Bughead || recovering

By bugheadschildrens

1.5K 21 1

Betty cooper , a troubled teen in a picture perfect family , after a year hiatus from the real world , meets... More



81 2 0
By bugheadschildrens

It was the next day
And I was reading , because I like reading when it rains , especially in the fall.
While I was reading I heard a knock at the door , I was home alone so I was pretty hesitant to awnser it , but it was just jughead ,
"Do you want to go out" "not really but let me go grab my sweater"
we went to the diner , and sat there for a while , it was
Kind of awkward with what happened yesterday
"I feel like all we do is argue and then you say something fucked up and then apologize for
It right after " "I know" "and I feel like you feel obligated to hang out with me because you think I'm going to kill myself" "you know thats not true"
"We've always hated each other, so why'd you suddenly like me after I became the way I am"
"Because , I don't like anyone else in that school , you seemed different , and I liked that"
"I like you jughead, I'm gonna be really sad if this is all because you feel bad for me
Unless you tell me , if you pity me just tell me , don't lie to me"
"You're my best friend Betty" "no don't say that" "it's true" "stop saying that"
"do you not feel that way back" "you can't be my best friend if you're my only friend, 
We're just not compatible, how hard is that for you to see"
"because all you do is accept me back in your life for like half a week and then push me back out of it , I like you but I'm not going to waste all this time on someone who's
Not willing to put in half the work" He said ,
"Maybe if you could consider for even a second that I didn't ask for this. Nor was I ready for it , I don't even talk to my own parents how do you except me to be in
A relationship"
"You've completely given up on yourself"
"Yeah maybe , but at least I've expected it , when will you" I said before I put twenty dollars on the table and walked out
I started walking for a minute or so when he ran up behind me
"Can we just go back to the car please"
"You can go" "don't be like this , it's pouring rain and it's 9 at night"
"I'll ask someone for a ride"
"don't make other people go out of there way just because you're a little mad at me"
I stopped walking and turned around
"Fine , but straight home"
when we where in the car I noticed him drive in the opposite direction of our houses
"I told you straight home"
"Don't worry we'll get home I just need to make a pit stop"
eventually we got to this old movie theatre place , with those big signs that say what movie it's playing , "breakfast at Tiffany's" It said ,
"I paid the theater to play this tonight" "thats actually , really nice"
while we watched the movie I saw him looking at me from the corner of my eye
We sat in the car in front of my house afterwards
, "I have bipolar disorder , I don't know why my mood changes so much , but I can't control it, I always thought that if people found out they'd think I was weird , I don't want to be okay with you one second and screaming at you the next"
he was quiet and gave me a odd look
"I like you , but I don't mind if you look at me any differently or
If you don't want to talk  anymore because of this"
"I don't care about your medical diagnosis betty nor am I gonna look at
You differently because of it"
We sat there quietly for a bit
"I don't know who I am anymore"
"What do you mean" "I look in the mirror and I see this stranger staring back at me"
"I think I'd prefer a stranger than someone who I resent"
"I didn't completely hate who I was, now all I do is criticize myself , all the mirrors in my room are either gone broken or covered"
"This probably won't make you feel any better , but in my eyes,
You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen"
I slightly smiled and turned my head,

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