the plane, he gingerly scrutinized the propellor and engine compartment. After several minutes, Tails was certain that the Tornado II was indeed ready to fly.

The fox began to twirl his tails and slowly ascended to the cockpit. When he dropped himself in, he couldn't keep from asking not only the plane, but himself as well, "You ready for this?"

With the turn of a key, Tails received his answer. The engine roared to life and the propellor slowly began to turn. His gaze followed the yellow tip of the aircrew around and around until it was nothing but a blur and his smile only grew wider. Tails rolled his shoulders and slowly stretched his neck before taking hold of his headset.

The deafening roar of the plane quickly became a pleasant purr when the muffs slipped over his ears, and he could hear the shakiness of his own breath when he pulled the microphone into position. A comforting warmth spread throughout his chest when he looked over the various gauges and instruments. He fell into a deep peace that he hadn't felt in a long time. It was almost as if he'd returned home from a long and exhaustive journey.

Tails' hands gently gripped the yoke and maneuvered the device in several directions, while simultaneously checking the flaps and ailerons. Below the dashboard, his feet found a pair of pedals, and similar to before, he watched the tail rotor swing back and forth at his command. Finally, with a flip of a switch, a backlight breathed new life into the various altimeters and gauges. The wing mounted strobes began to flash as well, indicating the aircraft's preparation and anticipation of flight.

"Tower, this is Tornado Two, preflight checklist is complete, ready for taxi," Tails announced into the mouthpiece. His hand quickly found the break release, while his other cradled the throttle as he waited for a response.

Only seconds passed before a vaguely familiar voice filled his ears, "Tower copies. Proceed to runway niner-lima-two-seven-Romeo. Stand by for flight check."

Tails released the breaks and ever so slightly rolled the throttle forward. The engine roared in response and the aircraft slowly crawled out of the hangar. The pilot followed a guide line through several turns before he finally came to rest at the base of his assigned runway.

"Tornado Two is in position; commence flight check," the tower operator ordered in Tails' ear.

"Friction lock: Set. Mixtures: Rich. Propellor: Fully Forward. Airspeed gauge: Check. Altimeters: Check. Rechecked," Tails reported. "Navigator: On. Strobes: On."

"Roger, Tornado two is ready for departure," the operator reported with a subtle sense of pride. "Winds are west to east at 10 knots, you are clear for departure. Have a good flight my boy."

Finally, Tails realized just who the voice belonged to, and his smile grew ear to ear and he flashed a thumbs up toward the control tower. "Thanks, Uncle Chuck."

Tails maneuvered the Tornado onto the runway and slowly opened the throttle. The engine growled excitedly in response and the plane began to creep forward and steadily gained velocity. The airspeed gauge began to rotate forward and the guidelines on the blacktop gradually became little more than white blurs as the pilot passed them by.

Through the ear muffs, Tails could hear the rushing of the wind and his thick fur was pinned against his body. The fox's exhilaration only grew when he felt the wings begin to lift the fuselage up ever so slightly. Almost out of pure instinct, Tails pulled back on the yoke and the wheels finally departed the tarmac.

While the nose of the aircraft pointed toward the sky, the fox's back sank into a near perfect impression that was naturally carved into the leather seat. The world below rapidly shrank as he continuously climbed into the sky. The fading gradient of the horizon reflected of off the vulpine's sapphire irises like a tantalizing flame and Tails climbed higher and higher.

Before long, the Blue bi-plane was level with the few sparse clouds and the ascent flattened to a cruise. Ever so gently, the pilot rolled the controls to the left and the aircraft entered a long, wide bank that granted an astonishing view of New Mobotropolis and the Great Forest that lay past the city limits. It was an ocean of lush green tree tops with a shining beacon of light lying between the Forest and the Great Lake.

It was a beautiful sight. A landscape that had been purchased with the lives of countless Freedom Fighters. He wished they could see it now. Tails wished Sonic could see it now.

Slowly the heartache that he'd sought to leave behind returned to his chest. He could imagine a streak of blue winding through the trees below, a wind of inspiration that filled the world with a freedom that was once thought to be forever lost.

When the plane leveled out once more, Tails cast his eyes to the numerous twinkling stars above. Though his heart ached, a soft smile remained on his muzzle. "Hey Sonic," He allowed himself to say aloud as if to greet the non-existent hedgehog. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" He asked through a sniffle, "Remember all those flights we had with Sal?"

"She still misses you, in case you were wondering," Tails reported with a deflated chuckle. "Y'know, Bunnie and Antoine called me up the other day. Guess they're starting a family of their own too. Heh, bout time, right?"

"She uh... She asked if I'd talked to you recently and said if I hadn't, I should. So I guess, here I am." The vulpine's eyes dropped back down and he stared ahead as if he were thinking about what to say next. "Mina's doing well and the kids... they're growing up so fast! Skye's starting to fly just like his old man. You'd be so proud of him Sonic, I know I am."

Tails flew forward for several silent minutes before he finally choked out, "I'm sorry it took me so long to get back up here. Things have just been so different since you left."

"And... I remember what you said," Tails continued as several tears began to stream from his eyes. "But I miss you, Sonic."

