Guide my hand

By Goodvibessunmoon333

20.1K 237 30

After you get to know the handsome boy you sit next to in your politics class on a physical level you realize... More

Part 1.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Part 4

1.6K 23 2
By Goodvibessunmoon333

"Here. Most of my clothes are men's. They're way more comfortable." You tell Hasan as you hand him your over sized men's clothes.
"Thanks, Mind if I change in front of you?" He wonders.
You shake your head.
"Go ahead, I'm gonna brush my hair" You watch as he peels his wet t shirt off his chest and around his neck.
You shamelessly watch.
Seeing his upper body bare makes your heart rate increase.
He is more buff under his clothes.
Of course he is. You mentally roll your eyes.
Chest hair. Normally not your thing.
But his body hair is attractive.
He huffs and puffs as he tries to get the shirt on. It's still too small for him.
"Hey, its dry I'm not complaining"
He says with a laugh.
You are enjoying yourself too much to chitchat.
So you just sit on the floor in front of him with you legs in your arms, watching.
He unbuckles his belt. Slides it off and let's it drop to the floor by his feet.
The medal clasp hits the hard wood floors.
He sits down on a near by chair.
And begins working on his pants. He struggles with them for a few seconds but begins pulling them down.
First exposing...
His boxers with cartoon bull dogs.
God could he be cuter?
He stops pulling them down and looks up at you.
And chuckles when he notices he has your full attention.
Leaving his pants half way down.
He leans back into the chair.
Making himself comfortable.
"Enjoy ourselves are we?" He teases.
"Tremendously" you reply.
He stands up and approaches you.
You look up at him from the ground.
God the bulge is bigger than I remember.
You swallow hard.
He looks down at you. Reaching down and grabbing your still wet hair.
Starts bundling  it up in a makeshift ponytail.
And gently pulls you up by tugging on it.
There's a burning in your throat as you raise to your feet.
He smiles.
You smile.
"Mind giving me a hand?" He asks with a pitiful frown.
"I think I can help" You reply with confidence.
He releases your hair from his hand and it falls down your back. A few short pieces hang down your face. You look up at him through your eyelashes.
He takes your hand and kisses your knuckles.
His lips are so soft it feels like butterflies landing on your hand.
He guides your hand to the waist line of his pants and leave them there.
Letting you decide what's next.
Ok, Next move is on you.
No problem! You think to yourself.
You like an equal amount of control and dominance when it comes between you and your partners.
The energy of your sexuality engine comes to life as you think of the possibility places you and Hasan can go together.
So you slowly shimmy the pants down his thigh, down his calves until they pool around his long feet.
You bend back up at the same time walking your fingers up his leg to his thigh.
Finally I get to see...him.
You look up at him as you inch your way closer and closer to his shaft.
You reach inside his underwear but Hasan grabs your hand and gently brings it back to kiss.
He finishes kissing each knuckle.
"You need to eat" he says. He is both serious but playful. He is teasing you.
Not the normal joking kind of teasing you do to each other. This is different.
He pulls on the basketball shorts you gave him.
"You're right" You say while taking your hand back from his with an evil smile.
If there's one game you like, it's building up sexual tension with teasing and time.
You pull your hair up in a wet messy bun. Securing it with a clip.
"Change out of those wet clothes before you eat please" He says
"Ok. Mind if I change in front of you?" You ask this time.
"No ma'am, I don't " he replies
You take your top off slowly. Letting it drop to the ground.
Show casing your blood red lace bra.
He is pressing his lips together.
You unbutton your shorts and shimmy them down your thighs then onto the floor.
Only your bra and black panties left.
You turn a 180 and walk away from him, stopping by your closet and pulling out a oversized sleeveless white button up. You pull it over your arms. Unbuckle your bra. Drop it to the floor. Then slowly slide your parties off.
Still facing away from him. Letting him know he is 3 feet from a nearly naked you.
A nice move in this game of delicious lingering around the edge of quenching our desires.
You get all the buttons up to your belly button.
"God damn buttons." You huff under your breath.
The button keeps slipping out of your tiny hands.
Struggling, you turn to face him.
He sees the center of your breast down your sternum all the way down your stomach.
" I actually need some help." You giggle.
" these buttons.. I fuckin-"
You give up. Shrugging your arms.
