Shoe Laces

By acidacidbomb

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Zelda and Rocky are best friends, and got sent to a different school for smarter students. How will their awk... More

Shoe Laces
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Two

137 3 1
By acidacidbomb

   I plopped down back into my seat, half angry and half embarrassed. I looked up, hoping that Ms. Cambronne would stop the class from laughing again, and sure enough, she did.

   "Thank you Zelda for that.... wonderful performance," Ms. Cambronne said, stifling her laughter. I rolled my eyes; even the TEACHER was laughing at me. "Now, now, settle down class, let's get onto work now." she said, quickly regaining her composure.

   She then felt the need to explain the basics of art class; clean up when you're done, clean your spills, wear aprons, blah, blah, blah. Like I didn't know this already. I slowly began cooling off, I wasn't one of those people who stayed angry for long. Either way, in a matter of minutes, everyone began getting up and shuffling into the room. As I turned around, the boy from the front came up to me.

   "Ganondorf, eh? Heheheh... NERD." he whispered at me.

   "Wow, 'nerd', what a scary comeback," I said sarcastically. The boy looked shocked that I wasn't affected by his insult and walked away from me.

   Inside the doorway, I was blown away by how big this place seemed when you're actually inside. From the other room it looked big, but from inside it looked gigantic. I gaped at it with my mouth open and heard a few giggles directed at me, and I quickly shut my mouth.

   "CLASS, MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE?" Ms. Cambronne yelled. I stifled a laugh at how ridiculous she sounded when she yelled. "NOW," she cleared her throat. "Everyone grab an easel and a stool, the brushes and paints are all there for you to use. Because we have a new student, we're going to start out with something easy."

   Ms. Cambronne put a fruit basket on the table.

   "Now, I want you all to paint this, and I will be coming around and looking at all your paintings, so be sure to work hard! We'll begin on sketches next class, and a few weeks after we'll start sculptures. Good luck painting, but most importantly, HAVE FUN!" she said, her voice cracking on the last part.

   I awkwardly walked over to an empty easel, only to have the same damned boy from the front steal it from me. I glared at him and went over to the next empty easel. What was his beef with me? I shook my head and grabbed the brush.

   Dipping my brush in paint I began to form the outside of the fruit basket. I was peeved that I had to sit almost next to the jerk, but I sucked it up and continued painting. Suddenly a splash of green appeared on my canvas. I looked around and saw the guy from the front with his brush dipped in green paint.

   "Aww, did I accidentally splash it on your page? I'm oh so very sorry," he sarcastically said in an annoying baby voice. Rolling my eyes, I ignored him and made the green splash into a pear.

   A few minutes later, a splash of orange appeared on my canvas.

   "GODDAMNIT, AGAIN? DUDE YOU REALLY NEED TO LEARN WHEN TO STOP." I yelled at the guy beside me, fed up with him now, but his brush was dipped in purple.

   The class went silent as they all stared at me. My face turned from furious to shocked. If he hadn't done it, then who had? I looked around and saw Ms. Cambronne with an apologetic expression on her face, holding a brush that had been dipped in orange.

   I sighed and turned around, attempting to make the orange look like a fruit. Suddenly the bell rang, and I was more than glad to get away from that one guy in our class.

   Walking out of the art room, I bumped into Rocky.

   "HEY ROCKY!" I yelled, suddenly happy again. He smiled at me and came closer. "How was your first class?" I asked.

   "Not bad. Yours looked like it.... was fun." He awkwardly said as he stared at my chest. Rocky wasn't the perverted type, so I looked down to see what he was looking at, and sure enough I had a giant splash of green on my yellow t-shirt.

   "...that bast--" I mumbled but cut myself off as Rocky gave me a concerned look. "Oh, yeah, that. Someone... accidentally splashed paint on my canvas and I guess there must have been some splash back." I said.

   Rocky laughed, knowing my clumsiness. I sighed with a smile and we walked down to my locker. As I crammed my art stuff into my locker, Rocky began laughing again, staring at my back.