It'd been a long three years since he'd passed. Tails guessed that all those years spent running through the pollution of Robotropolis had finally caught up to him. He remembered the phone ringing and seeing the color run from Mina's face when she answered.

He remembered the doctor, clad in a white lab coat explaining what had happened. Tails could hear the tired, raspy voice slowly churn out the words Lung Cancer.

Tails could feel himself pushing open the door to Sonic's hospital room.

"Hey little bro," Sonic's voice filled his ears, and in an instant he was transported into his own memory.

Tails' eyes scanned the sterile white room and he heard to continuous monotone beeping of the heart monitor. His gaze followed several strange looking wires that led from the various machines to Sonic's arm, and finally he saw the pale green irises staring back at him.

Those emerald eyes that were once so full of life now looked so dull, tired, and broken. He could see the immense amount of pain the hedgehog was feeling, even through the soft grin that lined Sonic's peach muzzle. "The doc said that I should be fine in a few weeks."

Tails froze at those words; not in relief or in joy. His body froze because he could tell... He knew it was a lie.

"Here Tails," Sally's calm, silky voice filled the room and she patted the chair beside her. "Come sit down."

The fox hesitated for a moment before he slowly stepped further into the room, his eyes locked onto Sonic's chest during the entirety of his short trip. The air rushed out of the cheap leather cushion when he sat down and Sally slowly snaked her arm around his shoulder and he instinctively leaned into the embrace.

"Why the long face big guy?" Sonic asked and sluggishly slid his freehand across the bed towards Tails. "You know a little cancer ain't gonna stop me," he said with confidence, but Tails couldn't help but notice just how empty his voice really seemed to be.

Tails shook his head and made his best attempt to smile, but his cramping jaw would only allow the slightest of smirks. The fox then slowly reached out to cradle Sonic's paw. "I wish I could come with you," Tails sniffled out. He felt like an eight-year-old kit again when the sting of fresh tears clouded his vision.

"I know," Sonic choked up while he slowly nodded. "But everything's gonna be okay Tails. I promise."

The fox clenched his eyes shut as he faced down the reality of what was happening. That he was saying goodbye to his hero, to his best friend, to his brother.

Tails' eyes snapped back open and the muffled wind tickled his ears. The weightlessness of flight brought back the sense of peace that he longed for, and the stars though distant, shone like sparks in a sea of darkness. They filled him with the comfort he needed as the fox floated above the planet on a wing and a prayer. Out of the corner of his eye, Tails saw a shadow flying beside him and his smile returned when he looked to his left.

There, perched proudly on the wing, was a blue hedgehog with his back turned to the fox. The speedster's hands were planted on his hips and his chest was puffed out in defiance of the elements. That signature smile was plastered on his muzzle when Sonic finally turned back.

"See?" The smirking hedgehog threw his arms out as if he'd proven his point. "I promised that everything would be okay."

Tails quickly swiped at his eyes but when he looked back, Sonic was gone. Though his voice still lingered, "So come on little bro... No more tears."

Hearing his brother was like a dream that was untethered from reality. He was sure the hope he felt could blow his soul right through the roof of the night. Tails then tilted the nose of the plane forward and allowed the aircraft to gradually pick up speed. He once again closed his eyes and for the briefest of moments, he could feel Sonic pulling him along on the next adventure. "Whoo-hoo!" Tails screamed joyously before he leveled out the plane again.

Instinctively, his gaze returned to the left wing, but just as before it was bare and empty. Though his heart sorely ached, he couldn't keep from smiling. There was simply no sensation to compare with this, suspended animation in a pure state of bliss. He couldn't keep his eyes from the wandering sky, even as the world below was calling him home.

When his eyes traveled back to the horizon, the warm colors had given way to the deepest of violets that transitioned into the blackness of night. He knew Mina would be expecting him home soon, so he began his descent, a warm smile plastered on his muzzle.

Over the course of several minutes the biplane wafted down through the atmosphere. The blue and yellow lights of the runway guided the pilot when he came into the final stretch. The altimeter gently rotated counter clockwise until finally the wheels screeched against the ground.

Tails' body lurched forward when he applied the brakes until he came to a manageable taxi speed. Just as he'd done before, Tails followed the guidelines until he reached his designated hangar. With the turn of a key, the engine went dormant and the propellor began to slow. The fox's eyes watched the yellow tip of the aircrew lethargically come to a complete halt.

The sound of the outside world filled the fox's ears when the headset was removed, and he drew in a deep breath and released a long, pleased sigh. Twirling his namesakes once again, Tails dismounted the plane and landed softly on the concrete.

Tails planted the palm of his hand against the plane and whispered softly, "Thank you."

He then turned to leave, not bothering to cover the plane with the tarp, for he had plans to take his Misses for a flight the following night. So still wearing a warm smile, Tails closed the doors of the hangar and proceeded back the way he'd come in.

His journey started as a soul in tension that was learning to fly, but by the time he'd landed, he knew in his heart that everything was as it should be. He knew Sonic was right; that everything had turned out okay.

"Alright, Sonic," Tails whispered and looked up to the starry night sky. "No more tears."

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