The Dark Hyuga

By yandereluver849

30.8K 835 165

Sequel to Reborn as a Hyuga Hiaizen Hyuga has fallen into the darkness falling prey to it or not has he got s... More

Tenseigan Part 1
Tenseigan Part 2
Two Tails (🍋)
Dragon Force??
Team Hebi
Saving Jiraya and Itachi
Missing Entoma (🍋)
Money Problems
The Truth
Pein's Attack
Danzo's Death
Thank You
Wedding (🍋)
Shamless Promotion


1.4K 44 2
By yandereluver849

Hiaizen POV

I had already dropped off Matatabi to Pein according to my plan and I had Yugito's body I already knew I had to go somewhere secluded to heal Matatabi because for all I know Zetsu could be following me which I do not need to happen, so I had my clones build a place for me in the mountains in the Land Of Snow but of course I had to go there before being able to teleport there so I did go there

You could say it's big and highly noticeable yes but the mountains are surrounding it and many people have tried climbing the mountain under the impression there was some sort of treasure there but all have failed it's damn near impossible to climb this mountain and if you somehow manage to get to the top you'd most likely freeze to death unless you're trained to endure cold temperatures like that so I'm free to carry out my plans here but something piqued my interest in the Boruto series Mitsuki was an artificial creation

So I'm thinking about doing some experiments to try and create artificial beings to help out in the war and serve me to my every whim I'll have them build multiple hideouts like Orochipedo has but let's not call it a hideout more so of a sanctum yeah I like that a lot better

I arrived a my place in the Land Of Snow and started healing Yugito she woke up soon after and tried to attack me but failed as she was still too injured


Hiaizen: I don't think that's the way you should talk to the person who saved your life

Yugito: You only want my tailed beast I know everything about you sickening freaks hunting down jinchuriki for your own purposes

I sighed and rolled my eyes

Hiaizen: While that is partially the goal of the Akatsuki that is not mine I'm the one who saved your ass so I'd like it if you'd show a little appreciation

Yugito: tch, don't make me laugh you're one of the people who attacked me what makes me think I'll trust you one of the people who attacked me

Hiaizen: The fact that I healed your vital injuries, haven't put chakra containers on you and haven't extracted all of Matatabi yet, besides my goal is to save the jinchuriki think of this as a safe house for you I joined the Akatsuki because it would be troublesome for them to be my enemy and have them all over my back and not being able to carry out my plans

Yugito: Why are you saving me because I highly doubt it's pity

Hiaizen: I guess you could say we are the same in a way well in my past life we were the same but this life I was treated different

Yugito: Oh really how so

Hiaizen: A friend of mine was treated horribly by the people in my village he was beaten called a demon kicked out of shops and scarred it was all especially worse on his birthday the people gathered to torture him he was only about five and had experienced more pain than a regular ninja of course I stood up for him every chance I had but due to ... family matters I wasn't able to often he isn't dead but he is a jinchuriki just like you so I became a rouge ninja to protect all of those who were like him but the thing I hate most is the fact that the damn anbu that were supposed to guard him just sat there and waited until he was beaten to step in and take him to get some medical attention and the damn Hokage just sat there and watched every single time

She had stayed silent for a while

Yugito: Have you already saved any other jinchuriki there were three kidnappings well two considering the Sand got their Kazekage back

Hiaizen: Yes I saved them you can meet them after I finish healing your injuries oh and you still have half of Matatabi I don't believe the tailed beasts should be treated as weapons and tools you should try making friends with her instead she has also suffered

Yugito: I'll keep that in mind...

Hiaizen: My name is Hiaizen

Yugito: Thank you Hiaizen

Hiaizen: Oh and if you happen to want to go out there is a passage I made just underground but you'll also have to use a transformation justu people think you're dead I'll give you the money you need to buy things as well and I suggest you travel with Han or Fu oh and if Fu plans on going out make sure she doesn't go by herself she's only 15 and apparently wants to makes friends with everyone she sees


Yugito POV

After a while Hiaizen finished healing me I never expected him to be a good person from what I experienced fighting him he seems like a totally different person when fighting it seems as if I'll be eternally in his debt even if he is a rogue ninja

I was shown to my room it was amazing afterwards he gave me some money to decorate it as I wish but why would I need to decorate it when it was already amazingly decorated, I suppose I should get some clothes though

I went out if my room and started to explore a little until I ran into someone and fell on my butt I looked up and saw a tall man

Yugito: I assume you're Han I haven't seen a single person in here other than you and H-

Han: Hiaizen yes, sorry about that

He helped me up

Yugito: Thank you

Han: While we're on the subject of Hiaizen do you think we should trust him

Yugito: I think we should for the time being I mean he's the only one keeping us safe from the Akatsuki even if we don't know his real intentions he is allowing us to do what we please and he isn't confining us as far as I can tell he hasn't done anything to make us not trust him

Han: And he has done a few things to gain our trust

Hiaizen POV

I had left my sanctum to go and meet up with Hidan and Kakazu I teleported outside of the hideout and went inside then saw the second most annoying person ever Tobi

Hiaizen: Hey Tobi

Tobi: Hiii Hiaizen-Kun you're really back already, did you bring any candy for Tobi becuase Tobi has been a good boy

I swear I don't know how I'm able to deal with him and how is Obito not embarrassed acting like this dear Kami help this poor thing.

Hiaizen: Yes I have candy for Tobi

I took out a storage scroll and opened it and released the seal making 10 sacks of candy fall out

Tobi: Yaaaay Tobi is so happy

Kakazu and Hidan come out of the room I wasn't really enthusiastic about this week since Asuma is supposed to die but that's going to change now I've trained Ino and in her ability to heal Asuma the worst outcome will be that he will be brought into a coma but I think I changed too and realize my plans won't always work out and I can't get mad and throw tantrums when they don't go as planned but I swear if my plan to save Nagato and bring Yahiko back and save Jiraya and Itachi doesn't work then I'll throw a tantrum after that.

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