   "Whaaaaaaat?" I said, confused. He chuckled and pointed to my back. I craned my neck and twisted my shirt a little to see on the back and saw that there was an even bigger orange stain.

   "Zel, you crack me up..." he said between laughs. I could always count on Rocky to make me feel better, although I don't know if he meant to or not. I just shook my head, and smiled at him.

   As the second bell went off I realised I had no idea where the gym was. Saying bye to Rocky, I wandered around the halls and followed a random group of students, winding up in a classroom.

   Inside, there was no place to sit and I was awkwardly standing at the doorway. The teacher looked up at me with a strange expression. 

   "Are you supposed to be in this class?" he asked me in a gruff voice.

   "Nope." I said bluntly.

   "Then why are you in here?"

   "Because I can be."

   "Please go to your right class before I call the office, okay?"

   "Okay." I turned around on my heels and walked out, the class laughing behind me. Only two periods have passed and I already made two classes laugh at my idiocy.

   I checked my map which was still in my jeans pocket, and saw that the gym was, quite literally, on the other side of the school. I sighed in frustration and began to run to the gym.

   Sprinting through the hallways, a figure suddenly appeared before me, and I so happened to run right into it. I bounced back and landed on the floor, groaning. A shadow suddenly engulfed me and a hand appeared in front of my face.

   "Need a hand" a male voice asked me.

   Shrugging, I took it and lifted myself up on my feet. Looking at the mysterious guy, I thought that he seemed friendly enough. His face wasn't the greatest, and he looked like a wannabe body builder. I dusted my hands off on my jeans and walked past him.

   "Thanks!" I yelled behind my shoulder as my walk turned into a run.

   I slammed open the double doors leading to the gym, panting from my run.

   "ZEL IS IN THE HOUSE." I shouted and all the girls turned their heads to look at me.

   Hey, might as well make myself known.

   I let go of the doors and started making my way to the teacher standing in the middle of the gym.

   "Zelda Falis, I'm supposed to be in this class but I didn't know where the gym was so I'm kinda late." I told the teacher. All the girls giggled, as if it was completely obvious where the gym was, even to a new student.

   "Alright, you're on the list." The teacher said. "Here." He walked over to a box sitting on a bench and pulled out a shirt and shorts for me to wear that had the school's logo on it; a kangaroo. I took them, looking at the combination of dark blue and red school colours. I walked into the change room in my jeans and yellow stained shirt and walked out wearing the gym clothes. 

   When I walked back out, all the girls were stretching. This wasn't dance class, but they were still stretching. When the coach saw me, he whistled his whistle and pulled out a rack full of dodgeballs.

   "OKAY EVERYONE, LISTEN UP. Today, we're going to start off easy. With dodgeball." he half yelled. All the chicks groaned as I let out a whoop.

   With the balls set up square in the middle of the gym, we got split into teams.

   "Great, we got stuck with the weirdo." the girl beside me whispered to her friend and they bursted into giggles. I rolled my eyes at them and stared intently at the dodgeballs.

   The whistle blew and everyone ran out to get the balls. This gym class was the most pathetic one I'd ever seen in my life. Me and a few other girls ran up for the balls while everyone else stood there, checking out their nails. I grabbed a few dodgeballs and rolled the others back with my foot, so the other team would get as little as possible. With a war cry I chucked the dodgeballs at the other team, and one by one the girls got out. I was among the four people actually playing on my side.

   "VICTORY!" I yelled as my dodgeball hit the last girl standing. She scoffed and dusted off her gym clothes in where the ball hit her and walked off the court. The game was longer than I thought as I heard the bell go off right when we finished.

    Changing quickly into my normal clothes, I carefully folded my gym clothes and carried them to my locker. I had no homework today as we'd only had art and gym. I grabbed my bag out of my locker and slammed the door and started making my way over to Rocky's locker. He grinned at me as I came by and I smiled back.

   "So, first day at the new school, how was it?" Rocky asked.

   "Eh, you know, two periods and no homework isn't that bad. How was math and science?"