He walks over to you and takes his time evaluating your revealed skin and the shirt.
His light touch feels wonderful as it trickles down your bare chest.
His finger tips graze your skin one last time.
He hesitates to take his hands off your shirt.
He leans in for a kiss.
You lean on your tippy toes to get closer to him.
His lips taste like rain.
He grabs your hips and pulls you closer.
His penis pokes your stomach through his shorts.
You both moan into each other's mouths.
His hands slide down your back to your ass.
He squeezes each cheek and pulls you closer in.
Running his hands down your thighs to the end of your shirt and slowly trailing back up. This time under your shirt.
His leaves tingly heat trails all over your bare skin.
Creating goosebumps.
God this feels amazing.
His hand nearly reaches your bare ass before you pull away.
"You need to eat" you throw back at him.
He groans and swallows hard.
Running his hand through his hair.
You smile. Brushing past him on your way to the kitchen.
You put the chicken for the tacos on the skillet.
And begin chopping the lettuce and tomatoes.
He pours two glasses of a Rośe.
Your favorite.
He watches you dancing around the kitchen to Marvin Gaye.
He starts a conversation about sports.
God this man is perfect.
You discuss soccer and mix martial arts.
He explains football to you since it's not a sport you know much about.
You check on the chicken as it's sizzles.
You don't know how to determine if chicken is cooked so he tells you to cut the chicken to if it's pink in the inside.
As you cut into the chicken with firm pressure you slip and burn your wrist on the end of the pan.
"Son of a bitch" you Yelp.
Rapidly shaking your hand in the air.
"Fucking cunt! This... Ah"
He grabs your arm and pulls you to the sink.
Turning the water on its coolest setting.
"Are you okay?" He says watching you hop up and down in his arms.
He tests the water with his index finger.
Then brings your wrist under the cold stream.
"Yea, damn it stings though"
He slides past you meanwhile
unintentionally brushing you with his body.
Even in pain your body notices the affects his touch has on you.
He swings open your freezer and grabs a heap of ice cubes.
Then lays them on one of your kitchen towels.
Folding the towel around the group of cubes, he takes your arm and applies his makeshift ice pack to the red burn on your arm.
Ahhh. That's nice. He guides you to the couch and lowers you down to sit.
He pulls the ice pack off your wrist and evaluates it.
"Nothing too serious, are you okay though?" He says putting the ice pack back on your skin.
"Yea, I'm fine. Thanks for the ice."
He straights up and exhales a deep breath.
"Okay. I'm taking it from here Gordon Ramsey" He jokes.
He puff out a laugh.
"You sit. And ahh do you have any cream I can put on the burn?"
Why is he doing this? You're not used to someone taking care of you like this.
The pain of the burn, snaps you out of the thought.
"Ahh Yea. Above the stove is the medicine cabinet. There's a first aid to the right"
You sit up quickly.
"I'll get it. I'm fine"
You say looking up at him.
You notice yourself pulling away from him.
"Hey, it's okay. I'll get everything."
He tells you.
"No I'm fine. Thanks"
"Please let me take care of this." He says with a soft tone.
You relax.
It's okay to be care for. You tell yourself.
You smile.
"Okay. But let me know if you need help with the food
"I will" He promises.
He kisses you on the forehead while lowering you back onto the couch.
You are eye level with his crotch.
Damn I wanna suck him right here.
His cum could be the cream he is looking for in the kitchen.
Your belly fills with a tightness.
He finishes the food.
You opt to eat out on the porch.
He lights your citronella candles to
keep the mosquitoes away.
Hasan left some of chicken plain.
Presenting it in a little bowl to your dog on her food mat.
This man could break my spine in bed and I'd still think he was the sweetest, most considerate person alive.
You go up and give him a huge kiss.
While you eat dinner you ask Hasan when's the last time he was tested.
"8 weeks ago. I haven't been with anyone since. Everything came back negative"
You smile and nod.
"I had mine done last month. I haven't been with anyone in a while. Everything was negative"
He nods.
"Also I feel like you should know, I haven't had intercourse yet. I've been with people but never like that" You tell him.
"Don't worry. You create the pace." He replies.
"I don't want to pace anything with you. There's not a thing I don't want to do with you."
"And I you. But you don't want to wait?" He replies.
"Not with you"
You slip your wine. Not at all embarrassed but completely at ease being so honest with Hasan.
You finished your plates.
You both clean the dishes.
Even though he wanted to do them himself.

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