   "We got a crap ton of homework," Rocky sighed. "But hey, it's grade 10, what can you expect?"

   Rocky was such an optimist. If I had gotten so much homework, I'd probably be complaining the whole way home about how we got homework on our first day. Rocky and I went outside and sat on a bench outside, as out bus came 15 minutes after the final bell.

   I tilted my head back and stared at the sky. I was pretty tired from today.

   "So, Rocky, you taking the bus home?" I asked. A car horn beeped and Rocky laughed.

   "Nope, looks like my mom's here. I have a dentist appointment. Perfect timing, right?" Rocky said and got his bag. "See you later, Zel!" Rocky waved and smiled as he ran to the car.

   "Bye Rock! Enjoy the dentist!" I yelled back and winked. He laughed and waved again, getting into his car.

   I sighed and tilted my head back again, waiting for my bus. As I closed my eyes, I heard someone sit down beside me. I warily opened my eyes and looked at the same guy I bumped into on my way to gym. 

   "Hey," he started, looking at me. "I never got a proper introduction from you." he smiled.

   "Uhhh... okaay.." I awkwardly looked at him. "I'm Zelda, but I go as Zel. And who are you, creepy guy?" I held my hand out.

   He found this funny and laughed a little. "Hey, 'Zelda', I'm Drake. Nice to meetchya." He shook my hand and I pulled it back awkwardly. "Sweet name."

   "Uhhh... thanks?" I nervously smiled. "So, why'd you talk to me?" I asked.

   "Hey, calm down, I'm not here to ask you out," He smiled, as if he thought that's what I was thinking. "I'm already taken." He gave a cocky smile.

   "Okay. Now why should I care, exactly?" I asked, my face neutral.

   "Well, I thought, since you're new and all, you could use a friend," he said, smiling. "So what do you say?"

   "Sure, why the hell not.." I said, thinking. It seemed suspicious that a guy would come to me and bluntly state that he wanted to be my friend. Eh, whatever, friends are friends. I smiled at him.

   "So why you sitting out here?" he tried to make small talk.

   "Waiting for my bus. And you?" I looked at him.

   "Waiting for my girlfriend." he replied.

   Man, Drake was egotistic. But he was nice, so I guess it didn't matter. It was kinda funny how cocky he was anyways.

   Suddenly, my light was blocked and I looked up at the person suddenly in front of me.

   "Excuse me, but what are you doing with MY boyfriend?" the girl asked in a bitchy tone. I'm guessing this chick was Drake's boyfriend?

   "Hey Sheila!" Drake's face lit up.

   "Shut it," Sheila said. Oh how nice of her. She turned back to me. "Answer my question before I make you."

   "Dude calm down, we're just friends?" I said. Yeah, friends for like the past two minutes, I thought.

   "Okay, I believe you. But you better not try to pull anything on me." Sheila said. Wow, I just couldn't believe how sweet this girl was! She was so nice it was SCARY.

   The sarcasm was even too much for me to think about.

   "Yeh, sure, whatever." I said, not really giving a shit.

   "Come on Drake, let's go," she turned back to Drake who was beside her now. Drake slid his arm around her waist and they walked away, like the Barbie and Ken couple they were.

   Why do people think it's so important to date in high school anyway? I really didn't see a point to it. Rocky pretty much was always there for me so I didn't need any other guy. I tilted my head back again and stared at the cloudless sky. I closed my eyes again and rested for a few minutes until I heard the motor of a bus and stood up to face mine. How nice it was for the bus to drive right up to the school, I thought. I grabbed my bag, got up and went through the doors, paying my fare.

   The ride home was fairly short and if worst came to worst I could just walk home, but I was so tired today for some reason I just wanted to get home and sleep.

   I opened my front door to find Rocky standing there, grinning at me.

   "Welcome home, Zel!" He laughed and smiled at me. His hands were behind his back, hiding something. "I got something for you..." he grinned as he brought out a tiny box.



   I just really want to write this story, it's fun :D anyways not much to say, except hope you enjoyed! :D

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